1,045 research outputs found

    Continuous State Dynamic Programming via Nonexpansive Approximation

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    This paper studies fitted value iteration for continuous state dynamic programming using nonexpansive function approximators. A number of nonexpansive approximation schemes are discussed. The main contribution is to provide error bounds for approximate optimal policies generated by the value iteration algorithm.Dynamic Programming; Approximation


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    This paper establishes global stability for a class of stochastic increasing returns accumulation models. The nature of the unique stochastic steady state is investigated. It is found that the models generate highly path dependent time series over long horizons. The findings demonstrate that the standard stability concept used in stochastic growth theory is satisfied by models which contradict our intuitive association of globally stability with unique, history-independent outcomes for each set of economic fundamentals. At the same time, the analysis provides a principled theoretical framework for integrating increasing returns models more closely with the cross-country income data.

    Computing the Distributions of Economic Models Via Simulation

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    This paper studies the convergence properties of a Monte Carlo algorithm for computing distributions of state variables when the underlying model is a Markov chain with absolutely continuous transition probabilities. We show that the L1 error of the estimator always converges to zero with probability one. In addition, rates of convergence are established for L1 and integral mean squared errors. The algorithm is shown to have many applications in economics.

    Random Dynamical Systems with Multiplicative Noise

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    The paper considers random economic systems generating nonlinear time series on the positive half-ray R+. Using Liapunov techniques, new conditions for existence, uniqueness and stability of stationary equilibria are obtained. The conditions generalize earlier results from the mathematical literature, and extend to models outside the scope of existing economic methodology. An application to the stochastic growth problem with increasing returns is given.


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    The standard one-sector stochastic optimal growth model is shown to be not just ergodic but geometrically ergodic. In addition, it is proved that the time series generated by the optimal path satisfy the Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem.

    Computing the Distributions of Economic Models Via Simulation

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    This paper studies a Monte Carlo algorithm for computing distributions of state variables when the underlying model is a Markov process. It is shown that the L1 error of the estimator always converges to zero with probability one, and often at a parametric rate. A related technique for computing stationary distributions is also investigated.Distributions, Markov processes, simulation.

    Continuous State Dynamic Programming Via Nonexpansive Approximation

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    This paper studies fitted value iteration for continuous state dynamic programming using nonexpansive function approximators. A number of nonexpansive approximation schemes are discussed. The main contribution is to provide error bounds for approximate optimal policies generated by the value iteration algorithm.

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability of Finite State Markov Chains

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    This note considers finite state Markov chains which overlap supports. While the overlapping supports condition is known to be necessary and sufficient for stability of these chains, the result is typically presented in a more general context. As such, one objective of the note is to provide an exposition, along with simple proofs corresponding to the finite case. Second, the note provides an additional equivalent condition which should be useful in applications.

    Stochastic Growth: Asymptotic Distributions.

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    This note studies conditions under which sequences of capital per head generated by stochastic optimal accumulation models have law of large numbers and central limit properties. The regularity condition used on the productivity shock is somewhat different to that of previous studies. In particular, no restrictions are placed on its support. Instead, an "average contraction" property is required on the law of motion.CAPITAL ; PRODUCTIVITY ; ECONOMIC MODELS

    Computable Bounds for Extreme Event Probabilities in Stochastic Economic Models

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    The paper introduces a multiplicative drift condition for evaluating stochastic economic models. The drift condition is shown to permit computation of quantitative bounds for extreme event probabilities in terms of the model primitives. By way of illustration, the technique is applied to a simple threshold autoregression model of exchange rates.