51 research outputs found

    Der Nexus von Migration und Entwicklung als Instrument zur Steuerung von Migrationsbewegungen?

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    Der Nexus von Migration und Entwicklung fand in der letzten Dekade Einzug in die europäische Migrationspolitik und löste die bis dahin dominierende sicherheitspolitische Herangehensweise ab. Besondere Bedeutung erlangte der Nexus 2005 im Global Approach to Migration, der seitdem die europäische Migrationspolitik prägt. Mittels der vorrangigen Bedeutungszuschreibung von „Migration fördert Entwicklung“ dominiert er in Gestalt neu geschaffener und bewährter Konzepte wie der zirkulären Migration, der Betonung von Rückkehrmigration und der Einbindung der Diaspora den aktuellen Diskurs. Weitere Schwerpunkte der europäischen Migrationspolitik liegen in der Vergabe legaler Migrationsmöglichkeiten und der Bekämpfung der irregulären Migration. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Gewichtung dieser Schwerpunkte und deren Verhältnis zueinander. Es soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, inwiefern der Nexus von Migration und Entwicklung auf Ebene der europäischen Migrationspolitik verwendet wird, um Migrationsbewegungen zu steuern. Dafür sollen zentrale Elemente des Global Approach to Migration, das Migrationszentrum CIGEM, die Rückübernahmeabkommen und die Mobilitätspartnerschaften mittels einer Literaturanalyse unter Einbeziehung der Perspektive der Drittstaaten untersucht werden. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass der Nexus von Migration und Entwicklung innerhalb des Global Approach to Migration beinahe ausschließlich in Verbindung mit Maßnahmen zur Migrationssteuerung – insbesondere der Bekämpfung der irregulären Migration – verwendet wird, während das entwicklungsfördernde Potential des Nexus mehr und mehr in den Hintergrund gedrängt wird. Dies birgt das Risiko, dass EZA-Leistungen nur noch in Verbindung mit migrations- und sicherheitspolitischen Belangen gewährt werden und deren originäre Zielsetzungen, insbesondere die Armutsbekämpfung, verloren gehen.The migration-development nexus found its way into European migration policy during the last decade removing the so far dominating approach of security policy. In its embodiment as Global Approach to Migration the nexus obtained crucial importance in 2005 – this approach has formed European migration policy since then. Via “migration stimulates development”, the major importance attached to it, the Nexus dominates the current discourse in form of newly created and well established concepts like circular migration, emphasizing return migration and the integration of diaspora. Other main issues of European migration policy are the granting of legal migration possibilities and the fight against irregular migration. This thesis focuses on these main issues’ weighting and their relationship among each other. It shall pursue the question how the migration-development nexus is used in European migration policy to control and influence migration moves. Central elements of the Global Approach to Migration, the migration centre CIGEM, readmission agreements and mobility partnerships shall be investigated by a literature analysis including third countries’ perspective. This thesis is to demonstrate that the migration-development nexus within the Global Approach to Migration almost solely is used in connection with measures of migration control, especially the fight against irregular migration, while the nexus’ potential for development stimulation is pushed backwards more and more. This bears the risk of development cooperation payments only being granted in compensation of migration and security interests, losing their original goals, particularly the fight against poverty

    Vitrinite equivalent reflectance of Silurian black shales from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland

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    A number of independent methods have been used to measure the thermal maturity of Silurian rocks from the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland. Black shales are characterized by diverse TOC values varying from 0.24-7.85%. Having calculated vitrinite equivalent reflectance using three different formulas, we propose that the most applicable values for the Silurian rocks are those based on Schmidt et al. (2015) equation. Based on this formula, the values range from % 0.71 VReqvVLR (the vitrinite equivalent reflectance of the vitrinite-like macerals) to % 1.96 VReqvVLR. Alternative, complementary methods including Rock Eval pyrolysis and parameters based on organic compounds (CPI, Pr/n-C17, Ph/n-C18, MPI1, and MDR) from extracts did not prove adequate as universal thermal maturity indicators. We have confirmed previous suggestions that Llandovery shales are the most likely Silurian source rocks for the generation of hydrocarbons in the HCM

    Relation of chlorophyll fluorescence sensitive reflectance ratios to carbon flux measurements of Montanne grassland and Norway spruce forest ecosystems in the temperate zone

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    We explored ability of reflectance vegetation indexes (VIs) related to chlorophyll fluorescence emission (R686/R630, R 740/R800) and de-epoxidation state of xanthophyll cycle pigments (PRI, calculated as (R531 - R570) (R 531 - R570)) to track changes in the CO2 assimilation rate and Light Use Efficiency (LUE) in montane grassland and Norway spruce forest ecosystems, both at leaf and also canopy level. VIs were measured at two research plots using a ground-based high spatial/spectral resolution imaging spectroscopy technique. No significant relationship between VIs and leaf light-saturated CO2 assimilation (AMAX) was detected in instantaneous measurements of grassland under steady-state irradiance conditions. Once the temporal dimension and daily irradiance variation were included into the experimental setup, statistically significant changes in VIs related to tested physiological parameters were revealed. ΔPRI and Δ(R686 R630) of grassland plant leaves under dark-to-full sunlight transition in the scale of minutes were significantly related to AMAX (R2 = 0.51). In the daily course, the variation of VIs measured in one-hour intervals correlated well with the variation of Gross Primary Production (GPP), Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), and LUE estimated via the eddy-covariance flux tower. Statistical results were weaker in the case of the grassland ecosystem, with the strongest statistical relation of the index R686 R630 with NEE and GPP

    Ultraviolet and photosynthetically active radiation can both induce photoprotective capacity allowing barley to overcome high radiation stress

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    The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of acclimation to ultraviolet (UV) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on photoprotective mechanisms in barley leaves. Barley plants were acclimated for 7 days under three combinations of high or low UV and PAR treatments ([UV-PAR-], [UV-PAR+], [UV+PAR+]). Subsequently, plants were exposed to short-term high radiation ;stress (HRS; defined by high intensities of PAR - 1000 mu mol m(-2) s(-1), UV-A - 10 W m(-2) and UV-B 2 W m(-2) for 4 h), to test their photoprotective capacity. The barley variety sensitive to photooxidative stress (Barke) had low constitutive flavonoid content compared to the resistant variety (Bonus) under low UV and PAR intensities. The accumulation of lutonarin and 3-feruloylquinic acid, but not of saponarin, was greatly enhanced by high PAR and further increased by UV exposure. Acclimation of plants to both high UV and PAR intensities also increased the total pool of xanthophyll-cycle pigments (VAZ). Subsequent exposure to HRS revealed that prior acclimation to UV and PAR was able to ameliorate the negative consequences of HRS on photosynthesis. Both total contents of epidermal flavonols and the total pool of VAZ were closely correlated with small reductions in light-saturated CO2 assimilation rate and maximum quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry caused by HRS. Based on these results, we conclude that growth under high PAR can substantially increase the photoprotective capacity of barley plants compared with plants grown under low PAR. However, additional UV radiation is necessary to fully induce photoprotective mechanisms in the variety Barke. This study demonstrates that UV-exposure can lead to enhanced photoprotective capacity and can contribute to the induction of tolerance to high radiation stress in barley. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Impact of elevated CO2 concentration on dynamics of leaf photosynthesis in Fagus sylvatica is modulated by sky conditions

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    AbstractIt has been suggested that atmospheric CO2 concentration and frequency of cloud cover will increase in future. It remains unclear, however, how elevated CO2 influences photosynthesis under complex clear versus cloudy sky conditions. Accordingly, diurnal changes in photosynthetic responses among beech trees grown at ambient (AC) and doubled (EC) CO2 concentrations were studied under contrasting sky conditions. EC stimulated the daily sum of fixed CO2 and light use efficiency under clear sky. Meanwhile, both these parameters were reduced under cloudy sky as compared with AC treatment. Reduction in photosynthesis rate under cloudy sky was particularly associated with EC-stimulated, xanthophyll-dependent thermal dissipation of absorbed light energy. Under clear sky, a pronounced afternoon depression of CO2 assimilation rate was found in sun-adapted leaves under EC compared with AC conditions. This was caused in particular by stomata closure mediated by vapour pressure deficit

    Griechische Reise. Mit Federzeichnungen von J. Wentscher und 24 Bildtafeln

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    Preface.Dedication:Content description: TitleIllustration: (Views ,photographs)Pagination: 326P+6PPVolumes: 1Text Genre:ProseIllustration: (τοπία ,φωτογραφίες

    1D modelling of hydrocarbon generation from the Istebna Beds in borehole profile from the Silesian Unit

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    The paper is focused on petroleum analysis of Istebna Beds in the profile of the borehole located within the Silesian Unit in the Dukla commune. Numerical modeling was carried out using the PetroMod 1D software. 162 meters thick layer of Lower Istebna beds was subjected to modeling. Based on geochemical studies, it was found that the organic matter dispersed in the source rock contains type III kerogen and this rock formation have a good petroleum potential. Organic carbon content in source rock was 2,70%. Modeling was aimed at determining the hydrocarbon potential of source rocks (the amount of generated hydrocarbons), reconstruction the history of the evolution of the sedimentary basin and reconstruction of the thermal history prevailing in the basin. Based on available laboratory data such as the Tmax values and porosity measurements, paleothickness of removed beds was estimated and the erosion was determined at 2100 meters. As a result of the modeling, it was found that the transformation ratio of kerogen in the source rock reached 29%. The generation of hydrocarbons began in the Oligocene, when the source rock was buried to a depth of about 2000 meters and ended in Miocene. Quantity of generated hydrocarbons was about 0.62 million tons from 1 km2 of 162 meters thick source rock

    Maceral composition and maturity of dispersed organic matter in selected lithostratigraphic beds within the Dukla Unit

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    Analizy mikroskopowe materii organicznej mają kluczowe znaczenie w analizie systemów naftowych i poszukiwaniach złóż węglowodorów. Informacje o składzie macerałowym oraz stopniu zaawansowania przemian termicznych są nieodzowne w typowaniu perspektywicznych rejonów poszukiwawczych, modelowaniu procesów generacji oraz we wszelkiego typu aspektach geologicznych, w których skały macierzyste pełnią priorytetową rolę. Przeanalizowano skład macerałowy i dojrzałość rozproszonej materii organicznej w wybranych wydzieleniach litostratygraficznych jednostki dukielskiej. Materiał badawczy stanowiło 50 próbek, pobranych z 23 odsłonięć. Próbki pochodziły z warstw inoceramowych, hieroglifowych, menilitowych i krośnieńskich oraz z łupków pstrych i warstw z Majdanu. Zasadnicza część badań obejmowała obserwacje mikroskopowe w świetle odbitym i UV, a także pomiary refleksyjności witrynitu. W celu pełniejszej interpretacji, w przypadku części próbek wykonano pirolizę Rock-Eval. Skład materii organicznej pod kątem jakościowym wydaje się zbliżony – najczęściej obserwuje się zarówno macerały z grupy witrynitu, jak i liptynitu i inertynitu. Ewentualne różnice uwypuklają się w proporcjach pomiędzy udziałem macerałów z tych grup. W obrębie grupy witrynitu wyróżniono większe fragmenty kolotelinitu (>10 µm) oraz mniejsze witrodetrynitu ( 10 µm) collotelinite and smaller (<10 µm) vitrodetrinite can be distinguished. The group of liptinite macerals is dominated by alginite, while bituminite, liptodetrinite, sporinite and cutinite are observed less frequently. Macerals from the inertinite group are most often represented by crushed fragments of semifusinite and fusinite, and finer inertodetrinite. Additionally, solid bitumens, sometimes exhibiting fluorescence, are present in individual samples. The content of organic matter (TOC parameter) is very diverse – ranging from <1% to 9%. Due to the content of organic matter, the studied rocks were divided into groups of low (Variegated Shales, Majdan Beds, Hieroglyphic Beds), medium (Inoceramian Beds), high (Menilite Beds) and variable (Krosno Beds) TOC. The investigated samples also show variability in the proportions of maceral groups. The dominance of vitrinite-inertinite (Inoceramian Beds and Majdan Beds), as well as vitrinite (Hieroglyphic Beds), liptinite and vitrinite-liptinite macerals (Menilite Beds) is observed. Investigated organic matter also varies in the degree of thermal transformations, from the immature phase to the late “oil window”. In regional scale, samples maturity appears to be increasing towards S and SE