48 research outputs found

    English Naval Terms in Polish: A Retrospective View

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    The way English words entered the Polish language was conditional on the situation in which Poland found itself as the result of partitions. When searching for the linguistic routes of English sea terms into Polish, we can observe the levels of assimilation of English words into Polish naval terminology combined with the influence of the languages of the partitioning powers, particularly German and Russian. In connection with the lasting legacy of the influence of foreign languages on Polish after the partitions, there appeared a necessity of settling controversies concerning the extent to which the Polish maritime lexicon should be influenced by other languages, including English. The article looks back on the circumstances in which the Polish naval terms were taking shape. The work of the Sea Terminology Commission, established after World War I, reflected the disputes between advocates and adversaries of the English language in the Polish maritime terminology. Thus, the article aims to bring out apparently the most interesting aspects of these discussions that were carried on in the relevant literature

    Pojmowanie, postrzeganie i doświadczanie sprawiedliwości przez uczniów klasy szóstej szkoły podstawowej oraz rozwijanie ich poczucia sprawiedliwości przez nauczycieli

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    Dissertation concerns the understanding, perception and experience of justice by the students of the sixth grade of primary school and the activities initiated by the teacher in order to develop a sense of justice among students. The work contains a theoretical reflection on the idea of justice throughout history and the concept of justice by John Rawls with particular emphasis on social institutions, found in one of them – a school. The work also shows the importance of development in knowledge and discusses the methodological assumptions and organizational research. The studies covered three hundred students and two hundred teachers and uses two key methods: method of survey and diagnostic method for individual cases, as well as research techniques such as: surveys, interview technique, technique observation and document analysis. There were constructed a few research tools for the tests. The question of justice is shown from the student and teacher perspective. However, empirical study of the phenomenon was innovative in the way of considering the analysis of justice not only through division of goods (evaluation), but also in relationship context among pupils, students and teachers and the teachers and the pupils ' parents. Having examined the understanding, perception and experience of justice by students I scanned their knowledge of the standards and rules of justice applicable in society, I gained the role of justice in high school and beyond the institution and the reasons of unfair treatment of other people. I found out what the values, character traits and behavior of teachers they consider essential to their sense of justice, what they feel when someone treats them fairly or unfairly, and, when they have the opportunity of such behaviour towards others. However, in case of teachers, I have dealt with the way of understanding justice, but primarily I found out what methods and forms the teachers use to organize their educationally – teaching work in order to strengthen the students’ sense of justice. I met causes deficits of justice in school and the role that teachers assign a fair attitude toward the students. The results of research allow to refer to popular opinion about the school justice/ injustice and certainly they can be valuable for both teachers-researchers, teachers, educators, school teachers or other people involved in upbringing primary school pupils

    Professionalization of non-medical support of women in perinatal period: the significance of the doula profession

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    Wprowadzenie:Doula (gr. „kobieta, która służy”) to osoba przeszkolona do udzielania kobiecie i jej rodzinie wsparcia emocjonalnego, fizycznego i informacyjnego w czasie ciąży,porodu i połogu. Cel:Celem pracy jest próba analizy roli i zadań douli na płaszczyźnie zróżnicowanych potrzeb kobiet rodzących z uwzględnieniem wyników wstępnych badań dotyczących opinii i doświadczeń polskich kobiet na temat wsparcia douli w okresie okołoporodowym. Metody: Przeprowadzone badanie miało charakter wstępny. Badaniem ilościowym objęto 526 kobiet z wywiadem położniczym, w wieku od 18 do 50 lat. Próba została podzielona na grupę badaną (kobiety, które kiedykolwiek skorzystały z usług douli) N=62 i grupę kontrolną (kobiety, które nigdy nie korzystały z asysty douli) N=464. Dane zostały zebrane anonimowo, za pomocą autorskiego kwestionariusza w formie badania on-line. Dobór próby celowy. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej. Obliczeniawykonano w programie PQStat (wersja 1.6.6). Wyniki: Zawód douli i możliwość skorzystania z jej wsparcia w okresie okołoporodowym nie są szeroko rozpoznawane wśród badanych kobiet w Polsce. Wyniki wskazują na konieczność lepszego wsparcia rodzącej, zwłaszcza w zakresie potrzeb informacyjnych, emocjonalnych oraz wsparcia w zakresie niefarmakologicznych metod łagodzenia bólu porodowego. W opinii badanych kobiet, które korzystały z asysty douli, jej wsparcie miało korzystny wpływ na przebieg okresu okołoporodowego. Wnioski:Wydaje się, że wsparcie douli jako dodatkowa forma opieki na oddziałach położniczych powinna być traktowana bardziej otwarcie. Niezbędna jest również promocja i popularyzacja alternatywnych form wsparcia prenatalnego i poporodowego poprzez kampanie edukacyjne i promocję dedykowanych usług opiekuńczych i wspierających, takich jak usługi douli, w celu zapewnienia lepszej opieki dla kobiet w okresie około porodowym i redukcji czynników stresogennych. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują na potrzebę popularyzowania informacji o istnieniu zawodu douli oraz rozpowszechniania wiedzy o zadaniach i roli douli.Background:A doula (gr. “a woman who serves”) is a person trained to provide the woman and her family with emotional, physical, and informative support during pregnancy, labor, and just after childbirth. Objective:The aim of the study is an attempt to analyze the role and tasks of a doula on the level of the diverse needs of women giving birth, taking into account the results of preliminary research on the opinions and experiences of Polish women on the support of a doula in the perinatal period. Methods:The conducted study was preliminary. The quantitative study explored women’s opinions and experiences with doula support. 526 women aged between 18 and 50 years, who have experienced at least one childbirth, were included in the study. The sample was divided into the experimental group (women with a history of doula's assistance at least once) N=62 and the control group (women with no history of doula’s assistance) N=464. The data were collected anonymously via an online survey questionnaire. The purposeful sampling procedure was selected using the snowball method, and the results were applied to statistical analysis. All calculations were performed in the PQStat program (version 1.6.6). Results:Doula's supporting role during labor appears not evident to every Polish woman. The results indicate a necessity of a birthing coach's assistance to a parturient woman, especially with respect to playing both informative and emotional roles, as well as giving help with the use of non-pharmacological methods of pain alleviation. The majority of the experimental group assessed that doula support has a beneficial influence on the perinatal period. Conclusions:The doula's support as additional care for motherhood should be addressed more openly in maternity wards. It is also vital to promote and popularize alternative forms of prenatal and postpartum support to help Polish women feel less traumatized and less neglected after hospital childbirth and empower them through education campaigns or special care services, such as doula support, to enjoy this extraordinary moment in their personal life. Moreover, th

    Language choices between partners in bilingual relationships

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    The paper focuses on the language choices among a sample of bilingual heterosexual couples in the less studied Polish context. Drawing on 24 in-depth interviews I examine the reasons for language choices in the couple, with the most engaging arguments being when the minority language is chosen. In the results section, I give the voice to the couples by inserting extracts from the interviews, illustrating the dyadic communication between the partners. The analysis is grounded in the sociolinguistic perspective bringing together linguistic and cultural aspects. Through these themes, I come to a more detailed account of communication scenarios conditioned by the L2 command of either of the partners. I report on the couples’ language repertoires and the languages of their first contact that result from the individual trajectories of their L2 acquisition and impinge on the agreed language choices. My data suggest that bilingual couples do not, as it might otherwise be expected, always end up using the language of the surrounding society. The findings reveal a relative stability of linguistic choices, but also some deviations from once adopted communication patterns. The paper shows that language choice and proficiency are closely connected, but also that other factors come into play

    Bilingual partners turn into bilingual parents: reporting on decisions and onsequences

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    The article aims to contribute to our understanding of bilingual couples’ language choices with regard to childrearing in the less studied Polish setting. Bilingual partners often rethink their communication patterns when faced with the perspective of parenthood. A qualitative study featuring 24 in-depth interviews was conducted with linguistically mixed couples of Poles and non-Poles who represented 22 nationalities and came from six continents. In total, the target couples communicated in seven languages, including Polish. The duration of their relationships ranged from one year to over thirty. By adopting the conceptual framework of the Family Language Policy, the study identified types of bilingual families in Poland by showing that they share parallel educational experiences. Results showed no major differences in the appreciation of bilingual couplehood in the context of their children’s linguistic future and overall satisfactory evaluations of their bilingual performance. However, the analysis of interview extracts revealed differences found in parental attitudes towards the strategies of bilingual upbringing and in the reactions of children as described by the bilingual couples. The most satisfactory evaluations of the parents dissembled their once higher expectations regarding their children’s linguistic performance. There were also differences in the reported sources of knowledge about how to successfully raise a child in two languages. This indicates that the identification of parenting styles and the ensuing experiences have a crucial bearing for the understanding of bilingual communication between parents and children

    O pragmatyzmie językowym w Szwajcarii w kontekście języka angielskiego: perspektywa makro-socjolingwistyczna

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    By adopting the macrolevel approach of both social and linguistic analysis, I intend to explore the problem of language attitudes and language choice at the interface of society and language. The issues connected with language behaviour, i.e. attitudes and reactions of the Swiss towards English, now seem to be ripe for a more detailed study. To this end I have carried out a research that examines the use of English in Switzerland from a multilingual perspective based on a corpus of 400 interviews collected in the German speaking canton of Zurich. Podejmując się analizy społecznej i językowej na poziomie makro, zamierzam zgłębić problem dotyczący postaw i wyborów językowych występujących na styku społeczeństwa i języka. Można przyjąć, że zagadnienia związane z zachowaniami językowymi, tj. postawami i reakcjami Szwajcarów wobec języka angielskiego, są wystarczająco rozwinięte, by móc poddać je szczegółowemu badaniu. Przyjmując takie założenie, przeprowadziłam badanie na reprezentatywnej próbie 400 respondentów – mieszkańców niemieckojęzycznego kantonu Zurych. Celem tego badania było ustalenie zakresu roli języka angielskiego w Szwajcarii. W badaniu przyjęłam perspektywę makro-socjolingwistyczną z wielojęzycznością w tle.

    Kilka uwag o neutralności w tłumaczeniu

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    The article deals with the concept of neutrality in translation. Reflections on neutrality in translation focus mainly on the shape of communication assisted by the translator. In my considerations on the translator’s neutral role in the communication act, first I have defined the nature of neutrality, and particularly its philosophical interpretation. Secondly, by assuming that translation is by definition a purposeful activity, I have examined the elements of neutrality in the role played by the translator. Final remarks pertaining to the article are to be seen primarily as a contribution to a broader discussion aiming to outline the translator’s ethos in the society. Certainly, we must differentiate between translation as an example intended for philosophical considerations, as references made to the philosophical authority for theorising about translation, and as the translation of philosophical texts. The concept of neutrality in translation, understood as indifference or self-control, somehow naturally evokes the Stoic philosophy as a number of parallels between Stoicism and translation in this respect can be found. The translator, just as a Stoic sage, is expected to be indifferent. The spiritual distance of the sage towards the world may be compared to the neutral behaviour of the translator towards the translational action, its entire context, including the translated message, and the translator’s attitude toward the parties involved in communication. The permanent neutrality revealed by the translator is to avert conflicts and misunderstandings and, in this sense, it constitutes consistent policy toward the communicating parties. It may be assumed that neutrality is beneficial for all interested parties in two ways. First, a neutral translator refuses to become involved in a conflict pertaining to the subject matter by creating the zone of no interest. Second, within this zone of no interest he may impartially serve both communicating parties. This goal will be achieved as long as the translator is aware of the fact that his neutrality and his role substantially contribute to the ultimate success or failure of the entire communication process.Artykuł podejmuje temat neutralności w przekładzie. Rozważania o neutralności w tłumaczeniu dotyczą kształtu relacji w komunikacji odbywającej się za pośrednictwem tłumacza. Zasada neutralności silnie wpływa na pozycję tłumacza wobec komunikujących się ze sobą stron. Neutralność jest zatem funkcją wielojęzycznego otoczenia, w którym znajduje się tłumacz. Ważne jest również to, czy owo otoczenie dostrzeże i zaakceptuje korzyści płynące z neutralności tłumacza. Będąc neutralnym, tłumacz wyrzeka się angażowania w merytoryczny konflikt między stronami, tworząc coś na kształt strefy braku zainteresowania, a ponadto w otoczce wytworzonej strefy może bezstronnie służyć obydwu stronom

    Wybrane utwory poetyckie

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    Pielęgniarki w Polsce wobec eutanazji

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    The problem of the euthanasia is one of the most important topic of social debate. This is not only a moral problem, but also a medical, legal and social issue. Opinion of the medical community (including nurses) in the topic of euthanasia is a point of reference for social discourse. The aim of the research was to analyze the opinions of the nursing staff on euthanasia and to examine the relationship between supporting the euthanasia and selected sociodemo-graphic variables. The study involved 146 nurses. The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method, non-probability sampling. The survey was anonymous and voluntary. An original questionnaire was used. Statistical ana-lysis was performed in the 4.1.3. R Core Team program, using Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis tests, post-hoc analyzes with the Dunn test. The threshold of α = 0.05 was considered as the significance level. Most of the surveyed nurses support the legalization of the euthanasia (46.58%) and a significant part of them would agree to their own euthanasia (38.35%), to the euthanasia of an adult family member (34.24%) or a child from the family (24.66%). The attitude towards the euthanasia depends on demographic variables such as an age, a marital status, a religion and a work experience in the nursing profession. An opposition to euthanasia in Poland among nursing staff is decreasing, a support for the legalization of the euthanasia, and a declarations of consent to practice the euthanasia are becoming more frequent, especially among younger nurses