255 research outputs found

    Characterization of the space shuttle reaction control system engine

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    A computer program was developed and written in FORTRAN 5 which predicts the transient and steady state performance and heat transfer characteristics of a pulsing GO2/GH2 rocket engine. This program predicts the dynamic flow and ignition characteristics which, when combined in a quasi-steady state manner with the combustion and mixing analysis program, will provide the thrust and specific impulse of the engine as a function of time. The program also predicts the transient and steady state heat transfer characteristics of the engine using various cooling concepts. The computer program, test case, and documentation are presented. The program is applicable to any system capable of utilizing the FORTRAN 4 or FORTRAN 5 language

    Interaction of an upper-tropospheric jet with a squall line originating along a cold frontal boundary

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    On 8 June 2003, an expansive squall line along a surface cold frontal boundary was sampled during the Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment. The Naval Research Laboratory P-3 aircraft and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration P-3 aircraft simultaneously sampled the leading and trailing edge of this squall line, respectively, with X-band Doppler radars. Data from these two airborne radar systems have been synthesized to produce a quad-Doppler analysis of the squall line, yielding a detailed three-dimensional kinematic analysis of its structure. A simulation of the squall line was carried out using the Weather Research and Forecasting model to complement the quad-Doppler analysis. The simulation employed a 3 km, convection-allowing, nested domain centered over the quad-Doppler domain, along with a 9 km parent domain to capture the larger synoptic-scale cyclone. The quad-Doppler analysis reveals that the convective line was embedded within the upper-tropospheric jetstream, causing local decelerations and deviations in the jet-level flow. The vertical transport of low momentum air from the boundary layer via convective updrafts is shown to significantly decelerate jet-level flow. The convective updrafts are also found to tilt baroclinically generated horizontal shear into the vertical, contributing to the generation of counter rotating ribbons of vertical vorticity parallel to the squall line. The orientation of these ribbons parallel to the squall line was found to couple with vertical momentum transport to produce the observed decelerations within the jetstream. Obstacle-flow is considered as a possible factor in the observed flow pattern, though an analysis of pressure perturbations in the horizontal are used to show this is not an appropriate theory for this system

    Observed microphysical characteristics and inferred thermodynamic processes contributing to the structure, evolution, and maintenance of nocturnal elevated mesoscale convective systems

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    During the 2015 Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) project, airborne radar and optical array probe data were collected within 42 spiral ascents/descents of the NOAA P-3 aircraft across various regions of six mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) at multiple stages of system development. These spirals sampled MCSs corresponding to various archetypes, including several conforming to the classic leading-line/trailing-stratiform mode, and others conforming to the parallel stratiform, leading stratiform, and nonlinear system modes. In one case observations were made in the stratiform region trailing a frontal squall line. Multiple-Doppler syntheses of the wind and reflectivity fields within the 20 June 2015 MCS were used to understand the microphysical and thermodynamic characteristics observed in the spirals in the context of the MCS reflectivity and kinematic structure. A second component of this study was a statistical analysis of the microphysical and thermodynamic structures observed in 37 PECAN spirals. The thermodynamic and microphysical structure of the MCSs were analyzed in the context of three primary MCS regions, namely the transition zone (TZ), enhanced stratiform rain region (ESR), and the anvil region (AR). The 20 June MCS analysis showed that within the transition zone coincident with the rear inflow notch, cooling by sublimation of particles combined with enhanced descent within the rear inflow jet (RIJ) allowed ice particles to survive to temperatures as warm as +6.8°C. In addition, mesoscale descent associated with the RIJ allowed for subsaturated air to persist above and within the melting layer (ML) despite sustained precipitation in the observed regions. Moistening associated with sublimation occurred at a greater rate in the subsaturated air above the ML than the rate of evaporative moistening below the ML due to changes in particle concentrations accompanying increases in particle fall velocity with the phase change across the ML. The environment above the ML moistened between subsequent RIJ spirals, concurrent with maturation of the MCS and closer proximities to the convective line (CL). The effects of aggregation on the temperature dependent microphysical characteristics increased with increasing relative humidity, while the impacts of sublimation on the effects of aggregation and particle shapes, sizes and concentrations became less important. The statistical analysis of 37 PECAN spirals showed that aggregation was common within each of the three MCS regions, with its impacts on the temperature dependent microphysical characteristics the greatest in the enhanced stratiform rain region (ESR), where predominantly ice saturated conditions were found. Progressively smaller changes in particle sizes, shapes, and concentrations due to aggregation were coincident with decreases in the average relative humidity above the ML in the transition zone (TZ) and anvil region (AR). The reverse is true of the impacts of sublimation on the microphysical characteristics of these regions, such that sublimation was most dominant in the AR, where subsaturated conditions persisted to temperatures of −11°C on average and particle number and mass concentrations decreased rapidly with increasing temperature, consistent with a reduced importance of aggregation. Sublimation similarly limited the effectiveness of aggregation within the TZ. Minimal changes with respect to temperature were observed in the microphysical characteristics within the predominantly ice saturated environment of the ESR. The latent cooling imparted with sublimation is thus expected to have been the greatest within the AR, where the descent of the RIJ (if present) would likely initiate. Mesoscale ascent in the stratiform region of a trailing frontal squall line likely contributed to the notably different microphysical characteristics observed within two spirals. These exhibited increasing total number and mass concentrations with increasing temperature along with a high incidence of pristine ice crystals, characteristics absent within all other PECAN spirals

    Inquiry-based learning (IBL) : uma realidade para professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Educação (Área de Especialidade em Inovação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2023Diante o recorrente discurso sobre a necessidade de inovar em educação, a dissertação Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL): uma realidade para professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, apresenta a Inquiry-Based Learning (Aprendizagem Baseada na Investigação) como uma abordagem educacional promissora e uma realidade para a instituição de ensino particular brasileira localizada na Região Sul do país, identificada neste trabalho como PIS. O objetivo principal deste estudo é investigar e analisar a Inquiry-Based Learning no contexto educacional da PIS. Mais especificamente, compreender as correntes e teorias pedagógicas que embasam a IBL, identificar suas principais características, possibilidades e desafios dentro do contexto escolar da instituição brasileira e entender como professores dessa mesma instituição se apropriam da IBL ao longo do ano letivo, de forma a motivar e envolver seus alunos no processo de ensino e aprendizado, promovendo o protagonismo discente por meio da investigação sobre os mais variados temas e da elaboração de perguntas de alto nível. O trabalho foi organizado em três capítulos: (1) IBL - Fundamentação e Influências; (2) IBL - Principais Características no Contexto Brasileiro e (3) IBL - Uma Realidade. A metodologia adotada para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi a qualitativa devido sua capacidade de capturar em profundidade as experiências e percepções dos envolvidos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da observação não participante, onde várias turmas dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental da PIS e áreas comuns como a biblioteca, o laboratório de ciências, o parquinho e o refeitório foram observadas; por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com duas professoras de diferentes turmas e anos de ensino do Ensino Fundamental da PIS e com a coordenadora pedagógica da Educação Infantil e Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental da PIS e por meio da análise de documentos específicos da instituição. Ao final, espera-se que mais educadores se encantem com a IBL e considerem sua implementação como grande aliada de uma educação de qualidade.Given the recurring discourse about the need to innovate in education, the dissertation Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL): a reality for teachers in the Early Years of Elementary School, presents Inquiry-Based Learning as a promising educational approach and a reality for the Brazilian private educational institution located in the Southern Region of the country, identified in this work as PIS. The main objective of this study is to investigate and analyze Inquiry-Based Learning in the educational context of PIS. More specifically, understand the pedagogical theories that underlie IBL, identify its main characteristics, possibilities and challenges within the school context of the Brazilian institution and understand how teachers from that same institution appropriate IBL throughout the academic year, in order to motivate and involve their students in the teaching and learning process, promoting student protagonism through investigation and the elaboration of high-level questions. The work is organized into three chapters: (1) IBL - Foundation and Influences; (2) IBL - Main Characteristics in the Brazilian Context and (3) IBL - A Reality. The methodology adopted to develop this work was qualitative due to its ability to capture in depth the experiences and perceptions of those involved. Data collection was carried out through non-participant observation, where several classes and common areas such as the library, science laboratory, playground and cafeteria were observed; through semi-structured interviews with two teachers from different classes and years of teaching in Elementary Education at PIS and with the pedagogical coordinator of Early Childhood Education and Early Years in Elementary Education at PIS and through the analysis of specific documents from the institution. In the end, it is hoped that more educators will become enchanted with IBL and consider its implementation as a great ally of quality education

    Surgical management of life-threatening thyroid haematoma following occult blunt neck trauma.

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    A 42-year-old man arrived at the emergency department in severe respiratory distress, requiring immediate intubation and ventilation. An emergency computed tomography (CT) neck scan identified a substantial haematoma within a multinodular goitre, necessitating an emergency total thyroidectomy. It was later discovered that the patient had been the victim of an assault involving blunt trauma to the anterior neck. Five days postoperatively the patient was extubated and was well enough to self-discharge the following day. Pathology revealed the lesion to be a ruptured follicular adenoma within his multinodular goitre. Signs of this rare but life-threatening condition may be subtle on initial presentation, particularly if the patient is obtunded. Patients with suspected blunt neck trauma should be observed for signs of respiratory distress. If this develops, the patient should be intubated to facilitate CT scan, and if thyroid haematoma is confirmed, emergency thyroidectomy is the definitive treatment

    Percepção tátil : um valor importante na seleção de materiais para o design de novos produtos

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    A diversidade de materiais e suas propriedades associada a relativa facilidade de agrupá-los, são novas possibilidades para a concepção de produtos que considerem primordialmente o design. Este trabalho, trata de pesquisas realizadas com o intuito de obter descritores do tocar e os limiares de percepção tátil do público entrevistado.The diversiry of materiais and their properties associated with the relative facility in joining them are new possibilities for the creation of products that primarily consider the design. This paper discuss research done in order to describe the sense of touch and the initial stages of tactile perception among the surveyed people