36 research outputs found

    Uticaj interakcije jonskog snopa sa elektronima kristala na ugaonu raspodelu kanalisanih jona

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    This study investigates the effect of crystal electrons on the angular distribution of channeled protons passing through a thin silicon crystal. The effect of crystal electrons on the 2 MeV proton beam channeled through a thin Si crystal plays an important role in the experimentally observed angular distributions. Using the crystal rainbow effect, we have morphologically compared the experimental and theoretical angular distributions of channeled protons and corresponding rainbow lines, with and without the effect of crystal electrons. Our results demonstrate that the influence of crystal electrons affects the angular focus of the channeled ions in the vicinity of the rainbow lines, which are the envelope of this angular distribution. These findings provide insights into the energy loss mechanisms for protons channeled through thin silicon crystals and can have implications for future studies in ion beam physics.Ova studija istra`uje efekat elektrona kristala na ugaonu raspodelu protona kanalisanih kroz tanki kristal silicijuma. Uticaj elektrona kristala na snop kanalisanih protona energije 2 MeV kroz tanak kristal Si igra va`nu ulogu u eksperimentalno dobijenim ugaonim raspodelama. Koriste}i efekat kristalne duge, morfolo{ki smo uporedili eksperimentalne i teorijske ugaone distribucije kanalisanih protona i odgovaraju}ih linija duge, sa i bez uticaja elektrona kristala. Na{i rezultati pokazuju da uticaj elektrona kristala uti~e na ugaoni fokus kanalisanih jona u okolini linija duge, koje predstavqaju skelet ugaone raspodele. Ovi rezultati pru`aju uvid u mehanizme energijskih gubitka protona kanalisanih kroz tanki kristal silicijuma i mogu imati implikacije za budu}e studije u fizici jonskog snopa

    The autonomy of the military profession as a condition for civil and democratic control of the military and the fulfillment of the main social role of the military

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    The interference of the military in politics in a state is indisputably disastrous for its democracy. However, even the "too tight grip" of civil control of the military can be dangerous for a society, if its result is suboptimal or misused military power. The purpose of civil and democratic control of the military is to create a social environment in which the military accepts democratic values and does not pose a threat to the functioning of democracy, while maintaining a high level of professional efficiency and integrity. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously find a solution to the civil-military paradox and preserve the professional autonomy of officers from the challenges that come from the sphere of politics. Starting from Huntington's theory of civil-military relations, using a case study and the hypothetico-deductive method, this paper shows that the autonomy of the military profession is one of the conditions for proper functioning of civil and democratic control of the military, and that respecting and strengthening professionalism of officers is a necessary condition for preserving and developing the military capabilities to successfully carry out its missions and tasks. The understanding of civil and democratic control of the military as a process by which a dynamic balance between its participants is achieved is also propagated

    Legitimacy of the revolution

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    Циљ овог рада је провера генералне хипотезе да је легитимна само она револуција која се изводи у име хуманих и рационалних циљева, ефикасним средствима примереним циљевима и чији резултати не поништавају циљеве. Историјска верификација обухватила је револуцију у Низоземској (1566-1609), Пуританску (1640-1660) и Славну револуцију (1688-1689) у Енглеској, Америчку револуцију (1775-1783), Француску буржоаску револуцију (1789-1799), Јулску револуцију у Француској 1830, Фебруарску револуцију у Француској 1848, Фебруарску и Октобарску револуцију у Русији 1917. године. У процесу истраживања примењене су историјско-компаративна, биографска метода и метода анализе садржаја, као и логички поступци анализе, синтезе и генерализације. У предреволуционарној и револуционарној ситуацији, легитимност „старог режима“ већ је озбиљно уздрмана, што омогућава почетни успех револуције. У процесу преношења легитимности са „старог режима“ на настајући „нови поредак ствари“, револуција прво стиче негативну легитимност, али она мора и јасно да означи свој циљ, како би се знало чему тежи и да би пружила гаранције да из ње неће проистећи само промена носиоца власти. То значи да она мора, поред обарања „старог режима“ да има и други циљ – успостављање новог поретка, са новим системом вредности и начином владања, а трајност и стабилност новог поретка не може да буде заснована на негативној легитимности, која нестаје уколико револуција не успе у свом науму и не испуни очекивања због којих је подигнута. Циљеви и вредности за које се револуција залаже, у име којих се подиже и због којих стиче подршку, представљају неку врсту замене за исправност владарског наслова. Они јој дају метаправну снагу и надлегално достојанство. Зато револуција може да изађе из правног оквира „старог режима“, а да не буде узурпаторска. Да б и ј една револуција била легитимна није, међутим, довољно да њени прокламовани циљеви буду узвишени. Важно је да поступци револуционара буду усмерени ка остваривању циљева револуције, као и да поштују и не поништавају њена идеје и циљеве. Циљеви не могу да буду покриће за злочине и не могу да оправдају сва средства. Средство употребљено за достизање неког циља, у име одређених вредности, мора да буде у складу са циљем који помоћу њега треба остварити. Коначну потврду легитимности револуције дају њени резултати. Они су најважнији и са практичног становишта, али и са становишта хуманости. Ако револуција на свом путу изгуби усмерење ка циљевима и вредностима које је сама прокламовала, ако не износи из сфере могућности и не претвара у стварност друштвене односе и установе, рационалније и хуманије од оних постојећих, онда је она не само узалудан, него и опасан покушај скраћивања историје, уз изазивање нестабилности и велике жртве. Таква револуција не може да се легитимише својим исходом. С друге стране, ако револуција прерасте у релативно стабилан поредак заснован на новим вредностима на које се позива, уз тенденцију приближавања својим идеалима и ако се у том поретку остварују циљеви револуције, таква револуција се легитимисала својим резултатима. Најбољи начин да револуција донесе примену својих начела у релативно стабилном и релативно трајном облику, јесте да прође кроз процес институционализације и конституционализације. И за револуционарну власт важи правило да тежи да се шири и јача. Неограничена власт велика је опасност за слободу. С обзиром на то да су све револуције подизане у име слободе, за успех револуције неопходно је да власт коју она успоставља буде ограничена. То се постиже заменом сваке личне власти одговарајућим институцијама и правним поретком, заснованим на рационалним и хуманим начелима револуције. Институционализација и конституционализација су омогућавале да се револуција заврши, то јест да се оконча употреба револуционарних метода и изванредних мера. Помоћу тих процеса тековине револуције сачуване су и за наредне генерације, без радикалних застрањивања и без излишног проливања људске крви.The aim of this study was to verify the general hypothesis which argues that a revolution is legitimate only if it is done in the name of humane and rational goals, conducted by efficient means that are consistent with the goals and if its results do not negate that goals. Historical verification included the Rrevolution in the Netherlands (1566-1609), Puritan (1640-1660) and the Glorious revolutions (1688-1689) in England, the American Revolution (1775-1783), the French Bourgeois Revolution (1789-1799), the July Revolution in France in 1830, the February Revolution in France in 1848, the February and the October revolutions in Russia in 1917. year. In the process of research were applied comparative historical, biographical method and the method of content analysis, and logical processes of analysis, synthesis and generalization. In pre-revolutionary and revolutionary situation, the legitimacy of the "old regime" has already been severely shaken, allowing the initial success of the revolution. In the process of transferring the legitimacy of the "old regime" to the emerging "new order of things," revolution firstly acquires a negative legitimacy, but it also has to promote clearly its goal, in order to know its tendency and to provide assurances that it will not result only in a change of government representatives. This means that revolution must have another goal, besides overthrowing the "old regime" and that goal is to establish a new order, a new value system and way of governance, and the durability and stability of the new regime can not be based on the negative legitimacy, which disappears if the revolution does not achieve its goals and does not meet the expectations. The aims and values of the revolution are a kind of replacement for the correctness of the ruler's title. They give to the revolution supreme strength and dignity. That is why the revolution can come out of the legal framework of the "the old regime" and at the same time not to be usurper. In order to declare a revolution legitimate it is not enough that its defined goals are noble. It is important that the actions of the revolutionaries are directed towards achieving the goals of the revolution, and to respect and not to reverse its ideas and goals. Goals can not justify every mean. The means used to achieve a goal, in the name of certain values, must be consistent with the goal. The final confirmation of the legitimacy of a revolution is in its results. They are the most important form practical point of view, but also from the point of view of humanity. If revolution, on its revolutionary way, lose its orientation towards the proclaimed goals and values, if it does not take out the new social relations and institutions, more rational and more humane than the existing ones, from the sphere of possibility and makes them real, then it is not only futile, but also dangerous attempt of shortening history. Such a revolution can not be legitimized by its results. On the other hand, if the revolution makes a relatively stable order, based on the new values, with a tendency to approach its ideals, and if the revolution achieves its goals, this revolution is legitimized bz its results. The best way for implementation of the principles and ideas of the revolution in relatively stable and relatively permanent form, are processes of institutionalization and constitutionalization. Concearning the revolutionary government and its power, it is principle that political power tends to be as wide and strong as it can, as for other forms of goverment. Unlimited power is a great threat to freedom. Limiting the political power is very important for the success of the revolution, besause all revolutions are raised in the name of freedom. This can be achieved by replacing personal power with appropriate institutions and legal system, based on rational and humane principles of the revolution. Institutionalization and constitutionalization enable revolution to be completed, which means to end the use of revolutionary methods and radical measures. Using these process enable that gains of the revolution are preserved for future generations, without any radical deviations and without shedding of human blood

    Nauke odbrane ili vojne nauke - pola veka bez odgovora

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    Ion-atom interaction potential dependence on the ion’s charge exchange

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    It was both shown theoretically and experimentally that it was possible to construct an accurate proton-silicon interaction potential (the rainbow potential) applying the rainbow morphological method1. That method has been also introduced for studying ion-atom interaction potentials for different ion-crystal combinations2-4. In the work presented here, we analyze the proton-silicon interaction potential dependence on the changing of the charge of neon atoms inside the silicon crystal channels. It has been demonstrated that one can prescribe the rainbow potential dependence on the ion’s charge state.SCMP : the 21st symposium on condensed matter physics : book of abstracts; 26-30 June 2023, Belgrad

    Volumetric Analysis of Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Prefrontal Cortex in Therapy-Naive PTSD Participants

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    Objective. In our study we have hypothesized that volume changes of amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex are more pronounced in male posttraumatic stress disorder participants. Material and Methods. We have conducted a study of 79 male participants who underwent MRI brain scanning. PTSD diagnosis was confirmed in 49 participants. After MRI was taken all scans were software based volume computed and statistically processed. Results. We found that left amygdala is the most significant parameter for distinction between PTSD participants and participants without PTSD. There were no significant differences in volumes of hippocampi and prefrontal cortices. Roc curve method outlined left amygdala AUC = 0.898 (95% CI = 0.830-0.967) and right amygdala AUC = 0.882 (95% CI = 0.810-0.954) in the group of PTSD participants which makes both variables highly statistically significant. Conclusion. The present investigation revealed significant volume decrease of left amygdala in PTSD patients. Concerning important functions of the amygdala and her neuroanatomical connections with other brain structures, we need to increase number of participants to clarify the correlation between impared amygdala and possible other different brain structures in participants with PTSD

    The essence of phenomenon of peace and the notion of peace building

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    Peace, as well as its inevitable companion and rival - war, are extremely complex notions and important socio-historical phenomena. This is why the study of peace, and its proper understanding, requires a wise philosophical view and a bold scientific and intellectual synthesis. Peace and war are complex notions and seductive phenomena, which can easily lead us to various dilemmas, blind alleys, simplifications, and also intellectual and ethical antinomies. What truly peace is represents a great question and it is unknown whether it is tranquility, respite, stagnation or absence of life, antithesis of war, oasis of human happiness or perhaps renouncement of any happiness. Dealing with peace shares a similar problem with artistic description of happiness, where we often lack the right words and appropriate sublime and dynamic action - on the other hand, an artist is eloquent, inspired, emotional and profound when describing misfortunes and suffering of nations and men. Peace has been mostly perceived as a necessary rest between wars and bloody battles throughout history. We think that it is necessary to abandon the often dominant Manichean image of the world, represented by dual dialectic and a black-and-white connection between peace and war, and that it is time for us to open ourselves to, among other things, wisdom from the East, which speaks about complementing, reciprocity and contrast between Yin and Yang, much like Galtung, the founder of the peace studies. There is virtually no human activity that has not touched, in its own particular way - through commonsense, teleologically, mythically, epically, scientifically, intellectually, spiritually, with heart and soul, the questions and phenomena of war and peace because both peace and war are so crucially important for man, society and the overall humankind. Peace building is the necessity of the highest order because if the planet Earth is not in the state of sustainable peace, we fear that there will be no man left on it. Hence, peace and peace-building are not merely ethical, scientific, esthetic, diplomatic or theological issues, even though they are all of these, but primarily the issues of destiny of humans and human society. Peace is an issue of the highest order, a requirement of all requirements, and hope before all other human hopes

    Healthcare associated Clostridioides difficile infection in adult surgical and medical patients hospitalized in tertiary hospital in Belgrade, Serbia: a seven years prospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI) is one of the most common healthcare-associated (HA) infections in contemporary medicine. The risk factors (RFs) for HA CDI in medical and surgical patients are poorly investigated in countries with a limited resource healthcare system. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate differences in patients’ characteristics, factors related to healthcare and outcomes associated with HA CDI in surgical and medical patients in tertiary healthcare centre in Serbia. Materials and Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted including adult patients diagnosed with initial episode of HA CDI, first recurrence of disease, readmission to hospital, while deaths within 30 days of CDI diagnosis and in-hospital mortality were also recorded. Patients hospitalized for any non-surgical illness, who developed initial HA CDI were assigned to medical group, whereas those who developed initial HA CDI after surgical procedures were in surgical group. The data on patients’ characteristics and factors related to healthcare were collected, too. Results: During 7-year period, from 553 patients undergoing in-hospital treatment and diagnosed with CDI, 268 (48.5%) and 285 (51.5%) were surgical and medical patients, respectively. Age ≥ 65 years, use of proton pump inhibitors, chemotherapy and fluoroquinolones were positively associated with being in medical group, whereas admission to intensive care unit and use of second- and third-generation cephalosporins were positively associated with being in surgical group. Conclusions: Based on obtained results, including significant differences in 30-day mortality and in-hospital mortality, it can be concluded that medical patient were more endangered with HA CDI than surgical ones

    Povezanost tipa preloma kosti i stepena formiranja kalusa sa koncentracijom leptina kod dece sa prelomima dugih kostiju

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    Background/Aim. Recent studies indicate that adipokines have an important role in bone physiology and pathology. Recent data indicate that adipokine leptin functions as a regulator of bone growth at multiple levels, systemically and locally. So far, it has been shown that leptin influences bone volume and bone mineral density in a population with metabolic and/or hormonal abnormality. Data concerning leptin values in non-obese children with fractures are scarce. Methods. This study included 93 non-obese children with long bone fractures (LBF), 14 children with short bone fractures (SBF), and 19 healthy children. Leptin concentration was determined in two blood samples (day 0 and day 21) and analyzed according to gender, fracture type, anatomical localization of the fracture, fracture topography, callus formation, and the healing outcome. Results. Children with LBF demonstrated significantly increased leptin levels compared to the control group (both day 0/day 21). In the control group, girls had significantly more leptin than boys. Leptin value was significantly influenced by anatomical localization since boys and girls with humerus fracture and girls with femur fracture had the highest average leptin concentration in the initial sample. Boys with incomplete callus formation had the highest leptin concentration (both day 0/day 21), significantly elevated compared to boys' samples in the control group, boys' samples with an intermediary and well-formed callus, and also increased compared to the initial samples of girls with incomplete callus. Better callus formation in girls was associated with an increment of leptin concentrations in the second over the initial sample. Girls with partially and satisfactorily formed callus had significantly increased leptin concentration in the second sample (day 21) compared to the boys' group. Conclusion. Leptin concentration was significantly increased (both samples) in children with LBF compared to children with SBF and corresponding controls. Leptin concentration was highly influenced by gender. High blood leptin concentrations in boys or low leptin concentrations in girls immediately upon fracture could be used to identify groups of children with incomplete callus formation.Uvod/Cilj.Novijestudije pokazuju da adipokini imaju važnu ulogu u fiziologiji i patologiji kostiju. Takođe, najnoviji podaci pokazuju da adipokin leptin funkcioniše kao regulator rasta kostiju sistemski i lokalno. Pokazano je da leptin utiče na volumen kostiju i mineralnu gustinu kostiju u populaciji sa metaboličkom i/ili hormonskom abnormalnošću. Podaci o vrednostima leptina kod negojazne dece sa frakturama su oskudni. Metode. U ovu studijubil a su uključena93 negojazna deteta sa prelomima dugih kostiju (LBF), 14 dece sa prelomima malih kostiju (SBF) i 19 zdrave dece. Koncentracija leptina određena je u 2 uzorka krvi (0. danai 21 . dana) i analizirana prema polu, tipu frakture, lokalizaciji anatomske frakture, topografiji frakture, formiranju kalusa i ishodu zarastanja.Rezultati.Deca sa LBF imala su značajnopovećane nivoeleptina u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom u oba uzorka krvi ( 0. dana/21 . dana). U kontrolnoj grupi devojčice su imale značajno više nivoe leptina od dečaka. Na vrednost leptina značajno je uticala anatomska lokalizacija, jer su dečaci i devojčice sa prelomom humerusa i devojčice sa prelomom femura imali najveću prosečnu koncentraciju leptina u početnom uzorku. Dečaci sa nepotpuno for miranim kalusom imali su najveću koncentraciju leptina (u oba uzorka, 0. dana/21. dana),značajno višuu odnosu na kontrolne uzorke dečaka, uzorke dečaka s intermedijarnim i dobro formiranim kalusom, a takođe višu u odnosu na koncentracije leptina u početnim uzorcima djevojčica s nepotpunim kalusom. Bolje formiranje kalusa kod devojčica je bilo povezano sa poveć anjem koncentracije leptina u drugom (21. dan) u odnosu na početni uzorak(0. dan). Devojčice sa delimično i zadovoljavajuće formiranim kalusom imale su značajno višu koncentraciju leptina u drugom uzorku (21. dan ) u odnosu na grupu dečaka. Zaključak. Koncentracija leptina je značajno povećana (u oba uzorkakrvi ) kod dece sa LBF u poređenju sa decom sa SBF i odgovarajućim kontrolama. Koncentracija leptina je zavisna od pola. Visok nivo leptina u krvi kod dečaka ili niska koncentracija leptina kod devojčica odmah nakon preloma može se koristiti za identifikaciju grupa dece sa nepotpunim formiranjem kalusa

    Animal feed-way to functional foods

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    Funkcionalna hrana je hrana koja ima povoljan uticaj na ljudsko zdravlje mimo uobičajenih nutritivnih funkcija. Biološki aktivna jedinjenja su nosioci povoljnog dejstva funkcionalne hrane. Brojni naučni dokazi govore u prilog tome da je ishrana bogata pojedinim namirnicama direktno u vezi sa smanjenim rizikom od hroničnih, nezaraznih bolesti. Funkcionalnu hranu nije lako obuhvatiti jedinstvenom definicijom, ova hrana je pre svega koncept, a ne dobro definisana grupa prehrambenih proizvoda. Funkcionalne namirnice, imaju pozitivne efekte po zdravlje ljudi i najčešće se koriste u očuvanju optimalnih gastrointestinalnih funkcija, podizanju nivoa aktivnosti antioksidativne odbrane organizma, smanjenju faktora rizika uključenih u etiologiju kardiovaskularnih oboljenja i kancera. Najčešći funkcionalni sastojci koji se koriste pri obogaćivanju živinskih i ostalih animalnih namirnica su: selen, omega-3 masne kiseline, vitamin E i konjugovana linolna kiselina (CLA). U ovom radu prikazane su neke od mogućnosti da se dodavanjem u hranu za životinje organskog selena, lana, konjugovane linolne kiseline, utiče na dobijanje namirnica animalnog porekla sa većim sadržajem selena ili povoljnijeg masnokiselinskog sastava. Navedeni sastojci atraktivni su prvenstveno zbog toga što se već niz godina u razvoju funkcionalne hrane teži dizajniranju većeg broja proizvoda za očuvanje zdravlja kardiovaskularnog sistema i smanjenje prekomerne telesne mase, budući da su to najveći problem modernog načina života.Functional foods are foods that have a favorable impact on human health by the usual nutritional functions. Biologically active compounds are holders of a favorable effects of functional foods. Numerous scientific evidence supports the fact that a diet rich in certain foods directly related to reduced risk of chronic, noncommunicable diseases. Functional food is not easily included in a single definition, this food is primarily a concept, not a well-defined group food products.Functional foods have positive effects on human health and is commonly used in improving the gastrointestinal function and activity of antioxidant systems, reducing the risk factors involved in the etiology of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The most common functional ingredients used in the enrichment of poultry and other animal foods are: selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This paper presents some of the possibilities that adding the feed of organic selenium, flax, conjugated linoleicaci deffect on production of food of animal origin with a higher content of selenium or a more favorable fatty acid composition. Those ingredients are attractive primarily because for many yearsin the development of functional food saims to designa large number of products for the health of the cardiovascular system, and reduction of overweight, as they are the biggest problems of the modern life style