18,654 research outputs found

    A Revised Geometry for the Magnetic Wind of theta^1 Orionis C

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    Theta^1 Ori is thought to be a hot analog of Bp variables because its optical and UV line and X-ray continuum fluxes modulate regularly over the magnetic/rotational period. A flattened magnetosphere surrounding co-rotates with these stars, producing a periodic modulation of emission and absorption components of the UV resonance lines, as well as of optical H and He lines. In this paper we examine these modulations in detail and point out that the far-blue and near-red wings of C IV and N V resonance lines exhibit anticorrelated modulations, causing mild flux elevations at moderate redshifts at edge-on phase (phi=0.5). However, the lines do not exhibit rest-frame absorption features, the usual signatures of cool static disks surrounding Bp stars. We suggest that this behavior can be explained by the existence of two geometrically distinct wind regions separated by the local magnetic Alfven radius. Wind streams emerging outside this point are forced outward by radiative forces and eventually expand outward radially to infinity - this matter produces the far-blue wing absorptions at phi=0.5. Interior streams follow closed loops and collide at the magnetic equator with counterstreams. There they coalesce and fall back to the star along their original field lines - these are responsible for mild emissions at this same phase. The rapid circulation of the interior wind component back to the star is responsible for the absence of static disk features.Comment: 7 figure

    Similarity Measure Development for Case-Based Reasoning- A Data-driven Approach

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a data-driven methodology for modelling the local similarity measures of various attributes in a dataset. We analyse the spread in the numerical attributes and estimate their distribution using polynomial function to showcase an approach for deriving strong initial value ranges of numerical attributes and use a non-overlapping distribution for categorical attributes such that the entire similarity range [0,1] is utilized. We use an open source dataset for demonstrating modelling and development of the similarity measures and will present a case-based reasoning (CBR) system that can be used to search for the most relevant similar cases

    Dust Formation and He II 4686 emission in the Dense Shell of the Peculiar Type Ib Supernova 2006jc

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    We present evidence for the formation of dust grains in an unusual Type Ib SN based on late-time spectra of SN 2006jc. The progenitor suffered an LBV-like outburst just 2 yr earlier, and we propose that the dust formation is a consequence of the SN blast wave overtaking that LBV-like shell. The key evidence for dust formation is (a) the appearance of a red/near-IR continuum source fit by 1600 K graphite grains, and (b) fading of the redshifted sides of He I emission lines, yielding progressively more asymmetric blueshifted lines as dust obscures receding material. This provides the strongest case yet for dust formation in any SN Ib/c. Both developments occurred between 51 and 75 d after peak, while other SNe observed to form dust did so after a few hundred days. Geometric considerations indicate that dust formed in the dense swept-up shell between the forward and reverse shocks, and not in the freely expanding SN ejecta. Rapid cooling leading to dust formation may have been aided by extremely high shell densities, as indicated by He I line ratios. The brief epoch of dust formation is accompanied by He II 4686 emission and enhanced X-ray emission. These clues suggest that the unusual dust formation in this object was not due to properties of the SN itself, but instead -- like most peculiarities of SN 2006jc -- was a consequence of the dense environment created by an LBV-like eruption 2 yr before the SN.Comment: ApJ, accepted. added some discussion and 2 figures, better title, conclusions same as previous version. 12 pages, 4 color fig

    Discovery and quantitative spectral analysis of an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300

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    We have discovered an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11 following Smith et al.) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300, the first object of this class found outside the Local Group, during a recent spectroscopic survey of blue supergiant stars obtained at the ESO VLT. The light curve over a five-month period in late 1999 displays a variability at the 0.1 mag level. The intermediate resolution spectra (3800-7200 A) show a very close resemblance to the Galactic LBV AG Car during minimum. We have performed a detailed non-LTE analysis of the stellar spectrum, and have derived a chemical abundance pattern which includes H, He, C, N, O, Al, Si and Fe, in addition to the stellar and wind parameters. The derived stellar properties and the He and N surface enrichments are consistent with those of other Local Group WN11 stars in the literature, suggesting a similar quiescent or post-LBV evolutionary status.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Supersonic combustion engine testbed, heat lightning

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    The design of a supersonic combustion engine testbed (SCET) aircraft is presented. The hypersonic waverider will utilize both supersonic combustion ramjet (SCRAMjet) and turbofan-ramjet engines. The waverider concept, system integration, electrical power, weight analysis, cockpit, landing skids, and configuration modeling are addressed in the configuration considerations. The subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic aerodynamics are presented along with the aerodynamic stability and landing analysis of the aircraft. The propulsion design considerations include: engine selection, turbofan ramjet inlets, SCRAMjet inlets and the SCRAMjet diffuser. The cooling requirements and system are covered along with the topics of materials and the hydrogen fuel tanks and insulation system. A cost analysis is presented and the appendices include: information about the subsonic wind tunnel test, shock expansion calculations, and an aerodynamic heat flux program

    Chandra HETGS Multi-Phase Spectroscopy of the Young Magnetic O Star theta^1 Orionis C

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    We report on four Chandra grating observations of the oblique magnetic rotator theta^1 Ori C (O5.5 V) covering a wide range of viewing angles with respect to the star's 1060 G dipole magnetic field. We employ line-width and centroid analyses to study the dynamics of the X-ray emitting plasma in the circumstellar environment, as well as line-ratio diagnostics to constrain the spatial location, and global spectral modeling to constrain the temperature distribution and abundances of the very hot plasma. We investigate these diagnostics as a function of viewing angle and analyze them in conjunction with new MHD simulations of the magnetically channeled wind shock mechanism on theta^1 Ori C. This model fits all the data surprisingly well, predicting the temperature, luminosity, and occultation of the X-ray emitting plasma with rotation phase.Comment: 52 pages, 14 figures (1 color), 6 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, 1 August 2005, v628, issue 2. New version corrects e-mail address, figure and table formatting problem

    Spectroscopic and photometric oscillatory envelope variability during the S Doradus outburst of the Luminous Blue Variable R71

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    To better understand the LBV phenomenon, we analyze multi-epoch and multi-wavelength spectra and photometry of R71. Pre-outburst spectra are analyzed with the radiative transfer code CMFGEN to determine the star's fundamental stellar parameters. During quiescence, R71 has an effective temperature of Teff=15500 KT_\mathrm{{eff}} = 15\,500~K and a luminosity of log(L/L)(L_*/L_{\odot}) = 5.78 and is thus a classical LBV, but at the lower luminosity end of this group. We determine its mass-loss rate to 4.0×106 M 4.0 \times 10^{-6}~M_{\odot}~yr1^{-1}. We present R71's spectral energy distribution from the near-ultraviolet to the mid-infrared during its present outburst. Mid-infrared observations suggest that we are witnessing dust formation and grain evolution. Semi-regular oscillatory variability in the star's light curve is observed during the current outburst. Absorption lines develop a second blue component on a timescale twice that length. The variability may consist of one (quasi-)periodic component with P ~ 425/850 d with additional variations superimposed. During its current S Doradus outburst, R71 occupies a region in the HR diagram at the high-luminosity extension of the Cepheid instability strip and exhibits similar irregular variations as RV Tau variables. LBVs do not pass the Cepheid instability strip because of core evolution, but they develop comparable cool, low-mass, extended atmospheres in which convective instabilities may occur. As in the case of RV Tau variables, the occurrence of double absorption lines with an apparent regular cycle may be due to shocks within the atmosphere and period doubling may explain the factor of two in the lengths of the photometric and spectroscopic cycles.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A&

    Extended Magnetic Dome Induced by Low Pressures in Superconducting FeSe1-x_\mathrm{1\text{-}x}Sx_\mathrm{x}

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    We report muon spin rotation (μ\muSR) and magnetization measurements under pressure on Fe1+δ_{1+\delta}Se1-x_\mathrm{1\text{-}x}Sx_\mathrm{x} with x 0.11\approx 0.11.Above p0.6p\approx0.6 GPa we find microscopic coexistence of superconductivity with an extended dome of long range magnetic order that spans a pressure range between previously reported separated magnetic phases. The magnetism initially competes on an atomic scale with the coexisting superconductivity leading to a local maximum and minimum of the superconducting Tc(p)T_\mathrm{c}(p). The maximum of TcT_\mathrm{c} corresponds to the onset of magnetism while the minimum coincides with the pressure of strongest competition. A shift of the maximum of Tc(p)T_\mathrm{c}(p) for a series of single crystals with x up to 0.14 roughly extrapolates to a putative magnetic and superconducting state at ambient pressure for x 0.2\geq0.2.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, including supplemental materia

    Critical Discourse Analysis as a Review Methodology: An Empirical Example

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    Research disciplines and subdisciplines are steeped in epistemological beliefs and theoretical assumptions that guide and constrain research. These beliefs and assumptions both enable scientific inquiry and limit scientific progress. Theory and review papers tend to be a means for reproducing ideological assumptions. However, review papers can also challenge ideological assumptions by critically assessing taken-for-granted assumptions. Critical review methods are underdeveloped in the management disciplines. The information systems (IS) discipline must do more to improve the critical examination of its scientific discourse. In this paper, we present a method with guiding principles and steps for systematically conducting critical reviews of IS literature based on Habermasian strains of critical discourse analysis. We provide an empirical example of the method. The empirical example offers a critical review of behavioral information security research with a focus on employees’ security behaviors