898 research outputs found

    Unlocking the concept of capacity in modern fisheries management

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    Norges Forskningsrå

    My Placement in Australia: A Stepping Stone for the Future

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    Field Placement Experience, Summer 2011 -- Melbourne, Australia -- Partner Agencie(s): Ecumenical Migration Centrehttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110150/1/Poster_Standal.pd

    Towards a challenge model for the tapeworm Eubothrium crassum - incubation of cestode eggs and maintenance of a marine intermediate host, Acartia tonsa

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    Bendelormen Eubothrium crassum Bloch (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea) er en parasitt som forekommer hovedsakelig hos laksefisker i både ferskvann og sjøvann. Den er et økende problem i norsk oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar Linnaeus) i sjø i Norge, og forårsaker økt fôropptak og redusert vekst hos smittet fisk. Flere detaljer i livssyklusen til marin E. crassum er fortsatt ikke godt nok kartlagte. Imidlertid er det kjent at livssyklusen til E. crassum hos marin oppdrettslaks involverer en copepode som første mellomvert, og at denne blir spist direkte av sluttverten. Denne studien har som mål å samle data for en smittemodell for marin E. crassum hos laks ved å bruke copepoden Acartia tonsa Dana som mellomvert, og på den måten tilrettelegge for forskning på interaksjonene mellom parasitt og vert. I forsøket ble E. crassum egg inkubert i opptil fire dager ved forskjellige vannsaliniteter, i autoklavert eller ikkeautoklavert vann og noen grupper egg ble behandlet med antibiotika som hensikt å finne metoden som ga høyest overlevelse blant eggene. Et assay ble laget der en benyttet nøytral rødt i kombinasjon med spektrofotometri for å kvantifisere andelen levende egg ved å bruke absorbans som indikator. Blant parametrene som ble testet for inkubering av E. crassum egg var det kun rent ferskvann som påvirket absorbans negativt. Det indikerer at egg fra marin E. crassum bør inkuberes i brakkvann eller sjøvann (25-34 ppt). Disse resultatene viser også at E. crassum egg kan inkuberes i ikke-autoklavert vann og uten antibiotikabehandling i minimum fire dager uten signifikant redusert reduksjon i overlevelsen. Overlevelse hos A. tonsa ble undersøkt i forskjellige inkubatorsystemer. I tillegg ble A. tonsa forsøkt smittet med E. crassum egg som var inkubert ved forskjellige saliniteter (0 ppt, 25 ppt og 34 ppt). Ingen signifikante forskjeller i prevalens mellom gruppene smittet med egg inkubert ved 25 ppt og 34 ppt ble observert, men begge gruppene hadde betydelig høyere prevalens enn den smittet med egg inkubert ved 0 ppt. Reduksjon i antall overlevende copepoder ble observert over tid i alle gruppene uavhengig av inkubatorsystem. Lavere konsentrasjon av copepodene, mindre håndtering og kontinuerlig fôring bør vurderes for framtidige oppsett for hold av copepodene. Femten laks fikk copepoder infisert med E. crassum procercoide larver som var utviklet i 224, 240 og 256 døgngrader ved 16 ℃ intubert oralt direkte til magesekken. Ingen av laksene ble infisert av E. crassum. Det er flere mulige grunner til at smitte ikke ble etablert, men fiskestørrelse og tarminnhold hos fisken har blitt foreslått som mulige faktorer, i tillegg til antall kopepoder brukt for å smitte hver fisk.Masteroppgave i fiskehelseFISK399MAMN-FIS

    Privacy Regulations' Effect on Consumer Behavior Online: A Theoretical and Behavioral Economic Review

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    In May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect. A regulation based on transparency, consent, and limits of service. The regulation gives consumers more ownership of their own personal data and companies are required to protect the data they collect, in addition to informing their consumers of why and how they use the data. In this thesis, I investigate how these privacy regulations, mainly the General Data Protection Regulation has affected consumer behavior online. Through a literature review of empirical, theoretical and behavioral papers I find that there is some effect of the regulation but there are also behavioral aspects such as nudging and biases that affect the users’ privacy choices. The thesis also looks at a model of rationality and presents a numeric example of how optimism bias, present bias and status quo bias may affect consumers' choices when presented with cookie banners. The privacy paradox also plays a part throughout the thesis to explain where the main problem lies. The thesis concludes that privacy regulations do not affect consumer behavior severely and discusses if biases and nudging can be a reason for the unchanged behavior. However, even though the General Data Protection Regulation is a step in the right direction, as it targets companies to protect consumers, the authorities need to examine possible measures on how to further protect consumers interests. Especially, regarding nudging and the privacy paradox.MasteroppgaveECON391MASV-SØKPROF-SØ

    Bygning-gate relasjonen : kunsten å byggje den kompakte byen i gjeldande norsk praksis

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    Cities comprise constantly changing elements and patterns of human interventions. Patterns which we experience, evaluate, and continuously develop through an ever, ongoing range of decisions. This thesis asks questions about how we can build the city in a way that responds to our urban experiences by operationalising this experience into knowledge as a basis for city building, the thesis delves into the details of what we perceive as urban – the relationships between buildings and cityscape, between private and public, and the unavoidable detailed close relationship between buildings and streets. These micro-morphological details embody the preconditions and dynamics of a living city, manifest through urban form, and the processes and decisions which define it. The title: ‘The Building–Street Relationship: Investigating the Art of Compact City Building in Contemporary Norwegian Practice’, presents the main content and principles addressed throughout the thesis. It engages in the production of urban form; its core focus and units of analysis include the boundary between the physical entities of buildings and streets and how these morphological units interrelate, researched through the field of Urban Morphology. Relationship addresses the link between these two spatial units, but also a main ontological understanding, namely that of investigating urban form as being relational rather than about objects. This indirectly includes the users of space – human beings – and their experiences, behaviour, and decisions as well as their relation to built form and space. By city building, I refer to the implementation of plans, which provide urban quality, while the Art of refers to the professional skills and methods required to address this complexity, as well as to the craft included in the ‘making disciplines’ of city building. Compact city refers to both the sustainability model, which this thesis engages with as a current and actual model for implementation within the Norwegian sustainable urban densification agenda of land use policy, and as ‘built form’ inspired by the traditional city. This is all underpinned by the main field of investigation of the thesis – the field of Urban Morphology. Finally, Contemporary Norwegian Practice addresses the actuality of the thesis, its context of investigation, and the institutional framework and legislation used in implementing its physical results.Byar er sett saman med ei byform av ei rekkje stadig skiftande mønster, formelement og strukturar, som er danna som eit resultat av tallause menneskelege handlingar og inngrep. Desse mønstra kan vi oppleve, evaluere og kontinuerleg utvikle gjennom ei rekkje avgjerder. Denne oppgåva spør korleis vi kan byggje byen på ein måte som tek omsyn til våre urbane erfaringar og bruke desse erfaringane som grunnlag for kunnskapsutvikling om bybygging. Oppgåva fokuserer på dei mikro-morfologiske detaljane i det som vi oppfattar som urbant; på samanhengen mellom bygning og by, mellom privat og offentleg og dei uløyselege relasjonane mellom bygningar og gater. Desse detaljane legg føresetnader for å skape ein levande kompakt by, og som ein kan undersøke gjennom å studere byens form og prosessane som definerer denne forma. Tittelen på denne oppgåva, ‘The Building–Street Relationship: Investigating the Art of Compact City Building in Contemporary Norwegian Practice’ presenterer hovudinnhaldet og prinsippa som vert teke opp i avhandlinga. Det overordna problemet for denne avhandlinga inkluderer kompakt bybygging (kva er det) og byutvikling som prosess (korleis ein legg rammer for bybygginga). Studieobjektet og hovudfokuset i avhandlinga er relasjonen mellom bygningar og gater, og korleis desse morfologiske einingane heng saman. Ordet ‘Relationship’ (relasjon) omhandlar koplinga mellom desse to rommelege einingane, samstundes presenterer det oppgåva sitt ontologiske perspektiv, nemleg å utforske byen som ei relasjonell eining heller enn som ei samling av objekt. I tillegg tek ordet omsyn til brukarane av byen, menneska og deira erfaringar, åtferd og avgjerder, samt deira forhold til byform og byrom. Med ‘the Art of City Building’ (Bybygging) viser eg til dei faglege ferdigheitene og metodane som ein treng for å ta omsyn til kompleksiteten med bybygginga, samt handverket ein tek i bruk i dei praktiske fagfelta som er relevante for denne oppgåva. ‘Compact City’ (Kompakt by) viser både til modellen for berekraft som dannar bakteppet for denne oppgåva, til den gjeldande arealpolitikken i Norge og som fysisk byform inspirert av den tradisjonelle byen. Alle desse komponentane er sett frå ein ståstad som dannar hovudfeltet for denne oppgåva, bymorfologi (Urban Morphology). Til slutt viser ordet ‘Contemporary Norwegian Practice’ (gjeldande norsk praksis) til oppgåva sin aktualitet og den konkrete konteksten for undersøkinga, med det institusjonelle rammeverket og lovverket som vert brukt for å implementere bybygginga

    Preventing Burnout: The Role of Personality and Awareness in Early Career Mental Health Professionals in Acute Settings

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    Burnout among health professionals had been increasing over the last decade, but amidst the global impact of COVID-19, burnout has contributed to a national health care crisis (Bednar, 2019; Sklar et al., 2021). Due to increased demand and patient acuity, entry-level mental health professionals (MHPs) in acute settings are specifically at risk (Morse et al., 2012; Simpson et al., 2018). Moreover, unique variables related to personality disposition and emotional vulnerability from trauma can create a predisposition for burnout (Alarcon et al., 2009). This study explored the impacts of personality and emotional awareness curriculum on managing stress amidst crisis work and minimizing burnout. This study used the Big Five Inventory-2-Short Form (BFI-2-S) personality measure and curriculum in the context of a semester long graduate level course that included emotional awareness training, stress-management strategies, and peer-to-peer process groups, to explore if clinical psychology doctoral students at a private university could increase emotional awareness and applicable stress management skills. The intervention group participated in the 15-week course, was tested pre- and post-intervention and at 4 month follow-up of work in rural emergency departments using the Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS-18) and Emotional Self Awareness Scale (ESAS) and a qualitative questionnaire to assess for long-term efficacy. Results showed statistically significant differences in the total score of the ESAS, and in subdomains for Contextualization and Decision-Making with small to very large effect sizes. However, the changes were in the opposite direction than hypothesized. It appears that students reported more confidence in their emotional self-awareness at the beginning of the intervention than at the conclusion. We failed to find a significant difference in participants’ ability to regulate difficulty emotions (DERS-18) and yielded only small to no effect size. The paired sample t-test comparing subjective reports found statistically significant increase in their confidence to manage emotions with a large effect size between T1 and T2. A repeated measures ANOVA failed to find significant difference, suggesting that changes between T2 and T3 were not retained. Although not statistically significant, results showed a moderate effect size in their confidence to maintain the use of the coping strategies

    Caught in the environmental discourse—Coastal fisheries under pressure

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    For decades, the Norwegian coastal fisheries have been defined as the most sustainable, compared to industrial, offshore fisheries. This is due to the low fuel costs involved in the nearshore fisheries, the relatively low investments required and the fact that the coastal fleet is decentralized, providing work opportunities along the entire coast. However, over time new actors, outside the fisheries domain, have brought new sustainability attributes to the environmental discourse. The new agenda goes beyond the traditional sustainability concept, which was closely related to single stock management. Today, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, ghost fishing, plastic pollution at sea and a stricter quota control regime, have become central topics in the sustainability debate. Furthermore, sustainability labels from private certifying agencies have gained a strong position in defining sustainable fisheries, and hence, access to the best paying fish markets. Finally, the coastal fleet has been locked into a quota management regime which makes it difficult to utilize new green technologies. The new order puts considerable pressure on the traditional coastal fisheries. How the coastal fishers and the fisheries administration answer these challenges, will largely determine the future of this fleet. As described in the article, the answers have so far not been very convincing. This could turn the tables, favouring the offshore fleet, which so far has been more responsive to the new challenges.publishedVersio

    Illegal fishing: A challenge to fisheries management in Norway

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    The management of the Norwegian Northeast Atlantic cod fishery has in many ways been a success story; quotas have been high (but now declining), profitability has been higher than most other industries and there is great interest among young recruits to enter the fishery. However, over the last decade illegal fishing of allocated quotas and black-market transactions throughout the value chain have become a significant of the political debate in the fishey, especially in northern Norway. Fisheries crime has been described as a priority area for law enforcement. To combat illegal overfishing the introduction of new automatic catch monitoring technologies onboard fishing vessels is considered a key strategy by the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries. However, the new quota control measures are met with considerable resistance by the fishermen. This paper outlines the key elements of modern fisheries management to address sustainability goals, how the institutional subsystems connect with each other, and how illegal overfishing may threaten the stability of the entire management system. The gravity of illegal overfishing supports the authorities' new strategies to increase catch- and quota control. Nevertheless, the implementation of new control technologies may not be straightforward. Especially small-scale fishermen have presented a number of valid arguments against the proposed control measures. Thus, this study outlines how the implementation process may gain increased support from the fishermen.publishedVersio
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