76 research outputs found

    The Use of Compression Sonoelastography in Multiparametric Ultrasound Examination in Cases of Benign Ovarian Formations

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    Properly diagnosed benign ovarian formations are a condition for appropriate treatment choice. Qualitative assessment of signs detected by multiparametric ultrasound, including compression elastography, is highly effective in the differential diagnosis of benign ovarian formations. Our study became especially relevant for women in the reproductive period since the correct diagnosis influenced the choice of surgical treatment in order to preserve the ovarian reserve. The detailed sonographic aspect of these formations in B-mode, Doppler mode and compression sonoelastography mode is analyzed in the article. Color Flow Mapping, power Doppler and pulsed wave Doppler were used to study blood vessels. Pulsed wave Doppler characterized blood flow quantitatively. Color Flow Mapping was used to determine vessels localization, and power Doppler was used to provide a detailed qualitative assessment of blood flow loci. Elastotype according to the Ueno scale as a qualitative feature and Strain Ratio (coefficient of deformation) as a quantitative indicator were determined for all types of benign ovarian formations. Serous and mucinous cystadenomas were found to belong to elastotypes 0 and I according to the Ueno scale, the papillary component of serous superficial papillomas was mapped as elastotype I and II, fibroids predominantly belonged to elastotype II and III, mature teratoma appertained to elastotypes IV and V. Quantitative coefficient of deformation for all benign ovarian formations ranged from 0.63 to 24.9. According to our results, ultrasound examination of ovarian formations is an accurate and highly informative method for stratification of risks in accordance with the O-RADS classification

    Інновації як об’єкт цивільно-правових відносин

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    This article explores innovations as objects of civil legal relations and their impact on the contract. The contract is a universal form of regulation of these relations. The analysis of scientific concepts on the objects of legal relations became the basis for the conclusion about the priority of pluralistic approaches to the objects of legal relations in general. Regarding innovation, the article argues for an inexhaustible list of them.The author argues that innovation must be technological in nature. Therefore, goods and services produced by technological innovations cannot be innovations. Products can be innovations if they have new or improved qualities.On the basis of the analysis of special legislation, it is concluded that the characteristics of innovations stipulated therein are of an economic rather than legal nature. However, some of them, such as novelty and practical suitability for improving the industrial, economic or social sphere, are the basis for the formation of legal characteristics of innovations.From the point of law view, innovation is a complex integrated legal concept, which includes several objects of intellectual property rights. It is substantiated that innovations include, first of all, objects of industrial property rights, but not only them. Innovations consist from the objects of intellectual property rights, but differ from them in the moment of their creation. Objects of intellectual property rights acquire these attributes on the basis of receipt of supporting documents or other grounds established by law, while innovations acquire a special status by virtue of confirmation of the fact of their practical introduction into production.У цій статті досліджуються інновації як об’єкти цивільних правовідносин і вплив їх на договір як форму регулювання цих відносин. Аналіз наукових концепцій щодо об’єктів правовідносин став основою для висновку про пріоритет плюралістичних підходів щодо об’єктів правовідносин загалом. Щодо інновацій у статті аргументується невичерпний їх перелік.Автор доводить, що інновація має мати технологічний характер. Тому товари і послуги, які виробляються за допомогою технологічних новацій, не можуть бути інноваціями. Продукція може бути інновацією, якщо вона володіє новими або ж удосконаленими якостями. На основі аналізу спеціального законодавства зроблено висновок про те, що ознаки інновацій, які передбачені у ньому, мають економічний, а не правовий характер. Однак, окремі із них, такі як новизна та практичне придатність для поліпшення виробничої, економічної чи соціальної сфери, є базою для формування правових характеристик інновацій.З погляду права інновації є інтегрованим комплексним правовим поняттям, яке включає в себе кілька об’єктів права інтелектуальної власності. Обґрунтовано, що до інновацій входять, передусім, об’єкти права промислової власності, однак не лише вони. Інновації мають в своїй основі об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності, однак є відмінними від них моментом набуття ознак охороноздатності. Об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності набувають цих ознак на підставі отримання підтверджуючих документів чи інших визначених у законі підстав, а інновації набувають спеціального статусу в силу підтвердження фактору їх прикладного впровадження у виробництво

    Use of ultrasonic diagnostics for investigation and detection of structural changes in the lungs in COVID-19

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    Rapid and accurate diagnosis of various lung changes caused by SARS-Co V-2 is extremely important and relevant, as it will allow timely action to take the necessary measures to treat and stop the spread of lesions. Ultrasound diagnosis allows you to quickly, non-invasively, and cheaply conduct research that is accurate and effective enough to make or confirm a diagnosis. The article highlights the main structural changes in the lungs found in 86 patients with a positive PCR test for coronavirus virus. The following sonographic signs were observed during the study: B-line (in 54% of patients), white lung effect (in 20.6% of patients), consolidation (11 people – 17.5%), of which 6 patients with consolidation less than 1 cm and 5 patients had consolidations greater than 1 cm, pleural effusion was observed in 7 patients. Our research is important both in terms of increasing the informativeness of the diagnosis for physicians and patients, for whom it is important to quickly, non-invasively, and economically compare, detect disease and begin treatment promptly

    The Results of Last Economic Crisis for The Family Life in Ukraine

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    The state, being interested in rising a new generation, gives to parents the right and a duty of protection, education, formation, and the maintenance of children. Also the parental rights are given not only for satisfaction of maternal and parental needs, but also with a purpose of maintenance of interests of children. The results of the last economic crisis led to a worsening of the situation of many children in Ukraine, due to increasing of unemployment of their parents. Therefore the state should pay more attention to the problems of education and protection of children. To solve the problem of protecting children is setting a new norms and rules to regulate this important sphere. This of course will not solve the problem at all, but helps to choose the right direction

    Regulation of multimers via truncated isoforms: a novel mechanism to control nitric-oxide signaling

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is an essential regulator of Drosophila development and physiology. We describe a novel mode of regulation of NO synthase (NOS) function that uses endogenously produced truncated protein isoforms of Drosophila NOS (DNOS). These isoforms inhibit NOS enzymatic activity in vitro and in vivo, reflecting their ability to form complexes with the full-length DNOS protein (DNOS1). Truncated isoforms suppress the antiproliferative action of DNOS1 in the eye imaginal disc by impacting the retinoblastoma-dependent pathway, yielding hyperproliferative phenotypes in pupae and adult flies. Our results indicate that endogenous products of the dNOS locus act as dominant negative regulators of NOS activity during Drosophila development

    Analysis of costs and results of assisted reproductive technologies in the world and Ukraine

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    Taking into account the demographic situation in Ukraine, the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is an urgent task for increasing access to modern, expensive methods of infertility treatment. The aim of this study was to summarize the legislative requirements for the implementation of ART, the number of cycles, depending on the type, and the costs for ART in the leading countries of the world and in Ukraine. We showed, that most countries in Europe have budgetary financing for a certain number of cycles, while the medical restrictions and age requirements for parents are included. It was revealed that the highest costs for ART are in the USA, the lowest in Japan and Scandinavian countries. We calculated the rate of provision for IVF and ICSI cycles per 1 million population (Kart) and the countries were ranked into 3 groups. It was shown that Ukraine belongs to countries with a low indicator ‒ less than 500 cycles. Leading countries of Europe, which have government funding for ART (France, Germany, Sweden), are characterized by a high Kart. The need to increase budgetary financing for ART in Ukraine is shown. The cost analysis for ART according to official websites of private clinics was conducted in Ukraine. We established that the average cost per 1 cycle of IVF was 52 584 UAH, for 1 cycle of ICSI was 6 694 UAH. The calculated solvency adequacy ratio for IVF was 703, it indicates a low availability for the population, and for ICSI is 89, which in 7.9 more affordable for families. It was found that in 7 clinics there are no Internet pages, and on the websites of 12 clinics information on the cost of services is shown, without taking into account the use of drugs in the protocols of ART. According to the different approaches to informing on websites of the ART clinics, it is advisable to unify the information providing on the sites about the availability of cycles and the total costs for them to improve provision and access for patients. Therefore, it is important to increase the state funding for ART programs