75 research outputs found

    Effect of neural connectivity on autocovariance and cross covariance estimates

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    BACKGROUND: Measurements of auto and cross covariance functions are frequently used to investigate neural systems. In interpreting this data, it is commonly assumed that the largest contribution to the recordings comes from sources near the electrode. However, the potential recorded at an electrode represents the superimposition of the potentials generated by large numbers of active neural structures. This creates situations under which the measured auto and cross covariance functions are dominated by the activity in structures far from the electrode and in which the distance dependence of the cross-covariance function differs significantly from that describing the activity in the actual neural structures. METHODS: Direct application of electrostatics to calculate the theoretical auto and cross covariance functions that would be recorded from electrodes immersed in a large volume filled with active neural structures with specific statistical properties. RESULTS: It is demonstrated that the potentials recorded from a monopolar electrode surrounded by dipole sources in a uniform medium are predominantly due to activity in neural structures far from the electrode when neuronal correlations drop more slowly than 1/r(3 )or when the size of the neural system is much smaller than a known correlation distance. Recordings from quadrupolar sources are strongly dependent on distant neurons when correlations drop more slowly than 1/r or the size of the system is much smaller than the correlation distance. Differences between bipolar and monopolar recordings are discussed. It is also demonstrated that the cross covariance of the recorded in two spatially separated electrodes declines as a power-law function of the distance between them even when the electrical activity from different neuronal structures is uncorrelated. CONCLUSION: When extracellular electrophysiologic recordings are made from systems containing large numbers of neural structures, it is important to interpret measured auto and cross covariance functions cautiously in light of the long range nature of the electric fields. Using recording electrodes that are bipolar or quadrupolar minimizes or eliminates these effects and hence these electrodes are preferred when electrical recordings are made for the purpose of auto and cross correlation analysis of local electrical activity

    Classification of the extracellular fields produced by activated neural structures

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    BACKGROUND: Classifying the types of extracellular potentials recorded when neural structures are activated is an important component in understanding nerve pathophysiology. Varying definitions and approaches to understanding the factors that influence the potentials recorded during neural activity have made this issue complex. METHODS: In this article, many of the factors which influence the distribution of electric potential produced by a traveling action potential are discussed from a theoretical standpoint with illustrative simulations. RESULTS: For an axon of arbitrary shape, it is shown that a quadrupolar potential is generated by action potentials traveling along a straight axon. However, a dipole moment is generated at any point where an axon bends or its diameter changes. Next, it is shown how asymmetric disturbances in the conductivity of the medium surrounding an axon produce dipolar potentials, even during propagation along a straight axon. Next, by studying the electric fields generated by a dipole source in an insulating cylinder, it is shown that in finite volume conductors, the extracellular potentials can be very different from those in infinite volume conductors. Finally, the effects of impulses propagating along axons with inhomogeneous cable properties are analyzed. CONCLUSION: Because of the well-defined factors affecting extracellular potentials, the vague terms far-field and near-field potentials should be abandoned in favor of more accurate descriptions of the potentials

    Efficient extraction of data from intra-operative evoked potentials: 1.-Theory and simulations.

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    UNLABELLED Quickly and efficiently extracting evoked potential information from noise is critical to the clinical practice of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring (IONM). Currently this is primarily done using trained professionals to interpret averaged waveforms. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and compare multiple means of electronically extracting simple to understand evoked potential characteristics with minimum averaging. A number of evoked potential models are studied and their performance evaluated as a function of the signal to noise level in simulations. METHODS which extract the least number of parameters from the data are least sensitive to the effects of noise and are easiest to interpret. The simplest model uses the baseline evoked potential and the correlation receiver to provide an amplitude measure. Amplitude measures extracted using the correlation receiver show superior performance to those based on peak to peak amplitude measures. In addition, measures of change in latency or shape of the evoked potential can be extracted using the derivative of the baseline evoked response or other methods. This methodology allows real-time access to amplitude measures that can be understood by the entire OR staff as they are small, dimensionless numbers of order unity which are simple to interpret. The IONM team can then adjust averaging and other parameters to allow for visual interpretation of waveforms as appropriate

    Acute nerve compression and the compound muscle action potential

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    Detecting acute nerve compression using neurophysiologic studies is an important part of the practice of clinical intra-operative neurophysiology. The goal of this paper was to study the changes in the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) during acute mechanical compression. This is the type of injury most likely to occur during surgery. Thus, understanding the changes in the CMAP during this type of injury will be useful in the detection and prevention using intra-operative neurophysiologic monitoring

    Acute nerve stretch and the compound motor action potential

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    In this paper, the acute changes in the compound motor action potential (CMAP) during mechanical stretch were studied in hamster sciatic nerve and compared to the changes that occur during compression

    Development of a telescope for medium-energy gamma-ray astronomy

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    The Advanced Energetic Pair Telescope (AdEPT) is being developed at GSFC as a future NASA MIDEX mission to explore the medium-energy (5–200 MeV) gamma-ray range. The enabling technology for AdEPT is the Three- Dimensional Track Imager (3-DTI), a gaseous time projection chamber. The high spatial resolution 3-D electron tracking of 3-DTI enables AdEPT to achieve high angular resolution gamma-ray imaging via pair production and triplet production (pair production on electrons) in the medium-energy range. The low density and high spatial resolution of 3-DTI allows the electron positron track directions to be measured before they are dominated by Coulomb scattering. Further, the significant reduction of Coulomb scattering allows AdEPT to be the first medium-energy gamma-ray telescope to have high gamma-ray polarization sensitivity. We review the science goals that can be addressed with a medium-energy pair telescope, how these goals drive the telescope design, and the realization of this design with AdEPT. The AdEPT telescope for a future MIDEX mission is envisioned as a 8 m3 active volume filled with argon at 2 atm. The design and performance of the 3-DTI detectors for the AdEPT telescope are described as well as the outstanding instrument challenges that need to be met for the AdEPT mission

    Corrections to Bino Annihilation II: One-Loop Contribution to B~B~Z\widetilde B \widetilde B \to Z^*

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    We calculate the one-loop contribution to the bino annihilation rate due to the process B~B~Z\widetilde B \widetilde B \to Z^*, which vanishes at tree level.Comment: 8 pages in LaTex plus 5 postscript figures (included), UCSBTH--94--02, UMN--TH--1233/9

    Dark Matter implications of the Fermi-LAT measurement of anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background: status report

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    For the first time, the Fermi-LAT measured the angular power spectrum (APS) of anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background. The data is found to be broadly compatible with a model with contributions from the point sources in the 1-year catalog, the galactic diffuse background, and the extragalactic isotropic emission; however deviations are present at both large and small angular scales. In this study, we complement the model with a contribution from Dark Matter (DM) whose distribution is modeled exploiting the results of the most recent N-body simulations, considering the contribution of extragalactic halos and subhalos (from Millennium-II) and of galactic substructures (from Aquarius). With the use of the Fermi Science Tools, these simulations serve as templates to produce mock gamma-ray count maps for DM gamma-ray emission, both in the case of an annihilating and a decaying DM candidate. The APS will then be computed and compared with the Fermi-LAT results to derive constraints on the DM particle physics properties. The possible systematic due to an imperfect model of the galactic foreground is also studied and taken into account properly. The present paper reports on the status of the project.Comment: Proceeding for the RICAP2011 conferenc