18 research outputs found
The activity of KKNT-PPM in covid-19 pandemic era in Karangnongko Village, Klaten Regency aims to improve the management system of the tourism village in the pandemic era. This is an effort to increase the communities participation in family economic development, The models which is done include 1) Entrepreneurship Capacity Building and 2) Technology and Literacy Knowledge Transfer. To achieve the goals, several activity plans are proposed in the implementation of the KKNT-PPM Program in Karangnongko Village as follows. a) Establishment of a Tourism Village Management Institution, b) Formation a new marketing network in Tourism Village (distribution channel) in the covid-19 pandemic era, c) Training and developing the local crafts, and d) Learning model for elementary school students in pandemic era. From those activities, there is a positive result which is obtained where the society, learners, were enthusiastic in joining program and it is led to the formation of a foundation for empowering tourism village and entrepreneurship in the new normal after covid-19 pandemi
Niatan Beli Merek Halal dalam Kaitannya dengan Atribut Halal, Kepercayaan dan Keterlibatan Produk
Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji peubah gayut niatan beli merek halal dipengaruhi tiga peubah bebas berupa nilai- nilai religiusitas-terpersepsi konsumen, keamanan-produk terpersepsi konsumen, kesehatan-produk terpersepsi konsumen dengan dua pemoderasi kepercayaan konsumen terhadap merek halal dan keterlibatan penggunaaan produk. Kebaruan model riset, memodifikasi model dalam teori Planned Behavior dengan menambahkan dua peubah pemoderasi. Disain penelitian yang digunakan berupa riset kuantitatif survey. Teknik sampling dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Responden diambil merupakan konsumen dewasa, memiliki motivasi kuat mengonsumsi merek halal di wilayah Solo-raya sejumlah 400 responden. Uji kuantitatif dilakukan Stuctural Equation Model melalui uji dua peubah pemoderasi menggunakan alat bantu program AMOS. Tahapan uji dilakukan berupa deskripsi responden dan peubah, uji kesahihan dan keandalan butir, uji statistik inferensial, uji asumsi klasik serta uji peubah pemoderasi multi-grup pemoderasi kepercayaan tinggi-rendah dan pemoderasi keterlibatan tinggi-rendah. Hasil uji membuktikan terdapat pengaruh langsung religiusitas-terpersepsi, keamanan–produk terpersepsi dan kesehatan-produk terpersepsi terhadap niatan beli merek halal. Uji pemoderasi peubah keyakinan memengaruhi keyakinan rendah pada religiusitas-terpersepsi dan keamanan-produk terhadap niatan beli. Keyakinan kuat pada kesehatan –produk terhadap niatan beli. Uji pemoderasi peubah keterlibatan memengaruhi keterlibatan rendah pada religiusitas-terpersepsi dan keamanan-produk terhadap niatan beli. Keterlibatan kuat pada kesehatan –produk terhadap niatan beli. Studi ini memberikan pemahaman baru bahwa merek halal harus memiliki keyakinan dan keterlibatan pengguna produk tinggi dengan mudah tersedia maupun menguasai pangsa pasar besar di seluruh outlet penjualan baik desa maupun wilayah perkotaan untuk dapat menjadikan peubah pemoderasi mampu memperkuat anteseden merek halal terhadap niatan beli. Menguatnya gaya hidup mengonsumsi merek halal dapat menjadi suatu keunggulan kompetitif sistem ekonomi syariah di Indonesia
The Moderating Effect on Community Intention to Believe in Excellent Islamic Schools Education
This research aims to describe and test the independent variables of attitude, subjective norms and self-efficacy, which can influence people's motivation to send their children to excellent Islamic primary and secondary Schools with two moderating variables, Trust and Service involvement. The research design is quantitative survey research. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. The research respondents were a community in Klaten Regency who intended to send their children to a number of excellent Islamic primary and secondary Schools, with a total number of 110 respondents. The Structural Equation Model test is used in research to simultaneously test the relationship between variables. The results of the validity, reliability and goodness of model tests are declared fit and proven that there is a direct influence of attitude values, subjective norms and cell-efficacy on intentions. The moderating test of the trust and service-involvement variables can strengthen the emotional norm attitude and self-efficacy variables on parents' choices to send their children to excellent Islamic schools. In the future, excellent Islamic schools must maintain or further increase public trust in the quality of learning services. The increasing rate of excellent Islamic primary and secondary education services leads to increasing competitive excellence
Is Social Entrepreneurship Learning for Students Based on Spiritual Experiences Still Relevant?
This study aims to develop a learning model through the experience of Muslim entrepreneurial spirit in the social entrepreneurship activities. The objectives achieved in the activities: a. It is gotten the description of strategies of learning model on social entrepreneurship using social business of canvas model, b. elaboration of social entrepreneur learning materials based on spiritual experience.The research design is development research. Data collection techniques use observation, entrepreneurial training based on Muslim entrepreneurial spirit experience, making of Social Business of Canvas Model, waste bank practices and evaluation. Cultivating the spirit of Muslim social entrepreneurship in students includes a sense of belief in God, fear of God, morality, siddiq (honest), amanah (truthful), tabligh (convey), fathanah (smart), discipline, visionary, empathy. The activity was continued with the field practice of making a waste bank in a student domicile and evaluation environment. The results of the activities show a positive and effective value where from the results of the different sample tests. The broader implications are that students are able to form several waste bank communities and they are able to play an active role as innovators and real actors Keywords: experiential learning, Muslim entrepreneurial spirit, social business canvas DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-11-03 Publication date: April 30th 202
Determinants of regional entrepreneurship development: empirical study of batik clusters in Indonesia
This study aims to identify the factors that trigger and inhibit regional entrepreneurship and the development of regional entrepreneurship networks in terms of the economic environment, cultural environment, regulatory environment, business environment, and support environment. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics, where data were obtained from distributing questionnaires to 100 batik entrepreneurs in the Tegal batik cluster and the Klaten batik cluster. The results of this study indicate the factors that triggered regional entrepreneurship in the Tegal and Klaten batik clusters, including the desire to invest, the desire to be creative, the desire to have autonomy, the desire to have status, the desire to have wealth, and market opportunities. The factors that become obstacles to regional entrepreneurship in the Batik Tegal and Klaten Clusters are fierce of competition, risk and cost. The development of regional networks of entrepreneurship in the Tegal batik cluster is supported by the economic environment, regulatory environment, and business environment, while in the Klaten batik cluster, it is supported by the cultural environment, business environment, and support environment.Â
The segment of Muslim consumers in Indonesia currently has a high sense of concern for the halal goods and services they consume. This consumer segment, in addition to wanting high-quality products, also demands that the products they consume comply with the rules set by Islamic law. This segment has a tendency to be able to recommend to other parties the products they perceive are halal, they even want to pay a more expensive price if there are no alternative products of the kind they perceive halal. Instead, they can provide incorrect information which results in a viral effect and leads to encouragement to boycott the consumption of goods and services. This study aimed to examine the effect of halal supply chain knowledge on Muslim and non-Muslim consumers on the motivation and purchasing behavior of halal chicken meat. The halal supply chain knowledge tested includes halal feed dimensions, halal slaughtering processes, halal storage and logistics, and halal packaging and logistics. The research was conducted with a quantitative approach through multivariate multiple regression statistical tests. The population in the study was all consumers of halal chicken meat in Klaten City. Sampling using purposive sampling as many as 102 respondents. The final stage of the study found the findings of the four antecedent variables, three supply chain knowledge variables in the form of halal slaughter process, halal storage and logistics and halal labeling packing had a significant influence on purchasing motivation. Halal slaughter process had the highest influence on consumers because the halal perception that is most familiar to them is the slaughter process. One variable had no significant influence in the form of halal feed. In the motivation variable, the findings of this dimension had a significant influence on behavior.
Rantai Pasok dan Perilaku Pembelian Daging Ayam Halal. Segmen konsumen muslim di Indonesia saat ini memiliki rasa kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap kehalalan barang dan jasa yang mereka konsumsi. Segmen konsumen ini selain menginginkan produk yang berkualitas juga menuntut produk yang mereka konsumsi mematuhi aturan-aturan yang ditetapkan oleh syariat Islam. Segmen ini memiliki kecenderungan bisa merekomendasikan ke pihak lain produk yang mereka persepsikan halal, bahkan mereka mau membayar dengan harga yang lebih mahal jika tidak terdapat alternatif produk sejenis yang mereka persepsikan halal. Sebaliknya, mereka dapat memberikan informasi yang tidak benar yang mengakibatkan efek viral dan berujung anjuran memboikot konsumsi barang dan jasa tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh pengetahuan rantai pasok halal pada konsumen muslim dan non-muslim terhadap motivasi dan perilaku pembelian daging ayam halal. Pengetahuan rantai pasok halal yang diuji meliputi dimensi halal pakan, halal proses penyembelihan, halal penyimpanan dan logistic, serta halal pengepakan dan logistik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui uji statistik multivariat regresi berganda. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh konsumen daging ayam halal di Klaten, Indonesia. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 102 responden. Tahap akhir penelitian diperoleh temuan dari empat variabel anteseden, tiga variabel pengetahuan rantai pasok berupa halal proses penyembelihan, halal penyimpanan dan logistik, serta halal pengepakan labelling berpengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi pembelian. Halal proses penyembelihan memiliki pengaruh paling tinggi pada konsumen karena persepsi halal yang paling familiar bagi mereka adalah kegiatan proses penyembelihan. Satu variabel tidak berpengaruh signifikan berupa halal pakan. Pada variabel motivasi diperoleh temuan dimensi ini berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku
This study describes the effect of asset structures and capital structures on bank financial
performance. Recently, bank financial performance could be seen through bank’s financial report
published on mass media. The measurement criterias of bank performance are established by Bank
Indonesia based on five aspects of CAMEL ie capital adequacy ratio, assets quality, management,
earnings power and liquidity.
This research involves 15 Public Banks and 15 BPR’s at Klaten as samples. The sample periods
in this research is one year 2005. The result shows that the capital adequacy ratio, assets quality,
rentability or earnings power, liquidity are not influenced by assets structures and capital structure
Ancangan Analisis Bahasa di Ruang Publik: Studi Lanskap Linguistik Kota Surakarta dalam Mempertahankan Tiga Identitas
Aribowo, E. K., Rahmat, Arif Julianto Sri Nugroho. (2018). “Ancangan Analisis Bahasa di Ruang Publik: Studi Lanskap Linguistik Kota Surakarta dalam Mempertahankan Tiga Identitas”. Semiloka dan Deklarasi Pengutamaan Bahasa Negara. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret