121 research outputs found

    Patients admitted to more research-active hospitals have more confidence in staff and are better informed about their condition and medication: results from a retrospective cross-sectional study

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    Rationale, aims and objectives: Clinical research activity in hospitals is associated with reduced mortality and improved overall care quality. In England, the latter is a compound score of several elements and both staff and inpatient feedback form part of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings. The objective of this study was to determine if NHS Trusts' National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) study activity data correlates with specific outcomes from national NHS staff and patient surveys. Method: Retrospective cohort design involving data for 129 English NHS hospital Trusts, including scores from recent national NHS staff and inpatient surveys and NIHR data. Statistical approach involved Spearman correlation analyses, with cut‐off P value ≤ 0.01 for qualification for subsequent principal component analysis (correlation coefficient cut‐off value 0.20). Results: Outcomes of one staff survey question (staff recommendation of the organization as a place to work or receive treatment) and multiple outcomes of inpatient survey questions were positively associated with increased NIHR‐adopted clinical research activity. Better quality of information provision to patients was the dominant theme, though a higher degree of observed staff teamwork, more confidence in the treating doctors, and a better overall inpatient experience also correlated significantly. The number of different studies contributed more to positive associations with survey outcomes compared with the number of recruited participants into research. Conclusions: Survey elements of the CQC appraisal of English NHS Hospital Trusts are significantly associated with increased clinical research activity levels; it appears to drive better information provision to inpatients—particularly around medicine management—and contribute to a better inpatient experience overall, whilst staff are more likely to recommend their own organization. Despite clinical research activity forming a very small fraction of overall NHS activity, it has an indirect positive effect on staff and Trust performance that is measurable at patient level

    The Money Mentors Program: Increasing Financial Literacy in Utah Youths

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    Utah 4-H and Fidelity Investments collaborated on a program for increasing the financial literacy of teens and children. The collaboration resulted in positive impacts for both Extension and Utah youths. Extension benefited through partnership with a corporation that provided content expertise, volunteers, and funding for a financial literacy program. Youths benefited from improved financial literacy. A Teens Reaching Youth (TRY) team approach was used for the training of 81 teens, who then taught 530 youths statewide. The curriculum addressed research-based financial concepts through activities and technologies that were interactive, appealing, and engaging. The program development and implementation processes may serve as models for other Extension programs, and the curriculum is free to download

    Genetic Variants in Immune Related Genes as Predictors of Responsiveness to BCG Immunotherapy in Metastatic Melanoma Patients.

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    Adjuvant immunotherapy in melanoma patients improves clinical outcomes. However, success is unpredictable due to inherited heterogeneity of immune responses. Inherent immune genes associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may influence anti-tumor immune responses. We assessed the predictive ability of 26 immune-gene SNPs genomic panels for a clinical response to adjuvant BCG (Bacillus Calmette-GuĂŠrin) immunotherapy, using melanoma patient cohorts derived from three phase III multicenter clinical trials: AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) stage IV patients given adjuvant BCG (pilot cohort; n = 92), AJCC stage III patients given adjuvant BCG (verification cohort; n = 269), and AJCC stage III patients that are sentinel lymph node (SLN) positive receiving no immunotherapy (control cohort; n = 80). The SNP panel analysis demonstrated that the responder patient group had an improved disease-free survival (DFS) (hazard ratio [HR] 1.84, 95% CI 1.09-3.13, p = 0.021) in the pilot cohort. In the verification cohort, an improved overall survival (OS) (HR 1.67, 95% CI 1.07-2.67, p = 0.025) was observed. No significant differences of SNPs were observed in DFS or OS in the control patient cohort. This study demonstrates that SNP immune genes can be utilized as a predictive tool for identifying melanoma patients that are inherently responsive to BCG and potentially other immunotherapies in the future

    A Pilot Study Comparing the Efficacy of Lactate Dehydrogenase Levels Versus Circulating Cell-Free microRNAs in Monitoring Responses to Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapy in Metastatic Melanoma Patients.

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    Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is a standard prognostic biomarker for stage IV melanoma patients. Often, LDH levels do not provide real-time information about the metastatic melanoma patients\u27 disease status and treatment response. Therefore, there is a need to find reliable blood biomarkers for improved monitoring of metastatic melanoma patients who are undergoing checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy (CII). The objective in this prospective pilot study was to discover circulating cell-free microRNA (cfmiR) signatures in the plasma that could assess melanoma patients\u27 responses during CII. The cfmiRs were evaluated by the next-generation sequencing (NGS) HTG EdgeSeq microRNA (miR) Whole Transcriptome Assay (WTA; 2083 miRs) in 158 plasma samples obtained before and during the course of CII from 47 AJCC stage III/IV melanoma patients\u27 and 73 normal donors\u27 plasma samples. Initially, cfmiR profiles for pre- and post-treatment plasma samples of stage IV non-responder melanoma patients were compared to normal donors\u27 plasma samples. Using machine learning, we identified a 9 cfmiR signature that was associated with stage IV melanoma patients being non-responsive to CII. These cfmiRs were compared in pre- and post-treatment plasma samples from stage IV melanoma patients that showed good responses. Circulating miR-4649-3p, miR-615-3p, and miR-1234-3p demonstrated potential prognostic utility in assessing CII responses. Compared to LDH levels during CII, circulating miR-615-3p levels were consistently more efficient in detecting melanoma patients undergoing CII who developed progressive disease. By combining stage III/IV patients, 92 and 17 differentially expressed cfmiRs were identified in pre-treatment plasma samples from responder and non-responder patients, respectively. In conclusion, this pilot study demonstrated cfmiRs that identified treatment responses and could allow for real-time monitoring of patients receiving CII

    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Co-Curriculum Toolkit

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    The co-curriculum is intended to run parallel to the formal curriculum and support the development of students’ professional knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, and attitudes, including scientific foundation, knowledge application, and practice competencies. Additionally, the co-curriculum can also support proficiency in skills and achievement of competencies that are concurrently taught within the formal curriculum. ACPE evaluates the way programs assess students’ acquisition of knowledge and application of knowledge to practice within co-curricular experiences and especially how they advance the professional development of students within affective domain areas of learning

    Radio studies of galaxy formation: Dense Gas History of the Universe

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    Line and continuum studies at centimeter through submillimeter wavelengths address probe deep into the earliest, most active and dust obscured phases of galaxy formation, and reveal the molecular and cool atomic gas. We summarize the techniques of radio astronomy to perform these studies, then review the progress on radio studies of galaxy formation. The dominant work over the last decade has focused on massive, luminous starburst galaxies (submm galaxies and AGN host galaxies). The far infrared luminosities are ~ 1e13 Lsun, implying star formation rates, SFR > 1e3 Msun/year. Molecular gas reservoirs are found with masses: M(H_2) > 1e10 (alpha/0.8}) Msun. The CO excitation in these luminous systems is much higher than in low redshift spiral galaxies. Imaging of the gas distribution and dynamics suggests strongly interacting and merging galaxies, indicating gravitationally induced, short duration (~ 1e7 year) starbursts. These systems correspond to a major star formation episode in massive galaxies in proto-clusters at intermediate to high redshift. Recently, radio observations have probed the more typical star forming galaxy population (SFR ~ 100 Msun/year), during the peak epoch of Universal star formation (z ~ 1.5 to 2.5). These observations reveal massive gas reservoirs without hyper-starbursts, and show that active star formation occurs over a wide range in galaxy stellar mass. The conditions in this gas are comparable to those found in the Milky Way disk. A key result is that the peak epoch of star formation in the Universe also corresponds to an epoch when the baryon content of star forming galaxies was dominated by molecular gas, not stars. We consider the possibility of tracing out the dense gas history of the Universe, and perform initial, admittedly gross, calculations. ABRIDGEDComment: aastex format, 21figures, Review for the Astronomische Gesellschaft to appear in Astronomische Nachrichte

    Complete Multiwavelength Characterization of Faint Chandra X-ray Sources Seen in the Spitzer Wide-Area IR Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey

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    We exploit deep combined observations with Spitzer and Chandra of the SWIRE survey in the ELAIS-N1 region, to investigate the nature of the faint X-ray and IR sources in common, to identify AGN/starburst diagnostics, and to study the sources of the X-ray and IR cosmic backgrounds. In the 17'x17' area of the Chandra ACIS-I image there are 3400 SWIRE near-IR sources with 4 sigma detections in at least 2 IRAC bands and 988 sources detected at 24micron with MIPS brighter than 0.1 mJy. Of these, 102 IRAC and 59 MIPS sources have Chandra counterparts, out of a total of 122 X-ray sources present in the area with S(0.5-8 kev)>10^(-15) erg/cm^2/s. We have constructed SEDs for each source using data from the 4 IRAC wavebands, Chandra fluxes, and optical follow-up data in the wavebands U, g', r', i', Z, and H. We fit a number of spectral templates to the SEDs at optical and infrared wavelengths to determine photometric redshifts and spectral categories, and also make use of diagnostics based on the X-ray luminosities, hardness ratios, X-ray to infrared spectral slopes and optical morphologies. Although we have spectroscopic redshifts for only a minority of the Chandra sources, the available SEDs constrain the redshifts for most of the sample sources, which turn out to be typically at 0.5<z<2. We find that 39% of the Chandra sources are dominated by type-1 AGN emission, 23% display optical/IR spectra typical of type-2 AGNs, while the remaining 38% fraction show starburst-like or even normal galaxy spectra. Since we prove that all these galaxies are dominated by AGN emission in X-rays this brings the fraction of type-1 AGNs to be 80% of the type-2: even assuming that all the Chandra sources undetected by Spitzer are type-2 AGNs, the type-1 fraction would exceed 1/3 of the total population (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ, March 2005 issu

    Comparative methods in R hackathon

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    The R statistical analysis package has emerged as a popular platform for implementation of powerful comparative methods to understand the evolution of organismal traits and diversification. A hackathon was organized to bring together active R developers as well as end-users working on the integration of comparative phylogenetic methods within R to actively address issues of data exchange standards, code interoperability, usability, documentation quality, and the breadth of functionality for comparative methods available within R. Outcomes included a new base package for phylogenetic trees and data, a public wiki with tutorials and overviews of existing packages, code to allow Mesquite and R to interact, improvement of existing packages, and increased interaction within the community

    SWIRE: The SIRTF Wide‐Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey

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    The SIRTF Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE), the largest SIRTF Legacy program, is a wide-area imaging survey to trace the evolution of dusty, star-forming galaxies, evolved stellar populations, and active galactic nuclei (AGNs) as a function of environment, from redshifts to the current z ∼ 3 epoch. SWIRE will survey seven high-latitude fields, totaling 60–65 deg2 in all seven SIRTF bands: Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 3.6, 4.5, 5.6, and 8 mm and Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF (MIPS) 24, 70, and 160 mm. Extensive modeling suggests that the Legacy Extragalactic Catalog may contain in excess of 2 million IR-selected galaxies, dominated by (1) ∼150,000 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs; LFIR 1 1011 L,) detected by MIPS (and significantly more detected by IRAC), ∼7000 of these with ; (2) 1 million IRAC- z 1 2 detected early-type galaxies (∼ with and ∼10,000 with ); and (3) ∼20,000 classical AGNs 5 2 # 10 z 1 1 z 1 2 detected with MIPS, plus significantly more dust-obscured quasi-stellar objects/AGNs among the LIRGs. SWIRE will provide an unprecedented view of the evolution of galaxies, structure, and AGNs. The key scientific goals of SWIRE are (1) to determine the evolution of actively star forming and passively evolving galaxies in order to understand the history of galaxy formation in the context of cosmic structure formation; (2) to determine the evolution of the spatial distribution and clustering of evolved galaxies, starbursts, and AGNs in the key redshift range over which much of cosmic evolution has occurred; and (3) to 0.5 ! z ! 3 determine the evolutionary relationship between “normal galaxies” and AGNs and the contribution of AGN accretion energy versus stellar nucleosynthesis to the cosmic backgrounds. The large area of SWIRE is important to establish statistically significant population samples over enough volume cells that we can resolve the star formation history as a function of epoch and environment, i.e., in the context of structure formation. The large volume is also optimized for finding rare objects. The SWIRE fields are likely to become the next generation of large “cosmic windows” into the extragalactic sky. They have been uniquely selected to minimize Galactic cirrus emission over large scales. The Galaxy Evolution Explorer will observe them as part of its deep 100 deg2 survey, as will Herschel. SWIRE includes ∼9 deg2 of the unique large-area XMM Large Scale Structure hard X-ray imaging survey and is partly covered by the UKIDSS deep J and K survey. An extensive optical/near-IR imaging program is underway from the ground. The SWIRE data are nonproprietary; catalogs and images will be released twice yearly, beginning about 11 months after SIRTF launch. Details of the data products and release schedule are presented
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