234 research outputs found

    Kontrowersyjna twórczość: opracowanie, kontynuacja, rekonstrukcja

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    The conclusion of the considerations in this paper is that the analysis, reconstruction and continuation of a given work of art will probably always raise some doubts since they concern the existing work, and any kind of intervention infringes on this work’s right to remain integral. Therefore the original work of art should always come first whereas an analyst, translator, continuator and reconstructor should stay respectfully in the background.The conclusion of the considerations in this paper is that the analysis, reconstruction and continuation of a given work of art will probably always raise some doubts since they concern the existing work, and any kind of intervention infringes on this work’s right to remain integral. Therefore the original work of art should always come first whereas an analyst, translator, continuator and reconstructor should stay respectfully in the background

    Wiedza o emocjach: badania nad strukturą i zmianami rozwojowymi

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    Emotional knowledge: research on the structure and developmental changesThe goal of the current research was to explore the interrelations between emotional knowledge, language skills and temperament. 90 children aged 4, 6 and 8 participated in the study. In the article only part of the results are presented. Three aspects of emotional knowledge were assessed: non-verbal emotional skills; verbal emotional skills; declarative knowledge about emotions. Emotional skills, both verbal and non-verbal, were positively correlated, but not directly – the correlation was mostly due to influence of language skills. Significant growth of emotional skills during middle childhood was observed. Development of declarative emotional knowledge was more linear, and depended mostly on the level of emotional skills and age

    A succession management and a right of heirs of a partner to join the partnership

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    Ustawa o zarządzie sukcesyjnym przedsiębiorstwem osoby fizycznej i innych ułatwieniach związanych z sukcesją przedsiębiorstw wprowadza instytucję tzw. zarządu sukcesyjnego przedsiębiorstwem w spadku. Celem artykułu jest analiza zawartego w ustawie rozwiązania, które modyfikuje zasady wykonywania praw spadkobierców w spółce cywilnej, jak również umożliwia wejście spadkobierców do tej spółki w miejsce zmarłego wspólnika, również gdy wspólnicy nie zastrzegli takiej możliwości.The act on succession management of a single proprietorship and other facilities regarding the succession of enterprises has introduced institution of a management succession in the Polish legal system. The aim of the article is to analyze the provisions modifying the rules of the exercise of rights of heirs in the civil law partnership as well as allow the heirs to join the civil law partnership in place of the deceased partner in the event that the partners did not reserve such possibility


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    Assessments in Policy-Making: Case Studies from the Arctic Council

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    Julkaistu versi

    Przyjmowanie perspektywy w obszarze poznawczym, społecznym i afektywnym: wzajemne zależności u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym

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    Cognitive, social and affective perspective taking: interrelations in preschool childrenThe study on the interrelations of perspective taking ability in different domains is presented. The theoretical background of the study is the theory of Perspectival Understanding of Mind (PUM; Perner, 2000). According to this theory, the core ability that develops in the 5th year of life and that underlies many tasks that children start to accomplish in that time, is an ability to understand and coordinate different perspectives. 120 children aged 3;6–5;6 participated in the study. The measures used to assess the perspective taking ability were as follows: Flexible Item Selection Task (FIST; Jacques and Zelazo, 2001) in the cognitive domain, Test Wiedzy o Emocjach (TWE; The Test of Emotion Knowledge; Stępień, 2007) in the affective domain and the classical false belief tests in the social domain. The results obtained suggest that after the fourth birthday children start to accomplish different tasks that demand perspective taking ability. However, the interrelations of perspective taking in different domains are differentiated, and they change in the preschool period


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    80 lat psychologii rozwojowej na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim: sprawozdanie z sesji naukowej upamiętniającej osiemdziesiątą rocznicę założenia Katedry Psychologii Pedagogicznej na Uniwersytecie Jagielloński