780 research outputs found

    Galactic cosmic rays on extrasolar Earth-like planets: II. Atmospheric implications

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    (abridged abstract) Theoretical arguments indicate that close-in terrestial exoplanets may have weak magnetic fields. As described in the companion article (Paper I), a weak magnetic field results in a high flux of galactic cosmic rays to the top of the planetary atmosphere. We investigate effects that may result from a high flux of galactic cosmic rays both throughout the atmosphere and at the planetary surface. Using an air shower approach, we calculate how the atmospheric chemistry and temperature change under the influence of galactic cosmic rays for Earth-like (N_2-O_2 dominated) atmospheres. We evaluate the production and destruction rate of atmospheric biosignature molecules. We derive planetary emission and transmission spectra to study the influence of galactic cosmic rays on biosignature detectability. We then calculate the resulting surface UV flux, the surface particle flux, and the associated equivalent biological dose rates. We find that up to 20% of stratospheric ozone is destroyed by cosmic-ray protons. The reduction of the planetary ozone layer leads to an increase in the weighted surface UV flux by two orders of magnitude under stellar UV flare conditions. The resulting biological effective dose rate is, however, too low to strongly affect surface life. We also examine the surface particle flux: For a planet with a terrestrial atmosphere, a reduction of the magnetic shielding efficiency can increase the biological radiation dose rate by a factor of two. For a planet with a weaker atmosphere (with a surface pressure of 97.8 hPa), the planetary magnetic field has a much stronger influence on the biological radiation dose, changing it by up to two orders of magnitude.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, published in A&

    Galactic cosmic rays on extrasolar Earth-like planets I. Cosmic ray flux

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    (abridged abstract) Theoretical arguments indicate that close-in terrestial exoplanets may have weak magnetic fields, especially in the case of planets more massive than Earth (super-Earths). Planetary magnetic fields, however, constitute one of the shielding layers that protect the planet against cosmic-ray particles. In particular, a weak magnetic field results in a high flux of Galactic cosmic rays that extends to the top of the planetary atmosphere. We wish to quantify the flux of Galactic cosmic rays to an exoplanetary atmosphere as a function of the particle energy and of the planetary magnetic moment. We numerically analyzed the propagation of Galactic cosmic-ray particles through planetary magnetospheres. We evaluated the efficiency of magnetospheric shielding as a function of the particle energy (in the range 16 MeV \le E \le 524 GeV) and as a function of the planetary magnetic field strength (in the range 0 M{M}_\oplus \le {M} \le 10 M{M}_\oplus). Combined with the flux outside the planetary magnetosphere, this gives the cosmic-ray energy spectrum at the top of the planetary atmosphere as a function of the planetary magnetic moment. We find that the particle flux to the planetary atmosphere can be increased by more than three orders of magnitude in the absence of a protecting magnetic field. For a weakly magnetized planet (M=0.05M{M}=0.05\,{M}_{\oplus}), only particles with energies below 512 MeV are at least partially shielded. For a planet with a magnetic moment similar to Earth, this limit increases to 32 GeV, whereas for a strongly magnetized planet (M=10.0MM=10.0\,{M}_{\oplus}), partial shielding extends up to 200 GeV. We find that magnetic shielding strongly controls the number of cosmic-ray particles reaching the planetary atmosphere. The implications of this increased particle flux are discussed in a companion article.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; accepted in A&

    Cathodoluminescence in a (S)TEM - Exploring Possibilities and Limits

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    Extended abstract of a paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010 in Portland, Oregon, USA, August 1 - August 5, 201

    Evaluation du projet SPAS-PMU REVIAC

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    Le projet REVIAC: Le projet REVIAC (Réinsertion vie active) est un projet de collaboration entre le Service de prévoyance et d'aides sociales (SPAS) et la Policlinique médicale universitaire (PMU) pour améliorer les possibilités de démarches de réinsertion chez les bénéficiaires du revenu d'insertion (RI) avec certificat d'incapacité de travail. En effet, certains bénéficiaires ont des certificats médicaux d'incapacité récurrents et les assistants sociaux (AS) ne peuvent entreprendre les démarches nécessaires. Le projet développé par le SPAS et la PMU comprend deux axesa : ? La création à la PMU d'une consultation pour les bénéficiaires du RI dont l'état de santé compromet toute démarche d'insertion/d'activation. ? Le développement de l'information et de la formation : a) des médecins, principalement de premier recours, sur les thématiques sociales liées au RI et le réseau socio-sanitaire existant, et b) des assistants sociaux sur les pratiques des médecins traitants. Les objectifs du projet sont : Encourager l'élaboration de projets favorisant l'autonomie des bénéficiaires (autonomie sociale comme professionnelle et financière), compatibles avec leur état de santé, réalistes et réalisables ; Apporter un soutien médical aux bénéficiaires entrant dans une démarche d'insertion ou en cours d'insertion, en collaboration avec leurs médecins traitants ; Fournir aux AS les informations nécessaires leur permettant d'initier, au besoin, une collaboration avec l'AI dans le cadre de mesures de prévention et d'insertion ; Permettre aux AS de diriger et accompagner les bénéficiaires dont l'état de santé est incompatible avec une démarche d'insertion vers d'autres types de mesures ou d'autres prises en charge plus adéquates (rentes AI, etc.) ; Améliorer la collaboration entre les médecins traitants des bénéficiaires et les assistants sociaux en charge de leur dossier ; Proposer, à terme, le développement de nouvelles mesures adaptées aux problématiques de santé des bénéficiaires

    An anionic phosphenium complex as an ambident nucleophile

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    A unique anionic phosphenium complex was prepared from reaction of an N-heterocyclic chlorophosphine with Collman's reagent or K[HFe(CO)(4)]/NaH and characterized by spectral and XRD data. The complex behaves as an ambident nucleophile. Reactions with acetic acid, ClSnPh3, and a further equivalent of an N-heterocyclic chlorophosphine proceed via electrophilic functionalization at the metal site to yield appropriate mono- or bis-phosphenium complexes. Reaction with MeI at -70 degrees C produces a P-alkylation product as the first spectroscopically detectable intermediate, which decays at a higher temperature to give a mixture of free P-methylated N-heterocyclic phosphine and its Fe(CO)(4) complex. The different reaction products were characterized by spectral and XRD data. Computational studies indicate that the NHP units in all complexes display p-acceptor behaviour but show no disposition to adopt phosphide-like character or formally oxidize the metal centre.Peer reviewe

    Enquêtes populationnelles sur la victimisation et la délinquance chez les jeunes dans les cantons de Vaud et Zurich : Les jeunes non-exclusivement hétérosexuel∙le∙s : populations davantage exposées ?

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    Les personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles et transgenres (LGBT) sont nombreuses à être Les personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles et transgenres (LGBT) sont nombreuses à être confrontées à des violences psychologiques, verbales et/ou physiques. En effet, les jeunes faisantpartie de minorités sexuelles sont plus fréquemment victimisé·e·s à l’école que leurs pair·e·s. Ils·Elles sont par exemple plus nombreux·euses à avoir été victimes de vols ou à avoir eu leurs affaires cassées et sont également significativement plus nombreux·euses à avoir manqué l’école du fait qu’ils·elles ne s’y sentaient pas en sécurité. Relevons également que la part de jeunes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuel·le·s (LGB) ayant vécu des rapports sexuels non consentis est également plus importante. Les jeunes faisant partie de minorité sexuelles sont également plus souvent victimes de harcèlement. Les données de la dernière enquête « Youth Risk Behavior Survey » (YRBS, 2015) indiquent que 34% des jeunes LGB, 25% des jeunes en questionnement quant à leur orientation sexuelle et 19% des jeunes hétérosexuel·le·s ont été harcelé à l’école au cours de 12 derniers mois. Enfin, les adolescents et jeunes hommes faisant partie de minorités sexuelles sont plus souvent victimes de violences homophobes. Le premier objectif du présent rapport consiste à déterminer le taux de jeunes de 15 ans scolarisé·e·s n’ayant pas une attirance sexuelle exclusivement hétérosexuelle dans ces deux cantons et le second à déterminer dans quelle mesure ces personnes sont plus touchées par différentes problématiques comme la victimisation, la consommation de substances psychoactives, le harcèlement en milieu scolaire, la délinquance, ou encore les problèmes de santé

    The murine male reproductive organ at a glance: Three-dimensional insights and virtual histology using label-free light sheet microcopy

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    Background:The unique anatomy of the male reproductive organ reflects its complex function from sperm maturation to their storage for months until emission. Since light microscopy in two dimensions (2d) cannot sufficiently demonstrate its complex morphology, a comprehensive visualization is required to identify pathologic alterations in its entire anatomical context.Objectives:Aim of this study was to use three-dimensional (3d) light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) to visualize entire murine testes in 3d, label-free and at subcellular resolution, and to assign local autofluorescence to testicular and deferent structures.Materials and methods:Murine testes were fixed with four different fixatives and subsequently cleared with benzoic acid/benzyl benzoate. Hereafter, complete murine testes were scanned with LSFM with different fluorescence filter sets and subsequently embedded in paraffin for further conventional planar histology.Results:Autofluorescence signals of the murine reproductive organ allowed the unambiguous identification of the testicular anatomy from the seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens with their specific stratification independent of the used fixative. Blood vessels were visualized from the pampiniform plexus to the small capillaries of single tubules. Moreover, due to the specific intrinsic fluorescence properties of the efferent ducts and the epididymis, luminal caliber, the epithelial stratification and retronuclear cytoplasmic inclusions gave a unique insight into the interface of both morphological structures. Subsequent 2d histology confirmed the identified morphological structures.Discussion:LSFM analysis of the murine reproductive organ allows due to its intrinsic fluorescence a simple, label-free 3d assessment of its entire duct morphology, the epithelial composition, and the associated blood supply in its anatomical relation.Conclusion:LSFM provides the technical basis for comprehensive analyses of pathologically altered murine testes in its entirety by depicting specific autofluorescence. Thereby it facilitates mouse studies of testicular disease or their drug-related alterations in more detail potentially for clinical translation assessing human testicular biopsies.<br

    Data scientists

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    What is a data scientist? How can you become one? How can you form a team of data scientists that fits your organization? In this chapter, we trace the skillset of a successful data scientist and define the necessary competencies. We give a disambiguation to other historically or contemporary definitions of the term, and show how a career as a data scientist might get started. Finally we will answer the above mentioned third question, i.e. how to build analytics teams within a data-driven organization