44 research outputs found

    Role of Subsurface Geo-Energy Pilot and Demonstration Sites in Delivering Net Zero

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    Recent research suggests that the effects of climate change are already tangible, making the requirement for net zero more pressing than ever. New emissions targets have been announced in April 2021 by various governments, including by the United Kingdom, United States, and China, prior to the Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow. Part of the solution for net zero will be geo-energy technologies in the subsurface, these include: mine water geothermal, aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES), enhanced geothermal systems and other thermal storage options, compressed air energy storage (CAES), and carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) including bioenergy CCS (BECCS). Subsurface net zero technologies have been studied by geologists at laboratory scale and with models, but also require testing at greater-than laboratory scale and in representative conditions not reproducible in laboratories and models. Test, pilot and demonstration facilities aid rock characterisation process understanding and up-scaling, and thereby provide a bridge between laboratory testing and computer modelling and full-scale operation. Examples of test sites that have progressed technology development include the Otway International Test Centre (Australia, CCS) and the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden, geological radioactive waste disposal). These sites have provided scale up for key research questions allowing science issues of relevance to regulation, licencing and permitting to be examined at scale in controlled environments. Successful operations at such sites allow research to be seen at first hand to inform the public, regulators, supply chain companies and investors that such technologies can work safely and economically. A Geological Society conference on the “Role of subsurface research labs in delivering net zero” in February 2021 considered the value of test sites and gaps in their capability. Gaps were identified in two areas: 1) test facilities to aid the design of low cost, high resolution, unobtrusive seismic and other monitoring for a seismically noisy urban environment with a sensitive human population, for example for ATES in urban areas; and 2) a dedicated through-fault zone test site to understand fault transmissivity and reactivation. Conference participants also recommended investment and development in test sites, shared facilities and risk, joint strategies, data interoperability and international collaboration

    An exploration of the use of infant observation methods to research the identities of severely learning disabled adolescents and to enhance relationship-based practice for professional social work practice

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    This paper considers how infant observation methods may be adapted to explore and research the identities of severely learning disabled adolescents, a group of young people whose experiences are poorly represented in the literature. Through focusing on emotion and relationship, this ‘practice-near’ research method also offers a way for social workers to develop their reflective capacity in relation to the often hidden, uncomfortable emotions aroused by experiencing impairment and difference, but without the defences usually involved in assuming the professional role. The importance of taking time to get on a disabled child’s ‘wavelength’ is illustrated through extracts from the research which show how a young person’s agency and identity can be appreciated. The method also has the potential to develop social workers’ awareness of the powerful undercurrent of emotions apparent at times within families of severely disabled young people and tentative suggestions are made about the projective processes and hidden hostilities at work within one of the families observed as part of the research project. Professionals may be able to use this knowledge to become resilient and reflective practitioners and the observation method itself has something to offer by way of a containing experience for families

    Why do people fitted with hearing aids not wear them?

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    Objective: Age-related hearing loss is an increasingly important public health problem affecting approximately 40% of 55–74 year olds. The primary clinical management intervention for people with hearing loss is hearing aids, however, the majority (80%) of adults aged 55–74 years who would benefit from a hearing aid, do not use them. Furthermore, many people given a hearing aid do not wear it. The aim was to collate the available evidence as to the potential reasons for non-use of hearing aids among people who have been fitted with at least one. Design: Data were gathered via the use of a scoping study. Study sample: A comprehensive search strategy identified 10 articles reporting reasons for non-use of hearing aids. Results: A number of reasons were given, including hearing aid value, fit and comfort and maintenance of the hearing aid, attitude, device factors, financial reasons, psycho-social/situational factors, healthcare professionals attitudes, ear problems, and appearance. Conclusions: The most important issues were around hearing aid value, i.e. the hearing aid not providing enough benefit, and comfort related to wearing the hearing aid. Identifying factors that affect hearing aid usage are necessary for devising appropriate rehabilitation strategies to ensure greater use of hearing aids

    Hepatite infecciosa canina em cães naturalmente infectados: achados patológicos e diagnóstico imuno-histoquímico

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    Vinte e três cães com hepatite infecciosa canina (HIC) foram analisados com base nos seus dados gerais, achados clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos. As principais lesões macroscópicas encontradas foram palidez do fígado (17/23), hepatomegalia (10/23) e hemorragia (21/23). Observou-se também edema da parede da vesícula biliar (11/23), malhas de fibrina cobrindo a superfície capsular hepática (8/23) e icterícia (6/23). Acentuada necrose hepatocelular foi encontrada associada à identificação de corpúsculos intranucleares anfofílicos e basofílicos em hepatócitos e células endoteliais (22/23) característicos de adenovírus. Identificou-se no baço e linfonodos necrose linfoide, hemorragia e menor ocorrência de corpúsculos intranucleares em células reticuloendoteliais. A imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) foi positiva para adenovírus canino tipo 1 em todos os animais analisados. Os principais órgãos positivos na IHQ foram fígado (23/23), telencéfalo (22/22), cerebelo (16/20) e rim (16/21). Maior marcação de antígenos viral foi observada em hepatócitos e no endotélio vascular do encéfalo e dos tufos glomerulares renais

    Intoxicação por Indigofera suffruticosa (Leg. Papilionoideae) em bovinos

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    Em uma propriedade do Município de Aparecida, no sertão da Paraíba, foi diagnosticada intoxicação por Indigofera suffruticosa em um rebanho de 25 vacas e um boi que foram colocados em um piquete que continha predominantemente I. suffruticosa onde permaneceram durante 10 dias. No quinto dia de pastejo o proprietário observou urina com coloração vermelho escura em uma vaca e ao final de dez dias de pastejo havia seis vacas doentes apresentando hemoglobinúria e diminuição na produção leiteira. No quinto dia após serem retiradas do pasto uma vaca apresentou agressividade e no sétimo dia foi encontrada morta pela manhã. Na necropsia o fígado apresentava coloração amarelada com pontos avermelhados e aumento do padrão lobular. A bexiga encontrava- se repleta com urina de cor vermelho escura. Os rins estavam escuros e com áreas hemorrágicas, de até 2mm, que se estendiam radialmente para dentro do córtex e parte da medula. Na histologia, os rins apresentavam áreas multifocais de necrose tubular isquêmica aguda com deposição de hemoglobina nas células epiteliais e cilindros de hemoglobina nos túbulos. No fígado havia necrose de coagulação difusa paracentral e ocasionalmente centrolobular. Os demais bovinos afetados se recuperaram espontaneamente 3-8 dias após serem retirados da pastagem. Conclui-se que a intoxicação por I. suffruticosa apesar de apresentar recuperação espontânea na maioria dos bovinos, mesmo se estes continuam ingerindo a planta, pode causar a morte de alguns animais por anemia aguda

    Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel

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    A major use of the 1000 Genomes Project (1000GP) data is genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we develop a method to estimate haplotypes from low-coverage sequencing data that can take advantage of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray genotypes on the same samples. First the SNP array data are phased to build a backbone (or 'scaffold') of haplotypes across each chromosome. We then phase the sequence data 'onto' this haplotype scaffold. This approach can take advantage of relatedness between sequenced and non-sequenced samples to improve accuracy. We use this method to create a new 1000GP haplotype reference set for use by the human genetic community. Using a set of validation genotypes at SNP and bi-allelic indels we show that these haplotypes have lower genotype discordance and improved imputation performance into downstream GWAS samples, especially at low-frequency variants. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Intoxicação experimental por Trema micrantha (Cannabaceae) em equinos

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi confirmar a toxidez e caracterizar os aspectos clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação por Trema micrantha em equinos. Três equinos, pôneis, com idade entre 2 e 7 anos consumiram espontaneamente folhas de T. micrantha em doses únicas de 30g/kg, 25g/ kg e 20g/kg. Os três animais adoeceram e evoluíram para morte. Outro equino recebeu 15 e 25g/kg da planta com intervalo de 30 dias entre as doses e não apresentou alteração clínica. Coletas diárias de sangue foram realizadas para análises bioquímicas. Os principais sinais clínicos apresentados foram apatia, desequilíbrios, dificuldade de deglutição, decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral, movimentos de pedalagem, coma e morte. Os três equinos afetados apresentaram elevação da atividade sérica de gama-glutamil transferase, dos níveis séricos de amônia e diminuição da glicemia. Esses animais foram necropsiados e fragmentos de diversos órgãos foram coletados para análise histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica. Os principais achados patológicos foram encontrados no fígado e no encéfalo dos três animais. O fígado apresentava, macroscopicamente, acentuação do padrão lobular; enquanto que, no encéfalo havia áreas amareladas na superfície de corte, mais evidentes na substância branca do cerebelo. Microscopicamente, o fígado apresentava tumefação hepatocelular, necrose de coagulação predominantemente centrolobular e hemorragia associada. No encéfalo, havia edema perivascular generalizado e astrócitos Alzheimer tipo II na substância cinzenta. Esses astrócitos apresentaram marcação fraca ou negativa na imuno-histoquímica anti-GFAP e marcação positiva do antígeno S-100. A dose letal mínima de folhas de T. micrantha estabelecida nesse experimento foi de 20g/kg. A ampla distribuição e palatabilidade desta planta, associadas à alta sensibilidade da espécie equina, constatada nesse experimento, reforçam a importância da planta em casos acidentais de intoxicação em equinos