120 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility in the Polish Companies

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    The aim of this study was the attempt to investigate corporate social responsibility in the selected Polish companies. During the research procedure it was possible: to determine general awareness in the investigated companies in terms of their social responsibility activities; to determine the level of competence and the use of available tools as well as CRS standards. Due to the established aims of research, the following assumptions were formulated: Corporate social responsibility plays a significant role in the business activities that are undertaken by the researched companies. Selected Polish companies abide by international CRS quality standards

    Koncentracije koštanog morfogenog proteina-15 (bmp15) i faktora diferencijacije rasta-9 (gdf-9) u folikularnim cistama, mono i poliovocitnim folikulima nazimica

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    The objective of the study was to determine the concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9 in the fl uid of follicular cysts and ovarian follicles, and to compare their concentrations in mono- and polyoocyte follicles in gilts. The study involved two experiments conducted on the ovaries collected post-slaughter from gilts (7-8 months old). The fi rst experiment covered 31 follicular single cyst gilts (15-25 mm in diameter) and 41 gilts without cysts. Follicular fl uid from follicles of 8-10 mm in diameter (n=41) and 5-8 mm in diameter (n=41), and cystic fl uid (n=31) were collected for analysis. The second experiment involved collecting follicular fl uid from poly- (n=19) and monooocyte (n=22) follicles. The concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9 was then determined in the samples using specimen-specifi c ELISA kits. The differences in the concentration of these factors were calculated by means of analysis of variance and a posthoc test. Duncan’s multiple range test was used to verify the signifi cance of differences at P<0.05 and P<0.01. In addition, correlations between the factors were calculated. BMP-15 and GDF-9 levels in the cystic fl uid were signifi cantly higher than those in the follicular fl uid (P<0.01). However, no differences were observed between various size follicles or between mono- and polyoocyte follicles. BMP-15 and GDF-9 concentrations were found to be positively correlated (P<0.01). Differences in BMP-15 and GDF-9 concentrations in ovarian follicles and follicular cysts, as evidenced by our study, indicate that these factors may be related to folliculogenesis disorders in gilts. What is more, the number of oocytes in ovarian follicles does not infl uence the intrafollicular concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9.Cilj studije je bio da se odredi koncentracija BMP-15 i GDF-9 u tečnosti folikularnih cista i folikula ovarijuma kao i da se uporede njihove koncentracije kod mono i poliovocitnih folikula kod nazimica. Studija je obuhvatala dva eksperimenta koji su obavljeni na ovarijumima sakupljenim na liniji klanja od nazimica (starosti 7-8 meseci). Prvi eksperiment je obuhvatao ispitivanje 31 nazimice sa po jednom folikularnom cistom (15-25 mm u prečniku) i 45 nazimica bez cista. Sakupljene su i analizirane folikularne tečnosti iz folikula prečnika 8-10 mm (n=41) i 5-8 mm u prečniku (n=41) kao i tečnost cista (n=31). Drugi eksperiment je uključivao sakupljanje folikularne tečnosti od poli (n=19) i od monoovocitnih (n=22) folikula. Koncentracije BMP-15 i GDF-9 su određivane u uzorcima tečnosti korišćenjem ELISA kitova specifičnih za vrstu. Razlike u koncentracijama ovih faktora su izračunavane pomoću analize varijanse i posthok testom. U cilju određivanja statističke značajnosti razlika, upotrebljen je Duncan-ov višestrani test i to za P<0,05 i P<0,01. Korelacije između navedenih faktora su takođe izračunavane. Koncentracije BMP-15 i GDF-9 u tečnostima cista su bile značajno veće u odnosu na one u folikularnoj tečnosti (P<0,01). Međutim, nije ustanovljena razlika između folikula različitih veličina kao i između mono i poliovocitnih folikula. BMP-15 i GDF-9 koncentracije su bile u pozitivnoj korelaciji (P<0,01). Razlike u BMP15 i GDF-9 koncentracijama u folikulima ovarijuma i folikularnim cistama, kako je to prikazano studijom, ukazuju da ovi faktori mogu biti povezani sa poremećajima folikulogeneze kod nazimica. Štaviše, broj ovocita u folikulima ovarijuma ne utiče na intrafolikularnu koncentraciju BMP-15 i GDF-9

    Obrony rozpraw doktorskich

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    Obrony rozpraw doktorskic

    HEVC encoding assisted with noise reduction

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    Optimization of encoding process in video compression is an important research problem, especially in the case of modern, sophisticated compression technologies. In this paper, we consider HEVC, for which a novel method for selecting of the encoding modes is proposed. By the encoding modes we mean e.g. coding block structure, prediction types and motion vectors. The proposed selection is done basing on noise-reduced version of the input sequence, while the information about the video itself, e.g. transform coefficients, is coded basing on the unaltered input. The proposed method involves encoding of two versions of the input sequence, further, we show realization proving that the complexity is only negligibly higher than complexity of a single encoding. The proposal has been implemented in HEVC reference software from MPEG and tested experimentally. The results show that the proposal provides up to 1.5% bitrate reduction while preserving the same quality of a decoded video

    Lokalizacja taśmy u pacjentek z niepowodzeniem leczenia wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu za pomocą slingu podcewkowego

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    Objectives: The high-pressure zone of the urethra (HPZ), which is crucial for the continence mechanism, extends between the point of the maximum urethral closure pressure and the urethral knee, and has been calculated to lie between 53% and 72% of the functional urethral length. According to recent studies the best results of suburethral slings are achieved when tapes are positioned under this zone. The aim of the study was to determine the location of tapes relative to the urethral length in patients seeking help due to recurrent stress urinary incontinence (SUI) following sling procedures. Material and methods: The study group comprised 61 patients suffering from recurrent SUI following suburethral slings performed from 6 months to 5 years earlier. Forty-nine (80.3%) women were initially treated with a transobturator sling and 12 (19.7%) with a retropubic procedure. Twenty patients had the original sling performed at our department whereas, the other 41 in other institutions. The position of the tapes was determined at the sagittal plane by 3-D transvaginal ultrasound using a linear transducer. The length of the urethra was measured from the bladder neck to the external urethral meatus following the urethral lumen, taking into account its curve. The position of the tapes relative to the percentage of the urethral length was calculated assuming the bladder neck as the proximal end of the urethra. The reference point was set at the midpoint on the tape. Results: Only 13 (21.3%) patients had tapes positioned at 50%-75% of the urethral length. In 45 (73.8%) of women examined the tapes were found under proximal half of the urethra and in 3 (4.9%) distally to the 75% of the urethral length. Conclusions: In most patients in whom slings procedures proved unsuccessful the tapes are located under theproximal half of the urethra, that is outside the HPZ. The position of a tape outside the HPZ may be considered as a cause of suburethral sling failure.Cel pracy: Badania ultrasonograficzne, oceniające położenie taśmy pod cewką moczową u pacjentek leczonych z powodu wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu (WNM) za pomocą slingu podcewkowego wykazały, że najlepsze rezultaty obserwowane są w przypadku umiejscowienia taśmy pod odcinkiem cewki moczowej odpowiadającym strefie wysokiego ciśnienia (SWC). SWC rozciąga się pomiędzy punktem maksymalnego ciśnienia zamykającego cewkę moczową, a jej kolankiem i obejmuje odcinek pomiędzy 53% a 72% funkcjonalnej długości cewki moczowej. Celem pracy była ultrasonograficzna ocena położenia taśm podcewkowych u pacjentek z niepowodzeniami leczenia WNM. Materiały i metody: Badaniem objęto 61 pacjentek po nieskutecznym leczeniu WNM za pomocą slingow podcewkowych. Zabiegi były wykonane od 6 miesięcy do 5 lat przed momentem badania ultrasonograficznego. Z dostępu przez otwory zasłonione wykonano 49 zabiegow (80,3%), a 12 (19,7%) z dostępu załonowego. U 20 pacjentek wykonano zabiegi w II Klinice Ginekologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie, a 41 w innych ośrodkach. nPołożenie taśm oceniano za pomocą przezpochwowej ultrasonografii wykorzystując sondę liniową o częstotliwości 9-12 MHz. Po uzyskaniu trojwymiarowego obrazu mierzono długość cewki moczowej, w odniesieniu do której określano pozycję taśmy, przyjmując szyję pęcherza moczowego jako początek cewki. Wyniki: Jedynie u 13 (21,3%) pacjentek taśmy były umiejscowione pomiędzy 50 a 75% długości cewki moczowej. U 45 (73,8%) pacjentek, taśmę uwidoczniono pod proksymalną częścią cewki (poniżej 50% jej długości), a u 3 (4,9%) dystalnie do 75% długości cewki moczowej. Wnioski: U większości pacjentek z niepowodzeniem leczenia WNM za pomocą slingow podcewkowych taśmy zlokalizowane są pod proksymalnym odcinkiem cewki moczowej, a więc poza SWC cewki. Dlatego rozważając przyczyny niepowodzenia zabiegow slingowych u pacjentek z nawrotem nietrzymania moczu należy brać pod uwagę nieprawidłowe położenie taśmy

    Przedposiłkowe i poposiłkowe zmiany stężeń obu form greliny u osób otyłych i nieotyłych

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    Introduction: The potentially differential roles of both forms of ghrelin in obesity are undefined, and little is known about desacyl ghrelin’s (DAG) regulation by meals. We aimed to assess changes in acyl ghrelin (AG) and DAG in response to mixed-meal consumption in obese and non-obese subjects.Material and methods: Venous blood for plasma glucose, AG and DAG assays were collected in both groups after an overnight fast and two hours after the consumption of a standard 300 kcal-mixed meal (Nutridrink, Nutricia).Results: Mean fasting values of both AG and DAG were significantly lower in the obese individuals. On the other hand, among non-obese controls, the mean postprandial DAG levels did not change and AG levels decreased, whereas in obese individuals the mean DAG levels after a mixed-meal diminished and AG levels were unchanged.Conclusions: It is necessary to distinguish between the desacylated and acylated forms of ghrelin, as we have shown differential postprandial AG and DAG responses in obese and non-obese individuals. Whether targeting changed proportions between AG and DAG could be a successful strategy in obesity treatment remains a question for future studies. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 377–381)Wstęp: Niewiele wiadomo jak w otyłości zmienia się wydzielanie obu krążących form greliny — acylowanej (AG) i dezacylowanej (DAG) oraz jak posiłek wpływa u otyłych na stężenie DAG. Dlatego autorzy postanowili ocenić zmiany stężeń obu form hormonu przed i po posiłku w dwóch grupach: z BMI ≥ 30 i &lt; 30 kg/m2.Materiał i metody: W obu grupach pobrano krew żylną na czczo i 2 godziny po podaniu standardowego posiłku zawierającego 300 kcal (Nutridrink, Nutricia). Oznaczono stężenia obu form greliny.Wyniki: Stężenia DAG i AG na czczo były niższe w grupie otyłych niż w kontrolnej grupie osób nieotyłych. Po posiłku u osób bez otyłości nie zaobserwowano zmian stężenia DAG, a stężenie AG zmalało, podczas gdy u otyłych stężenie DAG uległo istotnemu obniżeniu, a AG pozostało bez zmian.Wnioski: Konieczne jest oznaczanie obu form greliny, gdyż — jak wykazano — zmiany ich stężeń po posiłku mogą być zupełnie odmienne u osób otyłych niż w grupie nieotyłych. Odwrócenie zaburzonych proporcji między AG i DAG może okazać się skutecznym sposobem leczenia otyłości. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 377–381

    Analysis of Compressed Data Stream Content in HEVC Video Encoder

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    In this paper, a detailed analysis of the content of the bitstream, produced by the HEVC video encoder is presented. With the use of the HM 10.0 reference software the following statistics were investigated: 1) the amount of data in the encoded stream related to individual frame types, 2) the relationship between the value of the QP and the size of the bitstream at the output of the encoder, 3) contribution of individual types of data to I and B frames. The above mentioned aspects have been thoroughly explored for a wide range of target bitrates. The obtained results became the basis for highlighting guidelines that allow for efficient bitrate control in the HEVC encoder

    Obsessions : a short story anthology

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    Obsessions. A Short Story Anthology collects the short stories awarded in a creative writing competition for non-native students of English philology from Poland and Sweden. It containg eleven stories, representing a varied choice of topics, forms and subjects inspired by the competition theme. The afterword summarises the jury’s verdict and offers more detailed impressions on all the awarded stories, while the theoretical article discusses the up-to-date scholarship on the genre of the short story, locating the anthologised text in the generic framework. The qualitative analyses are supported by stylometric methods applied to a comprehensive corpus of texts