136 research outputs found


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    Three Songs

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    Recurrence: A Prose-Poem

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    Song. No. 7: a child\u27s dream

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    Three Stops for an Artist

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    The right to social security in the European constitutions : Greece

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    In addition to the "Bismarckian" and "Beveridge" classifications of the Greek welfare system, it shared, at least until the eve of the crisis at the end of the 2000s, the characteristics of the welfare model developed in southern Europe, pairing serious gaps in the social security net and remarkably generous benefits reserved for a protected core of the labour market. The article describes in details constitutional grounds of Greek social security rights

    Cavernous sinus thrombosis elicited by a central retinal vein venous stasis retinopathy

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    Background: Central retinal vein occlusion is a relatively common retinal disorder in the elderly, and those with cardiovascular or thrombophilic risk factors are at increased risk. Although still unsatisfying, some treatments for the acute and chronic phases have been established based on randomized studies. However, for rare conditions mimicking central retinal vein occlusion, treatment of the acute phase should be targeted at etiology. A rare condition mimicking central retinal vein occlusion in a 70-year-old man is presented and discussed. Methods: A 70-year-old man was admitted to the hospital for isovolemic hemodilution related to a central retinal vein occlusion of the elderly, after a sudden decrease in visual acuity to 0.1. Results: Clinical and laboratory work-up demonstrated a venous stasis retinopathy, related to an atypical cavernous sinus thrombosis of undetermined origin. The patient had experienced in the past 6 months intermittent diplopia and an irreducible conjunctival hyperemia. Hemodilution was dismissed. Soon after initiation of anticoagulation therapy, the patient's clinical signs and symptoms improved. Final visual acuity was 0.8. Conclusion: Venous stasis retinopathy secondary to cavernous sinus thrombosis is rare. However, careful clinical examination and extensive laboratory work-up is needed to exclude central retinal vein occlusion not associated with common vascular pathologies of the elderl

    Do parents contribute to their children's health problem?

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    [Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available][Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available

    Synergies between the European Union and the european social charter, at the time of the european pillar of social right

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    L¿objet de la présente étude se concentre sur la manière dont le Conseil de l¿Europe, organisation européenne dédiée à la protection des droits de l¿homme et des droits sociaux en particulier, a recherché à exercer une influence substantielle sur la manière dont l¿Union européenne s¿est employée, afin de revaloriser la place des droits sociaux dans son édifice institutionnel, dans la partie intégrante de cet édifice qui est l¿Eurozone. À cette fin, l¿Union européenne a généré, en novembre 2017, le Socle européen des droits sociaux. La proposition du Conseil de l¿Europe visait, en fait, à normaliser, voire à rationnaliser les rapports entre la Charte sociale européenne d¿un côté et, de l¿autre côté, le droit de l¿Union. En tirant profit de la proposition du Conseil de l¿Europe sur la teneur du Socle, la présente contribution esquisse la voie la plus propice en vue de la consolidation des la protection des droits sociaux en Europe, voie qui se greffe autour du rapprochement envié de la Cour de justice de l¿Union européenne et de sa jurisprudence sociale avec la Charte sociale européenne, telle qu¿elle est interprétée et appliquée par le Comité européen des droits sociauxEl objeto del presente estudio se centra en la manera en la que el Consejo de Europa, organización europea dedicada a la protección de los derechos humanos y de los derechos sociales en particular, ha perseguido ejercer una influencia sustancial en el modo en que la Unión Europea ha concebido e pretende revalorizar el lugar de los derechos sociales en su edificio institucional (más concretamente, en la parte integrante de este edificio que es la Eurozona). A tal efecto, la Unión Europea generó, en noviembre de 2017, el Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales. El propósito del Consejo de Europa apuntaba, de hecho, a normalizar y, más aún, a racionalizar las relaciones entre, de un lado, la Carta Social Europea y, de otro lado, el Derecho de la Unión. Pues bien, sobre la base de la proposición del Consejo de Europa sobre el tenor del Pilar, la presente contribución esboza la vía más propicia en vista a la consolidación de la protección de los derechos sociales en Europa, una vía que se vincula con el acercamiento anhelado del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y de su jurisprudencia a la Carta Social Europea, tal como es interpretada y aplicada por el Comité Europeo de Derechos Sociales.The purpose of this study is to focus on the way the Council of Europe, a European organization dedicated to the protection of human rights and, in particular, to social rights, has sought to exert a substantial influence on the way the European Union conceives and intends to revalue the place of social rights in its institutional structure (more specifically, in the Eurozone as one of its integral parts). To this end, the European Union adopted, in November 2017, the European Pillar of Social Rights. The purpose of the Council of Europe aimed, precisely, to normalize and, a fortiori, to rationalize the relations between, on the one hand, the European Social Charter and, Union Law, on the other. With this approach, on the basis of the proposal of the Council of Europe on the impact of the Pillar, this contribution outlines the most conducive path, in view of the consolidation of social rights protection in Europe, associated to the desired rapprochement by the Court of Justice of the European Union and its case-law to the European Social Charter, as interpreted and applied by the European Committee of Social RightsUniversidad Pablo de Olavid