66 research outputs found

    Piezo stimulated currents in marble samples: precursory and concurrent-with-failure signals

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    International audienceThe Earth?s electric field transient variations are promising candidates of earthquake precursors. In order to study the physical mechanisms of such precursory signals, laboratory experiments of uniaxial compression were carried out. More specifically the behaviour of stressed marble samples from Penteli Mountain was investigated. The samples were subjected to a time-varying uniaxial compression at both variable and constant stress rates. During the first set of experiments weak electric currents were detected during pressure variations. Such Piezo Stimulated Currents (PSC) were detected while stress steps, both positive and negative were applied, the maximum stress never being greater than the elasticity limit. During the second set of experiments stress was applied at a constant rate starting from zero-stress and ending in fracture. In the region beyond the elastic limit a PSC was detected which after reaching a peak suffered a reversal in its polarity just before fracture. In a third set of experiments the same procedure was applied to previously structurally damaged samples taking care not to fracture them. In all cases the PSC followed the variation of stress and moreover it was observed that a linear relationship existed between the PSC maxima and the corresponding stress-rate maxima. The mechanism responsible for the described phenomena can be ascribed to the Moving Charged Dislocations model

    Correlation of pressure stimulated currents in rocks with the damage parameter

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    Pressure Stimulated Current (PSC) experiments were conducted on marble samples to correlate PSC with the damage parameter, D. The phenomena and procedures taking place in the vicinity of the fracture limit were observed and analytically described. PSC recordings were conducted by application of uniaxial compressional stress, both at a constant stress rate and at a constant deformation rate. A linear relationship was shown to exist between the emitted PSC and the damage parameter which quantifies the deviation from linear elasticity and the concentration of microcracks

    Pressure Stimulated Currents (PSC)in marble samples

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    The electrical behaviour of marble samples from Penteli Mountain was studied while they were subjected to uniaxial stress. The application of consecutive impulsive variations of uniaxial stress to thirty connatural samples produced Pressure Stimulated Currents (PSC). The linear relationship between the recorded PSC and the applied variation rate was investigated. The main results are the following: as far as the samples were under pressure corresponding to their elastic region, the maximum PSC value obeyed a linear law with respect to pressure variation. In the plastic region deviations were observed which were due to variations of Young s modulus. Furthermore, a special burst form of PSC recordings during failure is presented. The latter is emitted when irregular longitudinal splitting is observed during failure

    Non-destructive evaluation of cement-based materials from pressure-stimulated electrical emission - Preliminary results

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Construction and Building Materials. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2010 Elsevier B.V.This paper introduces the possibility of in situ assessment of loading and remaining strength in concrete structures by means of measuring discharge of electric current from loaded specimens. The paper demonstrates that the techniques have been applied to other rock-like materials, but that for the first time they are applied to cement-based materials and a theoretical model is proposed in relation to the appearance of electrical signals during sample loading and up to fracture. A series of laboratory experiments on cement mortar specimens in simple uniaxial compression, and subsequently in bending – hence displaying both tension and compression – are described and show clear correlations between resulting strains and currents measured. Under uniaxial loading there is a well-defined relationship between the pressure-stimulated current (PSC) as a result of a monotonic mechanical loading regime. Similar results are observed in the three-point bending tests where a range of loading regimes is studied, including stepped changes in loading. While currents can be measured at low strains, best results seem to be obtained when strains approach and exceed yield stress values. This technique clearly has immense potential for structural health monitoring of cement-based structures. Both intermittent and continuous monitoring becomes possible, and given an ongoing campaign of monitoring, remaining strength can be estimated

    Influence of Grain Size on Phase Transitions in Halide Perovskite Films

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    Grain size in polycrystalline halide perovskite films is known to have an impact on the optoelectronic properties of the films, but its influence on their soft structural properties and phase transitions is unclear. Here, we use temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction, absorption, and macro- and micro-photoluminescence measurements to investigate the tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition in thin methylammonium lead iodide films with grain sizes ranging from the micron scale down to the tens of nanometre scale. We show that the phase transition nominally at ~150 K is increasingly suppressed with decreasing grain size and, in the smallest grains, we only see the first evidence of a phase transition at temperatures as low as ~80 K. With decreasing grain size, we also see an increasing magnitude of the hysteresis in the structural and optoelectronic properties when cooling to, and then upon heating from, 100K. Our work reveals the remarkable sensitivity of the optoelectronic, physical and phase properties to the local environment of the perovskite structure, which will have large ramifications for phase and defect engineering in operating devices.EPSRC NanoDTC Royal Society ERC Starting Gran

    Fabrication of Nanostructured GaAs/AlGaAs Waveguide for Low-Density Polariton Condensation from a Bound State in the Continuum

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    Exciton-polaritons are hybrid light-matter states that arise from strong coupling between an exciton resonance and a photonic cavity mode. As bosonic excitations, they can undergo a phase transition to a condensed state that can emit coherent light without a population inversion. This aspect makes them good candidates for thresholdless lasers, yet short exciton-polariton lifetime has made it difficult to achieve condensation at very low power densities. In this sense, long-lived symmetry-protected states are excellent candidates to overcome the limitations that arise from the finite mirror reflectivity of monolithic microcavities. In this work we use a photonic symmetry protected bound state in the continuum coupled to an excitonic resonance to achieve state-of-the-art polariton condensation threshold in GaAs/AlGaAs waveguide. Most important, we show the influence of fabrication control and how surface passivation via atomic layer deposition provides a way to reduce exciton quenching at the grating sidewalls

    Strain engineering of the silicon-vacancy center in diamond

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    We control the electronic structure of the silicon-vacancy (SiV) color-center in diamond by changing its static strain environment with a nano-electro-mechanical system. This allows deterministic and local tuning of SiV optical and spin transition frequencies over a wide range, an essential step towards multi-qubit networks. In the process, we infer the strain Hamiltonian of the SiV revealing large strain susceptibilities of order 1 PHz/strain for the electronic orbital states. We identify regimes where the spin-orbit interaction results in a large strain suseptibility of order 100 THz/strain for spin transitions, and propose an experiment where the SiV spin is strongly coupled to a nanomechanical resonator

    Maximizing and stabilizing luminescence from halide perovskites with potassium passivation

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    Metal halide perovskites are of great interest for various high-performance optoelectronic applications. The ability to tune the perovskite bandgap continuously by modifying the chemical composition opens up applications for perovskites as coloured emitters, in building-integrated photovoltaics, and as components of tandem photovoltaics to increase the power conversion efficiency. Nevertheless, performance is limited by non-radiative losses, with luminescence yields in state-of-the-art perovskite solar cells still far from 100 per cent under standard solar illumination conditions. Furthermore, in mixed halide perovskite systems designed for continuous bandgap tunability2 (bandgaps of approximately 1.7 to 1.9 electronvolts), photoinduced ion segregation leads to bandgap instabilities. Here we demonstrate substantial mitigation of both non-radiative losses and photoinduced ion migration in perovskite films and interfaces by decorating the surfaces and grain boundaries with passivating potassium halide layers. We demonstrate external photoluminescence quantum yields of 66 per cent, which translate to internal yields that exceed 95 per cent. The high luminescence yields are achieved while maintaining high mobilities of more than 40 square centimetres per volt per second, providing the elusive combination of both high luminescence and excellent charge transport. When interfaced with electrodes in a solar cell device stack, the external luminescence yield—a quantity that must be maximized to obtain high efficiency—remains as high as 15 per cent, indicating very clean interfaces. We also demonstrate the inhibition of transient photoinduced ion-migration processes across a wide range of mixed halide perovskite bandgaps in materials that exhibit bandgap instabilities when unpassivated. We validate these results in fully operating solar cells. Our work represents an important advance in the construction of tunable metal halide perovskite films and interfaces that can approach the efficiency limits in tandem solar cells, coloured-light-emitting diodes and other optoelectronic applications.M.A.-J. thanks Nava Technology Limited and Nyak Technology Limited for their funding and technical support. Z.A.-G. acknowledges funding from a Winton Studentship, and ICON Studentship from the Lloyd’s Register Foundation. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement number PIOF-GA-2013-622630, the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 756962), and the Royal Society and Tata Group (UF150033). We thank the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for support. XMaS is a mid-range facility at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility supported by the EPSRC and we are grateful to the XMaS beamline team staff for their support. We thank Diamond Light Source for access to beamline I09 and staff member T.-L. Lee as well as U. Cappel for assistance during the HAXPES measurements. S.C., C.D. and G.D. acknowledge funding from the ERC under grant number 25961976 PHOTO EM and financial support from the European Union under grant number 77 312483 ESTEEM2. M.A. thanks the president of the UAE’s Distinguished Student Scholarship Program, granted by the Ministry of Presidential Affairs. H.R. and B.P. acknowledge support from the Swedish research council (2014-6019) and the Swedish foundation for strategic research. E.M.H. and T.J.S. were supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research under the Echo grant number 712.014.007
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