5,773 research outputs found

    Measurements of UHECR Spectrum with the HiRes detector

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    Cohomology of the minimal nilpotent orbit

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    We compute the integral cohomology of the minimal non-trivial nilpotent orbit in a complex simple (or quasi-simple) Lie algebra. We find by a uniform approach that the middle cohomology group is isomorphic to the fundamental group of the sub-root system generated by the long simple roots. The modulo \ell reduction of the Springer correspondent representation involves the sign representation exactly when \ell divides the order of this cohomology group. The primes dividing the torsion of the rest of the cohomology are bad primes.Comment: 29 pages, v2 : Leray-Serre spectral sequence replaced by Gysin sequence only, corrected typo

    The Unconquerable Prejudice of Caste - Civil Rights in Early Pennsylvania

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    The history of the Negro in the United States can be traced in a study of legal pronouncements. Uniquely, among the various nationality and ethnic groups which constitute America, the Negroes\u27 history is found in legislative enactments and judicial decisions. From servitude to citizenship the story of the Negro is found in the law. To understand that story requires more than a mere reading of the law: one must understand its inconsistencies, its contradictions, its paradoxes, its ironies, its tragic and its comic face, its cruel and its self-destructive forces. One must understand its denial of, and quest for, humanit

    Michigan at the National Educational Association

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    Booklet concerning Michigan at the National Educational Association, as well as a notecard from D. W. Springer concerning the Boston meeting

    Alien Registration- Springer, Emily W. (Houlton, Aroostook County)

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    Geschichten statt Geschichte. : Dieter Fortes erzählerische Aufarbeitung des Bombenkrieges im Kontext der Sebald-Debatte

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    Nachdem der Autor und Germanist W.G. Sebald Ende der Neunzigerjahre eine öffentliche Debatte bezüglich des Luftkriegs in der deutschen Literatur angeregt hatte, ist der II. Weltkrieg zu einem der beherrschenden Themen in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur geworden. Doch schon vorher hatte der Autor D. Forte in einer knapp neunhundertseitigen Romantrilogie gezeigt, welche fundamentale Rolle dem schriftlichen und mündlichen Erzählen über die Vergangenheit zukommt. Der Artikel versucht, anhand dieses Autors die Bedeutung des Erinnerns und des Erzählens und damit auch der Literatur sowohl für individuelle Identitätskonstruktionen, als auch für das kollektive Geschichtsbewusstein herauszuarbeitenAfter the author and germanist W.G. Sebald had inspired, by the end of last century nineties, a public discussion about the bombing warfare in the German literature, the Second World War has become one of the dominating themes in German present-day literature. But much earlier, the author D. Forte had already shown, in a nearly nine hundred pages novelistic trilogy, the fundamental importance of written and oral narrations about the past. Based on this author, the article tries to work out the importance of memory and narration and thus, also of literature as well for individual identity construction, as for collective historical consciousnessDespués de que, a finales de los años noventa, el autor y germanista W.G.Sebald hubiera provocado una discusión pública sobre los bombardeos de las ciudades en la literatura alemana, la Segunda Guerra Mundial ha llegado a convertirse en uno de los temas dominantes de la literatura alemana contemporánea. Pero con anterioridad, el autor D.Forte ya había mostrado en su trilogía novelesca de casi novecientas páginas el papel fundamental que tiene la narración oral y escrita del pasado. El artículo intenta estudiar, basándose en este autor, la importancia de la memoria y la narración y con ello también de la literatura tanto para la construcción de la identidad individual como para la conciencia histórica colectiv