40 research outputs found

    Unexpected pathways toward college graduation

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    This study examines the dispositions and experiences of support of college students associated with unexpected pathways toward college graduation. The final sample was drawn from a national sample of 3,998 youths who participated in a longitudinal project. Using the k-nearest neighbors’ algorithm, we created four groups based on the Québec High School Average and the College Graduation status four years after admission (Unexpected Graduates; Expected Dropouts; Unexpected Dropouts; Expected Graduates). Compared to ED, UG showed lower aggressive behaviors and attentional problems and higher participation in institutional or targeted support measures in college. They were also more likely to have attended a private high school. Compared to EG, UD showed lower academic behaviors and motivation, lower perceptions of teaching quality and support, and lower economic capital and support from family. They were also more likely to enrol in a technical college program and less likely to have attended a private high school

    Le rapport des élèves du secondaire aux jeux électroniques ainsi qu’à l’usage scolaire de logiciels ludo-éducatifs

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    Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats d’une recherche exploratoire menée auprès d’élèves du secondaire au regard de leurs pratiques d’utilisation de l’informatique en contexte ludique. Après avoir fait état de la documentation scientifique en matière d’exposition des jeunes aux jeux électroniques, nous en décrivons le profil d’utilisation domestique. Cette documentation inclut la représentation que les jeunes ont de l’usage de l’informatique en contexte scolaire, y compris le plan ludo-éducatif. Nous faisons ensuite état de leur appréciation de quatre logiciels recommandés à ce titre par le Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport, puis nous identifions ce qui, du point de vue des jeunes, devrait définir un logiciel de jeu à la fois intéressant et efficace au plan du soutien à l’apprentissage scolaire. Nous terminons en formulant quelques propositions d’intégration des environnements électroniques de jeu en classe afin de réduire les écarts entre le vécu scolaire et les pratiques sociales de référence des élèves. (DIPF/Orig.)In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die Ergebnisse einer Sondierungsstudie, die in einer Sekundarschule durchgeführt wurde, vor. Dabei wurden die Benutzer/innengewohnheiten von Spielsoftware getestet. Auf der Basis der vorhandenen wissenschaftlichen Dokumentation in Bezug auf den Zugang zu elektronischen Spielen dokumentieren wir sowohl das Benutzerprofil der Jugendlichen im privaten Bereich als auch ihre Wahrnehmung bezüglich dem Einsatz von Informatik inkl. elektronischen Lernspielen im Unterricht. Darauf folgt eine Bewertung von vier Software-Produkten, die vom Erziehungsminister empfohlen wurden, durch die Schülerinnen und Schüler. Wir haben auch recherchiert, was in den Augen der Jugendlichen eine sowohl interessante und als auch lehrreiche Software auszeichnet. Zum Schluss bringen wir Vorschläge für eine Integration vom Spielsoftware-Umfeld in die Schulstunden, dies mit dem Ziel, die Kluft zwischen Schulgeschehen und dem Verhalten der Schülerinnen und Schüler in ihrer Freizeit zu verringern. (DIPF/Orig.

    Adjustment trajectories during the college transition : types, personal and family antecedents, and academic outcomes

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    This longitudinal study was aimed to describe and understand student adjustment trajectories during the college transition. Participants came from a large random sample of Quebec high school students. They completed a multidimensional measure of adjustment at two times before entering college and at two other times after college admission. Group-based trajectory analysis showed decreased adjustment for 6% (social adjustment) to 66.1% (academic adjustment) of students over this period, versus improved adjustment for 4.5% (social adjustment) to 11.6% (emotional and academic adjustment). All changes were linear, suggesting progressive changes from Secondary 4 to the second year of college. Multivariate and contingency analyses showed that personal anxiety, academic success, and attention problems in high school were significant determinants for adjustment trajectories, and that these trajectories were subsequently related to perseverance and college graduation

    Perceptions de l'enseignement et réussite éducative au secondaire : une analyse comparative selon que les élèves ont été exposés ou non au renouveau pédagogique /

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    "Rapport final déposé à la Direction de la recherche et de l'évaluation Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport".Bibliographie : pages 111-113

    Sea ice thickness and elastic properties from the analysis of multimodal guided wave propagation measured with a passive seismic array

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    Field data are needed for a better understanding of sea ice decline in the context of climate change. The rapid technological and methodological advances of the last decade have led to a reconsideration of seismic methods in this matter. In particular, passive seismology has filled an important gap by removing the need to use active sources. We present a seismic experiment where an array of 247 geophones was deployed on sea ice, in the Van Mijen fjord near Sveagruva (Svalbard). The array is a mix of 1C and 3C stations with sampling frequencies of 500 and 1000 Hz. They recorded continuously the ambient seismic field in sea ice between 28 February and 26 March 2019. Data also include active acquisitions on 1 and 26 March with a radar antenna, a shaker unit, impulsive sources, and artificial sources of seismic noise. This data set is of unprecedented quality regarding sea ice seismic monitoring, as it also includes thousands of microseismic events recorded each day. By combining passive seismology approaches with specific array processing methods, we demonstrate that the multimodal dispersion curves of sea ice can be calculated without an active source and then used to infer sea ice properties. We calculated an ice thickness, Young's modulus, and Poisson's ratio with values h=543 cm, E=3.90.15 GPa, and nu=0.340.02 on 1 March, and h=583 cm, E=4.4 +/- 0.15 GPa, and nu=0.32 +/- 0.02 on 5 March. These values are consistent with in situ field measurements and observations.Peer reviewe

    Les comportements interpersonnels de tuteurs-enseignants et l'intégration des élèves aux études collégiales

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    Cet article porte sur les comportements des tuteurs du collégial; il en «documente» la nature, la fréquence et les interrelations; il examine aussi le lien entre les comportements des tuteurs et l'intégration des élèves au collège. Cent quarante-huit élèves à risque ont participé à cette étude. Les mesures recueillies lors de la première session sont réparties sur trois phases: avant, pendant et après le tutorat. Les résultats indiquent que certains comportements des tuteurs sont associés à l'ajustement au tutorat, à l'ajustement scolaire et à la réussite scolaire. La discussion soulève diverses pistes susceptibles d'orienter les intervenants au collégial et d'éventuelles recherches.This article describes the behaviors of college tutors and includes the nature, the frequency, and the interrelationships of these behaviors. The authors also examine the relation between tutors' behaviors and students' integration in college. Data was collected from one hundred and forty-eight students considered «at risk» during the first session which was divided into three phases : prior, during, and after the tutoring. The results showed that certain of the tutors' behaviors are associated with adjusting to tutoring, to school, and to school success. The discussion presents various avenues which could guide college personnel as well as guide future research.Este artículo se interesa en los comportamientos de docentes-tutores de nivel post-secundario, describiendo la naturaleza, la frecuencia y las interrelaciones. Examina además, la relación entre las comportamientos de los tutores y la integración de los estudiantes a los estudios post-secundarios. Ciento cuarenta y ocho estudiantes identificados como «a riesgo» participaron en este estudio. Las medidas establecidas durante la primera sesión (cuatro meses) son repartidas en tres fases: antes, durante y después de la tutoría. Los resultados indican que algunos escolar y al suceso escolar. La discusión de los resultados abre algunas pistas suceptibles comportamientos de los tutores están asociados a la adaptación a la práctica tutorial, a la adaptación de orientar los agentes que obran dentro de este nivel así como eventuales investigaciones en el dominio.Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Tutorenverhalten auf College-Ebene. Er «dokumentiert» das Wesen dieses Verhaltens, seine Häufigkeit sowie die interpersonellen Beziehungen. Er untersucht weiterhin des Verhältnis zwischen dem Verhalten der Tutoren und der Integration der College-Studenten. Insge-samt 148 Studenten mit einem «Risikofaktor» wurden für die Studie heran-ge-zogen. Die während des ersten Treffens ermittelten Maßnahmen wurden auf drei Phasen verteilt: vor und nach dem Tutorium sowie während desselben. Aus den Ergebnis-sen geht hervor, dass bestimmte Verhaltensweisen der Tutoren in enger Beziehung stehen zur Anpassung an das Tutorium, zur Anpassung ans Schul-milieu allgemein sowie zum Lernerfolg. Es ergeben sich zahlreiche Möglich-keiten für die Orientierung der College-Tutoren sowie für künftige Forschungen

    Does mathematics tracking influence student motivation? Exploring the classroom experience

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    The aim of this study was to examine how mathematics tracking in high school (i.e., the practice of grouping students into basic or advanced sequences of courses) shapes students’ perceived competence and their perception of the usefulness of their math courses. We hypothesized that the socioeducational environment of the math classroom (i.e., students’ perception of different teaching strategies) would play an important role in this process. Participants were 732 high school students (41% boys, 59% girls) who completed questionnaires on motivation and classroom environment before (Time 1: second year of high school, mean age = 13.71, SD = 0.80) and after (Time 2: fourth year of high school, mean age = 15.71, SD = 0.80) math sequence placement. Although placement in an advanced sequence was associated with reduced perceived competence, it predicted positive changes in perceived competence when it acted initially on classroom discipline (mediating effect). Moreover, teaching strategies that emphasized classroom discussion and support for investigation fostered student motivation, particularly for those placed in a basic sequence (moderating effect). These results confirm the hypothesis that the classroom environment contributes to explain the tracking effect on student motivation

    How mentoring by teachers improves the adjustment of academically at-risk students in high school?

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    The aims of this study were twofold: to describe associations between mentoring relationship quality (MRQ) and student academic adjustment in a formal mentoring program involving teachers as mentors and academically at-risk students as mentees, and to explore the mediating and moderating effects of student mastery goal orientation on these associations. One hundred and fifteen academically at-risk students in their first year of high school (mean age = 13.46, SD = 0.80) participated in ACCES, a one-year academic teacher–student mentoring program. Student academic adjustment and mastery goal orientation were assessed at the beginning (September) and end (June) of the program and MRQ was measured at the last mentoring meeting (May). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that teacher–student MRQ positively predicted changes in academic adjustment, particularly when at-risk students showed weak mastery goal orientation at program entry (i.e., compensatory effect). Structural equation analysis showed no mediating effect of mastery goal orientation on associations between MRQ and academic adjustment. Implications for academic mentoring practices by teachers are discussed

    Adjustment trajectories in college science programs : perceptions of qualities of parents' and college teachers' relationships

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    This longitudinal study had 2 goals. The 1st goal was to describe trajectories of academic and emotional adjustment in college science programs. The 2nd goal was to determine whether these trajectories differed as a function of students' self-reports of the quality of their relationships with parents and teachers. The sample consisted of 498 students recruited during their last year of high school. Assessment of adjustment continued until the end of the 2nd year of college. For a number of students, the authors observed a significant decline in both academic and emotional adjustment. Moreover, it was possible to identify an at-risk profile characterized by poor academic and emotional adjustment. In examining the students' perceptions of their family and school environments, the authors found that poorly and well-adjusted students differed from each other on the basis of parental but not teachers' relationship quality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved

    Le rapport des élèves du secondaire aux jeux électroniques ainsi qu’à l’usage scolaire de logiciels ludo-éducatifs

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    Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats d’une recherche exploratoire menée auprès d’élèves du secondaire au regard de leurs pratiques d’utilisation de l’informatique en contexte ludique. Après avoir fait état de la documentation scientifique en matière d’exposition des jeunes aux jeux électroniques, nous en décrivons le profil d’utilisation domestique. Cette documentation inclut la représentation que les jeunes ont de l’usage de l’informatique en contexte scolaire, y compris le plan ludo-éducatif. Nous faisons ensuite état de leur appréciation de quatre logiciels recommandés à ce titre par le Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport, puis nous identifions ce qui, du point de vue des jeunes, devrait définir un logiciel de jeu à la fois intéressant et efficace au plan du soutien à l’apprentissage scolaire. Nous terminons en formulant quelques propositions d’intégration des environnements électroniques de jeu en classe afin de réduire les écarts entre le vécu scolaire et les pratiques sociales de référence des élèves