38 research outputs found

    The B-effect, or: How to do literary criticism with a nuclear power-plant

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    The essay, in the process of making its meta-critical point, reviews the collection Co-memorative essays on Herman Melville’s ‘Bartleby the scriverner” edited by Janusz Semrau (2009). The collection was published almost simultaneously with the new Polish translation of Melville’s story, published as a companion volume with Gilles Deleuze’s and Giorgio Agamben’s pertinent essays (Melville 2009). There follows a wave of interest among Polish critics, which amounts to a new, local Bartleby industry (Czaplińki 2009; Jankowicz 2009; Kapela 2010). This review is inspired by one important example, a lecture delivered on March 24th, at the Department of Polish Studies of Poznań’s Adam Mickiewicz University, in which one of the preeminent Polish literary critics presented the ‘melancholic vampire’, the predatory writer, the walking death that lingers, does not want to go, stalks, and sucks out the life of his friends and admirers. Although the speech was primarily about Arthur Miller, Bartleby loomed (stalked) behind, until he surfaced, with a reference to the new Polish translation

    Lidocaine, old drug - new possibilities. Treatment of postoperative pain and reduction of postoperative complications with intravenous administration

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    Introduction: The number of surgeries requiring sedation continues to increase worldwide. Analgesia is one of the main components of anesthesia used during surgical procedures. Despite improvements in surgical techniques, the invention of new analgesics and a significant expansion of knowledge about the pathophysiology of pain, more than 75% of patients experience postoperative pain. Adequate analgesia reduces postoperative complications and shortens the length of hospitalization. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic also used as an antiarrhythmic drug. Studies report that intravenous administration may find application in perioperative analgesia. Aim of the study: The purpose of our study was to determine in which types of surgery the benefits of IVL (Intravenous lidocaine) are greatest.Methods and Evidence: We reviewed the literature available on PubMed using the words "Intravenous lidocaine"; "Perioperative Lidocaine "; "Postoperative pain".Results: IVL has been shown to have a positive effect on reducing opioid doses, postoperative pain intensity, shortening the duration of postoperative bowel obstruction, faster patient rehabilitation and shortening hospitalization. In non-abdominal surgeries, the greatest benefits have been seen in breast surgery, urology and spinal surgery. Lidocaine has low toxicity; only doses several times higher cause adverse effects.Conclusions: IVL should be used during intraabdominal surgery due to its high efficacy. Further studies on a larger group of patients are needed to better determine the effects of IVL in other surgeries. Keywords: "Intravenous lidocaine"; "Perioperative Lidocaine "; "Postoperative pain"

    Review of diagnostic methods for prostate cancer with consideration of MRI-TRUS fusion biopsy

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    Introduction and purpose of the study: Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancies in the human population worldwide. The continuous development of imaging methods allows for its increased recognition. Conclusions have been drawn that MRI-TRUS (magnetic resonance imaging - transrectal ultrasonography) fusion biopsy is superior to other diagnostic methods. The aim of this study is to review the available studies and publications and determine which method of diagnosing prostate cancer is most effective. Materials and Evidence: We reviewed the literature available on PubMed and Google Scholar using the words "fusion biopsy"; "prostate diagnosis"; "prostate cancer"; "transrectal ultrasonography". Results: The diagnosis of prostate cancer is made possible by a range of tests such as transrectal palpation, measurement of prostate specific antigen, transrectal ultrasonography, needle biopsy and MRI. The combination of biopsy, MRI and transrectal ultrasonography has led to the development of fusion biopsy. It combines the high-resolution features of MRI and the real-time images provided by ultrasound. Conclusions: The higher cost of the test and the need for specialised equipment together with the advanced software required for fusion biopsy ultimately provides a statistically significant higher success rate for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Mentioned the effects of this method, further development and dissemination is expected

    Cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin – causes, prevention, prospects

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    Introduction: Doxorubicin is one of the most reliable anthracycline chemotherapeutics. Its high efficacy in treating a large range of cancers, however, comes hand in hand with complications. A hallmark of anthracycline drugs, and also their most common side effect, is heart failure caused by the development of dilated cardiomyopathy. Purpose of the study: The purpose of our work is to present the current state of knowledge about the causes of doxorubicin cardiotoxicity and to present known ways to minimize the negative impact on the patient's health. Materials and Methods: We performed a non-systematic review of the Polish and English-language literature available in the database, using the keywords: ,,doxorubicin"; ,,anthracyclines"; ,,cardiotoxicity"; ,,cardiomyopathy"; ,,chemotherapy". Results: Doxorubicin is counted among the first-generation anthracycline cytostatics widely used in cancer chemotherapy. The enormous potential of anthracyclines is a motivator for further attempts to improve these molecules and eliminate side effects. The methods developed so far have led to a reduction in the frequency of cardiovascular incidents, but the risks associated with the use of these drugs are still relatively high and the cost of liposomal forms is high. Summary: The current state of knowledge identifies promising options for improving the well-being of patients undergoing treatment with chemotherapeutic agents. Hopes for effective analogs free of cardiotoxic effects are reasonable, and the use of companion substances is an additional possibility

    Pandemia COVID-19 jako możliwość trwałego ograniczenia praw obywatelskich

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects, which are primarily being felt in the functioning of the health service, the organization of social life, and the state of the national economy. It is also worth paying attention to the legal and political consequences which are less obvious and noticeable for average citizens. One of the most important is the change in legislation which entails limiting civil liberties and rights. This article is on empirical proof of how Polish legislation is reducing fundamental rights. The authorities in combatting the pandemic are not using the solutions that appear in the Polish Constitution, but use the non-constitutional form of special laws. The authors, therefore, when discussing the problem refer to US legislation and policy which has the notable example of the Patriot Act which can be interpreted as being a pretext for limiting civil liberties in the name of combating terrorism. As stated, such emergencies as the current pandemic or the threat of terrorism, are used to permanently and significantly reduce civil rights.Pandemia COVID-19 wywołała daleko idące skutki, które są widoczne przede wszystkim w funkcjonowaniu służby zdrowia, organizacji życia społecznego i stanie gospodarki narodowej. Warto zwrócić uwagę także na konsekwencje prawne i polityczne, które są mniej oczywiste i odczuwalne dla przeciętnych obywateli. Jedną z najważniejszych jest zmiana ustawodawstwa, która pociąga za sobą ograniczenie wolności i praw obywatelskich. Niniejszy artykuł jest empirycznym dowodem na to, jak polskie ustawodawstwo ogranicza prawa podstawowe. Władze w walce z pandemią nie korzystają z rozwiązań, które znajdują się w Konstytucji RP, lecz sięgają po pozakonstytucyjną formę tzw. specustaw. Omawiając to zagadnienie, autorzy odwołują się do amerykańskiego ustawodawstwa i polityki, gdzie znamiennym przykładem jest Patriot Act, który można interpretować jako pretekst do ograniczania swobód obywatelskich w imię walki z terroryzmem. Jak stwierdzono, takie sytuacje nadzwyczajne jak obecna pandemia czy zagrożenie terroryzmem są wykorzystywane do trwałego i znaczącego ograniczania praw obywatelskich

    Variations and morphometric analysis of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery

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    Introduction: The superior cerebral artery is a clinically significant vessel, but little is known about its radiological anatomy. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical variations of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery using Computed Tomography Angiography. Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 200 subjects (54.5% female, mean age ± SD 56.2 ± 17.2 years) that had undergone head Computed Tomography Angiography. Subjects with any intracranial pathologies were excluded. Images in Maximum Intensity Projections were used to study the anatomical anomalies of the superior cerebellar artery. Results: In 200 subject 388 superior cerebellar arteries were found. Twelve (3.09%) SCAs were duplicated in 11 patients and all originated from the basilar artery. In 8 (4.00%) patients the superior cerebellar artery was absent. The origin of the SCA was most often bilateral, mainly from the basilar artery (76.29%). The superior cerebellar artery diameter, measured atthe site of the origin, was statistically significantly different depending on the place of the origin: wider when originating from the basilar artery as a single vessel (1.48 ± 0.42 mm vs. 1.34 ± 0.52 mm; p = 0.03) and narrower when originating as duplicated one (1.38 ± 0.48 mm vs. 1.46 ± 0.44 mm; p = 0.55). Conclusion: Superior cerebellar artery usually originates bilaterally from the basilar artery as a single trunk. Its diameter is significantly wider in that type in comparison to other anatomical variations

    Proposal of a new grading system for malignant fibrous histiocytomas

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    The proposed grading system for malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFH) comprises 3 grades of malignancy. Analogous to other grading systems, the system includes the factors of mitotic rate and necrosis. In addition to these two factors, the concept of cellularity was included. The prognostic relevance of the grading systems published by Costa, Coindre, van Unnik, Pezzi and Tsujimoto as well as the grading system proposed by the present study was tested on 161 MFH. The results showed that all grading systems tested produced clearly significant differences (p<0.01) with regard to the survival estimated for patients with various grades of malignancy. These results revealed the superiority of systems that use 3 grades of malignancy over a 2-grade classification. The proposed grading system yielded a lower percentage of grade II tumours (37%) than the grading systems of Coindre (60%) and van Unnik (70%). In the multivariate analysis of all grading systems, the proposed grading system was the only one to show prognostic relevance (p<0.05)

    Variations and morphometric analysis of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery

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    Introduction The superior cerebral artery is a clinically significant vessel, but little is known about its radiological anatomy. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical variations of the proximal segment of the superior cerebellar artery using Computed Tomography Angiography. Materials and methods The study group consisted of 200 subjects (54.5% female, mean age±SD 56.2±17.2 years) that had undergone head Computed Tomography Angiography. Subjects with any intracranial pathologies were excluded. Images in Maximum Intensity Projections were used to study the anatomical anomalies of the superior cerebellar artery. Results In 200 subject 388 superior cerebellar arteries were found. Twelve (3.09%) SCAs were duplicated in 11 patients and all originated from the basilar artery. In 8 (4.00%) patients the superior cerebellar artery was absent. The origin of the SCA was most often bilateral, mainly from the basilar artery (76.29%). The superior cerebellar artery diameter, measured at the site of the origin, was statistically significantly different depending on the place of the origin: wider when originating from the basilar artery as a single vessel (1.48±0.42mm vs. 1.34±0.52mm; p=0.03) and narrower when originating as duplicated one (1.38±0.48mm vs. 1.46±0.44mm; p=0.55). Conclusion Superior cerebellar artery usually originates bilaterally from the basilar artery as a single trunk. Its diameter is significantly wider in that type in comparison to other anatomical variations

    Risk factors for postoperative infectious complications after RIRS treatment of kidney and ureteral stones

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    Abstract Introduction and aim of the study: Urolithiasis is a disease involving the formation of deposits in the lumen of the urinary tract. The continued development of minimally invasive treatment methods allows for more effective treatment with greater operator comfort and less risk to the patient. It has been concluded that retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) is superior to other therapeutic methods in many respects. The aim of this study is to review the available studies and publications and to identify potential complications following treatment of kidney and ureteral stones by RIRS, with a particular focus on infectious complications and their risk factors. &nbsp; Method and materials: We reviewed the literature available on PubMed and Google Scholar, using the words 'urolithiasis'; 'urolithiasis treatment'; 'retrograde intrarenal surgery'; 'infectious complications of retrograde intrarenal surgery'. &nbsp; Results: Among the risk factors associated with infectious complications after RIRS, long duration of surgery, recent positive urine culture, urinary tract infections or antibiotic use, purulent urine, urinary nitrites, obstructed access through the ureter, struvite stones, co-morbidities play a special role. &nbsp; Conclusions: Among the complications of surgical treatment of nephrolithiasis and ureteral stones by RIRS, infectious complications are of particular concern. In view of the knowledge of their risk factors, preventive measures should include limiting the duration of surgery, possible antibiotic therapy and considering the use of a larger diameter UAS. This is especially true for patients with abnormal urine results, struvite stones, a history of urinary tract infection or predisposing comorbidities. &nbsp; Key words: Urolithiasis; Kidney Calculi; Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery; Urolithiasis infection

    ThyPROpl — The Polish version of the thyroid-specific quality of life questionnaire ThyPRO

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      Wstęp: Choroby tarczycy mają znaczący wpływ na jakość życia pacjentów. ThyPRO jest kwestionariuszem oceny jakości życia przeznaczonym dla pacjentów z łagodnymi chorobami tarczycy. Kwestionariusz poddano walidacji i standaryzacji. Celem pracy było stworzenie polskiej wersji kwestionariusza ThyPRO. Materiał i metody: Kwestionariusz ThyPROpl przetłumaczono zgodnie ze standardową metodologią tłumaczenia kwestionariuszy samooceny jakości życia dokonywanej przez pacjentów. Początkowo dwóch niezależnych badaczy przetłumaczyło wersję angielską kwestionariusza na język polski. Wstępną, polską wersję kwestionariusza opracowano na bazie konsensusu pomiędzy tłumaczami oraz konsultantem. Trzeci tłumacz, który nie znał wersji oryginalnej kwestionariusza, na podstawie polskiej wersji przygotował wersję angielską, która również była oceniona przez konsultanta. Następnie tłumaczenie to poddano analizie przez zewnętrznego eksperta, którego językiem ojczystym jest język angielski oraz przez twórcę ThyPRO, którzy wprowadzili dodatkowe poprawki. Ostatecznie, pięcioro pacjentów zostało poproszonych o odpowiedź na pytania zawarte w ThyPROpl i zgodnie z ich sugestiami kolejne poprawki były wprowadzone celem udoskonalenia tłumaczenia. Wyniki: ThyPROpl jest polską wersją ThyPRO poddaną językowej walidacji. Wnioski: Autorzy rekomendują ThyPROpl do oceny jakości życia u polskich pacjentów z łagodnymi chorobami tarczycy. ThyPRO aktualnie występuje w 13 wersjach językowych. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 367–380)    Introduction: Thyroid disorders have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. ThyPRO is a thyroid-specific quality of life (QoL) questionnaire applicable to patients with benign thyroid disorders. There is substantial evidence for its clinical validity and reliability in patients with benign thyroid disorders. Our aim was to develop a validated Polish version of this questionnaire (ThyPROpl). Material and methods: ThyPROpl was translated and validated according to standard methodology for translation of patient-reported outcomes (PRO). Firstly, two independent translations from English to Polish were performed by two translators native in Polish, and a consensus version was reached in collaboration with an in-country consultant. A third translator prepared a back–translation from Polish to English, which likewise was reviewed by the in-country consultant. The backwards translation was reviewed by a PRO translation expert native in English (Health Research Associates HRA) and by the developer of ThyPRO, who provided additional revisions. Finally, ThyPROpl was tested among five patients with thyroid disorders with cognitive interview techniques, and new changes and clarifications needed for its full understanding were made. Results: ThyPROpl is a linguistically validated version of the original ThyPRO questionnaire. Conclusions: We recommend ThyPROpl for the evaluation of QoL among Polish patients with benign thyroid disorders. ThyPRO has now been translated into 13 languages. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 367–380)