8 research outputs found

    Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks: Studi Cross Sectional Pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Di Pedesaan

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    Latar belakang: Pembangunan kesehatan merupakan suatu investasi untuk peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam mendukung percepatan pembangunan nasional serta mencapai sasaran Millenium Development Goals. Salah satu sasaran MDGfs adalah peningkatan kesehatan ibu. Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013 prevalensi kanker di Indonesia adalah 1,4 per 1000 penduduk dan kanker serviks menempati urutan kedua setelah kanker payudara. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) mencapai 4,1 perseribu atau 4,1 dari 1000 penduduk merupakan prevalensi tertinggi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan umur, tingkat pendidikan, penghasilan keluarga dan pekerjaan ibu dengan tindakan deteksi dini kanker serviks.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel 81 orang, teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara proportionate stratified random sampling penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Srigading Kecamatan Sanden Kabupaten Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner tertutup. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik chi square.Hasil: Penelitian menunjukkan 35 (43,2%) berumur >35-49 tahun, pendidikan terbanyak SMA 31 (38,3%), sebagian besar bekerja 62 (76,5%), penghasilan keluarga sebagian besar . 1 juta (61,7%). Perilaku deteksi kanker servis sebagian besar tidak pernah pap smear 62 (76,5%). Hasil analisis uji chi square menunjukkan bahwa umur berhubungan p=0,258, pendidikan tidak berhubungan nilai p=0,0,382, pekerjaan terbukti tidak berhubungan p=0,249, penghasilan keluarga berhubungan p=0,033.Kesimpulan: variabel penghasilan keluarga berhubungan dengan tindakan deteksi dini kanker serviks, sedangkan variabel lain umur, pendidikan istri dan pekerjaan tidak berhubungan dengan tindakan deteksi dini kanker serviks


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    Menstrual self-care education in adolescents Adolescent girls during menstruation require self-care such as hygiene, nutrition, rest patterns, exercise or physical activity. Efforts can be made to maintain reproductive health in women, namely by maintaining feminine hygiene during menstruation (Tarwoto and Watonah, 2010). Studies conducted on adolescents show that adolescents have the wrong knowledge about self-care so that they do the wrong self-care (Ibrahim et al., 2022) Based on research conducted by Anamika et al. (2008) on students found that premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea were the most disturbing complaints. The purpose of this service is to increase knowledge about self-care during menstruation in adolescent girls. The method that will be used is the online lecture using the Zoom meeting media. The results obtained from this community service activity are increased knowledge about self-care during menstruation in adolescent girls. The results of the evaluation showed that there was an increase in knowledge about self-care during menstruation of participants before attending the webinar and after attending the webinar. It is necessary to carry out community service continuously as an effort to increase adolescent knowledge about health as an effort to improve the quality of life of adolescents Keywords: Menstrual self-care education, adolescent

    Pembuatan Sushi dan Sate Buah Sebagai Alternatif Makanan Untuk Balita

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    One of the principles that must be considered in a balanced diet is food diversity. Children often refuse foods they don't like and only choose foods they like, so they need to be introduced to a variety of foods to optimize the achievement of balanced nutrition. Consumption of a variety of foods in toddlers can guarantee the completeness of the nutrients their bodies need, because each food contains a different source of nutrients, both in type and amount. Sushi is a popular food and easy to make. Sushi and fruit satay have good nutritional content for toddlers. Making sushi and fruit satay aims to provide food choices for toddlers that are nutritious and easy to make. The implementation of the activity was carried out by means of direct demonstrations, participants tried directly to make sushi and fruit satay with the ingredients provided. Participants were very enthusiastic doing the practice of making sushi and fruit satay


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    Anxiety levels during the COVID-19 pandemic with dysmenorrhea in adolescents at the AISYIYAH Orphanage, TUNTANG, SEMARANG REGENCY Adolescence is a period that has many problems and requires adjustment caused by changes in social expectations, roles and behavior. The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for adolescents in dealing with menstruation. Teenagers become uncomfortable, causing anxiety when approaching the time of menstruation and during menstruation. The anxiety experienced by adolescents in facing all these challenges cannot be separated from the incidence of dysmenorrhea which is the most common disorder in adolescents. This study used the DASS-42 questionnaire to determine the relationship between anxiety levels and dysmenorrhea. The results show p value = 0.015. This study concludes that there is a significant relationship between the level of anxiety and dysmenoea. Keywords: Level of anxiety, COVID-19 pandemic, dysmenorrhea, adolescent

    Pemantauan Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan sebagai Upaya Deteksi Dini Stunting pada Balita di Dusun Bibis Desa Timbulharjo Kapanewon Sewon Kabupaten Bantul

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    The human development index needs to be prepared early on. Toddlers are the nation's next generation whose nutritional status must be taken into account. Toddler growth and development is a continuous process starting from the womb until adulthood. Monitoring growth and development in toddlers needs to be done. The aim of this community service is to measure the weight, body, height and developmental status of babies and toddlers to detect stunting early. The method used is direct examination using scales, macrotoa and KPSP sheet

    Webinar tentang Peningkatan Pengetahuan Remaja Putri Dalam Mengatasi Dismenore di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    Menstrual pain is a problem that often occurs in women. Many women experience menstrual problems, including pain during menstruation, known as dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea affects 40% to 70% of women of reproductive age and is one of the most frequent causes of school absence. Research in the United States, dysmenorrhea is the leading cause of repeated absenteeism from school. Several studies have shown that adolescents with dysmenorrhea experience a decrease in academic achievement, social and sports activities. Service activities are carried out through webinar activities with the lecture method. A dedication to empowering young women in overcoming Dysmenorrhea in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period with 37 participants from the AKBIDYO Health Science College student. The activity was held on Sunday, July 18, 2021 which was presented through a webinar zoom meeting, because it was in the period of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). Activities can be carried out smoothly. The conclusion obtained: The knowledge of the youth participating in the webinar has increased by 4.17%. Most of the adolescent knowledge of the webinar participants was in the good category with a pre value of 79.16% and a post value of 83.33%. Suggestions for adolescents after receiving information about dysmenorrhea and how to overcome it, it is hoped that changes in attitudes and behavior will be more prepared in dealing with dysmenorrhea and for speakers to make scheduled and structured webinars that continue to focus on adolescents by looking at research and current issues.Nyeri haid merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada seorang perempuan Banyak wanita yang mengalami masalah menstruasi, di antaranya adalah nyeri saat menstruasi yang dikenal dengan dismenore. Dismenore mempengaruhi 40% sampai 70% dari wanita usia reproduksi dan merupakan salah satu penyebab yang paling sering untuk absen sekolah. Penelitian di Amerika Serikat, dismenore adalah penyebab paling utama ketidakhadiran berulang disekolah. Beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa remaja dengan dismenore mengalami penurunan pada prestasi akademis, sosial dan kegiatan olahraga.Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan webinar dengan metode ceramah. Pengabdian tentang pemberdayaan remaja putri dalam mengatasi Dismenore di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 dengan peserta 37 remaja mahasiswi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan AKBIDYO. Kegiatan diadakan pada hari minggu, tanggal 18 Juli 2021 yang disajikan melalui webinar zoom meeting, karena sedang dalam masa Pemberlakukan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM). Kegiatan dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar. Kesimpulan yang didapat: Pengetahuan remaja peserta webinar mengalami peningkatan 4,17%. Pengetahuan remaja peserta webinar terbanyak dalam kategori baik dengan nilai saat pre 79,16% dan saat post sebesar 83,33%. Saran bagi remaja setelah mendapatkan informasi tentang dismenore dan cara mengatasinya diharapkan terjadi perubahan sikap dan perilaku lebih siap dalam menghadapi dismenore dan bagi Pembicara membuat webinar terjadwal dan terstruktur yang terus berfokus pada remaja dengan melihat riset dan isu terkini

    The Umbilical Cord Care for Newborns at the Independent Practice of Midwife Tutik Purwani Sleman in 2022: Perawatan Tali Pusat Pada Bayi Baru Lahir di Praktik Mandiri Bidan Tutik Purwani Sleman Tahun 2022

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    Introduction Reducing neonatal mortality is very important. Neonatal mortality contributes 60% to infant mortality. One of the threats to neonates is umbilical cord infection due to umbilical cord care that is not in accordance with predetermined standards. Mrs. F is a patient who routinely checks for pregnancy at PMB Tutik Purwani, and gives birth there. Baby Mrs. F needed cord care, so open care was given to cord care. Method This research uses the case study method. Data collection was done by interview and observation. Result of the care that was carried out on baby Ny. F starts from the assessment of subjective and objective data, determines the assessment, and performs management. The midwife first performed the open method of umbilical cord care while it was still wet and fresh, with no signs of infection, at home by the grandmother and mother. At the time of the second neonatal visit, the baby's umbilical cord had fallen off. This action is taken to prevent the baby from the dangers of umbilical cord infection which can cause neonatal death. Conclusion Open method of umbilical cord care has been carried out from assessment to evaluation properly and in accordance with midwifery care standards, characterized by the baby's umbilical cord. F came off within four days and the wound was dry, clean, and had no signs of infection.Pendahuluan Penurunan angka kematian neonatal merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Kematian neonatal memberikan kontribusi sebesar 60% terhadap angka kematian bayi. Ancaman pada neonatus salah satunya adalah terjadi infeksi tali pusat dikarenakan perawatan tali pusat yang tidak sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan. Ny. F adalah pasien yang rutin periksa hamil di PMB Tutik Purwani, dan melahirkan di sana. Bayi Ny. F memerlukan perawatan tali pusat, sehingga diberikan asuhan perawatan tali pusat secara terbuka. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Hasil Asuhan yang dilakukan pada bayi Ny. F dimulai dari pengkajian data subjektif dan objektif, menentukan assesment dan melakukan penatalaksanan. Perawatan tali pusat metode terbuka dilakukan pertama kali oleh bidan dalam keadaan masih basah dan segar, tidak ada tanda infeksi, di rumah dilakukan oleh nenek dan ibunya. Pada saat kunjungan neonates kedua keadaan tali pusat bayi sudah lepas. Tindakan ini dilakukan guna mencegah bayi dari bahaya infeksi tali pusat yang dapat menyebabkan kematian neonatus. Kesimpulan Perawatan tali pusat metode terbuka telah dilakukan mulai dari pengkajian hingga evaluasi dengan baik dan sesuai dengan standar asuhan kebidanan, ditandai dengan tali pusat bayi Ny. F lepas dalam waktu empat hari dan luka bekasnya kering, bersih, serta tidak terdapat tanda infeksi


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    Background: Midwives are health worker who have an important and strategic position. Midwives provide sustain maternity care that and whole, focusing on aspects of prevention, promotion based on partnership and empowerment. Midwives had important role in the health care of women who are able to identify and help to overcome issue of violence against wives. Objective: To determine the role of midwives in the prevention of violence against wives in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Method: This research was a qualitative case study design and descriptive. Collecting data through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. The research subjects were 36 people. The subjects in this study choised by purposive sampling. Analysis of data used an interactive model in the form reduction, presentation and conclusion/verification. Result and Discussion: The role of midwives in the prevention of violence against wives as educator, motivators, facilitators, advocators, and mediators. As educators, midwives provide education in the prevention of violence against wives to the community, provide direction to the volunteers. As motivators, midwives provide motivation to the community and volunteers to participate in activities aimed at the prevention of violence against wives. As facilitators, midwives facilitated activities in the community. As advocators, midwives help people to make choices in the prevention of violence against wives. As mediators, midwives are bridging communities to implement prevention of violence against wives. Conclusion: The role of health centers and village midwives in the prevention of violence against wives are as educators, empowerers, facilitators, advocates and mediators. But in practice independent midwife roles are relatively less common