15,862 research outputs found

    Vision during manned booster operation Final report

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    Retinal images and accomodation control mechanism under conditions of space flight stres

    Meteorological analysis models, volume 2

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    As part of the SEASAT program, two sets of analysis programs were developed. One set of programs produce 63 x 63 horizontal mesh analyses on a polar stereographic grid. The other set produces 187 x 187 third mesh analyses. The parameters analyzed include sea surface temperature, sea level pressure and twelve levels of upper air temperature, height and wind analyses. Both sets use operational data provided by a weather bureau. The analysis output is used to initialize the primitive equation forecast models also included

    A New Measurement of the Stellar Mass Density at z~5: Implications for the Sources of Cosmic Reionization

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    We present a new measurement of the integrated stellar mass per comoving volume at redshift 5 determined via spectral energy fitting drawn from a sample of 214 photometrically-selected galaxies with z'<26.5 in the southern GOODS field. Following procedures introduced by Eyles et al. (2005), we estimate stellar masses for various sub-samples for which reliable and unconfused Spitzer IRAC detections are available. A spectroscopic sample of 14 of the most luminous sources with =4.92 provides a firm lower limit to the stellar mass density of 1e6 Msun/Mpc^3. Several galaxies in this sub-sample have masses of order 10^11 Msun implying significant earlier activity occurred in massive systems. We then consider a larger sample whose photometric redshifts in the publicly-available GOODS-MUSIC catalog lie in the range 4.4 <z 5.6. Before adopting the GOODS-MUSIC photometric redshifts, we check the accuracy of their photometry and explore the possibility of contamination by low-z galaxies and low-mass stars. After excising probable stellar contaminants and using the z'-J color to exclude any remaining foreground red galaxies, we conclude that 196 sources are likely to be at z~5. The implied mass density from the unconfused IRAC fraction of this sample, scaled to the total available, is 6e6 Msun/Mpc^3. We discuss the uncertainties as well as the likelihood that we have underestimated the true mass density. Including fainter and quiescent sources the total integrated density could be as high as 1e7 Msun/Mpc^3. Using the currently available (but highly uncertain) rate of decline in the star formationhistory over 5 <z< 10, a better fit is obtained for the assembled mass at z~5 if we admit significant dust extinction at early times or extend the luminosity function to very faint limits. [abridged]Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ, 39 page

    Soliton blue-shift in tapered photonic crystal fiber

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    We show that solitons undergo a strong blue shift in fibers with a dispersion landscape that varies along the direction of propagation. The experiments are based on a small-core photonic crystal fiber, tapered to have a core diameter that varies continuously along its length, resulting in a zero-dispersion wavelength that moves from 731 nm to 640 nm over the transition. The central wavelength of a soliton translates over 400 nm towards shorter wavelength. This accompanied by strong emission of radiation into the UV and IR spectral region. The experimental results are confirmed by numerical simulation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Nonlinear wavelength conversion in photonic crystal fibers with three zero dispersion points

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    In this theoretical study, we show that a simple endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fiber can be designed to yield, not just two, but three zero-dispersion wavelengths. The presence of a third dispersion zero creates a rich phase-matching topology, enabling enhanced control over the spectral locations of the four-wave-mixing and resonant-radiation bands emitted by solitons and short pulses. The greatly enhanced flexibility in the positioning of these bands has applications in wavelength conversion, supercontinuum generation and pair-photon sources for quantum optics

    PG 1018−047 : the longest period subdwarf B binary

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    About 50 per cent of all known hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) reside in close (short-period) binaries, for which common-envelope ejection is the most likely formation mechanism. However, Han et al. predict that the majority of sdBs should form through stable mass transfer leading to long-period binaries. Determining orbital periods for these systems is challenging and while the orbital periods of ∼100 short-period systems have been measured, there are no periods measured above 30 d. As part of a large programme to characterize the orbital periods of sdB binaries and their formation history, we have found that PG 1018−047 has an orbital period of 759.8 ± 5.8 d, easily making it the longest period ever detected for a sdB binary. Exploiting the Balmer lines of the subdwarf primary and the narrow absorption lines of the companion present in the spectra, we derive the radial velocity amplitudes of both stars, and estimate the mass ratio MMS/MsdB= 1.6 ± 0.2. From the combination of visual and infrared photometry, the spectral type of the companion star is determined to be mid-K

    A Meinardus theorem with multiple singularities

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    Meinardus proved a general theorem about the asymptotics of the number of weighted partitions, when the Dirichlet generating function for weights has a single pole on the positive real axis. Continuing \cite{GSE}, we derive asymptotics for the numbers of three basic types of decomposable combinatorial structures (or, equivalently, ideal gas models in statistical mechanics) of size nn, when their Dirichlet generating functions have multiple simple poles on the positive real axis. Examples to which our theorem applies include ones related to vector partitions and quantum field theory. Our asymptotic formula for the number of weighted partitions disproves the belief accepted in the physics literature that the main term in the asymptotics is determined by the rightmost pole.Comment: 26 pages. This version incorporates the following two changes implied by referee's remarks: (i) We made changes in the proof of Proposition 1; (ii) We provided an explanation to the argument for the local limit theorem. The paper is tentatively accepted by "Communications in Mathematical Physics" journa

    Large-Scale CO Maps of the Lupus Molecular Cloud Complex

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    Fully sampled degree-scale maps of the 13CO 2-1 and CO 4-3 transitions toward three members of the Lupus Molecular Cloud Complex - Lupus I, III, and IV - trace the column density and temperature of the molecular gas. Comparison with IR extinction maps from the c2d project requires most of the gas to have a temperature of 8-10 K. Estimates of the cloud mass from 13CO emission are roughly consistent with most previous estimates, while the line widths are higher, around 2 km/s. CO 4-3 emission is found throughout Lupus I, indicating widespread dense gas, and toward Lupus III and IV. Enhanced line widths at the NW end and along the edge of the B228 ridge in Lupus I, and a coherent velocity gradient across the ridge, are consistent with interaction between the molecular cloud and an expanding HI shell from the Upper-Scorpius subgroup of the Sco-Cen OB Association. Lupus III is dominated by the effects of two HAe/Be stars, and shows no sign of external influence. Slightly warmer gas around the core of Lupus IV and a low line width suggest heating by the Upper-Centaurus-Lupus subgroup of Sco-Cen, without the effects of an HI shell.Comment: 54 pages, 27 figures, 5 tables. To appear in ApJS. Preprint also available (with full-size figures) from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/nfht/publications.html Datacubes available from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/nfht/resources.htm

    Closed-cycle, low-vibration 4 K cryostat for ion traps and other applications

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    In-vacuo cryogenic environments are ideal for applications requiring both low temperatures and extremely low particle densities. This enables reaching long storage and coherence times for example in ion traps, essential requirements for experiments with highly charged ions, quantum computation, and optical clocks. We have developed a novel cryostat continuously refrigerated with a pulse-tube cryocooler and providing the lowest vibration level reported for such a closed-cycle system with 1 W cooling power for a <5 K experiment. A decoupling system suppresses vibrations from the cryocooler by three orders of magnitude down to a level of 10 nm peak amplitudes in the horizontal plane. Heat loads of about 40 W (at 45 K) and 1 W (at 4 K) are transferred from an experimental chamber, mounted on an optical table, to the cryocooler through a vacuum-insulated massive 120 kg inertial copper pendulum. The 1.4 m long pendulum allows installation of the cryocooler in a separate, acoustically isolated machine room. In the laser laboratory, we measured the residual vibrations using an interferometric setup. The positioning of the 4 K elements is reproduced to better than a few micrometer after a full thermal cycle to room temperature. Extreme high vacuum on the 101510^{-15} mbar level is achieved. In collaboration with the Max-Planck-Intitut f\"ur Kernphysik (MPIK), such a setup is now in operation at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) for a next-generation optical clock experiment using highly charged ions