56 research outputs found

    Christine Margetic, HĂ©lĂšne Roth et MichaĂ«l Pouzenc (dir.), 2017. Les campagnes europĂ©ennes : espaces d’innovation dans un monde urbain. Coll. RuralitĂ©s Nord-Sud, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Midi, 222 p.

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    Longtemps perçu comme un espace figĂ©, comme le creuset d’un immobilisme routinier, les campagnes contemporaines se transforment dĂ©sormais en « espaces particuliers Ă  mĂȘme d’innover pour apporter des rĂ©ponses et surmonter certaines contradictions de la sociĂ©tĂ© urbaine qui les englobe ». C’est dans cette acception du tournant rural que se positionne l’ouvrage dirigĂ© par Christine Margetic, HĂ©lĂšne Roth et MichaĂ«l Pouzenc et composĂ© d’une douzaine d’articles rĂ©digĂ©s Ă  l’issue d’un grand colloque ..

    Le renouveau plurifonctionnel de l’olĂ©iculture dans les espaces urbanisĂ©s en France mĂ©diterranĂ©enne

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    Face Ă  une urbanisation trĂšs rapide, l’olĂ©iculture enregistre aujourd’hui un maintien, voire une extension de ses surfaces dans les aires urbaines de la France mĂ©diterranĂ©enne. ApparaĂźt ainsi une culture de l’olivier avec une orienta­tion productive et une finalitĂ© paysagĂšre pour des nouveaux olĂ©iculteurs, principa­lement des amateurs. L’olivier s’insĂšre dĂ©sormais dans une agriculture urbaine plurifonctionnelle Ă  des Ă©chelles variĂ©es (du jardin Ă  la grande exploi­tation). L’olivier devient un fournisseur de produits trĂšs apprĂ©ciĂ©s, mais aussi un vecteur de capital culturel et social, un facteur d’identitĂ© locale et un Ă©lĂ©ment fĂ©dĂ©rateur. Les oliveraies peuvent Ă©galement s’insĂ©rer dans la matrice Ă©cologique par leurs hauts niveaux de biodiversitĂ©. En raison de cette plurifonctionnalitĂ©, l’olĂ©iculture est aujourd’hui frĂ©quemment mobilisĂ©e dans les projets urbains.Faced with a rapid urbanization, olive growing not only maintains its acreage, but also extends to the urban areas of Mediterranean France, developing a productive orientation while at the same time new olive growers, mostly ama­teurs, look at it as an aesthetical element in landscaping. Henceforth, the olive tree plays its role in the multifunctional urban agriculture on various scales: from private garden to large scale holding. The olive tree becomes not only a supplier of much appreciated products, but also a vehicule for cultural, social capitals and is a factor in local identity as well as having a local federating effect. Thanks to its high levels of biodiversity, the olive grove can insert itself in the ecological matrix while its multifunctional features make olive growing an effective element in urban projects

    Deep Network Classification by Scattering and Homotopy Dictionary Learning

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    We introduce a sparse scattering deep convolutional neural network, which provides a simple model to analyze properties of deep representation learning for classification. Learning a single dictionary matrix with a classifier yields a higher classification accuracy than AlexNet over the ImageNet 2012 dataset. The network first applies a scattering transform that linearizes variabilities due to geometric transformations such as translations and small deformations. A sparse ℓ1\ell^1 dictionary coding reduces intra-class variability while preserving class separation through projections over unions of linear spaces. It is implemented in a deep convolutional network with a homotopy algorithm having an exponential convergence. A convergence proof is given in a general framework that includes ALISTA. Classification results are analyzed on ImageNet

    La gouvernance territoriale agricole : l’exemple de la viticulture et de l’olĂ©iculture dans l’agglomĂ©ration de Toulon (France)

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    Viticulture et olĂ©iculture occupent une place significative au cƓur des villes mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. Ces espaces agricoles, bien que menacĂ©s par la progression de l’urbanisation, rĂ©sistent grĂące Ă  la volontĂ© des acteurs locaux. Nous nous proposons d’étudier, de façon trĂšs prĂ©cise, l’évolution de l’occupation du sol de la vigne et de l’olivier, au sein de l’agglomĂ©ration de Toulon (France), ces dix derniĂšres annĂ©es. L’objectif est de rĂ©aliser un diagnostic paysager, Ă  l’échelle de la parcelle, afin d’identifier des pĂ©rimĂštres agricoles cohĂ©rents susceptibles d’ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©s par des outils fonciers adaptĂ©s.Vine-growing and olive-growing areas are a significant land use in Mediterranean towns. These agricultural areas have endured thanks to efforts by local stakeholders, despite the fact they are threatened by the effects of continued urbanization. Our aim is to closely examine the evolution of vine-growing and olive-growing spaces in the past ten years across the Toulon (France) metropolitan area. We provide a diagnosis of the landscape at the plot level in order to identify coherent agricultural areas, which could be protected by revised land policy tools

    Kymatio: Scattering Transforms in Python

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    The wavelet scattering transform is an invariant signal representation suitable for many signal processing and machine learning applications. We present the Kymatio software package, an easy-to-use, high-performance Python implementation of the scattering transform in 1D, 2D, and 3D that is compatible with modern deep learning frameworks. All transforms may be executed on a GPU (in addition to CPU), offering a considerable speed up over CPU implementations. The package also has a small memory footprint, resulting inefficient memory usage. The source code, documentation, and examples are available undera BSD license at https://www.kymat.io

    Pruning waste management and climate change in Sierra MĂĄgina's olive groves (Andalusia, Spain)

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552In the context of climate change, concern is raising about the negative effects of some pruning waste management practices. On the one hand, burning of pruning residue is seen as controversial regarding its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, chipping the wood and using it as mulch is seen as highly risky regarding pest and disease control. Considering these issues, it is important to try to understand how and why these practices are adopted. In this study, we conducted in-depth interviews and survey questionnaires in the olive-growing region of Sierra MĂĄgina (Andalusia) in order to explore (1) which were the pruning waste management practices in place, (2) which had been these practices in the past, and (3) which were the factors influencing the choice of different practices. Since 2010, there has been a shift in pruning waste management practices in this region, from stubble burning to chipping. This change seems to be led by older/retired farmers that have young and non-inherited groves. Moreover, this change is shown not to be necessarily a result of "greening" in agriculture but rather a result of intensification and mechanization. These results are discussed regarding the processes of innovation adoption in the region and the possible unforeseen externalities that derive from this change in pruning waste management practices

    Pruning waste management and climate change in Sierra MĂĄgina's olive groves (Andalusia, Spain)

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552In the context of climate change, concern is raising about the negative effects of some pruning waste management practices. On the one hand, burning of pruning residue is seen as controversial regarding its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, chipping the wood and using it as mulch is seen as highly risky regarding pest and disease control. Considering these issues, it is important to try to understand how and why these practices are adopted. In this study, we conducted in-depth interviews and survey questionnaires in the olive-growing region of Sierra MĂĄgina (Andalusia) in order to explore (1) which were the pruning waste management practices in place, (2) which had been these practices in the past, and (3) which were the factors influencing the choice of different practices. Since 2010, there has been a shift in pruning waste management practices in this region, from stubble burning to chipping. This change seems to be led by older/retired farmers that have young and non-inherited groves. Moreover, this change is shown not to be necessarily a result of "greening" in agriculture but rather a result of intensification and mechanization. These results are discussed regarding the processes of innovation adoption in the region and the possible unforeseen externalities that derive from this change in pruning waste management practices

    Biomolecules from olive pruning waste in Sierra MĂĄgina - Engaging the energy transition by multi-actor and multidisciplinary analyses

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552The price volatility of fossil resources, the uncertainty of their long-term availability and the environmental, climatic and societal problems posed by their operation lead to the need of an energy transition enabling the development and utilization of other alternative and sustainable resources. Acknowledging that indirect land-use change can increase greenhouse gas emission, the European Union (EU) has reshaped its biofuel policy. It has set criteria for sustainability to ensure that the use of biofuels guarantees real carbon savings and protects biodiversity. From a sustainability perspective, biofuels and bioliquids offer indeed both advantages (e.g., more secure energy supply, emission reductions, reduced air pollution and production of high added-value molecules) as well as risks (monocultures, reduced biodiversity and even higher emissions through land use change). Approaching economic, environmental and social sustainability at the local level and in an integrated way should help to maximize benefits and minimize risks. This approach has been adopted and is described in the present work that combines chemical, biological, social and territorial studies on the management of pruning waste residues from olive trees in the Sierra MĂĄgina in Spain. The biological and social analyses helped to orientate the research towards an attractive chemical process based on extraction and pyrolysis, in which high added value molecules are recovered and in which the residual biochar may be used as pathogen-free fertilizer. In this region where farmers face declining economic margins, the new intended method may both solve greenhouse gas emission problems and provide farmers with additional revenues and convenient fertilizers. Further research with a larger partnership will consolidate the results and tackle issues such as the logistics

    Oléiculture, systÚmes oléicoles et territoires méditerranéens : de la filiÚre au paysage.

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    Olive growing activities changed sharply with the modernization and globalization processes. After declining, olive growing increased to 1990s through the rise of olive oil consumption. Now Geographic indications for olive oil increased.El olivar enregistro importantes cambios gracias a su modernizacion y su integracion en el proceso de la mundializacion. Despues un declino, el sector olivarero conoce un desarrollo desde los anos 1990 gracias al aumento de la consumo del aceite de oliva. Simetricamente, las indicaciones geograficas por el aceite de oliva se multiplicaronL’olĂ©iculture a enregistre de profonds changements dans le cadre d'une modernisation et de son intĂ©gration dans le processus de mondialisation. AprĂšs un long dĂ©clin, le secteur olĂ©icole a connu un essor depuis les annĂ©es 1990 en relation avec l'augmentation de la consommation mondiale d'huile d'olive. ParallĂšlement, les indications gĂ©ographiques pour des huiles d'olive se sont multipliĂ©es
