466 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting The Main Hypertension Events in The Bukong Pandu Raya Village, West Kalimantan

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    Hypertension contributes 9.4 million deaths from cardiovascular disease each year. The cause of hypertension is because some people have a bad lifestyle, people often do not maintain their diet and people often eat salted and fatty foods. The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that influence Primary Hypertension in Dusun Bukong, Pandu Raya Village, West Kalimantan in 2018. This research method used quantitative methods with descriptive correlation design and cross sectional approach. By using the Slovin formula a total sample of 197 respondents was obtained. The results of the study, by conducting a univariate analysis found that most respondents had a level of knowledge related to hypertension (62.9%), more than half had a good lifestyle (58.4%), income above the MSE (57.9%) and more of half had hypertension (54.9%). From the bivariate analysis using the Kendall's Tau B test and Kendall's Tau C, the results of the study are found: there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge (p value = 0,000), lifestyle (p value = 0,000) and income (p value = 0.047) with the incidence of hypertension . Discussion: Knowledge, lifestyle and family income in Dusun Bukong, Pandu Raya village have a significant relationship with the incidence of hypertension, so that health workers are expected to continue to provide support and motivation to the community to continue to improve their knowledge and a healthy lifestyle


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    This research used ultrafiltration membrane modules in the separation process of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) from lubricating oil waste. Ultrafiltration was a process to separate or concentrate a solution containing colloidal, materials with high molecular weight, with membrane. After the initial treatment of lubricating oil purification with ultrafiltration process, it appears that there was a decrease of TSS levels in permeate up to 295 mg/liter, compared to the levels of initial TSS material which is 1880 mg/liter. The analysis result of flashpoint parameter, water content and the sulfur content shows a value that has met standard specifications of fuel oil while the viscosity values was not meet the standard. Increasing the operating pressure will decrease the flux, as well as with increasing time will also reduce the value of flux until a certain time point. While the increase of % rejection occurs with the increasing pressure and operation time. The best condition that can be achieved in the purification of used oil with ultrafiltration process is by using a Cellulose Acetate membrane (pore diameter 0,48 m) which was operating at a pressure of 0,68 bar with the operating time of 120 minutes with TSS content of 295 mg/l and 84,3085 % rejection. Results of the study indicated that the ultrafiltration membrane can be used in the purification of used oil and the outgoing permeate can be used as fuel oil. Key words: ultrafiltration membrane, TSS, lubricating oil, cellluse acetate, fuel oi

    Perbandingan Algoritma Backpropagation Dan K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Untuk Identifikasi Penyakit

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    Algoritma Backpropagation dan K-Nearest Neighbor merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk klasifikasi yang bersifat suppervised, dimana kedua metode ini membutuhkan target dari data pola yang akan di latih. Untuk memecahkan masalah klasifikasi, berbagai macam metode telah diterapkan. Dibidang soft computing, mulai banyak dikembangkan juga teknik-teknik klasifikasi. Sehingga proses klasifikasi dapat dilakukan dalam waktu yang relatif lebih cepat dengan menggunakan algoritma klasifikasi yang tepat. Pada paper ini obyek penelitian yang digunakan adalah 10 jenis penyakit dengan gejalan awal demam. Terdapat 82 data pasien yang dibagi untuk data training sebanyak 72 pasien dan sisanya digunakan untuk data testing. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pada tingkat akurasi atau succes ratio yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing metode. Dari hasil pengujian (testing) 10 data pasien diperoleh informasi bahwa hasil identifikasi terbaik untuk algoritma K-NN dengan menggunakan nilai K=3, K=7 dan K-9 dengan akurasi sebesar 100%, sedangkan untuk algoritma backpropagation diperoleh tingkat akurasi untuk identifikasi penyakit sebesar 90% dengan nilai learning rate 0,1 dan nilai toleransi error sebesar 0,001. Dari hasil pengamatan tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa algoritma K-NN memberikan hasil identifikasi penyakit yang lebih baik dibandingkan algoritma backpropagation

    Kajian USAhatani Pembenihan Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio) Di Desa Sukasirna Kecamatan Sukaluyu, Kabupaten Cianjur

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    An assessment on common carp breeding farm was conducted in Sukasirna and it involved 8 farmers inwhich 2 farmers used Wildan and local strains and the other 6 farmers applied local strain only. The aspectsassessed were spawning, fry rearing, and costs and return analysis. Spawning of Wildan strain used 6 female (30kgs) and 60 male (30 kgs) brood stocks, while that of local used females (10-91 kgs) and males (9-91 kgs) each of3-29 and 15-148 ind, respectively. Spawning was conducted in concrete-cemented ponds and the total eggapparatus was 40 to 420 units. Fry rearing was carried out in soil ponds with areas between 1,000 to 6,000 m2 and800 to 2,200 m2 for local and Wildan strains, respectively. Production of fry rearing ranged from 5 to 190 liters percycle for local strain and 14 to 63 liters for Wildan strain. Net profits of fry rearing for 18 days of local and Wildanstrains were each of Rp 16,000 to Rp 3,150,000 and from Rp 233,000 to Rp 1,057,000, respectively.Key words: common carp, breeding, local strain, Wildan strain. Pengkajian USAhatani pembenihan ikan mas dilakukan di Desa Sukasirna pada 8 orang petani, dimana 2orang menggunakan ikan mas strain Wildan dan lokal sedangkan 6 orang menggunakan strain lokal. Aspek kajianmeliputi pemijahan, pemeliharaan kebul dan analisa USAha. Pemijahan ikan mas strain Wildan menggunakaninduk betina sebanyak 6 ekor (30 kg) dan jantan 60 ekor (30 kg), sedangkan strain lokal menggunakan indukbetina antara 3-29 ekor (10-91 kg) dan jantan 15-148 ekor (9-91 kg). Pemijahan dilakukan pada bak semen dansebagai tempat penempelan telur digunakan kakaban sebanyak 40-420 unit. Selanjutnya pemeliharaan kebuldilakukan pada kolam tanah dengan kisaran luas 1.000-6.000 m2 (strain lokal ) dan 800-2200 m2 (strain Wildan).Produksi kebul strain lokal berkisar antara 5-190 liter/siklus, sedangkan strain Wildan 14-63 liter/siklus.Keuntungan bersih USAha pemeliharaan kebul umur 18 hari berkisar Rp.16.000 - 3.150.000/siklus (strain lokal)dan Rp.233.000 - 1.057.000/siklus (strain Wildan)

    Building Indonesian Food Security A Review And Suggestions

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    Availability, access, utilization, and stability access are the central canal between economic distresses and food security.  Food security in pandemic era should sort out with conservation, seed banks, building water reservoir, urban farming, and those programs involved the Penta helix to speed gaining the goals. The Government, private sectors, institutions, local community, and social entrepreneurs have to work all together to succeed in food security. &nbsp

    Evaluating the Stability and Adaptability of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verd.) Landraces in Different Agro-Ecologies

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    Bambara groundnut has been planted in Indonesia for hundreds of years. Researchers have evaluated where the Indonesian Bambara groundnut landraces were introduced from but no-one has evaluated the stability and adaptability of the bambara groundnut in Indonesia. Thirty-six landraces were planted in Indonesia, together with putative Indonesian × African hybrids and their offspring. These were assessed for their stability and adaptability by the methods of Finlay and Wilkinson (1963) and Eberhart and Russel (1985). Results from seven landraces are presented. The seven landraces were: ‘LunT’ from Sierra Leone; ‘AHM753’; ‘SB165A’ and ‘S19-3’ from Namibia; ‘DODR’ from Tanzania; ‘Uniswa Red’ from Swaziland; ‘DIPC’ from Botswana; and the Indonesian landrace ‘Gresik’ as control. Thirty plants of each landrace were planted in a randomized block design with three replicates at Gresik, Bojonegoro, and Jatikerto in Indonesia in November 2009. Each location had a different altitude, soil type, and rainfall. Gresik is the main Bambara groundnut growing region in the East of Java, Indonesia. Prior to this experiment, farmers in Bojonogoro and Jatikerto were not familiar with this crop. Many traits were assessed based on the list of descriptors of Bambara groundnut issued by IPGRI, but in this report, we present only the results of stability and adaptability analysis for 50% flowering, days to maturity, pod number per plant and the 100 seeds weight traits. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences in all three locations and combined analysis of variance over sites (Gomez and Gomez, 1983) indicated that location, landraces, and location × landraces interaction are substantially different (1%). Stability and adaptability parameters were obtained as the linear regression coefficient (bi) of the mean of all data observed and deviation from the regression analysis (S2di) with the hypothesis that bi=1 and S2di=0. The results indicated that almost all landraces observed were stable, but only three landraces revealed good adaptability in all three locations, namely ‘SB165A’, ‘Uniswa Red’ and ‘DIPC’. Meanwhile ‘LunT’ and ‘S19-3’ are considered promising landraces because they are well adapted in two of the four variables used. This information could prove useful for breeding programs. KEYWORDS: linear regression, genotypic and environmental interaction, regression coefficient, deviation from regression, well-adapted landrac

    BAMBARA GROUNDNUT (Vigna subterranea (L) Verdcourd) AS A FUTURE CROP

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    In INDONESIA, the BG used to plant in the West Java and East Java. The maximum yield is depend on cultivation level, more less 4ton/ ha of fresh pods
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