34 research outputs found

    SHARP – VI. Evidence for CO (1–0) molecular gas extended on kpc-scales in AGN star-forming galaxies at high redshift

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    We present a study of the stellar host galaxy, CO (1–0) molecular gas distribution and AGN emission on 50–500 pc-scales of the gravitationally lensed dust-obscured AGN MG J0751+2716 and JVAS B1938+666 at redshifts 3.200 and 2.059, respectively. By correcting for the lensing distortion using a grid-based lens modelling technique, we spatially locate the different emitting regions in the source plane for the first time. Both AGN host galaxies have 300–500 pc-scale size and surface brightness consistent with a bulge/pseudo-bulge, and 2 kpc-scale AGN radio jets that are embedded in extended molecular gas reservoirs that are 5–20 kpc in size. The CO (1–0) velocity fields show structures possibly associated with discs (elongated velocity gradients) and interacting objects (off-axis velocity components). There is evidence for a decrement in the CO (1–0) surface brightness at the location of the host galaxy, which may indicate radiative feedback from the AGN, or offset star formation. We find CO–H2 conversion factors of around αCO = 1.5 ± 0.5 (K km s−1 pc2)−1, molecular gas masses of >3 × 1010 M⊙, dynamical masses of ∼1011 M⊙, and gas fractions of around 60 per cent. The intrinsic CO line luminosities are comparable to those of unobscured AGN and dusty star-forming galaxies at similar redshifts, but the infrared luminosities are lower, suggesting that the targets are less efficient at forming stars. Therefore, they may belong to the AGN feedback phase predicted by galaxy formation models, because they are not efficiently forming stars considering their large amount of molecular gas

    Reciprocal Priming between Receptor Tyrosine Kinases at Recycling Endosomes Orchestrates Cellular Signalling Outputs

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    Integration of signalling downstream of individual receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) is crucial to fine-tune cellular homeostasis during development and in pathological conditions, including breast cancer. However, how signalling integration is regulated and whether the endocytic fate of single receptors controls such signalling integration remains poorly elucidated. Combining quantitative phosphoproteomics and targeted assays, we generated a detailed picture of recycling-dependent fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling in breast cancer cells, with a focus on distinct FGF receptors (FGFRs). We discovered reciprocal priming between FGFRs and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) that is coordinated at recycling endosomes. FGFR recycling ligands induce EGFR phosphorylation on threonine 693. This phosphorylation event alters both FGFR and EGFR trafficking and primes FGFR-mediated proliferation but not cell invasion. In turn, FGFR signalling primes EGF-mediated outputs via EGFR threonine 693 phosphorylation. This reciprocal priming between distinct families of RTKs from recycling endosomes exemplifies a novel signalling integration hub where recycling endosomes orchestrate cellular behaviour. Therefore, targeting reciprocal priming over individual receptors may improve personalized therapies in breast and other cancers.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    LoTSS/HETDEX: Disentangling star formation and AGN activity in gravitationally lensed radio-quiet quasars

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    Determining the star-forming properties of radio-quiet quasars is important for understanding the co-evolution of star formation and black hole accretion. We present the detection of the gravitationally lensed radio-quiet quasars SDSS J1055+4628, SDSS J1313+5151, and SBS 1520+530 at 144 MHz, which fall in the HETDEX Spring Field targeted in the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) first full data release. We compare their radio and far-infrared luminosities relative to the radio–infrared correlation and find that their radio luminosities can be explained by star formation. The implied star formation rates derived from their radio and infrared luminosities are between 20 and 300 M ⊙ yr−1. These detections represent the first study of gravitationally lensed sources with LOFAR, opening a new frequency window for investigating the star-forming properties of high-redshift quasars at radio wavelengths. We consider the implications for future data releases and estimate that many of the objects in our parent sample will be detected during LoTSS, significantly increasing the fraction of gravitationally lensed radio-quiet quasars with radio detections