254 research outputs found

    On the Subgrid-Scale Modeling of Compressible Turbulence

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    A new sub-grid scale model is presented for the large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulence. In the proposed model, compressibility contributions have been incorporated in the sub-grid scale eddy viscosity which, in the incompressible limit, reduce to a form originally proposed by Smagorinsky (1963). The model has been tested against a simple extension of the traditional Smagorinsky eddy viscosity model using simulations of decaying, compressible homogeneous turbulence. Simulation results show that the proposed model provides greater dissipation of the compressive modes of the resolved-scale velocity field than does the Smagorinsky eddy viscosity model. For an initial r.m.s. turbulence Mach number of 1.0, simulations performed using the Smagorinsky model become physically unrealizable (i.e., negative energies) because of the inability of the model to sufficiently dissipate fluctuations due to resolved scale velocity dilations. The proposed model is able to provide the necessary dissipation of this energy and maintain the realizability of the flow. Following Zeman (1990), turbulent shocklets are considered to dissipate energy independent of the Kolmogorov energy cascade. A possible parameterization of dissipation by turbulent shocklets for Large-Eddy Simulation is also presented

    The effects of particle loading on turbulence structure and modelling

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    The objective of the present research was to extend the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) approach to particle-laden turbulent flows using a simple model of particle/flow interaction. The program addressed the simplest type of flow, homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, and examined interactions between the particles and gas phase turbulence. The specific range of problems examined include those in which the particle is much smaller than the smallest length scales of the turbulence yet heavy enough to slip relative to the flow. The particle mass loading is large enough to have a significant impact on the turbulence, while the volume loading was small enough such that particle-particle interactions could be neglected. Therefore, these simulations are relevant to practical problems involving small, dense particles conveyed by turbulent gas flows at moderate loadings. A sample of the results illustrating modifications of the particle concentration field caused by the turbulence structure is presented and attenuation of turbulence by the particle cloud is also illustrated

    Decoupling the Role of Inertia and Gravity on Particle Dispersion

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    Turbulent gas flows laden with small, dense particles are encountered in a wide number of important applications in both industrial settings and aerodynamics applications. Particle interactions with the underlying turbulent flow are exceedingly complex and, consequently, difficult to accurately model. The difficulty arises primarily due to the fact that response of a particle to the local environment is dictated by turbulence properties in the reference frame moving with the particle (particle-Lagrangian). The particle-Lagrangian reference frame is in turn dependent upon the particle relaxation time (time constant) as well as gravitational drift. The combination of inertial and gravitational effects in this frame complicates our ability to accurately predict particle-laden flows since measurements in the particle-Lagrangian reference frame are difficult to obtain. Therefore, in this work we will examine separately the effects of inertia and gravitational drift on particle dispersion through a combination of physical and numerical experiments. In this study, particle-Lagrangian measurements will be obtained in physical experiments using stereo image velocimetry. Gravitational drift will be varied in the variable-g environments of the NASA DC-9 and in the zero-g environment at the drop tower at NASA-Lewis. Direct numerical simulations will be used to corroborate the measurements from the variable-g experiments. We expect that this work will generate new insight into the underlying physics of particle dispersion and will, in turn, lead to more accurate models of particle transport in turbulent flows

    Quantifying predator functional responses under field conditions reveals interactive effects of temperature and interference with sex and stage

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    Predator functional responses describe predator feeding rates and are central to predator–prey theory. Originally defined as the relationship between predator feeding rates and prey densities, it is now well known that functional responses are shaped by a multitude of factors. However, much of our knowledge about how these factors influence functional responses is based on laboratory studies that are generally logistically constrained to examining only a few factors simultaneously and that have unclear links to the conditions organisms experience in the field. We apply an observational approach for measuring functional responses to understand how sex/stage differences, temperature and predator densities interact to influence the functional response of zebra jumping spiders on midges under natural conditions. We used field surveys of jumping spiders to infer their feeding rates and examine the relationships between feeding rates, sex/stage, midge density, predator density and temperature using generalized additive models. We then used the relationships supported by the models to fit parametric functional responses to the data. We find that feeding rates of zebra jumping spiders follow some expectations from previous laboratory studies such as increasing feeding rates with body size and decreasing feeding rates with predator densities. However, in contrast to previous results, our results also show a lack of temperature response in spider feeding rates and differential decreases in the feeding rates of females and juveniles with densities of different spider sexes/stages. Our results illustrate the multidimensional nature of functional responses in natural settings and reveal how factors influencing functional responses can interact with one another through behaviour and morphology. Further studies investigating the influence of multiple mechanisms on predator functional responses under field conditions will increase our understanding of the drivers of predator–prey interaction strengths and their consequences for communities and ecosystems

    Direct numerical simulations of a great horn owl in flapping flight

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    The fluid dynamics of owls in flapping flight is studied by coordinated experiments and computations. The great horned owl was selected, which is nocturnal, stealthy, and relatively large sized raptor. On the experimental side, perch-to-perch flight was considered in an open wind tunnel. The owl kinematics was captured with multiple cameras from different view angles. The kinematic extraction was central in driving the computations, which were designed to resolve all significant spatio-temporal scales in the flow with an unprecedented level of resolution. The wing geometry was extracted from the planform image of the owl wing and a three-dimensional model, the reference configuration, was reconstructed. This configuration was then deformed in time to best match the kinematics recorded during flights utilizing an image-registration technique based on the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping framework. All simulations were conducted using an eddy-resolving, high-fidelity, solver, where the large displacements/deformations of the flapping owl model were introduced with an immersed boundary formulation. We report detailed information on the spatio-temporal flow dynamics in the near wake including variables that are challenging to measure with sufficient accuracy, such as aerodynamic forces. At the same time, our results indicate that high-fidelity computations over smooth wings may have limitations in capturing the full range of flow phenomena in owl flight. The growth and subsequent separation of the laminar boundary layers developing over the wings in this Reynolds number regime is sensitive to the surface micro-features that are unique to each species.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cost vs. accuracy: second-order vs. high-order methods for eddy-resolving simulations of turbulent separated flows

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    We report a comparative study of three numerical solvers for the direct numerical simulation of the flow over a sphere at Re = 3700. A high-order spectral-element code (Nek5000), a general purpose, unstructured finite-volume solver (OpenFOAM) and an in-house Cartesian solver using the immersed-boundary method (IBM) are employed for the analysis; results are compared against previous numerical and experimental data. Numerical results show that Nek5000 and the IBM code operate within a similar computational performance range, in terms of cost-vs-accuracy analysis; on the other hand, OpenFOAM needed a significantly higher number of degrees of freedom (and,overall, a higher cost) to match some of the basic features of the flow. Overall, our results suggest that high-order methods and second-order, energy-conserving approaches based on the IBM may be both viable options for high-fidelity scale-resolving simulations of turbulent flows with separation.Postprint (published version

    Investigation of the asymptotic state of rotating turbulence using large-eddy simulation

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    Study of turbulent flows in rotating reference frames has long been an area of considerable scientific and engineering interest. Because of its importance, the subject of turbulence in rotating reference frames has motivated over the years a large number of theoretical, experimental, and computational studies. The bulk of these previous works has served to demonstrate that the effect of system rotation on turbulence is subtle and remains exceedingly difficult to predict. A rotating flow of particular interest in many studies, including the present work, is examination of the effect of solid-body rotation on an initially isotropic turbulent flow. One of the principal reasons for the interest in this flow is that it represents the most basic turbulent flow whose structure is altered by system rotation but without the complicating effects introduced by mean strains or flow inhomogeneities. The assumption of statistical homogeneity considerably simplifies analysis and computation. The principal objective of the present study has been to examine the asymptotic state of solid-body rotation applied to an initially isotropic, high Reynolds number turbulent flow. Of particular interest has been to determine the degree of two-dimensionalization and the existence of asymptotic self-similar states in homogeneous rotating turbulence

    Comparison of Academic and Behavioral Performance between Athletes and Non-athletes

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 7(1) : 3-13, 2014. The Toronto Charter for Physical Activity (2010) and several national physical activity plans advocate sports participation as an important part of population targeted physical activity for youth. Emerging research evidence also suggests that sports participation during adolescents is linked to significant positive correlations with academic and behavioral performance. The purpose of this study was to compare academic and behavioral performance between male and female public school athletes (Total N=11,139; 38% Female) and non-athletes (Total N=23,891; 52% Female) in a convenient, ethnicity diverse, sample (grades 7 -12) from the state of Texas (USA). We examined the passing rates of individual athletes and non-athletes on standardized tests (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, TAKS) for math, language arts, reading, writing, science, and social studies. We also examined the percentage of athletes and non-athletes for being “at risk,” for dropping out of school and for the total average number of disciplinary actions. Chi-Square statistical analyses comparing athletes to non-athletes showed that athletes scored significantly better (pp

    Single-molecule fluorescence multiplexing by multi-parameter spectroscopic detection of nanostructured FRET labels

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    Multiplexed, real-time fluorescence detection at the single-molecule level is highly desirable to reveal the stoichiometry, dynamics, and interactions of individual molecular species within complex systems. However, traditionally fluorescence sensing is limited to 3-4 concurrently detected labels, due to low signal-to-noise, high spectral overlap between labels, and the need to avoid dissimilar dye chemistries. We have engineered a palette of several dozen fluorescent labels, called FRETfluors, for spectroscopic multiplexing at the single-molecule level. Each FRETfluor is a compact nanostructure formed from the same three chemical building blocks (DNA, Cy3, and Cy5). The composition and dye-dye geometries create a characteristic F\"orster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) efficiency for each construct. In addition, we varied the local DNA sequence and attachment chemistry to alter the Cy3 and Cy5 emission properties and thereby shift the emission signatures of an entire series of FRET constructs to new sectors of the multi-parameter detection space. Unique spectroscopic emission of each FRETfluor is therefore conferred by a combination of FRET and this site-specific tuning of individual fluorophore photophysics. We show single-molecule identification of a set of 27 FRETfluors in a sample mixture using a subset of constructs statistically selected to minimize classification errors, measured using an Anti-Brownian ELectrokinetic (ABEL) trap which provides precise multi-parameter spectroscopic measurements. The ABEL trap also enables discrimination between FRETfluors attached to a target (here: mRNA) and unbound FRETfluors, eliminating the need for washes or removal of excess label by purification. We show single-molecule identification of a set of 27 FRETfluors in a sample mixture using a subset of constructs selected to minimize classification errors.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures, 13 Supplementary figures, 3 Supplementary tables, 5 Supplementary note
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