320 research outputs found

    Hjelpevergen ombud - og omsorg? Hjelpevergens hverdag mellom klient og overformynderi

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    Dette er en kvalitativ studie hvor jeg har gjennomført intervju med seks hjelpeverger om deres hverdagserfaringer og relasjon, både til klienten og til overformynderiet. Informantene i utvalget består av personer både med og uten nær familierelasjon til klienten de er oppnevnt som hjelpeverge for. Utvalget er avgrenset til kun å omfatte hjelpeverger som er oppnevnt for personer med psykisk utviklingshemning. I studien ser jeg nærmere på om relasjonen mellom hjelpevergen og klienten. Videre ser jeg på hvilken plass omsorgsoppgaver har i hjelpevergenes hverdag. Det er overformynderiet som er ansvarlig for oppnevnelsen av hjelpeverger, og studien omfatter også hjelpevergenes erfaringer fra kontakt med overformynderiet. I møtet med informantene anvendte jeg halvstrukturert forskningsintervju. Intervju som metode har jeg kombinert med søk i kilder og dokumenter, som klientenes journaler, offentlige utredninger og annen relevant litteratur. Hermeneutikk er valgt som teoretisk overbygning for oppgaven. Videre anvendes begrep fra den norske fenomenologen Kari Martinsens omsorgsteori, begrep som viste seg å ha overføringsverdi også til hjelpevergefeltet. Intervjuene viste at hjelpevergene utøvet til dels betydelige omsorgsoppgaver i tillegg til de formelle oppdragsområdene de er oppnevnt for, og at de hadde høy motivasjon for sine oppdrag. Videre kom det frem at hjelpevergene hadde beskjeden kontakt med overformynderiet. Hjelpevergene hadde et stort behov for kurs og annen opplæring for å kunne gjøre en enda bedre jobb. De hadde også behov for dannelse av egne nettverk for hjelpeverger.This is a qualitative study, for which I have used interviews with six case workers according to their daily experiences and relations with both clients and main authority. Members of the committee consist of people with and without close relationship to the clients whom they are working with. The committees remit is limited only to case workers, appointed to clients suffering for mental retardation. In this study I have closely looked at the relationship between clients and case workers. Further I have assessed the daily care tasks of the case workers. It is the responsibility of the main authority as to the appointment of case workers, and this study relates to experiences with contact between case workers and the authority. In a meeting with caseworkers I constructed a basic research interview. Together with the interviews I have made use of research information from clients’ files, public documents and other relevant literature. Hermeneutic is chosen as a constructive method for this work. In addition I use care theory created by the Norwegian phenomenologist Kari Martinsen, a concept which also relates to the case workers matters. The interviews showed that the case workers had carried out important care tasks as well as the formal tasks, and that showed how motivated they all where although they had little assistance and contact with the higher authority. Most of the case workers also felt that they needed some education and courses to do an even better job. They also felt a need to create their own networks for case workers.Master i sosialt arbei

    Is elevated neutrophil count and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio a cause or consequence of schizophrenia?—a scoping review

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    Background: Several studies have found an association between elevated neutrophil count or neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in peripheral blood from patients with schizophrenia. The etiology behind this effect is unknown, and it is unclear if changes in neutrophil count and NLR may be induced by antipsychotics or if these parameters relate to the diagnosis and symptoms of schizophrenia. The purpose of this scoping review was to map research that explores this association, and to identify gaps in the current knowledge base. Method: The work was conducted in accordance with established methodological standards for scoping reviews. Studies on neutrophil count and NLR in schizophrenia were identified through search in relevant databases, and a parallel screening procedure was performed to ensure validity and reproducibility of the search. Articles that included different comparison groups, with differences in medication status (drug-naïve or drug-free vs. medicated), current disease state (relapse vs. remission), or treatment response, were included, as well as studies evaluating the association between symptomatology and neutrophil count or NLR. Results: The available literature was limited with substantial differences in aims, methods, and outcomes. In total, 13 articles were included for the synthesis of this review. Some interesting trends were identified: Neutrophil count and NLR seem to be elevated in schizophrenia patients regardless of current or past use of antipsychotic therapy. Neutrophil count and NLR correlated significantly with positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Still, these findings should be interpreted with caution due to considerable methodological differences and weaknesses in the literature, particularly concerning the blood sampling procedure. Conclusion: By including longitudinal studies and by comparing patient groups based on medication status, disease state and response, our study provides a basis for dissecting the associations between increased neutrophil count or NLR and a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Further research should investigate and quantify the apparent strong correlation between neutrophil count or NLR and positive symptoms in schizophrenia, to evaluate its clinical potential to guide diagnostics, treatment, or as a predictor of outcome. This review also exposes important methodological weaknesses in the literature on neutrophil count and NLR measurements. Standardization of blood sampling and processing is crucial to reduce bias, and factors that are known to influence leukocyte levels need to be accounted for.publishedVersio

    Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: The Role of Cognitive, Brain Structural and Genetic Disturbances in the Left Temporal Lobe

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    In this article we review research in our laboratory on auditory hallucinations using behavioral and MRI measure. The review consists of both previously published and new data that for the first time is presented together in a cohesive way. Auditory hallucinations are among the most common symptoms in schizophrenia, affecting more than 70% of the patients. We here advance the hypothesis that auditory hallucinations are internally generated speech perceptions that are lateralized to the left temporal lobe, in the peri-Sylvian region. From this we predict that hallucinating patients should have problems identifying a simultaneously presented external speech sound, as measured through performance on the dichotic listening (DL) paradigm with consonant–vowel syllables, since this technique lateralizes the stimulus input. Across a series of behavioral experiments, we have shown that patients with schizophrenia who experience frequent auditory hallucinations fail to demonstrate an expected right ear advantage on the dichotic listening test. Absence of a right ear advantage is indicative of a functional deficit in the left peri-Sylvian region. The results also revealed that patients with ongoing auditory hallucinations were more impaired than patients with previous hallucinations, and that a higher score on the hallucination item in a standard symptom rating scale (BPRS) correlated negatively with number of correct reports for the right ear stimulus. Moreover, we have found that schizophrenia patients fail to shift attention to the left ear stimulus, when explicitly instructed to focus on the right or left ear stimulus only, thus showing a deficit in inhibition of attention and response-inhibition. The behavioral DL data are substantiated in two MR morphometry studies that revealed significant reductions in grey matter density in the left peri-Sylvian region in hallucinating patients, and patients with reduced left temporal lobe grey matter density. Hallucinating patients also failed to show a right ear advantage in the dichotic listening test. Ongoing fMRI studies are focused on the underlying synaptic and molecular mechanisms by investigating the effects of the glutamate antagonist drug memantine on auditory perception and speech lateralization, and examination of temporal cortex-specific gene expression in the left peri-Sylvian region

    Evaluation of five different cDNA labeling methods for microarrays using spike controls

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    BACKGROUND: Several different cDNA labeling methods have been developed for microarray based gene expression analysis. We have examined the accuracy and reproducibility of such five commercially available methods in detection of predetermined ratio values from target spike mRNAs (A. thaliana) in a background of total RNA. The five different labeling methods were: direct labeling (CyScribe), indirect labeling (FairPlay™ – aminoallyl), two protocols with dendrimer technology (3DNA(® )Array 50™ and 3DNA(® )submicro™), and hapten-antibody enzymatic labeling (Micromax™ TSA™). Ten spike controls were mixed to give expected Cy5/Cy3 ratios in the range 0.125 to 6.0. The amounts of total RNA used in the labeling reactions ranged from 5 – 50 μg. RESULTS: The 3DNA array 50 and CyScribe labeling methods performed best with respect to relative deviation from the expected values (16% and 17% respectively). These two methods also displayed the best overall accuracy and reproducibility. The FairPlay method had the lowest total experimental variation (22%), but the estimated values were consistently higher than the expected values (36%). TSA had both the largest experimental variation and the largest deviation from the expected values (45% and 48% respectively). CONCLUSION: We demonstrate the usefulness of spike controls in validation and comparison of cDNA labeling methods for microarray experiments

    Lifetime Cannabis Use Is Not Associated With Negative Beliefs About Medication in Patients With First Treatment Psychosis

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    Objective: Cannabis use is common among patients with psychosis, and along with negative beliefs about medication, it has been found to predict poor adherence to antipsychotic drug treatment. Such lack of adherence to antipsychotic drug treatment increases the risk of poor clinical outcomes and relapse in patients with first treatment for psychosis (FTP). However, to date, it is unclear whether cannabis use may be related to negative perceptions about antipsychotic drug treatment. Methods: A cross-sectional sample of 265 FTP patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder underwent extensive clinical assessments. Three measures of cannabis use were obtained: lifetime, current and meeting diagnostic criteria for abuse or addiction. For the primary analyses we focused on lifetime cannabis use. The Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) was employed to assess the patients' specific concerns and perceptions of antipsychotic medications, as well as general beliefs about pharmacotherapy. The relationship between lifetime cannabis use and BMQ scores was investigated with general linear model (GLM) analyses, controlling for age and sex. Results: Patients with lifetime use of cannabis ≥10 times were more likely to be male, younger at the age of onset of psychosis and with higher levels of alcohol use and daily tobacco smoking, as compared to the non-users (p < 0.05). Neither lifetime use of cannabis, current use nor a cannabis abuse diagnosis was associated with negative beliefs about medicines as measured by the BMQ questionnaire. Conclusion: Use of cannabis is not linked to negative perceptions about antipsychotic medicines in patients with FTP. Other reasons for poor compliance to antipsychotic drug treatment in cannabis users need to be further investigated.publishedVersio

    Sex-Specific Effect of Serum Lipids and Body Mass Index on Psychotic Symptoms, a Cross-Sectional Study of First-Episode Psychosis Patients

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    Background: Schizophrenia is a disorder with considerable heterogeneity in course and outcomes, which is in part related to the patients' sex. Studies report a link between serum lipids, body mass index (BMI), and therapeutic response. However, the role of sex in these relationships is poorly understood. In a cross-sectional sample of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients, we investigated if the relationship between serum lipid levels (total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, and triglycerides), BMI, and symptoms differs between the sexes. Methods: We included 435 FEP patients (males: N = 283, 65%) from the ongoing Thematically Organized Psychosis (TOP) study. Data on clinical status, antipsychotics, lifestyle, serum lipid levels, and BMI were obtained. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) were used to assess psychotic and depressive symptoms. General linear models were employed to examine the relationship between metabolic variables and symptomatology. Results: We observed a female-specific association between serum HDL-C levels and negative symptoms (B = −2.24, p = 0.03) and between triglycerides levels (B = 1.48, p = 0.04) and BMI (B = 0.27, p = 0.001) with depressive symptoms. When controlling for BMI, only the association between serum HDL-C levels and negative symptoms remained significant. Moreover, the HDL-C and BMI associations remained significant after controlling for demography, lifestyle, and illness-related factors. Conclusion: We found a relationship between metabolic factors and psychiatric symptoms in FEP patients that was sex-dependent.publishedVersio

    Neurogenetic Effects on Cognition in Aging Brains: A Window of Opportunity for Intervention?

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    Knowledge of genetic influences on cognitive aging can constrain and guide interventions aimed at limiting age-related cognitive decline in older adults. Progress in understanding the neural basis of cognitive aging also requires a better understanding of the neurogenetics of cognition. This selective review article describes studies aimed at deriving specific neurogenetic information from three parallel and interrelated phenotype-based approaches: psychometric constructs, cognitive neuroscience-based processing measures, and brain imaging morphometric data. Developments in newer genetic analysis tools, including genome wide association, are also described. In particular, we focus on models for establishing genotype–phenotype associations within an explanatory framework linking molecular, brain, and cognitive levels of analysis. Such multiple-phenotype approaches indicate that individual variation in genes central to maintaining synaptic integrity, neurotransmitter function, and synaptic plasticity are important in affecting age-related changes in brain structure and cognition. Investigating phenotypes at multiple levels is recommended as a means to advance understanding of the neural impact of genetic variants relevant to cognitive aging. Further knowledge regarding the mechanisms of interaction between genetic and preventative procedures will in turn help in understanding the ameliorative effect of various experiential and lifestyle factors on age-related cognitive decline

    Evaluation of the Rosa Chatbot Providing Genetic Information to patients at risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: Qualitative interview study

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on https://www.jmir.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.Background: Genetic testing has become an integrated part of health care for patients with breast or ovarian cancer, and the increasing demand for genetic testing is accompanied by an increasing need for easy access to reliable genetic information for patients. Therefore, we developed a chatbot app (Rosa) that is able to perform humanlike digital conversations about genetic BRCA testing. Objective: Before implementing this new information service in daily clinical practice, we wanted to explore 2 aspects of chatbot use: the perceived utility and trust in chatbot technology among healthy patients at risk of hereditary cancer and how interaction with a chatbot regarding sensitive information about hereditary cancer influences patients. Methods: Overall, 175 healthy individuals at risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer were invited to test the chatbot, Rosa, before and after genetic counseling. To secure a varied sample, participants were recruited from all cancer genetic clinics in Norway, and the selection was based on age, gender, and risk of having a BRCA pathogenic variant. Among the 34.9% (61/175) of participants who consented for individual interview, a selected subgroup (16/61, 26%) shared their experience through in-depth interviews via video. The semistructured interviews covered the following topics: usability, perceived usefulness, trust in the information received via the chatbot, how Rosa influenced the user, and thoughts about future use of digital tools in health care. The transcripts were analyzed using the stepwise-deductive inductive approach. Results: The overall finding was that the chatbot was very welcomed by the participants. They appreciated the 24/7 availability wherever they were and the possibility to use it to prepare for genetic counseling and to repeat and ask questions about what had been said afterward. As Rosa was created by health care professionals, they also valued the information they received as being medically correct. Rosa was referred to as being better than Google because it provided specific and reliable answers to their questions. The findings were summed up in 3 concepts: “Anytime, anywhere”; “In addition, not instead”; and “Trustworthy and true.” All participants (16/16) denied increased worry after reading about genetic testing and hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in Rosa. Conclusions: Our results indicate that a genetic information chatbot has the potential to contribute to easy access to uniform information for patients at risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, regardless of geographical location. The 24/7 availability of quality-assured information, tailored to the specific situation, had a reassuring effect on our participants. It was consistent across concepts that Rosa was a tool for preparation and repetition; however, none of the participants (0/16) supported that Rosa could replace genetic counseling if hereditary cancer was confirmed. This indicates that a chatbot can be a well-suited digital companion to genetic counseling.publishedVersio

    Improvement in verbal learning over the first year of antipsychotic treatment is associated with serum HDL levels in a cohort of first episode psychosis patients

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    To investigate whether changes in serum lipids are associated with cognitive performance in first episode psychosis (FEP) patients during their first year of antipsychotic drug treatment. One hundred and thirty-two antipsychotic-treated FEP patients were included through the TOP study along with 83 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (HC). Information regarding cognitive performance, psychotic symptoms, lifestyle, body mass index, serum lipids [total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides] and antipsychotic treatment was obtained at baseline and after 1 year. The cognitive test battery is comprised of assessments for verbal learning, processing speed, working memory, verbal fluency, and inhibition. Mixed-effects models were used to study the relationship between changes over time in serum lipids and cognitive domains, controlling for potential confounders. There was a significant group by HDL interaction effect for verbal learning (F = 11.12, p = 0.001), where an increase in HDL levels was associated with improvement in verbal learning in FEP patients but not in HC. Practice effects, lifestyle, and psychotic symptoms did not significantly affect this relationship. Antipsychotic-treated FEP patients who increased in HDL levels during the first year of follow-up exhibited better verbal learning capacity. Further investigations are needed to clarify the underlying mechanisms.publishedVersio