34 research outputs found

    Determinants of ethnic concentration in the Spanish labour market

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    El principal propósito de este artículo es determinar qué mecanismos influyen en la concentración de la población inmigrante en determinadas ocupaciones del mercado de trabajo español. Mediante la exploración de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes (2007) identificamos los nichos en los que se agrupan los trabajadores procedentes de cinco países: Argentina, Ecuador, Francia, Marruecos y Rumania. En segundo lugar, mediante regresiones logísticas multinomiales contrastamos el impacto del capital humano, el capital social y variables contextuales sobre la probabilidad de que los inmigrantes se concentren en los principales nichos étnicos: los servicios de hostelería, el trabajo no cualificado en la agricultura, la construcción y el servicio doméstico. Los resultados del análisis indican que el nivel de estudios, el estatus legal, los contactos en el momento de llegada a España y la experiencia laboral anterior son importantes predictores de la presencia de los inmigrantes en los nichos ocupacionales mencionadosThis article provides insight on the mechanisms which determine the concentration of immigrant population in certain occupational categories in the Spanish labour market. Using survey data from the Spanish National Immigrant Survey (2007) we have firstly identified ethnic niches where Argentinean, Ecuadorian, French, Moroccan and Romanian workers concentrate. Secondly, we run multinomial logit models in order to assess the impact of human capital, social capital and contextual related variables on the likelihood of working in some of occupational categories identified previously as ethnic niches, namely: hospitality industry workers, routine agriculture workers, construction workers and domestic labour. Our main findings suggest that educational attainment, legal status, access to contacts at the time of arrival in Spain, country of origin, and previous job experience are strong predictors of the presence of foreign labour in the above mentioned nichesEste artículo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes (ENI): Explotación con Perspectivas Comparativas Nacionales e Internacionales” financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CSO 2008-03616/SOCI).Publicad

    Differences in the risk of premature cancer mortality between natives and immigrants in Spain

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    Background The healthy immigrant paradox has found wide support in the literature. To evaluate this hypothesis that immigrants have better health outcomes than the native population, this study aimed to compare the premature cancer mortality between the native and immigrant populations in Spain. Methods We obtained the 2012–15 cause-specific mortality estimates from administrative records and participant characteristics data from the 2011 Spanish census. Using Cox proportional hazards regression models, we calculated the risks of mortality of the native and immigrant populations, and the latter populations’ risk based on their regions of origin, and determined the effects of covariates of interest on the calculated risk. Results Our results show that the risk of premature cancer mortality is lower among immigrants than among natives, and this gap is higher among men than among women. There is a lower mortality rate among Latin American immigrants (Latino men are 81% less likely to die prematurely from cancer than native-born men, and Latino women are 54% less). Moreover, despite social class disparities, immigrants’ advantage in cancer mortality remained constant and decreased with increasing length of residence in the host country. Conclusions This study provided novel evidence on the ‘healthy immigrant paradox’, associated with the fact that migrants are favorably selected at origin, cultural patterns of the societies of origin and, in the case of men, there is some convergence or an ‘unhealthy’ integration that explains the fact that this advantage over natives is lost with more years of residence in Spain.The study was supported by the following grants: RTI2018-098455-A-C22 by the national RþDþi program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Cualificación de los inmigrantes sudamericanos en España y EE.UU. Ciclo migratorio, mercados de trabajo y políticas de selección

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    Este artículo compara de forma sistemática el perfil educativo y laboral de los principales grupos de sudamericanos en España y EE.UU., con un doble objetivo: en primer lugar, identificar diferencias en la capacidad de ambos países para atraer inmigrantes cualificados desde una misma región del mundo; y en segundo lugar, discutir el posible impacto que los lazos culturales previos, la estructura del mercado de trabajo, la secuencia de los ciclos migratorios y la selección en el retorno pueden tener en la generación de dichas diferencias. Hemos explotado la información relativa a los nacidos en Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, y emigrados a cualquiera de estos dos países en edad de trabajar, que recogen fuentes estadísticas españolas y norteamericanas: el Censo de Población de 2011 (Censo 2011), la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes (ENI 2007) y la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA varios años) para España, y la American Community Survey (ACS 2012) para Estados Unidos. Nuestros resultados sugieren importantes diferencias en la dinámica migratoria de cada grupo nacional a ambos destinos que no parecen responder a un único factor y plantean la dificultad de políticas de selección diseñadas a nivel regional. Mientras que los ecuatorianos y brasileños cualificados van (y se quedan) mucho más a EE.UU. que a España, los peruanos parecen comportarse de un modo mucho más similar en la elección de destino; argentinos y colombianos ocupan una situación intermedia.By systematically comparing the educational and labor profile of South American immigrants in Spain and the US, this article aims at identifying differences in the attraction power of each destination for the skilled migrants born in this region, and discussing the potential role of the cultural links, labour market structure, migration cycles and return selection to explain those differences. We exploited the statistical information contained in Spanish and US sources for adult immigrants born in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Equator and Peru: 2011 Spanish Census, National Immigrants Survey (ENI 2007) and Labor Force Survey in Spain, and the American Community Survey (ACS 2012) in the US. Our results suggest significant differences in the migration dynamics of each national group to our two destinations, which highlights the difficulty of designing one-fit-all migration policy for the entire region of South America. Skilled Brazileans and Ecuadoreans seems much more likely to migrate (and stay) to the US than to Spain, Peruvians show hardly any difference across the two destinations, and both Argentineans and Colombians fall in the middle of the other two

    Restrictions on Access to Social Protection by New Southern European Migrants in Belgium

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    peer reviewedDespite the fact that the global financial crisis has affected Belgium’s economic performance, the country has continued to be an attractive destination for migrants. Recently, however, there has been a dramatic change in migrant flows to Belgium, as a result of two phenomena. First and foremost, the country has experienced large inflows of post-accession migration from Central and Eastern European citizens. Second, 40 years after the end of the guest worker programmes, the economic crisis reactivated migration from Southern Europe. One important consequence of the economic crisis and the arrival of Central and Eastern European migrants has been the growing scepticism that has developed in Belgium towards the freedom of circulation. This has led the authorities to implement specific policies aimed at discouraging further migration of low-skilled EU migrants, who are deemed undesirable. In this chapter, we analyse a specific policy consisting of the removal of residence permits from EU jobseekers who claim social security benefits in Belgium. This policy has affected both Central and Eastern European as well as new Southern European EU migrants.Examining the mobilization of different organizations, we then show that—while they are numerically fewer—new Southern European immigrants are in a better position than other new immigrants in Belgium to challenge receiving country policies that target them

    Cualificación de los inmigrantes sudamericanos en España y EE.UU. Ciclo migratorio, mercados de trabajo y políticas de selección

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    Este artículo compara de forma sistemática el perfil educativo y laboral de los principales grupos de sudamericanos en España y EE.UU., con un doble objetivo: en primer lugar, identificar diferencias en la capacidad de ambos países para atraer inmigrantes cualificados desde una misma región del mundo; y en segundo lugar, discutir el posible impacto que los lazos culturales previos, la estructura del mercado de trabajo, la secuencia de los ciclos migratorios y la selección en el retorno pueden tener en la generación de dichas diferencias. Hemos explotado la información relativa a los nacidos en Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, y emigrados a cualquiera de estos dos países en edad de trabajar, que recogen fuentes estadísticas españolas y norteamericanas: el Censo de Población de 2011 (Censo 2011), la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes (ENI 2007) y la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA varios años) para España, y la American Community Survey (ACS 2012) para Estados Unidos. Nuestros resultados sugieren importantes diferencias en la dinámica migratoria de cada grupo nacional a ambos destinos que no parecen responder a un único factor y plantean la dificultad de políticas de selección diseñadas a nivel regional. Mientras que los ecuatorianos y brasileños cualificados van (y se quedan) mucho más a EE.UU. que a España, los peruanos parecen comportarse de un modo mucho más similar en la elección de destino; argentinos y colombianos ocupan una situación intermedia.By systematically comparing the educational and labor profile of South American immigrants in Spain and the US, this article aims at identifying differences in the attraction power of each destination for the skilled migrants born in this region, and discussing the potential role of the cultural links, labour market structure, migration cycles and return selection to explain those differences. We exploited the statistical information contained in Spanish and US sources for adult immigrants born in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Equator and Peru: 2011 Spanish Census, National Immigrants Survey (ENI 2007) and Labor Force Survey in Spain, and the American Community Survey (ACS 2012) in the US. Our results suggest significant differences in the migration dynamics of each national group to our two destinations, which highlights the difficulty of designing one-fit-all migration policy for the entire region of South America. Skilled Brazileans and Ecuadoreans seems much more likely to migrate (and stay) to the US than to Spain, Peruvians show hardly any difference across the two destinations, and both Argentineans and Colombians fall in the middle of the other two

    Spanish Emigration in the European Union: Patters, Implications and Future Challenges

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    peer reviewedThis paper studies the relationships between immigra- tion and the welfare state in Spain from a triple per- spective. First, the role social bene ts may have had on the Spanish immigrant experience as a pull factor is analysed. The paper goes on to study the way immi- gration can affect the maintenance of the welfare state, investigating both the possible effects of the increased ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity on the support of the national population for the welfare state, as well as its effect on social spending in terms of monetary and health bene ts. Lastly, and changing perspective, the contribution of immigration to the maintenance of the private market for welfare services is assessed, espe- cially in terms of caring for dependents.Este trabajo estudia las relaciones existentes entre in- migración y Estado de bienestar en España desde una triple perspectiva. En primer lugar, se analiza el papel que las prestaciones sociales hayan podido tener en la experiencia inmigratoria española, como factor de atracción de los inmigrantes. A continuación, se es- tudia de qué manera la inmigración puede afectar al mantenimiento del Estado de bienestar, tanto inves- tigando los posibles efectos del aumento de la diver- sidad étnica, lingüística y cultural sobre el respaldo de la población nacional al Estado de bienestar, como su efecto sobre el gasto social en materia de prestacio- nes monetarias y salud. Por último, y cambiando de perspectiva, se pone en valor la contribución de la inmigración al sostenimiento del mercado privado de servicios de bienestar, especialmente en lo relativo al cuidado a dependientes

    Los determinantes de la concentración étnica en el mercado laboral español

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    This article provides insight on the mechanisms which determine the concentration of immigrant population in certain occupational categories in the Spanish labour market. Using survey data from the Spanish National Immigrant Survey (2007) we have firstly identified ethnic niches where Argentinean, Ecuadorian, French, Moroccan and Romanian workers concentrate. Secondly, we run multinomial logit models in order to assess the impact of human capital, social capital and contextual related variables on the likelihood of working in some of occupational categories identified previously as ethnic niches, namely: hospitality industry workers, routine agriculture workers, construction workers and domestic labour. Our main findings suggest that educational attainment, legal status, access to contacts at the time of arrival in Spain, country of origin, and previous job experience are strong predictors of the presence of foreign labour in the above mentioned niches.El principal propósito de este artículo es determinar qué mecanismos influyen en la concentración de la población inmigrante en determinadas ocupaciones del mercado de trabajo español. Mediante la exploración de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes (2007) identificamos los nichos en los que se agrupan los trabajadores procedentes de cinco países: Argentina, Ecuador, Francia, Marruecos y Rumania. En segundo lugar, mediante regresiones logísticas multinomiales contrastamos el impacto del capital humano, el capital social y variables contextuales sobre la probabilidad de que los inmigrantes se concentren en los principales nichos étnicos: los servicios de hostelería, el trabajo no cualificado en la agricultura, la construcción y el servicio doméstico. Los resultados del análisis indican que el nivel de estudios, el estatus legal, los contactos en el momento de llegada a España y la experiencia laboral anterior son importantes predictores de la presencia de los inmigrantes en los nichos ocupacionales mencionados

    Mobilité intra-européenne: flux et politiques

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    peer reviewedFor decades, immigration has been at the core of the political and social debate in Europe. In the post-crisis environment, recent events have inflamed the migration agenda further, as freedom of movement is an essential decision-making point in the planned referendum on European Union (EU) membership in the United Kingdom, and the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean is testing the limits of the EU and of its member states to manage migration in a humane and fair way. Large- scale immigration has long challenged the Westphalian tradition of nation-state sovereignty in Europe (Joppke, 1998). However, these tensions have only increased over the last decade, following conflicts in Europe’s neighbourhood, the fall of the ‘Iron Curtain’ and the eastern enlargement of the EU, or the 2008 global economic and financial crisis. If until recently the most controversial aspect of immigration has been migrants and asylum-seekers from outside the EU and an invisibility of European migration and European migrants, in the last few years we observe that the very principle of migration from the other member states is challenged in a systematic manner for the first time since its proclamation in the Treaty of Rome (establishing the European Economic Community in 1958). The rebellion against the status quo on freedom of movement of people in the EU is led by Western European states. They are the almost exclusive receivers of EU migration, either from the other Western European states, or from the new member states in Central and Western Europe. This essay traces the transformation of EU migration over the last decade, following the most recent enlargements and the south–north migration which has re-emerged since the financial crisis, and examines the causes of an unprecedented contestation of free movement rights

    Efectos del desempleo femenino de larga duración en la fecundidad de las parejas españolas, 2005-2019

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the reproductive behaviour of Spanish cohabiting couples in which the woman is long-term unemployed (24 months or more). The initial hypothesis is that this relationship is mediated by the socio-economic and socio-demographic situation of the family. Therefore, while in certain couples, long-term female unemployment reduces the possibility of having children, for others it may constitute an opportunity to have children. We take advantage of the Labour Force Survey 2005-2019, covering the pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis periods. The results show the importance of the life course (age and previous children), the labour situation of the couple, the educational level, the duration of unemployment of women, the unemployment benefit allowance and the context of the economic cycle as proxies for future expectations in the labour market and in family trajectories.El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento reproductivo de las parejas españolas convivientes en las que la mujer se encuentra en desempleo de larga duración, 24 meses o más. La hipótesis de partida plantea que esta relación está mediada por la situación socioeconómica y sociodemográfica de la familia. Por lo que, mientras en determinadas parejas el paro femenino de larga duración reduce la posibilidad de tener hijos, para otras puede constituir una oportunidad para tenerlos. Para el análisis se utilizan los microdatos de la Encuesta de Población Activa del INE durante los años 2005-2019, que abarca los periodos precrisis, crisis y postcrisis. Los resultados apuntan a la importancia de la etapa vital (edad e hijos previos), la situación laboral del cónyuge, el nivel educativo, la duración del paro de la mujer, el subsidio de desempleo y el contexto del ciclo económico como proxys de las expectativas futuras tanto en el mercado laboral como en la fecundidad