211 research outputs found

    Image Quality Restoration on Historical Artifacts Using Histogram Equalization and Contrast Stretching Methods

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    The aim of this research was to enhance the image quality of historical objects that undergo quality decline such as noise, low contrasting images, and poor sharpness. Contrast stretching and Histogram equalization are two methods of image enhancement which is used to expand and smooth out the grayscale of an image . The purpose of this study is to develop a system for enhancing the quality of images of historical heritage objects applying contrast stretching and histogram equalization techniques. Concerning the selection of the sample in this research, the data is RGB image data with a total of 10 test images in . mat file format and the process employed is in Matlab programming language The stimulation of neuron is in jpg format. The works on the contrast stretching and histogram equalization from the sample 1 to sample 10 image the results were highest on test image_citra_1 with the contrast stretching results on the base of PSNR = 32. DOS, = 61 dB and MSE = 35. 86 Db and PSNR = 19. 13 Db and MSE = 794 . 76 in histogram equalization calculations

    Implementation of a Decision Support System in Selecting the Best Mid-Range Smartphone Using the Ahp and Moora Methods

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    The rapid development of information technology, especially the internet and smartphones, has changed the paradigm in the way humans interact and access information. In Indonesia, internet use has soared, with most access via smartphones. The growth of the mid-range smartphone market creates the need for a more in-depth assessment in selecting suitable products. To help potential buyers, this research proposes the use of a decision support system (DSS) that uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA) methods. AHP is used to determine the weight of the criteria, while MOORA is used to provide recommendations for smartphone selection. From the test results on 87 types of mid-range smartphones using a combination of these two methods, the recommendation results for mid-range smartphones with the Realme GT Neo 3T brand as first place, Realme GT Neo 3 as second place, and Poco F4 as third place

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi E-Learning Sebagai Akselerasi Proses Pembelajaran Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Akademik Di Prodi Ilmu Komputer Fst Uin Su Medan

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi di era digital saat ini, menuntut segala bidang industri untuk dapat memanfaatkan teknologi dalam proses bisnisnya, tidak terkecuali pada bidang Pendidikan. Di dalam bidang pendidikan dan industri jasa, memberikan layanan kepuasan pelanggan merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Mutu sebuah Program Studi sangat ditentukan oleh mutu pelayanan yang diberikan, dimana pelayanan yang bermutu dapat diidentifikasi melalui kepuasan pelanggan dalam hal ini adalah mahasiswa. Salah satu terobosan pelayanan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yang dapat diterapkan oleh program studi Ilmu Komputer Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sumatera Utara Medan, saat ini adalah dengan mengaplikasikan pembelajaran yang berbasis teknologi dengan program E- Learning

    Arsitektur dan organisasi komputer : Edisi Revisi

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    Pemanfaatan Sistem Pengendali Water Level Control Untuk Budidaya Ikan Gurame Pada Kolam Terpal Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Teknologi otomatisasi  sistem kendali dan mikrokontroler merupakan salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi kondisi air dan ketinggian air serta sistem untuk mengendalikan pompa air secara otomatis. Adapun proses otomatisasi dalam pengatur ketinggian air ini sangat penting agar dapat menghemat kebutuhan air pada kolam ikan. Dalam penelitian ini dibuatlah teknologi otomatisasi menggunakan logika fuzzy berbasis mikrokontroler, untuk sistem pendeteksi kondisi air dan ketinggian air serta sistem untuk mengendalikan pompa air, yang dapat diatur secara otomatis sesuai batas atas (maximal) dan batas bawah (minimal) serta dapat melakukan penggantian air kolam secara otomatis apabila air kolam sudah keruh


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    Silih (Srani), Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Daerah (Jawa) Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected] Abstrak   Siswa nalika pasinaon nulis geguritan, langsung padha mbengok-mbengok, nggremeng lan kurang nduweni greget utawa semangat ing pasinaon. Alasane, siswa rumangsa kangelan golek idhe, nyusun tetembungan lan ora pati ngerti basa Jawa sing endah. Asile, nalika pasinaon siswa padha nggremeng, bingung, menga–mengo, lan malah ana sing guyonan karo kancane. Anggone nulis kudu nduweni inspirasi sing apik. Salah siji cara kanggo nuwuhake inspirasi yaiku pamilihan metodhe karya wisata. Metodhe karya wisata katindakake kanthi siswa diajak metu saka kelas lan nyawang langsung kahanan sak njabane kelas utawa menyang ing papan wisata. Adhedhasar lelandhesaning panliten, underaning panliten iki ana 3, yaiku (1) Kepriye undhake keprigelan guru sajrone pasinaonan nulis geguritan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk migunakake metodhe Karya Wisata, (2) Kepriye anggone nindakake proses pasinaonan nulis geguritan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk migunakake metodhe Karya Wisata, (3) Kepriye undhak-undhakan kawasisan nulis geguritan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk migunakake metodhe Karya Wisata. Tujuan kang pengin digayuh ing panliten, yaiku: (1) Kanggo mangerteni lan ngandharake proses pasinaonan nulis geguritan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk migunakake metodhe karya wisata, (2) Kanggo mangerteni undhake keprigelane guru sajrone pasinaonan nulis geguritan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk migunakake metodhe Karya Wisata, (3) Kanggo ngandharake undhak-undhakan kawasisan nulis geguritan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk migunakake metode karya wisata. Tintingan kapustakan ngandharake tintingan panliten kang saemper lan teori sarta konsep kang gegayutan karo underaning panliten yaiku katrampilan nulis, geguritan, lan metodhe karya wisata. Panliten iki nggunakake rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas sing kasusun saka rong siklus, saben siklus siklus kasusun saka patang tahap. Subjek panliten yaiku guru lan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk sing cacahe 33 siswa. Teknik pangumpulan dhata nggunakake teknik tes lan observasi. Teknik analisis data nggunakake analisis dheskriptif lan persentase. Asil sinau siswa saka metodhe karya wisata yaiku siklus 1, siswa sing tuntas ada 64% utawa 21 bocah, dene siklus 2 siswa sing tuntas 93% utawa 31 siswa. Undhak-undhakan uga dialami dening aktivitas guru saka 73% ing siklus 1 dadi 84% ing siklus 2. Aktivitas siswa sajrone pasinaon ngalami undhak-undhakan saka 70%  ing siklus 1 dadi 80 % ing siklus 2. Dadi bisa dijupuk dudutan, metode karya wisata bisa ngundhakake kawasisan nulis geguritan siswa kelas IX-3 SMP Negeri 7 Nganjuk

    Classification of Crude Palm Oil Quality Eligibility Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm

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    The study focuses on an examination of the applicability of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and its implication for the classification of the quality of the Crude Palm Oil (CPO) produced by PT. PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk. The authentic quality parameters: Water (VM), Dirt, and Free Fatty Acid (FFA) were chosen to train the SVM model which was tested on the data of 2020–2022 and containing 1,095 records. The research utilized Google Colab Python Notebooks for the analysis of data, resulting to an accuracy of 84. 15%. This indicates that SVM is a reliable technique to work with complicated, multi variet data,; which can be quite helpful in the CPO quality classification, where traditional algorithms may not be efficient. Data preprocessing including normalization and outlier detection has been cited as some of the ways that would improve the performance of the model as highlighted in this study. Comparing the results with other machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest and Neural networks proved the efficiency of SVM even though there were misclassification made. The result also suggests that SVM has a strong capability to support the quality assurance activities in the palm oil industry by eliminating human intervention and increasing the working productivity. Further study could continue in the directions of incorporating the SVM model with other methods of machine learning for even better enhancement of the CPO quality assessment

    Aplikasi Panduan Lokasi Wisata Kota Klaten Dan Akomodasi Berdasarkan Biaya Yang Dimiliki Wisatawan Berbasis Android

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    Today, with the emergence of many new technologies flooding the world of information and technology. Distance and space for people who will not part with the development of technology that the longer the more advanced, a wide range of equipment designed to meet the needs of people that help all human activities all over the world.Tourism or tourism is a journey undertaken for recreation or leisure and also preparations for this activity. A traveler or tourist is someone who travels at least as far as 80 km (50 miles) from his home to recreational purposes, is defined by the World Tourism Organization. The use of GPS and mobile application is necessary especially in tourism tourist sites as a guide.Mobile Application will be made in this study have features to provide guidance based on the cost of tourist sites owned by tourists. With the cost of which is owned, tourists can get information about tourist sites, hotels and public facilities.The implementation of this application is built using the Android SDK, Android Development Tools, and Eclipse IDE. While the programming language used is Java
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