12 research outputs found


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    Flexible pavement is very weak against waterlogging because water can loosen the bond between aggregate and asphalt. Porous Asphalt has lower durability because it has high pores so that it can be passed by water. Poor bonding of asphalt and aggregate will cause stripping. This peeling can cause water absorption which will eventually accelerate road damage. Derbo 401 anti-peeling material is one of the new breakthroughs, in the form of additives that can change the properties of aggregates and asphalt, increase adhesion and bonding, and reduce the negative effects caused by water so as to produce a mixture of asphalt with high adhesion. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding anti-stripping agent type Derbo-401 to the permeability value and to determine the resistance of the porous asphalt mixture with the addition of anti-striping agent type Derbo-401 in the Cantabro test and to determine the microstructure of the porous asphalt mixture. Using the REAM-2008 Specification. Based on the results of the study, the Permeability Coefficient Value of the porous asphalt mixture was 0.254 cm3/sec. the lowest percentage Derbo 0.4%, the lowest Cantabro Loss value at 0.3% addition percentage gets an average value of 6.13%, Has met the required specifications max 15%. The elements that make up the porous asphalt mixture with the addition of Derbo percentage are more in the elements Si (silicon) 19.93%, Ca (calcium) 21.12%, S (sulfur) 8.45%, Fe (ferrum) 8.80%, K (potassium) 2.42% and the other elements are less


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    The existing parking area at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar has 675 four-wheel parking areas, which cannot accommodate about 10 million passengers in 2013 and every year there is an increase. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of parking, especially the handling of four-wheeled vehicles in the parking building from entry, dropout, pickup, maneuver, clearance, vehicle rotation and parking slots to exiting the building. Analyze the parking area related to the level of safety and ease of use of parking buildings, especially on the semi-basement floor at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport. The method used for this research is a qualitative method, namely research that is descriptive and tends to use analysis from the data that has been collected and direct observation on the existing parking building at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar. The data collection process was carried out in two stages, namely the preliminary survey and the main survey. The results of research and observations of the existing parking building at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, especially on the basement floor, show that the construction of a parking building that was built in terms of size, height clearance, slope, parking space layout, facilities are in accordance with the minimum standard of parking buildings, but there are some works such as sidewalks. and a stopper whose placement reduces the parking area and vehicle circulation


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    Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport as one of the supporting sub-sectors of air transportation should be able to prepare and take strategic steps to proactively provide services and support customer needs for both airlines and passengers. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The method of collecting data and information is Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA). Data analysis with statistical methods. The results showed that the physical facilities, the level of reliability of the officers, the responsiveness of the officers, the security guarantees, the attitude of the officers' empathy, the work environment at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, showed a fairly small number of significance and had no effect on the level of passenger satisfaction. This can be interpreted that passenger satisfaction is quite good, but in this case to achieve a better value of passenger satisfaction, it is necessary to follow up so that the six variables get better attention so that the coefficient number is close to zero. It is recommended to improve both aspects of physical facilities and performance. The role of officers in serving passengers at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar


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    Pelatihan Penyusunan Artikel Ilmiah Berbantu Aplikasi Mendeley dengan Tingkat Plagiasi Rendah merupakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan secara online pada tanggal 11 Februari 2023. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah dengan tingkat plagiasi yang rendah. Dalam pelatihan ini, metode yang digunakan meliputi penyampaian materi tentang teknik dan metodologi penulisan artikel ilmiah, pengenalan aplikasi Mendeley sebagai alat bantu, serta strategi untuk menghindari plagiasi. Peserta juga diberikan kesempatan untuk mempraktikkan pengetahuan yang telah mereka peroleh dengan menyusun artikel ilmiah menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman mereka dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah dengan kualitas yang baik dan tingkat plagiasi yang rendah. Mereka mampu mengaplikasikan pengetahuan tentang etika penulisan ilmiah dan manajemen referensi menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan ini efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah dengan tingkat plagiasi yang rendah. Peserta mampu menghasilkan artikel ilmiah yang sesuai dengan standar akademik dan memiliki kesadaran yang tinggi terhadap etika penulisan ilmiah

    Teknik Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

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    Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja merupakan suatu pemikiran dan upaya untuk menjamin keutuhan dan kesempurnaan baik jasmani maupun rohani. Dengan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja maka diharapkan tenaga kerja dapat melakukan pekerjaan dengan aman dan nyaman serta mencapai ketahanan fisik, daya kerja, dan tingkat kesehatan yang tinggi. Tantangan K3 di era industrialisasi dan globalisasi yang berjalan beririsan dewasa ini disamping memberikan kemudahan proses produksi dapat pula menambah jumlah, ragam bahaya di tempat kerja maupun tingkat keseriusan kecelakaan kerja. Buku ini diharapkan dapat mengisi ruang-ruang kosong informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh para penggiat kesehatan dan ketenagakerjaan dalam upaya menciptakan zero accident di perusahaan atau lingkungan kerja. Buku ini membahas bagian-bagian menarik dan penting seperti: Bab 1 Peranan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Dalam Dunia Industri Bab 2 Dasar Teknik Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Dunia Industri Bab 3 Faktor-Faktor Kecelakaan Kerja dan Pencegahannya Bab 4 Undang – Undang dan Organisasi Keselamatan Kerja Bab 5 Higiene Perusahaan dan Kesehatan Kerja Bab 6 Keselamatan Kerja Bidang Kebakaran Bab 7 Keselamatan Kerja Bidang Transportasi dan Lalu Lintas Bab 8 Keselamatan Kerja Bidang Perminyakan, Pertambangan dan Perkebunan Bab 9 Bahan Berbahaya dan Keselamatan Kerja Bab 10 Peralatan Perlindungan Diri Bab 11 Investigasi Kecelakaan Kerja dan Pencegahan Bab 12 Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja berdasarkan OHSAS 18001:2007 di Perusahaan Bab 13 Peranan Pemerintah dan Ikatan Profesi Penyuluhan dan Latihan Keselamatan Kerj

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Limbah Sabut Kelapa Sebagai Filler Terhadap Kinerja Karakteristik Marshall pada Campuran Aspal Porus

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    Porous asphalt is a hot asphalt mixture between open-graded aggregate and modified asphalt with a certain ratio. However, there is a weakness in porous asphalt, which is that it has lower marshall stability. To improve the stability of road pavement performance, it is necessary to add additional material to the mixing of porous asphalt. So far, the filler materials that are often used in asphalt mixtures are cement, lime, stone ash, and fly ash. However, the supply of these fillers is limited and also relatively expensive. In this study, coconut coir was added material because coir ash is one of the natural products that can be continuously renewed and sustainable. Coconut has been planted almost all over Indonesia and coconut is one of the good natural resources. So far, the people of Makassar use coconuts to make copra, coconut oil, and drinks, as an ingredient for making ropes, washing dishes, and as fuel for cooking. Coir ash from the burning of coconut husks cannot be used anymore and is usually thrown away by the community and coconut coir has not been used optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of the marshall characteristics in the asphalt mixture using coconut coir ash as a filler with a 60/70 asphalt pen. Variations of coconut coir filler 0%, 40%, 50% with asphalt content of 6%. Initial testing is done by making coconut coir ash as a filler material that will be used in making test objects. Based on the results of the Marshall characteristics test that the test object using coconut coir ash, some of Marshall's characteristics have met the REAM specification of 0% variation, 50% there is an optimum value, namely 40% variation but the VFB value does not meet the REAM specification

    Pengantar Korosi Material

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    Analisis Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Abrasi Pantai di Kecamatan Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar

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    Abrasi menjadi permasalahan bagi ekosistem maupun pemukiman di wilayah pesisir. Dampak dari abrasi adalah terjadinya kemunduran garis pantai yang dapat mengancam bangunan maupun ekosistem yang berada di belakang wilayah garis pantai. Mitigasi bencana abrasi di wilayah pesisir saat ini belum dilakukan secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat ancaman, tingkat kerentanan dan tingkat kapasitas bencana abrasi pantai, mengetahui tingkat risiko bencana abrasi pantai dan pengurangan risiko bencana abrasi pantai di Kecamatan Galesong Utara. Metode Analisis yang digunakan yaitu metode analisis deskriptif komparatif untuk menyimpulkan tingkat risiko bencana abrasi pantai. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui pengukuran parameter, survei lapangan dan analisis data sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan perangkat sistem informasi geografis (SIG) dan tabel analisis bersumber dari aturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 yang di modifikasi oleh penulis berdasarkan kondisi lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, (1) tingkat ancaman bencana abrasi pantai di wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Galesong Utara memiliki kategori tinggi (2) tingkat kerentanan bencana abrasi pantai di wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Galesong Utara masuk dalam kategori sedang, (3) indeks kapasitas seluruh wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Galesong Utara termasuk dalam kapasitas dengan kategori rendah, (4) risiko bencana abrasi pantai di seluruh wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Galesong Utara masuk kedalam kategori tinggi, dan (5) pengurangan risiko bencana abrasi pantai perlu perbaikan stabilitas pantai melalui pembangunan fisik pemecah gelombang dan menanam vegetasi pantai yang sesuai dengan karakteristik pantainya, sedangkan upaya pencegahan berupa penegakan aturan terkait sempadan pantai dan perlindungan ekosistem pesisir pantai

    Capacity Analysis of Coastal Abrasion Disasters in North Galesong District, Takalar

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    AbstractCommunity capacity is closely related to disaster risk reduction efforts, consisting of mitigation, preparedness and survival capabilities. This study aims to determine the level of capacity against coastal abrasion disasters in North Galesong District. The analytical method used is the coastal abrasion disaster risk capacity index which consists of regulations, institutions, early warning systems, disaster mitigation efforts and preparedness. The results showed that overall, the villages in the coastal area of North Galesong District were included in the low capacity category. The low category capacity level represents the low ability of the region and the community to take action to reduce the level of threat and level of losses due to coastal abrasion disasters.Keywords: Capacity, Mitigation, Disaster, Coastal Abrasion, North Galeson

    Characterization of Oil and Diesel Waste Modifiers in Lasbutag Asphalt Cold Mix (Aggregated Buton Asphalt Layer)

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    One of the uses of Buton Asphalt is LASBUTAG which is a road surface with a mixture of Asbuton, modifier and aggregate. Currently, heavy oil as a modifier is scarce in the market, so it is necessary to consider other alternatives as a modifier, one of which can be used, namely waste oil motor vehicle or other machinery. The aim of this study is to analyze the ideal modifier variation in Lasbutag blends using Lombah oil and diesel fuel as modifiers. This research is a quantitative research using experimental methods conducted in the laboratory. The use of the modifier with waste oil and diesel fuel for Lasbutag cold mix pavements can meet the Marshall characteristics required in the special Lasbutag specifications. The stability required in the Lasbutag special specifications is met by using a modifier content of 4.2% to 6.8%, VIM can be achieved at different modifier levels between 4.8% and 7.2%, Cavity Parameters Between Mineral Aggregates (VMA) can be achieved using modifiers from 4% to 7.0% and Melt Value (Flux) can be achieved using modifiers from 4% to 6 .2%. The cold-mixed Lasbutag characteristics required in the Lasbutag special specifications can be met using a modifier between 4.8% and 6.2%, so the most ideal modifier is achieved at 5.5%