448 research outputs found


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    A number is said to be a Smarandache Lucky Number if an incorrect calculation leads to a correct result. In general, a Smarandache Lucky Method or Algorithm is said to be any incorrect method or algorithm, which leads to a correct result. In this note we find an infinite sequence of distinct lucky fractions

    Octal Bent Generalized Boolean Functions

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    In this paper we characterize (octal) bent generalized Boolean functions defined on \BBZ_2^n with values in \BBZ_8. Moreover, we propose several constructions of such generalized bent functions for both nn even and nn odd

    On the prime power factorization of n!

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    In this paper we prove two results. The first theorem uses a paper of Kim \cite{K} to show that for fixed primes p1,...,pkp_1,...,p_k, and for fixed integers m1,...,mkm_1,...,m_k, with pi∤mip_i\not|m_i, the numbers (ep1(n),...,epk(n))(e_{p_1}(n),...,e_{p_k}(n)) are uniformly distributed modulo (m1,...,mk)(m_1,...,m_k), where ep(n)e_p(n) is the order of the prime pp in the factorization of n!n!. That implies one of Sander's conjecture from \cite{S}, for any set of odd primes. Berend \cite{B} asks to find the fastest growing function f(x)f(x) so that for large xx and any given finite sequence ϵi{0,1},if(x)\epsilon_i\in \{0,1\}, i\le f(x), there exists n<xn<x such that the congruences epi(n)ϵi(mod2)e_{p_i}(n)\equiv \epsilon_i\pmod 2 hold for all if(x)i\le f(x). Here, pip_i is the iith prime number. In our second result, we are able to show that f(x)f(x) can be taken to be at least c1(logx/(loglogx)6)1/9c_1 (\log x/(\log\log x)^6)^{1/9}, with some absolute constant c1c_1, provided that only the first odd prime numbers are involved.Comment: 7 pages; accepted Journal of Number Theor