329 research outputs found

    Free electrons and ionic liquids: study of excited states by means of electron-energy loss spectroscopy and the density functional theory multireference configuration interaction method

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    The technique of low energy (0–30 eV) electron impact spectroscopy, originally developed for gas phase molecules, is applied to room temperature ionic liquids (IL). Electron energy loss (EEL) spectra recorded near threshold, by collecting 0–2 eV electrons, are largely continuous, assigned to excitation of a quasi-continuum of high overtones and combination vibrations of low-frequency modes. EEL spectra recorded by collecting 10 eV electrons show predominantly discrete vibrational and electronic bands. The vibrational energy-loss spectra correspond well to IR spectra except for a broadening ([similar]0.04 eV) caused by the liquid surroundings, and enhanced overtone activity indicating a contribution from resonant excitation mechanism. The spectra of four representative ILs were recorded in the energy range of electronic excitations and compared to density functional theory multireference configuration interaction (DFT/MRCI) calculations, with good agreement. The spectra up to about 8 eV are dominated by π–π* transitions of the aromatic cations. The lowest bands were identified as triplet states. The spectral region 2–8 eV was empty in the case of a cation without π orbitals. The EEL spectrum of a saturated solution of methylene green in an IL band showed the methylene green EEL band at 2 eV, indicating that ILs may be used as a host to study nonvolatile compounds by this technique in the future

    Catalytic difunctionalization of unactivated alkenes with unreactive hexamethyldisilane through regeneration of silylium ions

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    A metal‐free, intermolecular syn‐addition of hexamethyldisilane across simple alkenes is reported. The catalytic cycle is initiated and propagated by the transfer of a methyl group from the disilane to a silylium‐ion‐like intermediate, corresponding to the (re)generation of the silylium‐ion catalyst. The key feature of the reaction sequence is the cleavage of the Si−Si bond in a 1,3‐silyl shift from silicon to carbon. A central intermediate of the catalysis was structurally characterized by X‐ray diffraction, and the computed reaction mechanism is fully consistent with the experimental findings.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Pressure dependent stability and structure of carbon dioxide - A density functional study including long-range corrections

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    First-principles density functional theory (DFT) is used to study the solid- state modifications of carbon dioxide up to pressures of 60 GPa. All known molecular CO2 structures are investigated in this pressure range, as well as three non-molecular modifications. To account for long-range van der Waals interactions, the dispersion corrected DFT method developed by Grimme and co- workers (DFT-D3) is applied. We find that the DFT-D3 method substantially improves the results compared to the uncorrected DFT methods for the molecular carbon dioxide crystals. Enthalpies at 0 K and cohesive energies support only one possibility of the available experimental solutions for the structure of phase IV: the R3¯c modification, proposed by Datchi and co-workers [Phys. Rev. Lett.103, 185701 (2009)]. Furthermore, comparing bulk moduli with experimental values, we cannot reproduce the quite large—rather typical for covalent crystal structures—experimental values for the molecular phases II and III

    The Role of Packing, Dispersion, Electrostatics, and Solvation in High‐Affinity Complexes of Cucurbit[ n ]urils with Uncharged Polar Guests

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    The rationalization of non-covalent binding trends is both of fundamental interest and provides new design concepts for biomimetic molecular systems. Cucurbit[n]urils (CBn) are known for a long time as the strongest synthetic binders for a wide range of (bio)organic compounds in water. However, their host-guest binding mechanism remains ambiguous despite their symmetric and simple macrocyclic structure and the wealth of literature reports. We herein report experimental thermodynamic binding parameters (ΔG, ΔH, TΔS) for CB7 and CB8 with a set of hydroxylated adamantanes, di-, and triamantanes as uncharged, rigid, and spherical/ellipsoidal guests. Binding geometries and binding energy decomposition were obtained from high-level theory computations. This study reveals that neither London dispersion interactions, nor electronic energies or entropic factors are decisive, selectivity-controlling factors for CBn complexes. In contrast, peculiar host-related solvation effects were identified as the major factor for rationalizing the unique behavior and record-affinity characteristics of cucurbit[n]urils

    Reversible Metal-Free Carbon Dioxide Binding by Frustrated Lewis Pairs

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    Frustrated Lewis pairs comprising phosphine and borane react to reversibly bind and release CO2, offering a rare example of metal-free CO2 sequestration. The mechanism of formation of CO2 derivatives by almost simultaneous P-C and O-B bond formation was characterized by quantum chemical calculations

    DFT Studies on Molecular and Electronic Structures of Cationic Carbene Complexes [L2(η5-C5H5)Fe=CR5]+ (L = CO, PH3, dhpe, PPh3; R = H, F, CH3)

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    For the title complexes we discuss the results of DFT calculations for (i) the molecular and electronic structures, (ii) the rotational barriers of the carbenes around the Fe=Ccarb bond (ΔErot), and (iii) the binding energies of the carbenes (De). Where available, the calculated properties of the Fe=Ccarb bonds are compared with previous theoretical and experimental data of some prototypical carbene complexes classified as Fischer- or Schrock-type compounds. It is shown that the rotational barriers of the carbenes, the Fe−Ccarb bond distances and bond strengths are sensitive to the carbene substituents and to the ligands L attached to iron. For complexes with given L the values of ΔErot diminish in the order: CH2 > CF2 > CMe2 and an inverse ordering is obtained for the decrease of the Fe=Ccarb bond distance. The ΔErot of dimethylcarbene are close to those of Fischer-type compounds, while ΔErot of methylidene approach values typical for Schrock-type carbenes. The replacement of the CO ligand by poorer π-acceptor ligand increases the values of ΔErot in the order: CO CMe2 > CF2. The properties of the investigated compounds are traced back to the character of the Fe → Ccarb π-backbonding interactions and their competitions with the Fe → L and R → Ccarb π- interactions. It is also shown that the PH3 ligand can only be considered with caution as a good model for the PPh3 ligand in computational studies