189 research outputs found

    Modeling of the response function and measurement of transmission properties of the KATRIN experiment

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    This thesis was performed in the context of the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment which aims to determine the effective mass of the electron antineutrino with an unprecedented sensitivity of 200 meV/c^2 (90% C.L.). The main goals of this thesis were to perform large scale Monte Carlo simulations of signal electrons to model the properties of the response function of the experiment with great precision as well as to determine the transmission properties of the main spectrometer

    Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges – La prĂ©sence militaire Ă  Lugdunum-Civitas Convenarum : recherches sur le camp militaire romain de Tranquistan

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    Dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche de l’Institut archĂ©ologique autrichien (ÖAI/ÖAW), et la collaboration du MusĂ©e archĂ©ologique dĂ©partemental de Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (SBC), ont dĂ©marrĂ© en 2015 des prospections gĂ©ophysiques sur le camp militaire de Tranquistan et des secteurs de la villa Ă  ses alentours. Le camp militaire de Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges est d’un grand intĂ©rĂȘt pour la recherche internationale. SituĂ© Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© est de la ville, ses caractĂ©ristiques architecturale..

    Robustness of topologically protected edge states in quantum walk experiments with neutral atoms

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    Discrete-time quantum walks allow Floquet topological insulator materials to be explored using controllable systems such as ultracold atoms in optical lattices. By numerical simulations, we study the robustness of topologically protected edge states in the presence of decoherence in one- and two-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks. We also develop a simple analytical model quantifying the robustness of these edge states against either spin or spatial dephasing, predicting an exponential decay of the population of topologically protected edge states. Moreover, we present an experimental proposal based on neutral atoms in spin-dependent optical lattices to realize spatial boundaries between distinct topological phases. Our proposal relies on a new scheme to implement spin-dependent discrete shift operations in a two-dimensional optical lattice. We analyze under realistic decoherence conditions the experimental feasibility of observing unidirectional, dissipationless transport of matter waves along boundaries separating distinct topological domains.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Grain size dependence of barchan dune dynamics

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    The dependence of the barchan dune dynamics on the size of the grains involved is investigated experimentally. Downsized barchan dune slices are observed in a narrow water flow tube. The relaxation time from an initial symmetric triangular heap towards an asymmetric shape attractor increases with dune mass and decreases with grain size. The dune velocity increases with grain size. In contrast, the velocity scaling and the shape of the barchan dune is independent of the size of the grains

    Neues zur Urbanistik der ZivilstÀdte von Aquincum-Budapest und Carnuntum-Petronell

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    In this paper the new results of an Austrian-Hungarian research cooperation (2011–2014) on the urbanism of the Civil towns of Aquincum and Carnuntum are to be presented. In synthesis of geophysical surveys, the interpretation of archaeological excavations and the reinterpretation of elder evidences, a new picture of the diachronic development of the two Civil Towns from an early vicus to a fortified city can be drawn

    Excavations and geophysical prospection of the Iron Age and Roman period site at Sisak–Pogorelac position (2012–2017)

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    Kao rezultat recentnih iskopavanja i geofizičke magnetske prospekcije, provedenih na poziciji Sisak–Pogorelac u razdoblju između 2012. i 2017. godine, dobiveni su novi uvidi o povijesnom razvoju ĆŸeljeznodobnog i rimskog naselja na prostoru danaĆĄnjega grada Siska. Taj razvoj uključuje kompleksnu dijakronijsku naseobinsku aktivnost sa strukturama različitih orijentacija i tlocrta. Također, na lokalitetu su zabiljeĆŸene i pogrebne aktivnosti iz kasnoantičkog razdoblja. Sinteza probnog iskopavanja i geofizičke prospekcije omogućila je stvaranje slike o koriĆĄtenju sjeveroistočnog dijela Pogorelca u starijem i mlađem ĆŸeljeznom dobu (8.(?)/6.– 1. st. pr. Kr.) te rimskom razdoblju. Naime, u sjeverozapadnom dijelu istraĆŸenog područja ĆŸeljeznodobno je naselje djelomično prekriveno rimskim naseobinskim slojevima iz 2. i 3. stoljeća te kasnoantičkim grobljem datiranim od kraja 3. do prve polovice 5. stoljeća. Nadalje, u srediĆĄnjem je dijelu područja pregledanog u geofizičkoj prospekciji zabiljeĆŸena moguća građevinska aktivnost s tragovima rimskodobnih kuća u nizu, dok su u juĆŸnom dijelu zabiljeĆŸene raĆĄtrkane naseobinske strukture. NaĆŸalost, zbog nedostatka iskopavanja, precizno datiranje navedenih kuća u nizu te raĆĄtrkanih struktura na jugu za sada ostaje nepoznato.As a result of recent excavations and geophysical magnetic prospecting at the Sisak-Pogorelac position, conducted in the period between 2012 and 2017, important new insights into the history of the Iron Age and Roman settlement in present-day Sisak can be gained. It features a complex diachronic settlement activity with buildings with different orientations and layouts. Burial activity from the Late Roman period has also been detected at the site. The synthesis of trenching and prospection has given us a picture of utilization of the north-eastern part of the Pogorelac ‘peninsula’ from the period of the Early and Late Iron Age (8th(?)/6th– 1st century BC) and also the Roman period. In the northwestern part of the area researched, the Iron Age settlement is partially superimposed with the remains of a 2nd – 3rd century Roman layer with remains of wooden architecture and a Late Roman cemetery, dated to a period from the end of the 3rd century AD to the first half of the 5th. Furthermore, in the central part of the area surveyed, a building activity with strip houses from the Roman period is possible, while in the southern part a scattered settlement can be recognized. Due to a lack of excavation, exact dates for the strip houses in the central area and the scattered structures in the south for now remain unknown

    From data to structures Multistage geomagnetic data interpretation within the Mautern Hinterland Survey

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    While archaeological prospection techniques are constantly being developed and improved, relatively little attention has been paid to the interpretation process. This tendency is illustrated by introductions (Gaffney & Gater, 2003; Aspinall et al., 2008) and papers on geophysical prospection, which usually concentrate on the physical and technical aspects of the matter before (in the latter case) ‘jumping to conclusions’. The lack of attention to the interpretation process can be attributed t..

    Characteristics of clinical-pharmacological recommendations in psychiatry.

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    OBJECTIVE Psychiatric patients in general, and elderly psychiatric patients in particular, are at risk of adverse drug reactions due to comorbidities and inappropriate polypharmacy. Interdisciplinary and clinical-pharmacologist-led medication reviews may contribute to medication safety in the field of psychiatry. In this study, we reported the frequency and characteristics of clinical-pharmacological recommendations in psychiatry, with a particular focus on geriatric psychiatry. METHOD A clinical pharmacologist, in collaboration with the attending psychiatrists and a consulting neurologist, conducted interdisciplinary medication reviews in a general psychiatric ward with a geropsychiatric focus at a university hospital over a 25-week period. All clinical and pharmacological recommendations were recorded and evaluated. RESULTS A total of 316 recommendations were made during 374 medication reviews. Indications/contraindications of drugs were the most frequently discussed topics (59/316; 18.7 %), followed by dose reductions (37/316; 11.7 %), and temporary or permanent discontinuation of medications (36/316; 11.4 %). The most frequent recommendations for dose reduction involvedbenzodiazepines (9/37; 24.3 %). An unclear or absent indication was the most common reason for recommending temporary or permanent discontinuation of the medication (6/36; 16.7 %). CONCLUSION Interdisciplinary clinical pharmacologist-led medication reviews represented a valuable contribution to medication management in psychiatric patients, particularly the elderly ones
