233 research outputs found


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    Objective: Building workers are exposed to a mixture of chemicals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the time exposure by inhalation which is suspected to cause genetic damage. The aim of the study was to assess the level of genetic damage in south Indian building workers are exposed to PAHs.Methods: 30 Building workers and standardized control groups are examined for frequencies of micronuclei in buccal epithelial cells.Results: The genetic damage observed in the buccal cells of building workers was significantly higher than in controls. Chewing also related to genetic damage since the observed in PAHs exposed groups with chewers was significantly higher than non-chewing workers.Conclusion: Occupational exposure of PAHs from building workplaces has been associated with increased genetic damage and chewers represent an additional risk factor. Exposure to PAHs may be related to increased risk of cancer in building workers

    Maternal diabetes induces congenital heart defects in mice by altering the expression of genes involved in cardiovascular development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Congenital heart defects are frequently observed in infants of diabetic mothers, but the molecular basis of the defects remains obscure. Thus, the present study was performed to gain some insights into the molecular pathogenesis of maternal diabetes-induced congenital heart defects in mice.</p> <p>Methods and results</p> <p>We analyzed the morphological changes, the expression pattern of some genes, the proliferation index and apoptosis in developing heart of embryos at E13.5 from streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Morphological analysis has shown the persistent truncus arteriosus combined with a ventricular septal defect in embryos of diabetic mice. Several other defects including defective endocardial cushion (EC) and aberrant myofibrillogenesis have also been found. Cardiac neural crest defects in experimental embryos were analyzed and validated by the protein expression of NCAM and PGP 9.5. In addition, the protein expression of Bmp4, Msx1 and Pax3 involved in the development of cardiac neural crest was found to be reduced in the defective hearts. The mRNA expression of <it>Bmp4</it>, <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Pax3 </it>was significantly down-regulated (<it>p </it>< 0.001) in the hearts of experimental embryos. Further, the proliferation index was significantly decreased (<it>p </it>< 0.05), whereas the apoptotic cells were significantly increased (<it>p </it>< 0.001) in the EC and the ventricular myocardium of the experimental embryos.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is suggested that the down-regulation of genes involved in development of cardiac neural crest could contribute to the pathogenesis of maternal diabetes-induced congenital heart defects.</p

    Stability indicating HPLC determination of racecadotril in bulk drug and pharmaceutical dosage form

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    Se desarrolló y validó un nuevo método de cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento, sencillo, rápido, reproducible e indicativo de la estabilidad, para el análisis del racecadotrilo en formulaciones farmacéuticas y como sustancia farmacológica al por mayor. La separación HPLC se realizó en una columna BDS -Hypersil C18 (250 mm X 4,6 mm, i.d. 5 μm de tamaño de partícula) utilizando una fase móvil formada por una mezcla de 20 mM de tampón fosfato (pH 3.5) y acetonitrilo en una proporción 40:60 y con una velocidad de fl ujo de 1 ml/min., con detección a 230 nm. Los datos del análisis de regresión lineal de las gráfi cas de calibración presentaron una buena relación lineal con un coefi ciente de correlación de 0,999 respecto al área de pico en el rango de concentración entre 5 μg/ml y 15 μg/ml. Se validó la precisión, exactitud, precisión, recuperación y robustez del método. Los límites de detección y determinación observados fueron de 50 y 100 ng/ml respectivamente. El racecadotrilo se sometió a hidrólisis ácida, hidrólisis alcalina y degradación oxidativa. El fármaco se degrada en condiciones ácidas, básicas y de oxidación. El análisis estadístico demuestra que el método es repetible, selectivo y preciso para la estimación de racecadotrilo. El método desarrollado y propuesto de HPLC se puede aplicar a la identifi cación y estimación del racecadotrilo en forma de dosifi cación oral sólida comercial y como sustancia farmacológica al por mayor.A new simple, rapid, reproducible and stability indicating high performance liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of racecadotril in bulk drugs and from pharmaceutical formulation was developed and validated. The HPLC separation was achieved on a BDS -Hypersil C18 column (250mm X 4.6mm, i.d. 5μm particle size) using a mobile phase consisting of a mixture of 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 3.5) and acetonitrile in the ratio of (40:60) at a fl ow rate of 1 ml/min with detection at 230 nm. The linear regression analysis data for the calibration plots showed good linear relationship with the correlation coeffi cient of 0.999 with respect to peak area in the concentration range between 5 μg/ml and 15 μg/ml. The method was validated for precision, accuracy, recovery and robustness. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation were found to be 50 and 100 ng/ml respectively. Racecadotril was subjected to acid hydrolysis, alkali hydrolysis and oxidative degradation. The drug undergoes degradation under acidic, basic and oxidation conditions. Statistical analysis proves that the method is repeatable, selective and accurate for the estimation of racecadotril. The proposed developed HPLC method can be applied for identifi cation and estimation of racecadotril in bulk drugs and marketed oral solid dosage forms

    Nutrient diagnosis of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) gardens in Kerala and Karnataka

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    Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) indices were worked out for soiland leaf nutrient status of black pepper (Piper nigrum) at Calicut (Kerala). The nutrient analysisdata obtained from extensive (130 samples) surveys of major black pepper growing tracts ofKerala and Karnataka was compared with already worked out soil and leaf nutrient DRISindices values to find out the deviation of nutrients from the corresponding criticalconcentrations. The results revealed that the soils in most of the gardens were acidic (pH 4.4to 6.7). Soil sample analysis showed that 88% gardens had organic carbon (OC) status belowthe critical values, 74% gardens had Zn and 36% gardens had P and 28% gardens had Castatus below the required levels. Leaf analysis results showed that 46% samples had Mg,39% samples had Cu and 12% samples had P, K and Zn status below the required criticalvalues. The order of limiting nutrients was: OC &gt; Zn &gt; P &gt; Ca &gt; K &gt; Mg for soil andMg &gt; Cu &gt; P=K=Zn &gt; Mn for leaf samples. &nbsp;The study revealed the importance of manuringblack pepper gardens with organic manures supplemented with secondary andmicronutrients. &nbsp

    Bounded Indistinguishability for Simple Sources

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    Economic crisis management in construction projects - A Review

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    You Many of the construction industries have accepted increasing importance of economic crisis management to control risks. Economic crisis and their management have been critical issues which are related with projects, the construction company and their customers are related with higher chances of risk. The reason for their higher risk is their construction process and activities, their background and their organization. This study is related to economic crisis which immediately taken part in the construction project. The risk in the construction projects is usually identified as an event that highlights objectives of manpower, material and money. The ideas at various levels of construction industries have been collected through literature survey and their results have been analyzed in this paper. From this literature study, the situations influencing economic crisis were studied and recommendation has been expressed to devastate those economic crisis situations

    Determinación por HPLC indicativa de la estabilidad del racecadotrilo en forma de dosificación farmacéutica y como sustancia farmacológica al por mayor

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    Se desarrolló y validó un nuevo método de cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento, sencillo, rápido, reproduciblee indicativo de la estabilidad, para el análisis del racecadotrilo en formulaciones farmacéuticas y como sustanciafarmacológica al por mayor. La separación HPLC se realizó en una columna BDS -Hypersil C18 (250 mm X 4,6 mm,i.d. 5 μm de tamaño de partícula) utilizando una fase móvil formada por una mezcla de 20 mM de tampón fosfato(pH 3.5) y acetonitrilo en una proporción 40:60 y con una velocidad de fl ujo de 1 ml/min., con detección a 230nm. Los datos del análisis de regresión lineal de las gráfi cas de calibración presentaron una buena relación linealcon un coefi ciente de correlación de 0,999 respecto al área de pico en el rango de concentración entre 5 μg/ml y 15μg/ml. Se validó la precisión, exactitud, precisión, recuperación y robustez del método. Los límites de detección ydeterminación observados fueron de 50 y 100 ng/ml respectivamente. El racecadotrilo se sometió a hidrólisis ácida,hidrólisis alcalina y degradación oxidativa. El fármaco se degrada en condiciones ácidas, básicas y de oxidación.El análisis estadístico demuestra que el método es repetible, selectivo y preciso para la estimación de racecadotrilo.El método desarrollado y propuesto de HPLC se puede aplicar a la identifi cación y estimación del racecadotrilo enforma de dosifi cación oral sólida comercial y como sustancia farmacológica al por mayor