215 research outputs found

    Long-term Reconstruction and Analysis of White River Streamflow

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    A 281-year reconstruction of White River annual runoff at Clarendon, Arkansas, was developed from a regional average of nine Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas tree-ring chronologies (six post oak, Quercus stellata, and three baldcypress, Taxodium distichum). Inhomogeneity of the gaged series was detected with both double mass analysis (using state average total annual Arkansas precipitation) and regression (using the regional tree-ring average). Simple regression calibrated the homogeneous runoff data with the average ring width data from 1930 to 1980. Comparing the reconstruction with independent data verified the regression model. Variance of the reconstruction increases significantly during the 20th century, a change that may be caused by climatic shifts or by anthropogenic disturbances in the watershed. Years of surplus and deficit runoff are non-randomly distributed in both gaged and reconstructed series. This non-randomness appears to be caused by a significant tendency for inter-annual persistence of runoff extremes, which may provide a basis for improvement of probabilistic forecasts of White River runoff

    Megadrought and Megadeath in 16th Century Mexico

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    The native population collapse in 16th century Mexico was a demographic catastrophe with one of the highest death rates in history. Recently developed tree-ring evidence has allowed the levels of precipitation to be reconstructed for north central Mexico, adding to the growing body of epidemiologic evidence and indicating that the 1545 and 1576 epidemics of cocoliztli (Nahuatl for "pest”) were indigenous hemorrhagic fevers transmitted by rodent hosts and aggravated by extreme drought conditions

    ATLAST detector needs for direct spectroscopic biosignature characterization in the visible and near-IR

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    Are we alone? Answering this ageless question will be a major focus for astrophysics in coming decades. Our tools will include unprecedentedly large UV-Optical-IR space telescopes working with advanced coronagraphs and starshades. Yet, these facilities will not live up to their full potential without better detectors than we have today. To inform detector development, this paper provides an overview of visible and near-IR (VISIR; λ=0.41.8 μm\lambda=0.4-1.8~\mu\textrm{m}) detector needs for the Advanced Technology Large Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST), specifically for spectroscopic characterization of atmospheric biosignature gasses. We also provide a brief status update on some promising detector technologies for meeting these needs in the context of a passively cooled ATLAST.Comment: 8 pages, Presented 9 August 2015 at SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, C

    Mechanisms of Hemolysis-Associated Platelet Activation

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    Background Intravascular hemolysis occurs after blood transfusion, in hemolytic anemias, and in other conditions, and is associated with hypercoagulable states. Hemolysis has been shown to potently activate platelets in vitro and in vivo, and several mechanisms have been suggested to account for this, including: (i) direct activation by hemoglobin (Hb); (ii) increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS); (iii) scavenging of nitric oxide (NO) by released Hb; and (iv) release of intraerythrocytic ADP. Objective To elucidate the mechanism of hemolysis-mediated platelet activation. Methods We used flow cytometry to detect PAC-1 binding to activated platelets for in vitro experiments, and a Siemens\u27 Advia 120 hematology system to assess platelet aggregation by using platelet counts from in vivo experiments in a rodent model. Results We found that Hb did not directly activate platelets. However, ADP bound to Hb could cause platelet activation. Furthermore, platelet activation caused by shearing of red blood cells (RBCs) was reduced in the presence of apyrase, which metabolizes ADP to AMP. The use of ROS scavengers did not affect platelet activation. We also found that cell-free Hb enhanced platelet activation by abrogating the inhibitory effect of NO on platelet activation. In vivo infusions of ADP and purified (ADP-free) Hb, as well as hemolysate, resulted in platelet aggregation, as shown by decreased platelet counts. Conclusion Two primary mechanisms account for RBC hemolysis-associated platelet activation: ADP release, which activates platelets; and cell-free Hb release, which enhances platelet activation by lowering NO bioavailability

    Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Non-Linear Brain Distribution of Fluvoxamine in the Rat

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    Introduction. A pharmacokinetic (PK) model is proposed for estimation of total and free brain concentrations of fluvoxamine. Materials and methods. Rats with arterial and venous cannulas and a microdialysis probe in the frontal cortex received intravenous infusions of 1, 3.7 or 7.3 mg.kg j1 of fluvoxamine. Analysis. With increasing dose a disproportional increase in brain concentrations was observed. Th

    Dynamic metabolomic data analysis: a tutorial review

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    In metabolomics, time-resolved, dynamic or temporal data is more and more collected. The number of methods to analyze such data, however, is very limited and in most cases the dynamic nature of the data is not even taken into account. This paper reviews current methods in use for analyzing dynamic metabolomic data. Moreover, some methods from other fields of science that may be of use to analyze such dynamic metabolomics data are described in some detail. The methods are put in a general framework after providing a formal definition on what constitutes a ‘dynamic’ method. Some of the methods are illustrated with real-life metabolomics examples

    In Vivo Methods for the Assessment of Topical Drug Bioavailability

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    This paper reviews some current methods for the in vivo assessment of local cutaneous bioavailability in humans after topical drug application. After an introduction discussing the importance of local drug bioavailability assessment and the limitations of model-based predictions, the focus turns to the relevance of experimental studies. The available techniques are then reviewed in detail, with particular emphasis on the tape stripping and microdialysis methodologies. Other less developed techniques, including the skin biopsy, suction blister, follicle removal and confocal Raman spectroscopy techniques are also described