44 research outputs found

    Maximal Independent Sets for Pooling in Graph Neural Networks

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have enabled major advances in image classification through convolution and pooling. In particular, image pooling transforms a connected discrete lattice into a reduced lattice with the same connectivity and allows reduction functions to consider all pixels in an image. However, there is no pooling that satisfies these properties for graphs. In fact, traditional graph pooling methods suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: Graph disconnection or overconnection, low decimation ratio, and deletion of large parts of graphs. In this paper, we present three pooling methods based on the notion of maximal independent sets that avoid these pitfalls. Our experimental results confirm the relevance of maximal independent set constraints for graph pooling

    Composing the North: a musical study of identity, transformation, and reflection

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    In 2015, occursus – a network of artists, researchers, and academics with an interest in space and spatialities in art – commissioned a series of musical compositions based on a small patch of land close to the centre of Sheffield, England. The land in question, which houses one of the world’s oldest cementation furnaces, has witnessed a remarkable period of transformation; initially standing among some 2,500 furnaces in the heart of the industrialised city centre, the national decline of steel production resulted in dereliction and for much of the past sixty years the furnace towered over wasteland. occursus acquired the land in 2012, and turned it into a community arts space, now known as Furnace Park. This article explains how a series of composers responded to this park through the creation of new musical works. Although most attention is directed to the author’s own work, Foundry Flux (2015), the primary focus of the article is on the collective approach to occursus’ objectives which, to the surprise of all of the commission-holders, focused their attention way beyond the tiny patch of land in the heart of Sheffield; the project became a catalyst for: 1) studying the identity of the city; 2) observing and initiating transformations of that identity; and 3) reflecting upon one’s own role within such identity transformations. In combining these three, those in the group found themselves engaged in a practical process of composing the north

    Maximal Independent Vertex Set applied to Graph Pooling

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have enabled major advances in image classification through convolution and pooling. In particular, image pooling transforms a connected discrete grid into a reduced grid with the same connectivity and allows reduction functions to take into account all the pixels of an image. However, a pooling satisfying such properties does not exist for graphs. Indeed, some methods are based on a vertex selection step which induces an important loss of information. Other methods learn a fuzzy clustering of vertex sets which induces almost complete reduced graphs. We propose to overcome both problems using a new pooling method, named MIVSPool. This method is based on a selection of vertices called surviving vertices using a Maximal Independent Vertex Set (MIVS) and an assignment of the remaining vertices to the survivors. Consequently, our method does not discard any vertex information nor artificially increase the density of the graph. Experimental results show an increase in accuracy for graph classification on various standard datasets

    Kvalitet i barnehagen

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    Ifølge Utdanningsdirektoratet er barns trivsel og utvikling målet for alt kvalitetsarbeid i barnehagesektoren. Barnehagelov og rammeplan gir rammene for hva som er kvalitet i barnehagen, og kvalitetsarbeidet handler om å oppfylle rammeplanens intensjoner (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2022). Et kompetent pedagogisk personale er en forutsetning for et barnehagetilbud av god kvalitet (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017). Men barnehagelærerens rolle er sammensatt og krever ulike ferdigheter, kompetanser og ikke minst personlige og faglige egenskaper for å kunne utøve profesjon i samsvar med gitt samfunnsmandatet. Både som student og som barnehagemamma har jeg opplevd og erfart store variasjoner i kvalitetstilbud på tvers av avdelinger innen samme barnehage. Barnehagelæreren er gitt ansvar til å tolke og omsette disse føringene i praksis på bakgrunn av faglig kunnskap og et godt faglig skjønn. Slik sett, hvordan en tar i bruk sin faglige kunnskap, profesjonelle dømmekraft og faglig skjønn er avgjørende for kvalitetstilbud i barnehagen. Metode frihet og autonomi er som sagt viktig, men jeg lurte litt på hvordan barnehagen jobbet for å skape profesjonsfelleskap innad barnehagen med den hensikt til å unngå at personlige verdier og holdninger ble lagt mer vekt til enn pedagogisk bevissthet rundt egen profesjon og yrkesrolle. Derfor hadde jeg formulert følgende problemstilling: Hvordan opplever pedagogiske ledere egen rolle i kvalitetssikring i en enkel barnehage?publishedVersio

    Rich Situated Attitudes

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    We outline a novel theory of natural language meaning, Rich Situated Semantics [RSS], on which the content of sentential utterances is semantically rich and informationally situated. In virtue of its situatedness, an utterance’s rich situated content varies with the informational situation of the cognitive agent interpreting the utterance. In virtue of its richness, this content contains information beyond the utterance’s lexically encoded information. The agent-dependence of rich situated content solves a number of problems in semantics and the philosophy of language (cf. [14, 20, 25]). In particular, since RSS varies the granularity of utterance contents with the interpreting agent’s informational situation, it solves the problem of finding suitably fine- or coarse-grained objects for the content of propositional attitudes. In virtue of this variation, a layman will reason with more propositions than an expert

    Internet and the Environment: A Catalyst to Consumerism and Environmental Degradation

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    Many activities and work traditionally performed in person have shifted online in the past few years. The sudden surge in the use and reliance on the Internet strongly underlined how it has affected consumerism and thus the environment. In this light, this research seeks to address how billions of people\u27s daily use of the Internet intensifies their consumption habits and degrades the environment altogether at high speed. The ramifications of Internet use are observed from three specific perspectives: economic, psychological, and political. As such, this research paper is broken down into five chapters. The first chapter observes the environmental issues resulting from the use of the Internet and explores the Internet and its technologies’ role in consumerism, and its effects on society due to the degradation of the environment. Physical effects, such as air pollution and e-waste caused by the Internet are also observed. The following chapter 2 explores how our habits in E-commerce and cryptocurrency are unsustainable. Chapter 3 observes the digital footprint and discusses why society consumes so much. One of the reasons is triggers from advertisements and commercials on the Internet. This chapter also looks at the correlation between generation Z\u27s Internet use and their increased susceptibility to mental health issues such as Nature Deficit-disorder. The fourth chapter explores the way users communicate online about environmental topics and what actions they might take, as a result, as well as the influencers\u27 role and trends in consumerism habits. It also looks at information pollution and how this might affect discourse online. In Chapter 5, a few policies concerning the management of online advertisements and the Internet technologies are observed as a potential solution to the problems raised throughout the paper