58 research outputs found

    Faster than light motion does not imply time travel

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    Seeing the many examples in the literature of causality violations based on faster-than-light (FTL) signals one naturally thinks that FTL motion leads inevitably to the possibility of time travel. We show that this logical inference is invalid by demonstrating a model, based on (3+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, in which FTL motion is permitted (in every direction without any limitation on speed) yet which does not admit time travel. Moreover, the Principle of Relativity is true in this model in the sense that all observers are equivalent. In short, FTL motion does not imply time travel after all

    Thromboelastometry and Platelet Function during Acclimatization to High Altitude

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    Interaction between hypoxia and coagulation is important given the increased risk of thrombotic diseases in chronically hypoxic patients who reside at sea level and in residents at high altitude. Hypoxia alters the proteome of platelets favouring a prothrombotic phenotype, but studies of activation and consumption of specific coagulation factors in hypoxic humans have yielded conflicting results. We tested blood from 63 healthy lowland volunteers acclimatizing to high altitude (5,200 m) using thromboelastometry and assays of platelet function to examine the effects of hypoxia on haemostasis. Using data from two separate cohorts of patients following identical ascent profiles, we detected a significant delay in clot formation, but increased clot strength by day 7 at 5,200 m. The latter finding may be accounted for by the significant rise in platelet count and fibrinogen concentration that occurred during acclimatization. Platelet function assays revealed evidence of platelet hyper-reactivity, with shortened PFA-100 closure times and increased platelet aggregation in response to adenosine diphosphate. Post-expedition results were consistent with the normalization of coagulation following descent to sea level. These robust findings indicate that hypoxia increases platelet reactivity and, with the exception of the paradoxical delay in thromboelastometry clotting time, suggest a prothrombotic phenotype at altitude. Further work to elucidate the mechanism of platelet activation in hypoxia will be important and could impact upon the management of patients with acute or chronic hypoxic respiratory diseases who are at risk of thrombotic events. Erratum to: Thromboelastometry and platelet function during acclimatisation to high altitude (doi: 10.1160/TH17-02-0138) http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/129510/ In the Original Article by Rocke et al. “Thromboelastometry and platelet function during acclimatization to high altitude” (Thromb Haemost 2018; 118: 063-071) after publication of the article it has come to the corresponding author's attention that an author was inadvertently omitted from the manuscript. The author, Martin MacInnis, made a significant contribution to: 1. initiating the coagulation research that led to the manuscript, 2. designing the research protocol and performing the initial data analysis, 3. recruiting volunteers, writing applications for ethical approval and making other logistical arrangements that were necessary to complete the study. Martin MacInnis has read and approved the published version of the manuscript. Furthermore, a middle initial was added to the updated list (Shona E. Main) and misspelling of Elizabeth Horn's surname was corrected. The amended author list is as above. https://doi.org

    Integration testing of heterotic systems

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    Computational theory and practice generally focus on single-paradigm systems, but relatively little is known about how best to combine components based on radically different approaches (e.g. silicon chips and wetware) into a single coherent system. In particular, while testing strategies for single-technology artefacts are generally well developed, it is unclear at present how to perform integration testing on heterotic systems: can we develop a test-set generation strategy for checking whether specified behaviours emerge (and unwanted behaviours do not) when components based on radically different technologies are combined within a single system? In this paper, we describe an approach to modelling multi-technology heterotic systems using a general-purpose formal specification strategy based on Eilenberg's X-machine model of computation. We show how this approach can be used to represent disparate technologies within a single framework, and propose a strategy for using these formal models for automatic heterotic test-set generation. We illustrate our approach by showing how to derive a test set for a heterotic system combining an X-machine-based device with a cell-based P system (membrane system)

    Quantum hypercomputation based on the dynamical algebra su(1,1)

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    An adaptation of Kieu's hypercomputational quantum algorithm (KHQA) is presented. The method that was used was to replace the Weyl-Heisenberg algebra by other dynamical algebra of low dimension that admits infinite-dimensional irreducible representations with naturally defined generalized coherent states. We have selected the Lie algebra su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1), due to that this algebra posses the necessary characteristics for to realize the hypercomputation and also due to that such algebra has been identified as the dynamical algebra associated to many relatively simple quantum systems. In addition to an algebraic adaptation of KHQA over the algebra su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1), we presented an adaptations of KHQA over some concrete physical referents: the infinite square well, the infinite cylindrical well, the perturbed infinite cylindrical well, the P{\"o}sch-Teller potentials, the Holstein-Primakoff system, and the Laguerre oscillator. We conclude that it is possible to have many physical systems within condensed matter and quantum optics on which it is possible to consider an implementation of KHQA.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, conclusions rewritten, typing and language errors corrected and latex format changed minor changes elsewhere and

    Case Reports1. A Late Presentation of Loeys-Dietz Syndrome: Beware of TGFβ Receptor Mutations in Benign Joint Hypermobility

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    Background: Thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAA) and dissections are not uncommon causes of sudden death in young adults. Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) is a rare, recently described, autosomal dominant, connective tissue disease characterized by aggressive arterial aneurysms, resulting from mutations in the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) receptor genes TGFBR1 and TGFBR2. Mean age at death is 26.1 years, most often due to aortic dissection. We report an unusually late presentation of LDS, diagnosed following elective surgery in a female with a long history of joint hypermobility. Methods: A 51-year-old Caucasian lady complained of chest pain and headache following a dural leak from spinal anaesthesia for an elective ankle arthroscopy. CT scan and echocardiography demonstrated a dilated aortic root and significant aortic regurgitation. MRA demonstrated aortic tortuosity, an infrarenal aortic aneurysm and aneurysms in the left renal and right internal mammary arteries. She underwent aortic root repair and aortic valve replacement. She had a background of long-standing joint pains secondary to hypermobility, easy bruising, unusual fracture susceptibility and mild bronchiectasis. She had one healthy child age 32, after which she suffered a uterine prolapse. Examination revealed mild Marfanoid features. Uvula, skin and ophthalmological examination was normal. Results: Fibrillin-1 testing for Marfan syndrome (MFS) was negative. Detection of a c.1270G > C (p.Gly424Arg) TGFBR2 mutation confirmed the diagnosis of LDS. Losartan was started for vascular protection. Conclusions: LDS is a severe inherited vasculopathy that usually presents in childhood. It is characterized by aortic root dilatation and ascending aneurysms. There is a higher risk of aortic dissection compared with MFS. Clinical features overlap with MFS and Ehlers Danlos syndrome Type IV, but differentiating dysmorphogenic features include ocular hypertelorism, bifid uvula and cleft palate. Echocardiography and MRA or CT scanning from head to pelvis is recommended to establish the extent of vascular involvement. Management involves early surgical intervention, including early valve-sparing aortic root replacement, genetic counselling and close monitoring in pregnancy. Despite being caused by loss of function mutations in either TGFβ receptor, paradoxical activation of TGFβ signalling is seen, suggesting that TGFβ antagonism may confer disease modifying effects similar to those observed in MFS. TGFβ antagonism can be achieved with angiotensin antagonists, such as Losartan, which is able to delay aortic aneurysm development in preclinical models and in patients with MFS. Our case emphasizes the importance of timely recognition of vasculopathy syndromes in patients with hypermobility and the need for early surgical intervention. It also highlights their heterogeneity and the potential for late presentation. Disclosures: The authors have declared no conflicts of interes

    Investigating the interaction between personalities and the benefit of gamification

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