492 research outputs found

    A coarse-grained bacterial cell model for resource-aware analysis and design of synthetic gene circuits

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    Within a cell, synthetic and native genes compete for expression machinery, influencing cellular process dynamics through resource couplings. Models that simplify competitive resource binding kinetics can guide the design of strategies for countering these couplings. However, in bacteria resource availability and cell growth rate are interlinked, which complicates resource-aware biocircuit design. Capturing this interdependence requires coarse-grained bacterial cell models that balance accurate representation of metabolic regulation against simplicity and interpretability. We propose a coarse-grained E. coli cell model that combines the ease of simplified resource coupling analysis with appreciation of bacterial growth regulation mechanisms and the processes relevant for biocircuit design. Reliably capturing known growth phenomena, it provides a unifying explanation to disparate empirical relations between growth and synthetic gene expression. Considering a biomolecular controller that makes cell-wide ribosome availability robust to perturbations, we showcase our model's usefulness in numerically prototyping biocircuits and deriving analytical relations for design guidance

    In situ characterisation and manipulation of biological systems with Chi.Bio

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    The precision and repeatability of in vivo biological studies is predicated upon methods for isolating a targeted subsystem from external sources of noise and variability. However, in many experimental frameworks, this is made challenging by nonstatic environments during host cell growth, as well as variability introduced by manual sampling and measurement protocols. To address these challenges, we developed Chi.Bio, a parallelised open-source platform that represents a new experimental paradigm in which all measurement and control actions can be applied to a bulk culture in situ. In addition to continuous-culturing capabilities, it incorporates tunable light outputs, spectrometry, and advanced automation features. We demonstrate its application to studies of cell growth and biofilm formation, automated in silico control of optogenetic systems, and readout of multiple orthogonal fluorescent proteins in situ. By integrating precise measurement and actuation hardware into a single low-cost platform, Chi.Bio facilitates novel experimental methods for synthetic, systems, and evolutionary biology and broadens access to cutting-edge research capabilities

    Frequency domain analysis of small non-coding RNAs shows summing junction-like behaviour

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    Small non-coding RNAs (sRNA) are a key bacterial regulatory mechanism that has yet to be fully exploited in synthetic gene regulatory networks. In this paper a linear design methodology for gene regulatory networks presented previously is extended for application to sRNAs. Standard models of both sRNA inhibition and activation are presented, linearised and transformed into the frequency domain. We demonstrate how these mechanisms can emulate subtraction and minimum comparator functions in specific parameter regimes. Finally, the design of a genetic feedback circuit is included, illustrating that sRNAs can be used to improve the performance of a range of synthetic biological systems

    Work-Unit Absenteeism: Effects of Satisfaction, Commitment, Labor Market Conditions, and Time

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    Prior research is limited in explaining absenteeism at the unit level and over time. We developed and tested a model of unit-level absenteeism using five waves of data collected over six years from 115 work units in a large state agency. Unit-level job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and local unemployment were modeled as time-varying predictors of absenteeism. Shared satisfaction and commitment interacted in predicting absenteeism but were not related to the rate of change in absenteeism over time. Unit-level satisfaction and commitment were more strongly related to absenteeism when units were located in areas with plentiful job alternatives

    Every child mattered in England: but what matters to children?

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    “Every Child Matters” under New Labour provided a framework for services for young children’s care and education. It was pushed aside by the Conservative led coalition and replaced by “More Great Childcare”. The UK as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and therefore has obligations for legislation, policy and curriculum, specifically with regard to children’s rights and participation. On the 25th anniversary of the UNCRC, in practice there may be different levels of participation employed to engage children’s views in the development of policy about them. This project set out to ask children about what “matters” to them. Ninety finalist Early Childhood Studies students worked as co-researchers in this project. Five themes are discussed highlighting the powerful thoughts and ideas of children. A range of ‘child-friendly’ methods were used to collect data from children including role-play, interviews, drawings and artefacts, and story-telling

    A systematic review of strategies to recruit and retain primary care doctors

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    Background There is a workforce crisis in primary care. Previous research has looked at the reasons underlying recruitment and retention problems, but little research has looked at what works to improve recruitment and retention. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate interventions and strategies used to recruit and retain primary care doctors internationally. Methods A systematic review was undertaken. MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL and grey literature were searched from inception to January 2015.Articles assessing interventions aimed at recruiting or retaining doctors in high income countries, applicable to primary care doctors were included. No restrictions on language or year of publication. The first author screened all titles and abstracts and a second author screened 20%. Data extraction was carried out by one author and checked by a second. Meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity. Results 51 studies assessing 42 interventions were retrieved. Interventions were categorised into thirteen groups: financial incentives (n=11), recruiting rural students (n=6), international recruitment (n=4), rural or primary care focused undergraduate placements (n=3), rural or underserved postgraduate training (n=3), well-being or peer support initiatives (n=3), marketing (n=2), mixed interventions (n=5), support for professional development or research (n=5), retainer schemes (n=4), re-entry schemes (n=1), specialised recruiters or case managers (n=2) and delayed partnerships (n=2). Studies were of low methodological quality with no RCTs and only 15 studies with a comparison group. Weak evidence supported the use of postgraduate placements in underserved areas, undergraduate rural placements and recruiting students to medical school from rural areas. There was mixed evidence about financial incentives. A marketing campaign was associated with lower recruitment. Conclusions This is the first systematic review of interventions to improve recruitment and retention of primary care doctors. Although the evidence base for recruiting and care doctors is weak and more high quality research is needed, this review found evidence to support undergraduate and postgraduate placements in underserved areas, and selective recruitment of medical students. Other initiatives covered may have potential to improve recruitment and retention of primary care practitioners, but their effectiveness has not been established

    Who needs what from a national health research system: Lessons from reforms to the English Department of Health's R&D system

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Health research systems consist of diverse groups who have some role in health research, but the boundaries around such a system are not clear-cut. To explore what various stakeholders need we reviewed the literature including that on the history of English health R&D reforms, and we also applied some relevant conceptual frameworks. We first describe the needs and capabilities of the main groups of stakeholders in health research systems, and explain key features of policymaking systems within which these stakeholders operate in the UK. The five groups are policymakers (and health care managers), health professionals, patients and the general public, industry, and researchers. As individuals and as organisations they have a range of needs from the health research system, but should also develop specific capabilities in order to contribute effectively to the system and benefit from it. Second, we discuss key phases of reform in the development of the English health research system over four decades - especially that of the English Department of Health's R&D system - and identify how far legitimate demands of key stakeholder interests were addressed. Third, in drawing lessons we highlight points emerging from contemporary reports, but also attempt to identify issues through application of relevant conceptual frameworks. The main lessons are: the importance of comprehensively addressing the diverse needs of various interacting institutions and stakeholders; the desirability of developing facilitating mechanisms at interfaces between the health research system and its various stakeholders; and the importance of additional money in being able to expand the scope of the health research system whilst maintaining support for basic science. We conclude that the latest health R&D strategy in England builds on recent progress and tackles acknowledged weaknesses. The strategy goes a considerable way to identifying and more effectively meeting the needs of key groups such as medical academics, patients and industry, and has been remarkably successful in increasing the funding for health research. There are still areas that might benefit from further recognition and resourcing, but the lessons identified, and progress made by the reforms are relevant for the design and coordination of national health research systems beyond England.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund