14 research outputs found

    An oxygen isotope study of Wark–Lovering rims on type A CAIs in primitive carbonaceous chondrites

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    Calcium–aluminium-rich Inclusions(CAIs) and the thin Wark–Lovering (WL) rims of minerals surrounding them offer a record of the nature of changing conditions during the earliest stages of Solar System formation. Considerable heterogeneity in the gas composition in the immediate vicinity of the proto-Sun had previously been inferred from oxygen isotopic variations in the WL rim of a CAI from Allende (Simon et al., 2011). However, high precision and high spatial resolution oxygen isotope measurements presented in this study show that WL rim and pristine core minerals of individual CAIs from meteorites that had experienced only low degrees of alteration or low grade metamorphism (one from Léoville (reduced CV3), two in QUE 99177 (CR3.0) and two in ALHA 77307 (CO3.0)) are uniformly 16O-rich. This indicates that the previously observed variations are the result of secondary processes, most likely on the asteroid parent body, and that there were no temporal or spatial variations in oxygen isotopic composition during CAI and WL rim formation. Such homogeneity across three groups of carbonaceous chondrites lends further support for a common origin for the CAIs in all chondrites. 16O-poor oxygen reservoirs such as those associated with chondrule formation, were probably generated by UV photo-dissociation involving self-shielding mechanisms and must have occurred elsewhere in outer regions of the solar accretion disk

    One of the earliest refractory inclusions and its implications for solar system history

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    A ∼175 µm refractory inclusion, A-COR-01 from one of the least altered carbonaceous chondrites, ALHA 77307 (CO3.0), has been found to bear unique characteristics that indicate that it is one of the first solids to have formed at the very birth of the solar system while isotopic reservoirs were still evolving rapidly. Its core is composed mainly of hibonite and corundum, the two phases predicted to condense first from a gas of solar composition, and like many common types of Calcium-, Aluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs) is surrounded by a rim of diopside. Core minerals in A-COR-01 are very 16O-rich (Δ17OCore = -32.5 ± 3.3 (2SD) ‰) while those in the rim display an O isotopic composition (Δ17ORim = -24.8 ± 0.5 (2SD) ‰) indistinguishable from that found in the vast majority of the least altered CAIs. These observations indicate that this CAI formed in a very 16O-rich reservoir and either recorded the subsequent evolution of this reservoir or the transit to another reservoir. The origin of A-COR-01in a primitive reservoir is consistent with the very low content of excess of radiogenic 26Mg in its core minerals corresponding to the inferred initial 26Al/27Al ratio ((26Al/27Al)0 = (1.67 ± 0.31) × 10-7), supporting a very early formation before injection and/or homogenisation of 26Al in the protoplanetary disk. Possible reservoir evolution and short-lived radionuclide (SLRs) injection scenarios are discussed and it is suggested that the observed isotope composition resulted from mixing of a previously un-observed early reservoir with the rest of the disk

    The origin of water in the primitive Moon as revealed by the lunar highlands samples

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    The recent discoveries of hydrogen (H) bearing species on the lunar surface and in samples derived from the lunar interior have necessitated a paradigm shift in our understanding of the water inventory of the Moon, which was previously considered to be a ‘bone-dry’ planetary body. Most sample-based studies have focused on assessing the water contents of the younger mare basalts and pyroclastic glasses, which are partial-melting products of the lunar mantle. In contrast, little attention has been paid to the inventory and source(s) of water in the lunar highlands rocks which are some of the oldest and most pristine materials available for laboratory investigations, and that have the potential to reveal the original history of water in the Earth–Moon system. Here, we report in-situ measurements of hydroxyl (OH) content and H isotopic composition of the mineral apatite from four lunar highlands samples (two norites, a troctolite, and a granite clast) collected during the Apollo missions. Apart from troctolite in which the measured OH contents in apatite are close to our analytical detection limit and its H isotopic composition appears to be severely compromised by secondary processes, we have measured up to ~2200 ppm OH in the granite clast with a weighted average δD of ~-105±130‰, and up to ~3400 ppm OH in the two norites (77215 and 78235) with weighted average δD values of -281±49‰ and -27±98‰, respectively. The apatites in the granite clast and the norites are characterised by higher OH contents than have been reported so far for highlands samples, and have H isotopic compositions similar to those of terrestrial materials and some carbonaceous chondrites, providing one of the strongest pieces of evidence yet for a common origin for water in the Earth–Moon system. In addition, the presence of water, of terrestrial affinity, in some samples of the earliest-formed lunar crust suggests that either primordial terrestrial water survived the aftermath of the putative impact-origin of the Moon or water was added to the Earth–Moon system by a common source immediately after the accretion of the Moon

    Insight into the silicate and organic reservoirs of the comet forming region

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    Cometary interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), collected in Earth’s stratosphere, currently represent the best way to sample outer Solar System primordial dust. The fine-grained (sub-μm) minerals of IDPs show some strong similarities to the textures expected for primary condensates from the solar nebula. In this study we have analysed a set of IDPs for combined bulk carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotopes, and high precision oxygen isotopes by NanoSIMS 50L. This study concentrates on combining isotopic analyses, including high precision oxygen, on the silicate and organic components within the same sample on fine-grained primordial materials. Oxygen isotope analyses reveal that some IDPs are more 16O-rich than any bulk meteorite compositions, extending to O isotope compositions in between chondritic- and solar-like values (δ17O = -20‰, δ18O = -20‰). The 16O-rich IDPs display more primitive organic signatures than the chondritic-like 16O-poor IDPs but, rather interestingly, they also have lower presolar grain abundances. The 16O-poor signatures probably indicate an abundant component of chondritic-like material, processed in the inner protoplanetary disk. In order to explain the association of relatively processed material (silicates and organics) with high presolar grain abundances we propose a model whereby the initial dust component is 16O-rich (solar-like) and originally present homogenously throughout the protoplanetary disk. Outward radial transport, potentially associated with aerodynamic sorting, led to an influx of processed silicates from the inner Solar System with chondritic-like isotopic signatures. Comet accretion that occurred late, or at smaller heliocentric distance, included higher abundances of this chondritic-like component and hence had more 16O-poor O isotope compositions. Presolar grains, whose extreme isotopic signatures were destroyed during early homogenisation of solar nebula dust, continue to accrete onto the protoplanetary disk with time such that the later-formed comets, those with a higher proportion of processed silicates within their source, also had time to accumulate a higher abundance of presolar grains. A similar pattern is observed in the organics, with decreasing δD and C/H, from increased exchange with nebula gas, in IDPs that contain more 16O-poor chondritic-like material

    Igneous and shock processes affecting chassignite amphibole evaluated using chlorine/water partitioning and hydrogen isotopes

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    Amphibole in chassignite melt inclusions provides valuable information about the volatile content of the original interstitial magma, but also shock and postshock processes. We have analyzed amphibole and other phases from NWA 2737 melt inclusions, and we evaluate these data along with published values to constrain the crystallization Cl and H2O content of phases in chassignite melt inclusions and the effects of shock on these amphibole grains. Using a model for the Cl/OH exchange between amphibole and melt, we estimate primary crystallization OH contents of chassignite amphiboles. SIMS analysis shows that amphibole from NWA 2737 currently has 0.15 wt% H2O. It has lost ~0.6 wt% H2O from an initial 0.7–0.8 wt% H2O due to intense shock. Chassigny amphibole had on average 0.3–0.4 wt% H2O and suffered little net loss of H2O due to shock. NWA 2737 amphibole has δD ≈ +3700‰; it absorbed Martian atmosphere-derived heavy H in the aftermath of shock. Chassigny amphibole, with δD ≤ +1900‰, incorporated less heavy H. Low H2O/Cl ratios are inferred for the primitive chassignite magma, which had significant effects on melting and crystallization. Volatiles released by the degassing of Martian magma were more Cl-rich than on Earth, resulting in the high Cl content of Martian surface material