602 research outputs found

    Αξιολόγηση επενδύσεων σε έργα ΑΠΕ και βελτιστοποίηση κινήτρων με χρήση διεπίπεδου προγραμματισμού

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    110 σ.Στo πλαίσιo της παρούσας εργασίας διερευνώνται οι παράγοντες που διαμορφώνουν το περιβάλλον των επενδύσεων στον τομέα της παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας με χρήση τεχνολογιών Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας (ΑΠΕ). Παρουσιάζεται η αγορά ηλεκτρισμού στην Ελλάδα όπως διαμορφώθηκε τα τελευταία χρόνια, καθώς και οι τάσεις και οι ανάγκες αυτής στον μελλοντικό χρόνο. Οι Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας διαφαίνεται ως τομέας που χρειάζεται επιπλέον ανάπτυξη και οι επενδύσεις κρίνονται αναγκαίες για την επίτευξη ενεργειακών στόχων που έχουν τεθεί σε εθνικό και σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο. Επιλέγοντας επενδυτικά σχέδια από όλες τις υπάρχουσες τεχνολογίες ΑΠΕ γίνεται μία επισκόπηση των συνολικών οικονομικών μεγεθών καθώς και αξιολόγηση αυτών των επενδύσεων με βάση κατάλληλους οικονομικούς δείκτες (Εσωτερικός Βαθμός Επένδυσης, Καθαρή Παρούσα Αξία, Σταθμισμένο Κόστος Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας). Στη συνέχεια, με χρήση εννοιών του διεπίπεδου προγραμματισμού και της θεωρίας παιγνίων ορίζεται και επιλύεται το πρόβλημα της βέλτιστης λειτουργίας της αγοράς για επιλεγμένο σύστημα, βελτιστοποίηση που αφορά τα -συγκρουόμενα- συμφέροντα επενδυτή και λειτουργού της αγοράς.The present diploma thesis aims at the investigation of the factors that shape the investment scene in the production of electricity by using renewable resources of energy. It showcases the electrical power market as formed in Greece during the last years and the trends and future needs for the years to come. Renewable energy sources (RES) appear to be a field that needs further development; there is a necessity of investments in order to achieve the energy goals set on a National and European level. Selecting investment projects from all existing RES technologies we take an overview on the overall financial performance and evaluation of these investments based on suitable economic indicators (Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, Levelised Cost of Electricity). Then the problem of market optimal operation for selected system is defined and solved by using the basic terms of bilevel programming and game theory. This optimization refers to the interests of the investors and the operator of the system, interests that are in conflict.Σταυρούλα Ε. Μαριάμο

    Empowering young people who experienced domestic violence and abuse: The development of a group therapy intervention

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    This article describes the development of a group-based therapeutic intervention for young people (YP) who have lived with domestic violence and abuse. The intervention was informed by interviews with 107 YP, focused on their experiences of coping, resilience and agency. The intervention draws on resources from systemic, creative and narrative approaches to group work, and aims to facilitate YP's expression of distress in a way that recognizes that it is embodied, contextual and relational. The intervention also explores YP's existing strategies for coping and maintaining a sense of agency, and works to harness, enhance and further develop those skills. We report on the pilot of this intervention, and its development and application across four European countries (the United Kingdom, Greece, Italy and Spain). We outline the goals, strengths and limitations of this group intervention, as well as the main challenges, hindrances and ethical dilemmas experienced by the research and intervention team. Implications for therapeutic practice and training are addressed

    New commercial clusters and urban sprawl in the city of Larissa

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    212 σ.Με την παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία μελετάται το φαινόμενο της αστικής διάχυσης που λαμβάνει χώρα τα τελευταία χρόνια στο νότιο αστικό και περιαστικό τμήμα της πόλης της Λάρισας λόγω τις δημιουργίας δύο νέων μορφών εμπορικών πόλων. Αυτοί οι νέοι εμπορικοί πόλοι αποτελούνται από μεγάλους εμπορικούς πολυχώρους οι οποίοι συνδυάζουν τα ψώνια με ψυχαγωγικές δραστηριότητες (καφετέριες, εστιατόρια, κινηματογράφους, κ.α.) μεταβάλλοντας τα παραδοσιακά καταναλωτικά πρότυπα και κατανέμοντας το ελεύθερο χρόνο με διαφορετικό τρόπο. Οι πόλοι εμφανίζονται σε δύο μορφές. Η μία, η οποία βρίσκεται στο νότιο όριο του σχεδίου πόλης της Λάρισας, αφορά την διασπορά των πολυχώρων και την έλλειψη ενιαίου σχεδιασμού ενώ η δεύτερη που εμφανίζεται στο βόρειο τμήμα τους δήμου Νίκαιας (νότιος περιαστικός χώρος της Λάρισας) αναφέρεται στην χωροθέτηση των λιανικών εμπορικών σε ενιαίο χώρο ακολουθώντας συλλογικές πολιτικές διαχείρισης. Στην πραγματικότητα, οι νέες εμπορικές κεντρικότητες της Λάρισας αναπτύσσονται γραμμικά κατά μήκος βασικών υπερτοπικών αρτηριών και επηρεάζουν σε μεγάλο βαθμό τις χωρικές συγκεντρώσεις, τα κυκλοφοριακά δίκτυα, την οικονομία, τα κοινωνικά χαρακτηριστικά και το περιβάλλον τόσο της περιοχής μελέτης όσο του ευρύτερου αστικού και περιαστικού χώρο. Οι μεταβολές που προκαλούν στον χώρο σχετίζονται με το φαινόμενο της αστικής διάχυσης το οποίο αναπτύσσεται ραγδαία τα τελευταία χρόνια λόγω της μεγάλης ζήτησης για κατοικία σε περιοχές που έχουν διαθέσιμο οικιστικό απόθεμα και της έλλειψης ολοκληρωμένου σχεδιασμού. Αρχικά, στην διπλωματική παρουσιάζεται το εννοιολογικό πλαίσιο των φαινομένων των νέων κεντρικοτήτων και της αστικής διάχυσης με την συχνή χρήση παραδειγμάτων ενώ στην συνέχεια αναλύεται η υπάρχουσα κατάσταση και οι τάσεις της περιοχής μελέτης γεγονός που με την σειρά του καταλήγει σε σημαντικά συμπεράσματα τα οποία σχετίζονται με τις επιπτώσεις σε διάφορους τομείς που συνδέονται με τον πολεοδομικό χώρο. Τέλος, προτείνονται σημαντικές παρεμβάσεις που μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν στην περιοχή για την μείωση του φαινομένου της αστικής διάχυσης.The present thesis deals with the concurrent phenomenon of urban sprawl which takes place in the south urban and suburban part of the city of Larissa due to the development of two new poles of retail trade. These new retail poles include large retail Mall which combine shopping with entertainment (cafeterias, restaurant, cinemas, et.al.) and as an effect they change the traditional consumer behavior and the way the spare time is being distributed. These two commercial clusters appear different forms of development. The one, which is located in the south borders of the city of Larissa, deals with the dispersion of the shopping Μall and lack of complete design. On the other hand, the second cluster places in the north part of the municipality of Nikaia (south suburban area of Larissa) and comprises the construction of large Mall in a cohesive space under collective administration. In fact, the new retail clusters of Larissa evolves in a linear form along important arterial roads and affect the area, the vehicular traffic, the economy, the society and the environment both local place and wider urban and suburban area of Larissa. The changes that the poles produce are relevant to the meaning of urban sprawl which is booming the last years due to the great demand for accommodation in areas with free residential reserve and incomplete design. The first part of the project reports the methodology of the new commercial clusters and urban sprawl combined with the use of examples while the empirical application includes the resolution of the existing circumstances with their evolvement and the conduct of important conclusions. Finally, a number of important solutions is recommended in order to reduce the phenomenon of urban sprawl in the examined areΣταυρούλα-Μαρία Ε. Γκιθών

    Design and assessment spectra for retrofitting of RC buildings

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    This article presents a novel approach for deriving Retrofit Design Spectra (RDS) that are intended for use in preliminary development and assessment of seismic upgrading scenarios of existing structures. The new spectral representation relates the characteristics of the intervention method chosen as the core of the upgrading strategy, with the ductility and strength demand of the retrofitted structure. The methodology utilized for the derivation of the RDS is based on the Capacity Spectrum Method where the capacity curve is described by relationships for global and local intervention methods that are parameterized in terms of fundamental response quantities. The proposed spectra provide direct insight into the complex interrelation between the characteristics of the intervention method and the implications of the upgrading scenario on demand. Alternative retrofit solutions are thus assessed in an efficient way. A case study is used to illustrate practical application of the new approach

    Part of the Family:Children’s Experiences with Their Companion Animals in the Context of Domestic Violence and Abuse

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    Purpose: Children who experience Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) draw on a range of strategies to manage the complex dynamics of family life. This article explored children’s experiences of their relationships with pets and other animals, considering how children understood these relationships.Methods: This qualitative study is based on semi-structured interviews and visual methods-based research with 22 children (aged 9–17), drawn from a larger study on how children cope with DVA. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis.Findings: Five themes are discussed: Part of the family explores how children positioned animals as relational beings who occupied an important place in their lives; caring for animals considers the reciprocal caring relationship children described; listening and support details how children interacted with animals to allow themselves to feel more heard and supported; in the theme control and abuse, we consider children’s experiences of perpetrators’ use of companion animals as part of a pattern of abuse and control; and in disruption, uncertainty and loss, we discuss how children feel and relate to their animals when leaving situations of domestic abuse.Conclusions: The implications of our analysis are considered in relation to providing support for children impacted by domestic abuse, and the importance of ensuring companion animals are provided for in housing policy and planning for domestic abuse survivors

    Solvent-free synthesis and key intermediate isolation in Ni2Dy2 catalyst development in the domino ring-opening electrocyclization reaction of furfural and amines

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    A solvent-free methodology that yields trans-4,5-diaminocyclopent-2-enones, main domains of natural products and a variety of N-heterocycles, is described. The bimetallic catalyst [NiII2DyIII2L4(DMF)6] 2(OTf) 2(DMF) (1) promotes the domino reaction of furfural and amines, with loadings as low as 0.01%, under stirring or microwave-assisted conditions to afford the corresponding frameworks in very good to excellent yields. Crystallographic and theoretical studies shed light on the exclusive formation of the trans-diastereoisomers via a 4π-conrotatory electrocyclization process elucidating the key step in the catalytic process

    Galanin in the PVN increases nutrient intake and changes peripheral honnone levels in the rat

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    Abstract In self-selection feeding paradigms, rats display differential patterns of nutrient (protein, carbohydrate or fat) intake. Factors known to influence this selection include brain peptides as well as circadian parameters. In this series of experiments we investigated the role of PVN galanin in nutrient intake during the early and late dark periods in the rat. Rats were allowed to select between three isocaloric diets enriched in protein, carbohydrate or fat. Following a 2-week adaptation period, the animals' 24-h intake was monitored for 4 weeks. Galanin was injected into the PVN and food intake was measured 1, 2 and 24 h post-injection. Galanin significantly increased the 1 h total food intake but it failed to increase the intake of any particular nutrient. Galanin had no effect 2 or 24 h post-injection. Analysis of the data grouped by preference based on the rats 24 h baseline selection patterns over the 4-week period revealed that galanin seem to increase the preferred nutrient. That is, galanin preferentially increased the intake of the carbohydrate-or fatrich diet in animals with high (over 40% of the total food intake) 24-h baselines in this particular nutrient. Finally, analysis of the plasma hormone levels after paraventricular galanin administration revealed a significant increase in noradrenaline levels, a small reduction in plasma insulin with no effects on adrenaline, glucose or corticosterone. The data revealed that galanin in the PVN influences both food intake and metabolic functioning. PVN galanin significantly increases sympathetic outflow and seems to stimulate the intake of the individual rat's preferred macronutrient

    Polynuclear ampyrone based 3d coordination clusters

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    The use of the monoanionic Schiff base ligand (E)-4-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino)-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1,2-dihydropyrazol-5-one in transition (Co, Ni and Cu) coordination chemistry yields mono-, tetra- and pentanuclear Coordination Clusters with different structural motifs. An organic transformation occurs in the ligand in the Cu compound for which theoretical studies are presented. Solution studies, topological issues and magnetic studies are discussed. The present results demonstrate the richness of the coordination chemistry of this monoprotic organic ligand, which promotes the formation of high-nuclearity CC