44 research outputs found

    Causality of cloud computing and ICT cost developments in Croatian companies

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    Kada se analiziraju učinci informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT), najčeŔće je u srediÅ”tu pravodobnost i jednostavnost dolaženja do traženih informacija, odnosno funkcionalnost informacijskoga sustava koji navedena tehnologija izgrađuje. Bitan je čimbenik aplikacije ICT-a , gospodarskom subjektu, visina troÅ”kova njezinoga uvođenja i održavanja. S obzirom na brzi razvoj ICT-a i česte potrebe za njezinom zamjenom i/ili nadogradnjom, postavlja se pitanje isplativosti zamijene postojećih tehnoloÅ”kih rjeÅ”enja novim oblicima ICT-a, odnosno novim infrastrukturnim rjeÅ”enjima. Problem je time značajniji Å”to su tehnoloÅ”ki skokovi sve veći. Jedan je od krupnih tehnoloÅ”kih skokova potaknuo razvitak projekta računalstvo u oblaku (RoU). Ključno je pitanje koje se postavlja pred poslovne subjekte u svijetu, ali i u Republici Hrvatskoj, ono o isplativosti uvođenja takvoga koncepta. To pitanje podrazumijeva utvrđivanje postojanja uzročno-posljedične povezanosti uvođenja računalstva u oblaku i troÅ”kova ICT-a. Provedenim je istraživanjem utvrđeno kako uzročnost između troÅ”kova ICT-a i računalstva u oblaku postoji. Uzročno-posljedična povezanost između računalstva u oblaku i troÅ”kova ICT-a, obrnuto je proporcionalna jer Å”to se viÅ”e koristi računalstvo u oblaku, to su manji troÅ”kovi ICT-a. Ne samo da između računalstva u oblaku i troÅ”kova za ICT postoji obrnuto proporcionalna veza, već izostanak prelaska na računalstvo u oblaku, podrazumijeva zaostajanje u koriÅ”tenju modernih ICT-a, a time i zaostajanje na svim razinama poslovanja. Sve to ukazuje na nužnost prepoznavanja računalstva u oblaku, kako kod gospodarskih subjekata u gospodarski razvijenom svijetu, tako i kod onih u Republici Hrvatskoj.When we analyze the effects of information and communication technology (ICT), usually the focus is on the timeliness and ease of gaining the required information, or the functionality of an information system built by that technology. However, an important factor in introducing ICT applications into a company is certainly the cost of its implementation and maintenance. Given the rapid development of ICT and the frequent need for its replacement and/or upgrading, there is also an issue of cost-effectiveness of replacing the existing technological solutions with new ICT concepts, i.e., new infrastructure solutions. The issue becomes more difficult as the technological leaps become longer and longer. One of these major technological leaps implied the development of cloud computing. The key question posed by businesses all over the world, including those in Croatia, is about the cost-effectiveness of implementing this concept. Answering this question involves determining the existence of causal relationship between the implementation of cloud computing and ICT costs. The study conducted confirmed the existence of causality between the ICT costs and cloud computing. This causal relationship is inversely proportional because the more we use cloud computing, the lower the ICT costs. Moreover, failing to use cloud computing means lagging behind modern ICT and thus lagging behind at all operational levels. This indicates that the application of cloud computing is a necessity for businesses in the developed world, as well as those in the Republic of Croatia

    Monetary freedom and economic growth in New European Union Member States

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    This paper analyses the relationship between monetary freedom (index measured by the Heritage Foundation) and real economic growth of 11 new member states of the European Union. 19-year panel data regression with fixed effects over the period of 1997ā€“ 2015 reveals that the real GDP growth of the selected countries is positively affected by the degree of monetary freedom. However, the relationship between monetary freedom and real GDP growth has weakened after the global recession of 2008. Monetary freedom was not jeopardized during the crisis, while real GDP growth declined significantly in most of economies studied

    Uticaj genotipa i godine na osobine performans testiranih nazimica

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    Objective of this research was to establish the effect of animal genotype, year of measuring and birth on traits of performance tested gilts: age at the end of the test (AET), life daily gain (LDG), back fat thickness 1 and 2 (BFT1 and BFT2), depth of back muscle (MLD) and assessed share of meat in carcass. Of total number of animals (n=3600) included in the research, 1709 animals were of genotype SL and 1891 of genotype ā™€SLxā™‚LY. In regard to the birth year of tested gilts, the distribution was following: n2006=296, n2007=895, n2008=934, n2009=803, n2010=589 and n2011=83 gilts. In regard to testing year, the distribution of gilts was as follows: n2007=682, n2008=875, n2009=962, n2010=697 and n2011=384 gilts. The effects of test year and birth year were established (P (lt) 0.001) for all studied traits, whereas the effect of genotype was not established (P>0.05).Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi uticaj genotipa grla, godine merenja i rođenja grla na osobine performans testiranih nazimica: uzrast na kraju testa (UKT), životni dnevni prirast (ŽDP), debljina slanine 1 i 2 (DSL1 i DSL2), dubina leđnog miÅ”ića (MLD) i procenjeni udeo mesa u trupu. Od ukupnog broja (n=3600) istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1709 grla genotipa Å L i 1891 grla genotipa ā™€Å Lxā™‚VJ. Po godini rođenja testiranih nazimica distribucija je bila sledeća: n2006=296, n2007=895, n2008=934, n2009=803, n2010=589 i n2011=83 nazimice. Dok je po godinama testiranja distribucija nazimica bila sledeća: n2007=682, n2008=875, n2009=962, n2010=697 i n2011=384 nazimice. Za sve ispitivane osobine utvrđen je uticaj godine merenja i godine rođenja (P (lt) 0.001) dok uticaj genotipa nije utvrđen (P>0.05)


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    The main goal of this paper was to find out more about how and to what extent the local media reported on sporting events at the 2012 London Olympics and to determine the difference in reporting on male and female athletes in the local media. The subject of the research are newspaper articles about sports in electronic news editions, which influence the formation of the media image about athletes, and which can contribute to the affirmation or marginalization of women in sports. In this research for collecting data and information about athletes at the Olympic Games, three media sources were used: RTS, KURIR and POLITIKA. The data have been collected since the opening of the Olympic Games until their official closing ceremony and every day was thoroughly processed in all three media sources. The information included information on the gender of the author of the text, the number of photos in the text, the number of words in the text, the gender of the actors who are on the photos, the level of exposure of the actor's bodies in the photos, the emotions in the photos, the angle of the camera, individual and group display of athletes, active or passive on-site and out-of-court conditions. Generally speaking, the findings of this research in the media space of Serbia show that there is still an imbalance in the way men and women athletes are represented, and that in this respect, there is a need for certain changes in this issue

    Udeo tkiva u polutkama svinja autohtonih rasa u zavisnosti od telesne mase i pola

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    Objective of this paper was to determine the distribution of tissues in four major carcass side parts from fatteners of Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa and Moravka breeds. The study included 42 animals (male castrated and female pigs) of Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa strain (LM, n=19) and Moravka (M, n=23). Animals were kept and reared in the same farm conditions with free ranges. During fattening, animals were fed two complete mixtures containing 15 and 13% crude proteins. Dissection of left carcass sides and calculation of the meat percentage were carried out according to EU reference method (EC, No.3127/94). Obtained data was processed using GLM procedure of the software package SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst.Inc., 2002-2003). Pre-slaughter body mass influenced variation of the mass of warm and cooled carcass sides (P lt .0001). Pre-slaughter body mass of SBM and M had impact on variation of the subcutaneous fat tissue and skin in the thigh and shoulder, and on bone tissue in the shoulder. Fatteners of Moravka breed had higher average mass of back-loin part of the carcass sides (P lt 0.01) and mass of subcutaneous fat tissue including the skin (P lt 0.05) compared to Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa. Share of muscle tissue of this carcass part in total mass of muscle tissue in all four carcass side parts was higher in Moravka breed pigs (+2.18%, P lt 0.01). Male castrated pigs had lower values of average mass of the thigh/leg (P lt 0.05), lower values of muscle tissue mass in the thigh/leg (P lt 0.01) and higher share of bone tissue (P lt 0.05) compared to female pigs. In the belly-rib part, castrates had less intermuscular fat tissue (P lt 0.05) and bone tissue (P lt 0.05) than female pigs.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi udeo tkiva u četiri glavna dela polutki tovljenika lasaste mangulice i moravke u zavisnosti od telesne mase pri klanju i pola grla. Na variranje mase toplih i hladnih polutki uticala je telesna masa pri klanju (P lt .0001). U četiri glavna dela polutki bilo je od 36,02 do 38,59% miÅ”ićnog tkiva. Potkožno masno tkivo, koža i intermuskularno masno tkivo činili su od 52,64 do 56,24% mase buta, plećke, leđno-slabinskog i trbuÅ”no-rebarnog dela polutke. Telesna masa pri klanju grla rase LM i M je uticala na variranje potkožnog masnog tkiva i kože u butu i plećki i na koÅ”tano tkivo u plećki. Tovljenici rase moravka imali su veću prosečnu masu ledjno-slabinskog dela polutki (P lt 0,01) i masu potkožnog masnog tkiva sa kožom (P lt 0,05) od lasaste mangulice. Udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva ovog dela u ukupnoj masi miÅ”ićnog tkiva u četiri dela polutki, bio je veći kod grla rase moravka (+2,18%, P lt 0,01). MuÅ”ka kastrirana grla su imala manju prosečnu masu buta (P lt 0,05), manju masu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu (P lt 0,01) i veći udeo koÅ”tanog tkiva (P lt 0,05) od ženskih grla. U trbuÅ”no-rebarnom delu, kastrati su imali manje intermuskularnog masnog tkiva (P lt 0,05) i koÅ”tanog (P lt 0,05) od ženskih grla

    Carcass properties, chemical content and fatty acid composition of the musculus longissimus of different pig genotypes

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    The aim of this study was to examine carcass properties and variability in chemical content and fatty acid composition in the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) of different genotypes of pigs. Of 36 male castrated animals used in the trial, 24 were from two strains of Mangalitsa pigs (12 Swallow bellied (SBM) and 12 White (WM)), while 12 were of the Swedish Landrace (SL) breed (the most abundant meat/fattening breed in Serbia). The warm and cold carcass weights at slaughter were significantly higher in the WM and SL compared with the SBM. Results showed differences in warm and cold carcass dressing percentage between the groups. The SBM had significant lower values than WM and SL pigs. The total fat content was higher in WM and SBM pigs than SL pigs. The SL pigs had a significant higher percentage of water in their MLLT than the SBM and WM pigs. The representative of pig meat breeds, SL, contained significantly less cholesterol in its MLLT compared with the SBM and WM (-15.23% and -15.84%). However, differences in the content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were more expressed and distinct. A higher percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were present in MLTT originating from SL pigs compared with the two Mangalitsa strains. The total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) content was higher in SBM and WM than in SL pigs. The alpha linolenic acid concentration (C18:3 n-3) was significantly higher in SBM than in WM and SL pigs

    The role of logistics in economic growth and global competitiveness*

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    Sve je veća potražnja za iznalaženjem novih obrazaca za gospodarski rast i razvoj, te povećanje konkurentnosti, pri čemu treba detaljnije razmotriti ulogu logistike. Glavna svrha članka je ispitati i usporediti učinke logističkih performansi zemalja EU-a, BRICS-a i ASEAN-a te testirati ulogu pojedinih logističkih komponenti. Metoda istraživanja temelji se na panel podacima uz primjenu regresije fiksnih učinaka za razdoblje od 2007. do 2018.godine. Rezultati potvrđuju da logistika ima pozitivan utjecaj na gospodarski rast i konkurentnost u ukupnom uzorku i zemljama EU-a, dok logistika doprinosi rastu konkurentnosti u zemljama BRICS-a. Identificirani su i pojedinačni doprinosi komponenti LPI-a, koji pokazuju važnost pod-indeksa za gospodarski rast i nacionalnu konkurentnost. Implikacije istraživanja naglaÅ”avaju ulogu logistike kao čimbenika gospodarskog rasta i razvoja te naglaÅ”avaju njezin potencijal u povećanju nacionalne konkurentnosti. Glavni doprinos su novi dokazi o učincima logistike na razini odabranih skupina zemalja, koji ističu važnost ovog sektora i daju preporuke kreatorima ekonomske politike.There is a rising demand to find new patterns for economic growth and development, and improving competitiveness, where the role of logistics should be considered in more detail. The main purpose of the article is to examine and compare the effects of countriesā€™ logistics performance in EU, BRICS, and ASEAN, and to test the role of individual logistics components. The research method is based on panel data using fixed effects regressions for the period 2007-2018. The results confirm the positive impact of logistics on economic growth and competitiveness in the total sample and EU countries, while logistics contributes to rising competitiveness in BRICS countries. Individual contributions of LPI components were also identified, presenting the importance of sub-indices for economic growth and national competitiveness. The research implications emphasize the role of logistics as a factor of economic growth and development and highlight its potential in rising national competitiveness. The main contribution is new evidence on the effects of logistics at the level of selected groups of countries, which highlights the importance of this sector and provides recommendations for economic policymakers

    Differences in meat colour between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa and commercially reared Swedish Landrace pigs during 6 days of vacuum storage

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    The influence of storage on meat colour differences between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa (MA, n = 19) and commercially reared Swedish Landrace (SL, n = 17) pigs, are investigated in the present study. Proximate composition analyses were done on fresh samples of M. longissimus thoracis (LT) and M. gluteus medius (GM), while pH values and colour quality attributes were determined on fresh cuts of the muscles (day 1) and after 3 and 6 days of vacuum storage at 4 +/- 1 degrees C. MA pork had a significantly higher share of intramuscular fat, a darker colour, a higher deoxymyoglobin (Mb) content and oxy / met (oxymyoglobin / metmyoglobin) ratio, higher pH(24h) values and a slower pH decline compared to the control SL group (P (lt) 0.05). Greater changes in myoglobin forms during storage were observed in MA pork, which were reflected in a significant decrease in the content of Mb and an increase in the oxy / met ratio (P (lt) 0.05). After 6 days of vacuum storage, higher pH(6d) values, a lower metmyoglobin (MetMb) content and a higher oxy / met ratio of MA pork lead to the conclusion that aged meat from free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa pigs had better colour quality compared to Swedish Landrace pigs

    Promene hemijskih i fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika tokom proizvodnje tradicionalne Sremske kobasice

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    The aim of this trial was to investigate changes in chemical and physic-chemical parameters during the production of traditional Sremska sausage (dry fermented sausage) from pork of three pig breeds: Mangalitsa (MA), Moravka (MO) and Swedish Landrace (SL). Analyses of all variants of sausages were carried out after stuffing (day 0) and on production days 3, 7, 14 and 21. The reduction in moisture during production caused the increase in protein, fat and ash contents (p lt 0.001) in all three variants of sausages, were found to be within the range for this type of sausages. Higher fat content in MA and MO sausages compared to SL variant was most likely a result of the different chemical composition of the meat from pigs of autochthonous breeds. All three sausage variants had a similar final pH value, but the mildest drop of pH was determined in MA sausages. Pig breed significantly affected (p lt 0.05) all three indicators of oxidative changes (thiobarbituric acid value, peroxide value and free fatty acid content). It was found that they were higher in SL compared with MA and MO sausages and to significantly increase during the production process.Cilj ovog ogleda bio je da se ispitaju promene tokom proizvodnje Sremske kobasice (suva fermentisana kobasica) na tradicionalan način od mesa tri rase svinja: Mangulica (MA), Moravka (MO) i Švedski Landras (SL). Analize svih varijanti kobasica su rađene nakon punjenja (dan 0) i nakon 3-, 7-, 14- i 21-og dana proizvodnje. Smanjenje udela vode tokom proizvodnje imalo je za posledicu povećanje udela proteina, masti i pepela u svim grupama (p lt 0,001), i bilo je karakteristično za ovaj tip kobasica. Utvrđen veći udeo masti kod MA i MO kobasica u poređenju sa SL varijantom, verovatno je posledica različitog hemijskog sastava mesa autohtonih rasa svinja. Sve tri varijante kobasica su imale sličnu finalnu pH vrednost, međutim, najblaži pad pH vrednosti tokom proizvodnje utvrđen je kod MA kobasica. Rasa svinja je imala značajan uticaj na parametre oksidativnih promena (broj tiobarbiturne kiseline, peroksidni broj i sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina). Utvrđeno je da su bili veći kod SL u odnosu na MA i MO grupu kobasica i da se značajno povećavaju tokom procesa proizvodnje