48 research outputs found

    Deuterated molecules in DM Tau: DCO+, but no HDO

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    We report the detection of the J=2-1 line of DCO+ in the proto-planetary disk of DM Tau and re-analyze the spectrum covering the 465 GHz transition of HDO in this source, recently published by Ceccarelli et al. (2005). A modelling of the DCO+ line profile with the source parameters derived from high resolution HCO+ observations yields a DCO+/HCO+ abundance ratio of about 0.004, an order of magnitude smaller than that derived in the low mass cores. The re-analysis of the 465 GHz spectrum, using the proper continuum flux (0.5 Jy) and source systemic velocity (6.05 km/s), makes it clear that the absorption features attributed to HDO and C6H are almost certainly unrelated to these species. We show that the line-to-continuum ratio of an absorption line in front of a Keplerian disk can hardly exceed the ratio of the turbulent velocity to the projected rotation velocity at the disk edge, unless the line is optically very thick (tau > 10 000). This ratio is typically 0.1-0.3 in proto-planetary disks and is about 0.15 in DM Tau, much smaller than that for the alleged absorption features. We also show that the detection of H2D+ in DM Tau, previously reported by these authors, is only a 2-sigma detection when the proper velocity is adopted. So far, DCO+ is thus the only deuterated molecule clearly detected in proto-planetary disks

    Plateau de Bure Interferometer Observations of the Disk and Outflow of HH30

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    HH30 is a well-known Pre-Main-Sequence star in Taurus. HST observations have revealed a flared, edge-on disk driving a highly-collimated optical jet, making this object a case study for the disk-jet-outflow paradigm. We obtained high angular resolution (about 1") observations of the dust continuum at 2.7 and 1.3 mm, and of the 12CO(2-1), 13CO(2-1) & (1-0), C18O(1-0) emissions around HH30. A standard disk model is used to fit the 13CO(2-1) uv-plane visibilities and derive the disk properties, and the stellar mass. It results that HH30 is a low mass TTauri of spectral type around M1 and age 1 to 4 Myrs, surrounded by a medium size Keplerian disk, of mass around 4e-3 Msun and outer radius 420 AU. The disk rotation vector points toward the North-Eastern jet. Using a distance of 140 pc, we deduce a stellar mass of 0.45 Msun. A highly asymmetric outflow originates from the inner parts of the disk. It presents to first order a conical morphology with a 30 degree half opening angle and a constant (12 km/s) radial velocity field. Outflow rotation was searched for but not found. These observations do not enable to assign the origin of the molecular outflow to entrainment by the optical jet or to a disk wind. In the latter case, the upper limit of the outflow rotation velocity implies an origin in the inner 15 AU of the disk.Comment: 20 pages, 15 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Uses aa LaTeX macro

    Caractérisation physico-chimique des premières phases de formation des disques protoplanétaires

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    Les étoiles de type solaire se forment par l'effondrement d'un nuage moléculaire, durant lequel la matière s'organise autour de l'étoile en formation sous la forme d'un disque, appelé disque protoplanétaire. Dans ce disque se forment les planètes, comètes et autres objets du système stellaire. La nature de ces objets peut donc avoir un lien avec l'histoire de la matière du disque.J'ai étudié l'évolution chimique et physique de cette matière, du nuage au disque, à l'aide du code de chimie gaz-grain Nautilus.Une étude de sensibilité à divers paramètres du modèle (comme les abondances élémentaires et les paramètres de chimie de surface) a été réalisée. Notamment, la mise à jour des constantes de vitesse et des rapports de branchement des réactions de notre réseau chimique s'est avérée influente sur de nombreux points, comme les abondances de certaines espèces chimiques, et la sensibilité du modèle à ses autres paramètres.Plusieurs modèles physiques d'effondrement ont également été considérés. L'approche la plus complexe et la plus consistante a été d'interfacer notre code de chimie avec le code radiatif magnétohydrodynamique de formation stellaire RAMSES, pour modéliser en trois dimensions l'évolution physique et chimique de la formation d'un jeune disque. Notre étude a démontré que le disque garde une trace de l'histoire passée de la matière, et sa composition chimique est donc sensible aux conditions initiales.Low mass stars, like our Sun, are born from the collapse of a molecular cloud. The matter falls in the center of the cloud, creating a protoplanetary disk surrounding a protostar. Planets and other solar system bodies will be formed in the disk.The chemical composition of the interstellar matter and its evolution during the formation of the disk are important to better understand the formation process of these objects.I studied the chemical and physical evolution of this matter, from the cloud to the disk, using the chemical gas-grain code Nautilus.A sensitivity study to some parameters of the code (such as elemental abundances and parameters of grain surface chemistry) has been done. More particularly, the updates of rate coefficients and branching ratios of the reactions of our chemical network showed their importance, such as on the abundances of some chemical species, and on the code sensitivity to others parameters.Several physical models of collapsing dense core have also been considered. The more complex and solid approach has been to interface our chemical code with the radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic model of stellar formation RAMSES, in order to model in three dimensions the physical and chemical evolution of a young disk formation. Our study showed that the disk keeps imprints of the past history of the matter, and so its chemical composition is sensitive to the initial conditions.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocBORDEAUX1-Observatoire (331672201) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Circumbinary Gas Accretion onto a Central Binary: Infrared Molecular Hydrogen Emission from GG Tau A

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    We present high spatial resolution maps of ro-vibrational molecular hydrogen emission from the environment of the GG Tau A binary component in the GG Tau quadruple system. The H2 v= 1-0 S(1) emission is spatially resolved and encompasses the inner binary, with emission detected at locations that should be dynamically cleared on several hundred-year timescales. Extensions of H2 gas emission are seen to ~100 AU distances from the central stars. The v = 2-1 S(1) emission at 2.24 microns is also detected at ~30 AU from the central stars, with a line ratio of 0.05 +/- 0.01 with respect to the v = 1-0 S(1) emission. Assuming gas in LTE, this ratio corresponds to an emission environment at ~1700 K. We estimate that this temperature is too high for quiescent gas heated by X-ray or UV emission from the central stars. Surprisingly, we find that the brightest region of H2 emission arises from a spatial location that is exactly coincident with a recently revealed dust "streamer" which seems to be transferring material from the outer circumbinary ring around GG Tau A into the inner region. As a result, we identify a new excitation mechanism for ro-vibrational H2 stimulation in the environment of young stars. The H2 in the GG Tau A system appears to be stimulated by mass accretion infall as material in the circumbinary ring accretes onto the system to replenish the inner circumstellar disks. We postulate that H2 stimulated by accretion infall could be present in other systems, particularly binaries and "transition disk" systems which have dust cleared gaps in their circumstellar environments.Comment: 18 pages, including 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Molecular gas and dust around a radio-quiet quasar at redshift 4.69.

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    Galaxies are believed to have formed a large proportion of their stars in giant bursts of star formation early in their lives, but when and how this took place are still very uncertain. The presence of large amounts of dust in quasars and radio galaxies at redshifts z > 4 shows that some synthesis of heavy elements had already occurred at this time. This implies that molecular gas--the building material of stars--should also be present, as it is in galaxies at lower redshifts (z approximately = 2.5, refs 7-10). Here we report the detection of emission from dust and carbon monoxide in the radio-quiet quasar BR1202 - 0725, at redshift z = 4.69. Maps of these emissions reveal two objects, separated by a few arc seconds, which could indicated either the presence of a companion to the quasar or gravitational lensing of the quasar itself. Regardless of the precise interpretation of the maps, the detection of carbon monoxide confirms the presence of a large mass of molecular gas in one of the most distant galaxies known, and shows that conditions conducive to huge bursts of star formation existed in the very early Universe

    Un manuscrit inédit du XVIIe siècle: objets archéologiques et inscriptions niçoises

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    Probing Dust Settling in Proto-planetary Disks with ALMA

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    Investigating the dynamical evolution of dust grains in proto-planetary disks is a key issue to understand how planets should form. We identify under which conditions dust settling can be constrained by high angular resolution ALMA observations at mm wavelengths, and which observational strategies are suited for such studies. We find out that an angular resolution better than or equal to » 0.1” (using 2.3 km baselines at 0.8mm) allows us to constrain the dust scale height and flaring index with sufficient precision to unambiguously distinguish between settled and non-settled disks, provided the inclination is close enough to edge-on (i > 75°). Ignoring dust settling and assuming hydrostatic equilibrium when analyzing such disks biase the derived dust temperature, the radial dependency of the dust emissivity index and the surface density distribution