So Far So Good: Building the Evidence Base to Promote a Successful Future for the Curriculum for Wales


This Executive Summary presents high level messages which emerge from the analysis and synthesis of the findings of surveys and interviews with members of every Area of Learning Experience Group (Section 1) and interviews with senior policy makers (Section 2). Section 3 of this report (using evidence to promote a Successful Future for the Curriculum for Wales) provides more detail on ideas that are important for The Curriculum for Wales to be successful in future. In the spirit of co-construction, all readers are invited to consider this Section 3 and to discuss within their own communities possible implications for sustainable long term change: • what contributions they might make to ensure that currently successful aspects within an existing programme are sustained and • how participants might work collaboratively to address areas likely to raise the level of risk to programme success. Findings The worldwide COVID pandemic has resulted in unprecedented levels of change in education systems internationally. However, the purposes-led approach that Curriculum for Wales seeks to build has never seemed more relevant. These purposes are relevant not only for learners but for everyone involved in the Curriculum for Wales. Building a successful future for a Curriculum for Wales: so far so good • There is much that is positive in the findings that emerge from this report. • There remains strong commitment to critical engagement with Curriculum for Wales amongst all communities What is it crucial to sustain in the next phase of development? • A clear focus on the purposes • The use of evidence from policy, practice and research to inform thinking • A focus on learning with curriculum, pedagogy and assessment promoting and supporting progression in learning • All programme participants as learners • Co-construction and subsidiarity as the modus operandi of Curriculum for Wales. What might need further thinking or greater emphasis? The authors of this report acknowledge that the research focus may have led to a concentration on particular aspects of the programme. However, six themes emerged for either further thinking or greater emphasis • Shared understanding of key ideas • Progression • Assessment • Co-construction and subsidiarity • Coherence, policy and systemic integrity • Professional learning. Given its potential impact on education in Wales, it can be argued that the Curriculum for Wales represents exceptional value for money

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