71 research outputs found

    An approach to the preliminary evaluation of Closed Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) scenarios and control strategies

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    Life support systems for manned space missions are discussed. A scenario analysis method was proposed for the initial step of comparing possible partial or total recycle scenarios. The method is discussed in detail

    Freely-moving mice visually pursue prey using a retinal area with least optic flow

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    Mice have a large visual field that is constantly stabilized by vestibular ocular reflex driven eye rotations that counter head-rotations. While maintaining their extensive visual coverage is advantageous for predator detection, mice also track and capture prey using vision. However, in the freely moving animal quantifying object location in the field of view is challenging. Here, we developed a method to digitally reconstruct and quantify the visual scene of freely moving mice performing a visually based prey capture task. By isolating the visual sense and combining amouse eye optic model with the head and eye rotations, the detailed reconstruction of the digital environment and retinal features were projected onto the corneal surface for comparison, and updated throughout the behavior. By quantifying the spatial location of objects in the visual scene and their motion throughout the behavior, we show that the image of the prey is maintained within a small area, the functional focus, in the upper-temporal part of the retina. This functional focus coincides with a region of minimal optic flow in the visual field and consequently minimal motion-induced image blur during pursuit, as well as the reported high density-region of Alpha-ON sustained retinal ganglion cells

    Visual pursuit behavior in mice maintains the pursued prey on the retinal region with least optic flow

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    Mice have a large visual field that is constantly stabilized by vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) driven eye rotations that counter head-rotations. While maintaining their extensive visual coverage is advantageous for predator detection, mice also track and capture prey using vision. However, in the freely moving animal quantifying object location in the field of view is challenging. Here, we developed a method to digitally reconstruct and quantify the visual scene of freely moving mice performing a visually based prey capture task. By isolating the visual sense and combining a mouse eye optic model with the head and eye rotations, the detailed reconstruction of the digital environment and retinal features were projected onto the corneal surface for comparison, and updated throughout the behavior. By quantifying the spatial location of objects in the visual scene and their motion throughout the behavior, we show that the prey image consistently falls within a small area of the VOR-stabilized visual field. This functional focus coincides with the region of minimal optic flow within the visual field and consequently area of minimal motion-induced image-blur, as during pursuit mice ran directly toward the prey. The functional focus lies in the upper-temporal part of the retina and coincides with the reported high density-region of Alpha-ON sustained retinal ganglion cells.Mice have a lot to keep an eye on. To survive, they need to dodge predators looming on land and from the skies, while also hunting down the small insects that are part of their diet. To do this, they are helped by their large panoramic field of vision, which stretches from behind and over their heads to below their snouts. To stabilize their gaze when they are on the prowl, mice reflexively move their eyes to counter the movement of their head: in fact, they are unable to move their eyes independently. This raises the question: what part of their large visual field of view do these rodents use when tracking a prey, and to what advantage? This is difficult to investigate, since it requires simultaneously measuring the eye and head movements of mice as they chase and capture insects. In response, Holmgren, Stahr et al. developed a new technique to record the precise eye positions, head rotations and prey location of mice hunting crickets in surroundings that were fully digitized at high resolution. Combining this information allowed the team to mathematically recreate what mice would see as they chased the insects, and to assess what part of their large visual field they were using. This revealed that, once a cricket had entered any part of the mices large field of view, the rodents shifted their head - but not their eyes - to bring the prey into both eye views, and then ran directly at it. If the insect escaped, the mice repeated that behavior. During the pursuit, the crickets position was mainly held in a small area of the mouses view that corresponds to a specialized region in the eye which is thought to help track objects. This region also allowed the least motion-induced image blur when the animals were running forward. The approach developed by Holmgren, Stahr et al. gives a direct insight into what animals see when they hunt, and how this constantly changing view ties to what happens in the eyes. This method could be applied to other species, ushering in a new wave of tools to explore what freely moving animals see, and the relationship between behaviour and neural circuitry

    Keyword: current developments in youth research

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    Industrial and technical aspects of chip embedding technology

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    Embedding of semiconductor chips into organic substrates allows a very high degree of miniaturization by stacking multiple layers of embedded components, superior electrical performance by short and geometrically well controlled interconnects as well as a homogeneous mechanical environment of the chips, resulting in good reliability. At PCB manufacturing level, 50 µm thin chips have been embedded with pitches up to 200 µm in up to 18"x2" panels. Embedding of chips at 100µm pitch has been achieved at prototype level. Further developments of chip embedding can extend to even finer pitches without redistribution methods only with concurrent developments in ultra fine line patterning, plating methods and chemistries, assembly machines. New manufacturing processes should combine PCB processing and die assembly in one production line in order to benefit the most from this combination without the difficulties of transport between different manufacturing plants. Furthermore, new testing methodologies will be developed and a new supply chain will be created due to incorporation of embedding technologies to PCB production. This paper discusses in detail the technology and manufacturing challenges arisen from the integration of embedding technologies to PCB manufacturing processes