70 research outputs found

    Comment on ‘Bulk-plasmon contribution to the work function of metals’

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    Simple derivation of work function of metals based on the bulk-plasmon contribution is discussed  here  in  a  form  of  a  comment  to  previously  published  work.  We  show  that  such  a  derivation  is  neither  the fi first  of  its  kind,  nor  it  is  in  agreement  with  experimental  data.  Incidentally,  the  physical  foundations of the proposed derivation appear  to  be  flawed.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Isotopic studies of nitrates – a short review

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    Nitrogen is an essential element for life. One of its available forms are nitrates - the compounds playing a key role in the biogeochemical N cycle. However, excessive amounts of nitrates may be harmful to organisms and the environment, therefore in recent years the emphasis is on continuous monitoring of quality of consumed water. Nitrates from different sources have wide, but different ranges δ15N and δ18O. Also researchers observed typical changes in both delta values induced by biological processes and in the case of mixing water with anthropogenic nitrates. This is a reason why the isotopic analysis are often used to identify the source of contamination in a reservoir or to quantitatively describe the processes occurring in an ecosystem.In this review article, we present a model of the global nitrogen cycle, along with the latest data on the disturbances caused by human activity. We describe the processes occurring in the N cycle and biogeochemical mechanisms, which modify the nitrogen isotopic composition in their compounds. We also present a short description of analytical techniques utilized for studying isotopic compositions of nitrates. In addition, we discussed the methods for extraction and preparation of nitrates from freshwater and ocean water, by determining the δ15N,  δ18O and δ17O (or Δ17O) values. The final part is a description of applications of developed techniques for environmental research

    Controversies about the value of the third cosmic velocity

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    The purpose of writing this article was to derivate the formula for the third  cosmic  velocity using  only  the  laws  of  conservation  in  the  heliocentric  reference  system.  It  turns  out  that  it  can  be done  by  using  elementary  mathematics,  thanks  to  which  the reasoning  and  calculations  are  affordable  for  one  interested  in  this  subject.  By  the  way,  we  wanted  to  discuss  the  errors  that  appear  even  in  well-known  textbooks  and  professional  articles,  whose  commitment  leads  to  incorrect  results.  The  magnitudes  of  the  third  cosmic  velocity  obtained  by  us  are:  v3average  =  16.68  km/s,  v3perihelion  =  16.57  km/s  and  v3aphelion  =  16.79  km/s.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Geochemical study of precipitates in the architectural surfaces from Bern, Switzerland

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    This geochemical study aims to resolve genesis of precipitation spots on the walls on the Nydeggbrücke in Bern, Switzerland. The bridge is composed of Jurassic limestone and dolomites and coated on both sides with Miocene flysch sandstone. As a result of infiltration of aqueous solutions derived directly from the road embankment into the sandstone, sulfate encrustation on the walls of sandstone has been formed.The study of these precipitates using optical and electron microscopy clearly shows dominant sulfate phases are gypsum (calcium sulfate), mirabilite (sodium hydrated sulfate) and polyhalite (potassium, calcium and magnesium sulfate). Impurities of Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb was encountered by ICP-MS analysis. Identified polymetallic mineralization is associated with the infrastructure of the bridge and the accumulation of pollution from vehicular traffic. This is also confirmed by sulfur and oxygen stable isotope analyses of sulfates

    Perykopa o nawróconym na krzyżu złoczyńcy (Łk 23, 40–43) w świetle Łukaszowej nauki o miłosierdziu

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    Although all the Evangelists speak about the two criminals crucified with Jesus, it is only Luke’s Gospel to describe the dialog of crucified Jesus with so-called good malefactor. Jesus is promising him to go today to Paradise. In this way the converted malefactor is the first man saved by the crucified Lord. In the whole Lucan Gospel he is a very important example of the divine mercy visible in the salvation.Choć wszyscy czterej ewangeliści opowiadają o dwóch złoczyńcach ukrzyżowanych wraz z Jezusem, to jednak tylko Łukasz podaje rozmowę ukrzyżowanego Jezusa z jednym z nich. Obiecuje mu, że jeszcze tego samego dnia („dzisiaj”) znajdzie się z Nim w raju. W ten sposób nawrócony złoczyńca zostaje ukazany jako pierwszy człowiek, który otrzymuje zbawienie od umierającego Jezusa. W kontekście całej Ewangelii Łukaszowej jest on bardzo ważnym przykładem Bożego miłosierdzia, które uwidacznia się w zbawieniu

    Isotopic investigation of nitrates in Horyniec-Zdrój waters

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    In this work the isotopes of oxygen and nitrogen were determined in nitrates of water samples collected in Horyniec Zdrój and they allowed the preliminary indication of the source of NO3– ion. The obtained δ15N and δ18O values of nitrates dissolved in the Róża III therapeutic water are +2.1, +13.1 ‰, respectively. They indicate the origin of NO3- ion from bacterial decomposition of organic matter which is abundant in the aquifer.Interpretation of the processes affecting the chemical and isotopic composition of investigated waters was possible by taking into account earlier isotopic analyzes as well as chemical composition, geological structure and hydrogeological conditions prevailing in the aquifer. The results and discussion presented in this paper have excluded the possible influence of external contaminants in Horyniec-Zdrój waters used for therapeutic purposes

    Use of negative ion mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of sulfur isotope ratios δ33S and δ34S

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    We describe a newly constructed dual inlet system and triple collector for precision study of sulfur isotope anomalies, Δ33S, using negative ion mass spectrometry. SO2 gas is admitted to the ion source where it is ionized ether to SO- or S- by low energy electrons (resonant ionization) and the ion beam is analyzed by a single focusing magnetic analyzer. Another gas which can be used for  δ33S and δ34S analysis by negative ion mass spectrometry  is SF6 on mass spectrum of SF5- ions

    Hydrogeochemical anomaly in the Tatra Mountains : a spring with sulphate water

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    The paper contains the results of analysis of chemical, isotopic and trace metal composition of anomalous spring water in the Tatra Mts. Obtained data were the basis for an attempt to determine the origin of this hydrogeochemical anomaly. The spring is located in the Tomanowa Valley in the Western Tatra Mts. The spring water is characterized by the mineralization (TDS) above 500 mg/dm3. As regards the chemical composition of the water, Ca2+ ions show the highest concentration among cations, while HCO- among anions. The spring water has been assigned to the: SO —HCO—Ca-Mg hydrochemical type. Among trace metals, Sr, Ba, B, Li and Al. reveal The highest concentrations. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition(δ18O and δ2H) indicates that this is infiltration water. Delta values of oxygen and sulphur isotopes (δ18OS and δ34S) of the sulphate ion indicate that SO4 of this spring water is likely derived from leaching of gypsum or anhydrite evaporites

    Skuteczne leczenie niewydolności serca opornej na diuretyki za pomocą ultrafiltracji otrzewnowej

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    We present a case of successful peritoneal ultrafiltration (pUF) treatment in a 60 year-old patient diagnosed with diuretic-resistantcongestive heart failure fulfilling the criteria for type 2 cardio-renal syndrome. Six months of pUF treatment with onedaily dialysis exchange with icodextrin as an osmotic agent resulted in better functional status (from IV to II/III NYHA class),quality of life and improvement of haemodynamic parameters measured by impedance cardiography. During the follow-up(six months), pUF was well tolerated by the patient and he did not require hospitalisation for decompensated heart failure