30 research outputs found

    Predictions for dijet production in DIS using small x dynamics

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    We study the properties of dijet production in deep inelastic scattering using a unified BFKL/DGLAP framework, which includes important subleading ln (1/x) contributions. We calculate the azimuthal decorrelation between the jets. We compute the cross section for dijet production as a function of Q^2 and the jet transverse momentum, as well as calculate the total dijet rate. We compare the predictions with HERA data.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX with 4 eps figure

    Deep inelastic scattering and "elastic" diffraction

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    We examine the total cross section of virtual photons on protons, σγp(W2,Q2)\sigma_{\gamma^* p}(W^2,Q^2), at low xQ2/W21x \cong Q^2/W^2 \ll 1 and its connection with ``elastic'' diffractive production γT,LpXT,LJ=1p\gamma^*_{T,L}p \to X^{J=1}_{T,L} p in the two-gluon exchange dynamics for the virtual forward Compton scattering amplitude. Solely based on the generic structure of two-gluon exchange, we establish that the cross section is described by the (imaginary part of the) amplitude for forward scattering of qqˉq \bar q vector states, (qqˉ)T,LJ=1p(qqˉ)T,LJ=1p(q \bar q)^{J=1}_{T,L} p \to (q \bar q)^ {J=1}_{T,L} p. The generalized vector dominance/color dipole picture (GVD/CDP) is accordingly established to only rest on the two-gluon-exchange generic structure. This is explicitly seen by the sum rules that allow one to directly relate the total cross section to the cross section for elastic diffractive forward production, γT,Lp(qqˉ)T,LJ=1p\gamma^*_{T,L} p\to (q \bar q)^{J=1}_{T,L} p, of vector states.Comment: 24 pages, latex file with three eps figures. BI-TP 2002/2

    Wilson line correlator in the MV model: relating the glasma to deep inelastic scattering

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    In the color glass condensate framework the saturation scale measured in deep inelastic scattering of high energy hadrons and nuclei can be determined from the correlator of Wilson lines in the hadron wavefunction. These same Wilson lines give the initial condition of the classical field computation of the initial gluon multiplicity and energy density in a heavy ion collision. In this paper the Wilson line correlator in both adjoint and fundamental representations is computed using exactly the same numerical procedure that has been used to calculate gluon production in a heavy ion collision. In particular the discretization of the longitudinal coordinate has a large numerical effect on the relation between the color charge density parameter g^2 mu and the saturation scale Qs. Our result for this relation is Qs = 0.6 g^2 mu, which results in the classical Yang-Mills value for the "gluon liberation coefficient" c = 1.1.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, RevTEX4, V2: typo corrections, V3: small clarifications, to be published in EPJ

    Non-linear QCD dynamics in two-photon interactions at high energies

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    Perturbative QCD predicts that the growth of the gluon density at high energies should saturate, forming a Color Glass Condensate (CGC), which is described in mean field approximation by the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. In this paper we study the γγ\gamma \gamma interactions at high energies and estimate the main observables which will be probed at future linear colliders using the color dipole picture. We discuss in detail the dipole - dipole cross section and propose a new relation between this quantity and the dipole scattering amplitude. The total γγ\gamma \gamma, γγ\gamma^{*} \gamma^{*} cross-sections and the real photon structure function F2γ(x,Q2)F_2^{\gamma}(x,Q^2) are calculated using the recent solution of the BK equation with running coupling constant and the predictions are compared with those obtained using phenomenological models for the dipole-dipole cross section and scattering amplitude. We demonstrate that these models are able to describe the LEP data at high energies, but predict a very different behavior for the observables at higher energies. Therefore we conclude that the study of γγ\gamma \gamma interactions can be useful to constrain the QCD dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Version to be published in European Physical Journal

    Cronin Effect and High-p_T Suppression in pA Collisions

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    We review the predictions of the theory of Color Glass Condensate for gluon production cross section in p(d)A collisions. We demonstrate that at moderate energies, when the gluon production cross section can be calculated in the framework of McLerran-Venugopalan model, it has only partonic level Cronin effect in it. At higher energies/rapidities corresponding to smaller values of Bjorken x quantum evolution becomes important. The effect of quantum evolution at higher energies/rapidities is to introduce suppression of high-p_T gluons slightly decreasing the Cronin enhancement. At still higher energies/rapidities quantum evolution leads to suppression of produced gluons at all values of p_T.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, v2: extended and improved discussion, references adde

    Nuclear DVCS at small-x using the color dipole phenomenology

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    Using the high energy color dipole formalism, we study the coherent and incoherent nuclear DVCS process in the small-x regime. We consider simple models for the elementary dipole-hadron scattering amplitude that captures main features of the dependence on atomic number A, on energy and on momentum transfer t. Using the obtained amplitudes we make predictions for the nuclear DVCS cross section at photon level in the collider kinematics.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Version to be published in European Physical Journal

    Odderon in Gauge/String Duality

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    At high energies, elastic hadronic cross sections, such as pp,pp,π±ppp, \overline p p, \pi^{\pm} p, are dominated by vacuum exchange, which in leading order of the 1/Nc1/N_c expansion has been identified as the BFKL Pomeron or its strong AdS dual the closed string Reggeized graviton \cite{Brower:2006ea}. However the difference of particle anti-particle cross sections are given by a so-called Odderon, carrying C = -1 vacuum quantum numbers identified in weak coupling with odd numbers of exchanged gluons. Here we show that in the dual description the Odderon is the Reggeized Kalb-Ramond field (BμνB_{\mu\nu}) in the Neveu-Schwartz sector of closed string theory. To first order in strong coupling, the high energy contribution of Odderon is evaluated for N=4{\cal N} = 4 Super Yang-Mills by a generalization of the gravity dual analysis for Pomeron in Ref. \cite{Brower:2006ea}. The consequence of confinement on the Odderon are estimated in the confining QCD-like AdS5AdS^5 hardwall model of Polchinski and Strassler \cite{Polchinski:2001tt}.Comment: 69 pages, 6 figures. Title change to better reflect the content of the paper. More discussion added in the Comments section. To be published in JHE

    DIS and the effects of fluctuations: a momentum space analysis

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    Among the dipole models of deep inelastic scattering at small values of the Bjorken variable xx, one has been recently proposed which relates the virtual photon-proton cross section to the dipole-proton forward scattering amplitude in momentum space. The latter is parametrized by an expression which interpolates between its behavior at saturation and the travelling wave, ultraviolet, amplitudes predicted by perturbative QCD from the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. Inspired by recent developments in coordinate space, we use this model to parametrize the proton structure function and confront it to HERA data on epep deep inelastic scattering. Both event-by-event and the physical amplitudes are considered, the latter used to investigate the effect of gluon number fluctuations, beyond the mean-field approximation. We conclude that fluctuations are not present in DIS at HERA energies.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Correlations of Wilson Lines in SU(3) and the High Energy γp\gamma^*p Cross Section

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    We discuss deep inelastic scattering at high energies as a critical phenomenon in 2+1 space - time dimensions. In the limit of Bjorken x0x \to 0, QCDQCD SU(3) with quark fields becomes a critical theory with a diverging correlation length ξ(x)x12λ2\xi(x) \propto x^{-\frac{1}{2 \lambda_2}} where the exponent λ2=2.52\lambda_2=2.52 is obtained from the center group Z(3) of SU(3). We conjecture that the dipole wave function of the virtual photon for transverse sizes 1/Q<x<ξ1/Q<x_{\bot}<\xi obeys correlation scaling Ψ(x)(1+n)\Psi \propto (x_{\bot})^{-(1+n)} before exponentially decaying for distances larger than the correlation length. Using this behavior combined with different xx -independent dipole proton cross sections we calculate the proton structure function and compare with the experimental data. We take the good agreement with the measured proton structure function F2(x,Q2)_2(x,Q^2) as an indication that at high energies dimensional reduction to an effective three dimensional theory with a critical point occurs.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Large mass Q-Qbar production from the Color Glass Condensate

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    We compute quark-antiquark pair production in the context of the Color Glass Condensate model for central heavy-ion collisions. The calculation is performed analytically to leading order in the density of hard sources present in the projectiles, and is applicable to quarks with a mass large compared to the saturation momentum. The formulas derived in this paper are compared to expressions derived in the framework of collinearly factorized perturbative QCD and in kt factorization models. We comment on the breaking of kt factorization which occurs beyond leading order in our approach.Comment: 24 pages, 3 postscript figure