77 research outputs found

    Vocabulary learning and acquisition strategies aimed at developing reading ability in English for Specific Purposes education

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    Cilj doktorske disertacije pod naslovom „Strategije učenja i usvajanja vokabulara u funkciji razvijanja veštine čitanja“ je da utvrdi koje strategije učenja vokabulara koriste studenti engleskog jezika struke za otkrivanje značenja nepoznatih reči u tekstu. Strategije učenja vokabulara predstavljaju ne samo važne „alate“ koji omogućuju studentima da odrede značenja nepoznatih reči i olakšavaju proces njihovog usvajanja, već i važne kognitivne i praktične mehanizme koji poboljšavaju razumevanje prilikom čitanja i razumevanje receptivnog vokabulara. Empirijsko istraživanje, koje pripada oblasti primenjene lingvistike, rađeno je sa studentima pravnog fakulteta. Na prvom testu (testu poznavanja vokabulara i razumevanja pročitanog) kojim se ispituje veština zaključivanja (pogađanja značenja nepoznatih reči) korišćenje rečnika nije bilo dozvoljeno. Na istom testu poznavanja vokabulara i razumevanja pročitanog rađenom kasnije ista grupa studenata imala je pristup elektronskim rečnicima sa ciljem ispitivanja veštine korišćenja rečnika. Pored toga, korišćen je upitnik o strategijama učenja vokabulara (Qian 2004) i upitnik koji ispituje metakognitivnu svest studenata u toku čitanja (Mokhtari, Reichard 2002; Mokhtari, Sheorey 2002), kao već dokazana istraživačka sredstva pomoću kojih se meri učestalost korišćenja strategija. Strategija inferiranja i strategija korišćenja rečnika usled svoje multifunkcionalnosti istovremeno predstavljaju i strategije učenja vokabulara i strategije čitanja. Obe strategije su podvrste strategija učenja jezika koje poboljšavaju razumevanje prilikom čitanja, pa su stoga predmet istraživanja bile i strategije čitanja koje olakšavaju razumevanje teksta. U okviru mešovite istraživačke metodologije kvantitativno istraživanje je dopunjeno kvalitativnom istraživačkom paradigmom u vidu tehnike glasnog razmišljanja (koja je pružila uvid u radnje koje studenti poduzimaju kako bi izveli zaključke o značenju nepoznatih reči pomoću konteksta i drugih raspoloživih informacija) i razgovora sa celom grupom ispitanika (čime se došlo do podataka o vrstama rečnika koji se koriste za učenje vokabulara). Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje sledećih korelacija: povezanosti između stavova studenata engleskog jezika struke o sopstvenom strateškom ponašanju navedenih u upitniku i rezultata testova poznavanja vokabulara i razumevanja pročitanog; povezanosti između učestalosti korišćenja strategija i drugih varijabli (pola, uzrasta, dužine učenja engleskog kao stranog jezika i ocene iz srednje škole); povezanosti između rezultata testova. Istraživanje može pomoći nastavniku da uvrsti u nastavu različite strategije učenja vokabulara i strategije čitanja za koje se, na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, pretpostavlja da bi studentima bile od koristi. Strateška intervencija, koju bi sprovodio nastavnik u vidu eksplicitnog podučavanja strategijama učenja, bila bi integrisana u nastavu engleskog jezika struke kao pedagoška implikacija ovog istraživanja. Na taj način bi se promovisao model strateškog čitanja i strateškog učenja kao imperativ savremene didaktike, a studenti bi se profilisali kao stratezi koji svoje učenje kontrolišu i nadgledaju preuzimajući odgovornost za sopstveni napredak.The aim of the doctoral thesis entitled “Vocabulary learning and acquisition strategies aimed at developing reading ability in English for Specific Purposes education” is to determine which vocabulary learning strategies English for Specific Purposes students employ to discover the meaning of unknown words in the text. Vocabulary learning strategies are not only important "tools" which enable students to determine the meaning of unknown words and facilitate the process of their acquisition, but also important cognitive and practical mechanisms that enhance both reading comprehension and comprehension of receptive vocabulary. Empirical research, which belongs to the field of applied linguistics, is carried out with law students. Students were not allowed to use dictionaries on the first test (a vocabulary test and reading comprehension test) that examined students’ lexical inferencing skills (guessing the meaning of unknown words). The same group of students had access to electronic dictionaries on the same vocabulary test and reading comprehension test performed afterwards in order to investigate students’ dictionary skills. In addition, the questionnaire on vocabulary learning strategies (Qian 2004) and Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (Mokhtari, Reichard 2002; Mokhtari, Sheorey 2002) were employed as already established research instruments that measured the frequency of self-reported strategy use. Due to their multifunctionality, lexical inferencing strategy and the strategy of vocabulary use are regarded as both vocabulary learning strategies and reading strategies. Both of them are subgroups of language learning strategies used for improving reading comprehension, hence reading strategies that facilitate text comprehension were also investigated in this research. In the mixed research methodology, quantitative research was complemented by qualitative research paradigm in the form of think-aloud protocol (which provided an insight into the actions students took to infer the meaning of unknown words from the context and other available clues) and whole group discussion (which provided information on dictionary types used for vocabulary learning). The aim of the research was to determine the following correlations: correlations between statements from questionnaires given by English for Specific Purposes students about their own strategic behavior and the results of vocabulary and reading comprehension tests; correlations between the frequency of strategy use and other variables (gender, age, length of learning English as a foreign language and marks scored in English language as a secondary school subject); correlations between test results. The research can help the teacher to integrate different vocabulary strategies and reading strategies in English for Specific Purposes education that are assumed to be beneficial for students, based on the obtained results. Strategic intervention, carried out by a teacher in the form of explicit strategies-based instruction, would be integrated into English for Specific Purposes instruction as a pedagogical implication of this research. It would thus promote the model of strategic reading and strategic learning as an imperative of contemporary didactics, whereas the students would be profiled as strategic learners who control and monitor their own learning by taking responsibility for their own progress

    Ionizing irradiation affect extracellular nucleotide hydrolysis in brain of rats in different stages of development: ii 30-day-old rats

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    The effect of acute gamma irradiation (IR) on enzyme activity of rat brain Ecto-Nucleotide Diphosphohydrolase (E-NTPDase), in presence of adenosine triand diphophashates (ATP and ADP) and divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+), has been investigated. The aim of research was to study the influence of low (50 cGy) and therapeutic (2Gy) doses of whole-body irradiation on rat brain E-NTPDase enzyme activity 24h after treatment in prepubertal and adult rats. Our results suggest that whole-body irradiation could induce modulation of neural activity in rat brain, especially in young rats.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Tula virus phylogeography

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    Molecular characterization of Dobrava-Belgrade hantavirus in Serbia, 2007-2011

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    Background: Hantaviruses are etiological agents of emerging zoonotic diseases worldwide, including hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). A number of hantavirus species is known to be present in Europe. In Serbia, existing data on hantavirus presence and prevalence rely in serological findings. In this study, molecular analysis was performed in order to characterize HFRS causing hantaviruses in Serbia. Methods: Sixty four serum samples of HFRS cases, previously found seropositive to anti-hantaviral anti-bodies, were included in the study. Partial hantaviral L and S segments were PCR amplified producing 390nt and 598nt amplicons, respectively, in parallel with human beta-actin mRNA as external reverse transcription positive control. Hantavirus specific PCR products were DNA sequenced in both direction and the obtained sequences phylogenetically confirmed and analyzed. Results: PCR detection of hantavirus L and S genome segments was positive in 18/64 and 11/64 tested samples, respectively. Positive PCR results involved samples obtained from different locations, mostly from central and southern parts of Serbia. All the obtained sequences were identified as Dobrava-Belgrade virus (DOBV). In the phylogenetic analysis sequences from Serbia tended to cluster in distinctive, geographically related clusters. Conclusions: Our findings indicate DOBV as the main HFRS causing hantavirus in Serbia, the site of its initial isolation. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Limited on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Detection of the Xanthi Chryso-like Virus in New Geographical Area and a Novel Arthropod Carrier

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    Here, we report on a serendipitous finding of a chryso-like virus associated with Culex pipiens mosquitos in the course of study aimed to detect and characterize West Nile virus (WNV) circulating in mosquitos in Serbia, Southern Europe. Upon initial detection of unexpected product in a PCR protocol for partial WNV NS5 gene amplification, further confirmation and identification was obtained through additional PCR and Sanger sequencing experiments. Bioinformatic and phylogenetic analysis identified the obtained sequences as Xanthi chryso-like virus (XCLV). The finding is particular for the fact that it associates XCLV with a new potential vector species and documents a novel geographical area of its distribution

    Circulating Fatty Acids Associate with Metabolic Changes in Adolescents Living with Obesity

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    Fatty acids play a crucial role in obesity development and in the comorbidities of obesity in both adults and children. This study aimed to assess the impact of circulating fatty acids on biomarkers of metabolic health of adolescents living with obesity. Parameters such as blood lipids, redox status, and leukocyte telomere length (rLTL) were measured alongside the proportions of individual fatty acids. The Mann–Whitney U test revealed that individuals with obesity exhibited an unfavorable lipid and redox status compared to the control normal weight group. The group with obesity also had lower plasma n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and a higher ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFAs than the control group. They also had a shorter rLTL, indicating accelerated biological aging. There was an inverse association of rLTL and plasma n-6-to-n-3 PUFA ratio. Future studies should explore the impact of recommended nutrition plans and increased physical activity on these parameters to determine if these interventions can enhance the health and well-being of adolescents with obesity, knowing that early obesity can track into adulthood

    Evolutionary dynamics of Usutu virus: Worldwide dispersal patterns and transmission dynamics in Europe

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    Background: Usutu virus (USUV) is an emerging mosquito-borne Flavivirus, with birds as the main zoonotic reservoir. Humans are accidental hosts and mostly develop mild or even asymptomatic infections, although severe complications such as encephalitis can also arise. Detailed characterization of the pathogen's phylogenetics may offer valuable insights into the prediction and prevention of potential epidemics; however, lack of uniformity and the number of available USUV sequences worldwide hamper comprehensive investigation. Aim: The study aimed to investigate USUV spatio-temporal dispersal inter- and intracontinentally and to estimate the dynamics of viral spread within Europe. Methods: Phylogeographic and phylodynamic analyses were done using advanced phylogenetic methods implemented in Beast 1.10.4 and Beast 2.6.4 software packages. Results: Herein, we report on a new USUV isolate from Culex pipiens collected in 2019 from Serbia. The results of this research revealed two newly described intercontinental migration events of USUV from Africa to Germany in the 1970s and from Africa to the Middle East (Israel) in the late 90s. Finally, phylodynamic analysis substantiated the ongoing active expansion of USUV in Europe. Conclusion: The data would imply a high potential for further USUV expansion in Europe. Detailed phylogenetic characterization of the pathogen may offer valuable insights into prediction and prevention of potential epidemics; however, lack of uniformity and number of available USUV sequences worldwide hampers comprehensive investigation. This study draws attention to the need for upscaling USUV surveillance

    Distribution of macrolide-resistant genes among isolates of macrolideresistant Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae in Serbia

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    Macrolide resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae and in group A streptococci (GAS) is a significant problem worldwide. In Serbia, data on the mechanisms of resistance and the corresponding resistance genes in streptococci are largely lacking. Therefore, we analyzed the distribution of macrolide resistance phenotypes and genotypes in 44 macrolideresistant GAS (MRGAS) and 50 macrolide-resistant S. pneumoniae (MRSP) isolates collected in the same period. The double disk diffusion test and PCR were used to analyze resistance phenotypes and resistance genes, respectively. Among MRSP, the MLSB phenotype dominated, whereas the M phenotype was the most prevalent among MRGAS isolates. Consequently, in MRSP, the ermB gene was the most common (n=40, 80%), followed by the mefA gene (n=7,14%). In MRGAS strains, mefA dominated (n=27,61%), followed by ermA (n=15, 33%) and ermB (n=3, 7%). In 3 MRSP isolates no resistance genes were detected, while one MRGAS strain with iMLSB phenotype harbored both ermA and mefA genes

    Himalayan balsam in the flora of the Sirinić valley: a threat or a gain?

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    Летња терофита Impatiens glandulifera Royle (хималајски балзам, фамилија Balsaminaceae) потиче из уског подножја западних Хималаја, где се традиционално користи као лековита. Изван свог исходишта већ скоро два века колонизује углавном минералним хранивима (посебно азотом и фосфором) богата низијска крајречна станишта, и сматра се проблематичним освајачем који доводи до смањења биљне разноврсности, поспешивања ерозије и успоравања разлагања органске материје. Ова врста већ је инвазивна у преко 30 држава света, а Европска Комисија прогласила ју је за једну од најопаснијих инвазивних врста биљака1. У Србији, ова врста је још увек ретка и класификована је као „спорадично инвазивна“. Међутим, у изолованом планинском и природно олиготрофном станишту Сиринићке жупе (Косово и Метохија), атипичном за ову врсту, бројне и добро развијене састојине први пут смо регистровали 2021. године, углавном у долини реке Лепенац и њених притока (до 1200 m надморске висине) 2. 19 Приказаћемо сумаризацију резултата који су проистекли из мапирања распрострањености, анализе нативне вегетације у којој се јавља, карактеристика земљишта, морфологије самог „уљеза“ (висина, пречник стабла, сува маса јединке), као и знања локалног становништва о овој врсти. Хималајски балзам (локални назив „пуцавац“) донесен је у Сиринићку жупу почетком седамдесетих година прошлог века као украсна биљка, која је убрзо побегла из башти и дворишта. Њено даље ширење и трајно успостављање омогућено је драстичном деградацијом предела од стране човека, понајпре уништењем природне крајречне вегетације сечом шума и еутрофикацијом земљишта отпадним водама из домаћинства. У природну вегетацију која још увек није антропогено нарушена (ливадске и алувијалне састојине) ова биљка може спорадично да продре, међутим не и да се одржи. Дакле, иако се најкрупније јединке хималајског балзама са највећим потенцијалом за даљу инвазију налазе у најоштећенијој вегетацији (са најмањим диверзитетом), наши резултати указују да, за сада, ова декоративна и медоносна врста ту може евентуално да замени нитрофиле као што је коприва. Много је алармантнија, међутим, незаинтересованост млађе популације (до 30 година), која ову веома упадљиву врсту не примећује и не препознаје, што индиректно указује на општу ерозију традиционалног еколошког знања у овом подручју.Summer therophyte Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Himalayan balsam, family Balsaminaceae) originates from a narrow zone in the foothills of the Western Himalaya, where it is used in traditional medicine. For almost two centuries it has been colonizing nutrient enriched (mainly with nitrogen and phosphorus) lowland alluvial habitats outside of its native range, and is currently considered a problematic intruder which causes decrease of plant diversity, promotes soil erosion and hampers nutrient cycling. This plant species has been classified as invasive in over 30 countries around the world, and considered one of top invaders of the European Union concern1 . In Serbia, it is still rather rare, classified as “sporadically invasive”. However, in an isolated mountainous habitat of the Sirinić valley (Kosovo and Metohija), naturally oligotrophic and atypical for this species, we have recently registered numerous and well developed stands of Himalayan balsam, predominantly in the alluvium of the Lepenac river and its tributaries (up to the elevation of 1200 m a.s.l.) 2 . We shall present the joint analysis of distribution mapping of the invader, its life history traits (height, stem diameter, aboveground dry weight), characteristics of the invaded domicile vegetation and concomitant soil properties, supplemented by the local knowledge on this species. 22 Himalayan balsam (vernacular name “pucavac” among the Serbian population) in the study area escaped from the gardens soon after deliberate introduction as an ornamental plant in the early 1970’s. Its further spread and successful establishment has been enabled by drastic anthropogenic landscape change and habitat degradation, primarily through severe deforestation of riparian vegetation coupled with the pronounced soil eutrophication by direct discharge of household wastewaters in the local river system. Interestingly, this species was able to sporadically occur, but not to get established in undisturbed natural vegetation like meadows or riparian forests. Thus, though the largest individuals of this intruder, implying its strongest potential for further spread, consistently occurred in the most degraded vegetation (with the lowest species diversity), our results suggest that under the current conditions this decorative, nectar producing species might substitute nitrophiles like stinging nettle in the secondary vegetation. Much severe risk might be the overall indifference of the younger population (under the age of 30 years), who do not recognize or even notice this rather conspicuous species, what indicates a general trend of erosion of traditional ecological knowledge in the study area

    Biološki aktivni faktori sojinog proteinskog izolata dobijenog iz hidrotermički tretiranog lomljenog zrna

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    The influence of the treatment duration and steam pressure on inactivation of biologically active components is presented in this paper. Steaming of cracked soya bean grains used for the protein isolate preparation of efficiently inactivated trypsin inhibitors (TI). Residual activity of Kunitz inhibitor was only detected (2.59-1.70%). The most suitable properties for utilisation in food technology were found for soya bean protein isolate (SPI) prepared from cracked soya bean grains hydrothermally treated for 10 minutes, using steam pressure of 1.5 bar. Such SPI contained 12.34% of residual TI activity, and compared to the untreated sample it contained similar levels of lectin (0.29%) and phytic acid (1.88%).Primena soje i proizvoda na bazi proteina soje ograničena je prisustvom komponenti sa antinutritivnim dejstvom, poput inhibitora proteinaza fitinske kiseline, lektina. Prisustvo ovih komponenti prouzrokovalo je potrebu za iznalaženjem optimalnih rešenja za poboljšanje kvaliteta proizvoda od proteina soje. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj na promenu aktivnosti biološki aktivnih komponenti proteinskog izolata lomljenog sojinog zrna nakon produvavanja vodenom parom (pri nadpritisku 0,5 bar) u kraćim vremenskim intervalima (5, 10 i 15 minuta). Nakon primenjenog hidrotermičkog tretmana zapaženo je znatno smanjenje tripsin inhibitorske aktivnosti (TIA) sa 72,34% za netretirani proteinski izolat na 6,55% za izolat nakon 15-ominutnog tretmana, pri čemu je nosilac TIA Kunitz-ov tripsin inhibitor (TI) (2,59-1,70%), dok je Bowman-Birk-ov inhibitor registrovan samo kod izolata od netretiranog lomljenjog sojinog zrna (3,92%). SDS elektroforezom je ustanovljena promena u prisustvu lektina kod izolata dobijenih od tretiranih uzoraka (0,77-0,21%) u poređenju sa izolatom dobijenog od netretiranog zrna (1,96%). Rezultati ukazuju da sadržaji ukupnog rastvorljivog fosfora (11,35-5,96 mg P/g), fitinskog fosfora (1,09-0,53%) i fitinske kiseline (1,88-3,87%) pri ovako kratkotrajnim tretmanima (5, 10 i 15 min) nisu u direktnoj zavisnosti od dužine tretmana