9 research outputs found

    Characterization of the bHLH family of transcriptional regulators in the acoel S. roscofensis and their putative role in neurogenesis

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    Background: The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of transcription factors is one of the largest superfamilies of regulatory transcription factors and is widely used in eukaryotic organisms. They play an essential role in a range of metabolic, physiological, and developmental processes, including the development of the nervous system (NS). These transcription factors have been studied in many metazoans, especially in vertebrates but also in early branching metazoan clades such as the cnidarians and sponges. However, currently very little is known about their expression in the most basally branching bilaterian group, the xenacoelomorphs. Recently, our laboratory has characterized the full complement of bHLH in the genome of two members of the Xenacoelomorpha, the xenoturbellid Xenoturbella bocki and the acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis. Understanding the patterns of bHLH gene expression in members of this phylum (in space and time) provides critical new insights into the conserved roles of the bHLH and their putative specificities in this group. Our focus is on deciphering the specific roles that these genes have in the process of neurogenesis. Results: Here, we analyze the developmental expression of the whole complement of bHLH genes identified in the acoel S. roscoffensis. Based on their expression patterns, several members of bHLH class A appear to have specific conserved roles in neurogenesis, while other class A genes (as well as members of other classes) have likely taken on more generalized functions. All gene expression patterns are described in embryos and early juveniles. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the main roles of the bHLH genes of S. roscoffensis are evolutionarily conserved, with a specific subset dedicated to patterning the nervous system: SrAscA, SrAscB, SrHes/Hey, SrNscl, SrSrebp, SrE12/ E47 and SrOlig

    Multimodal stimulus coding by a gustatory sensory neuron in Drosophila larvae.

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    Accurate perception of taste information is crucial for animal survival. In adult Drosophila, gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs) perceive chemical stimuli of one specific gustatory modality associated with a stereotyped behavioural response, such as aversion or attraction. We show that GRNs of Drosophila larvae employ a surprisingly different mode of gustatory information coding. Using a novel method for calcium imaging in the larval gustatory system, we identify a multimodal GRN that responds to chemicals of different taste modalities with opposing valence, such as sweet sucrose and bitter denatonium, reliant on different sensory receptors. This multimodal neuron is essential for bitter compound avoidance, and its artificial activation is sufficient to mediate aversion. However, the neuron is also essential for the integration of taste blends. Our findings support a model for taste coding in larvae, in which distinct receptor proteins mediate different responses within the same, multimodal GRN

    Characterization of the bHLH family of transcriptional regulators in the acoel S. roscofensis and their putative role in neurogenesis

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    Background: The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of transcription factors is one of the largest superfamilies of regulatory transcription factors and is widely used in eukaryotic organisms. They play an essential role in a range of metabolic, physiological, and developmental processes, including the development of the nervous system (NS). These transcription factors have been studied in many metazoans, especially in vertebrates but also in early branching metazoan clades such as the cnidarians and sponges. However, currently very little is known about their expression in the most basally branching bilaterian group, the xenacoelomorphs. Recently, our laboratory has characterized the full complement of bHLH in the genome of two members of the Xenacoelomorpha, the xenoturbellid Xenoturbella bocki and the acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis. Understanding the patterns of bHLH gene expression in members of this phylum (in space and time) provides critical new insights into the conserved roles of the bHLH and their putative specificities in this group. Our focus is on deciphering the specific roles that these genes have in the process of neurogenesis. Results: Here, we analyze the developmental expression of the whole complement of bHLH genes identified in the acoel S. roscoffensis. Based on their expression patterns, several members of bHLH class A appear to have specific conserved roles in neurogenesis, while other class A genes (as well as members of other classes) have likely taken on more generalized functions. All gene expression patterns are described in embryos and early juveniles. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the main roles of the bHLH genes of S. roscoffensis are evolutionarily conserved, with a specific subset dedicated to patterning the nervous system: SrAscA, SrAscB, SrHes/Hey, SrNscl, SrSrebp, SrE12/ E47 and SrOlig

    Characterization of the bHLH family of transcriptional regulators in the acoel S. roscofensis and their putative role in neurogenesis

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    Background: The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of transcription factors is one of the largest superfamilies of regulatory transcription factors and is widely used in eukaryotic organisms. They play an essential role in a range of metabolic, physiological, and developmental processes, including the development of the nervous system (NS). These transcription factors have been studied in many metazoans, especially in vertebrates but also in early branching metazoan clades such as the cnidarians and sponges. However, currently very little is known about their expression in the most basally branching bilaterian group, the xenacoelomorphs. Recently, our laboratory has characterized the full complement of bHLH in the genome of two members of the Xenacoelomorpha, the xenoturbellid Xenoturbella bocki and the acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis. Understanding the patterns of bHLH gene expression in members of this phylum (in space and time) provides critical new insights into the conserved roles of the bHLH and their putative specificities in this group. Our focus is on deciphering the specific roles that these genes have in the process of neurogenesis. Results: Here, we analyze the developmental expression of the whole complement of bHLH genes identified in the acoel S. roscoffensis. Based on their expression patterns, several members of bHLH class A appear to have specific conserved roles in neurogenesis, while other class A genes (as well as members of other classes) have likely taken on more generalized functions. All gene expression patterns are described in embryos and early juveniles. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the main roles of the bHLH genes of S. roscoffensis are evolutionarily conserved, with a specific subset dedicated to patterning the nervous system: SrAscA, SrAscB, SrHes/Hey, SrNscl, SrSrebp, SrE12/ E47 and SrOlig

    An expression atlas of variant ionotropic glutamate receptors identifies a molecular basis of carbonation sensing

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    Through analysis of the Drosophila ionotropic receptors (IRs), a family of variant ionotropic glutamate receptors, we reveal that most IRs are expressed in peripheral neuron populations in diverse gustatory organs in larvae and adults. We characterise IR56d, which defines two anatomically-distinct neuron classes in the proboscis: one responds to carbonated solutions and fatty acids while the other represents a subset of sugar- and fatty acid-sensing cells. Mutational analysis indicates that IR56d, together with the broadly-expressed co-receptors IR25a and IR76b, is essential for physiological responses to carbonation and fatty acids, but not sugars. We further demonstrate that carbonation and fatty acids both promote IR56d-dependent attraction of flies, but through different behavioural outputs. Our work provides a toolkit for investigating taste functions of IRs, defines a subset of these receptors required for carbonation sensing, and illustrates how the gustatory system uses combinatorial expression of sensory molecules in distinct neurons to coordinate behaviour

    Infecção pelo vírus da leucose enzoótica bovina(BLV) Enzootic bovine leukosis infection(BLV)

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    O vírus da leucose bovina (BLV) é o agente causal de duas condições clínicas relacionadas aos bovinos: o linfossarcorma, doença neoplásica comum no gado adulto, e linfocitose persistente, proliferação benigna das células linfóides. A identificação do BLV em 1969 e o subseqüente desenvolvimento de técnicas sorológicas sensíveis permitiram o reconhecimento da infecção como prevalente em muitos países, principalmente no gado leiteiro. Devido a inexistência de tratamento ou de uma vacina eficaz, as pesquisas concentram-se nos modos de transmissão e no desenvolvimento de programas de controle e prevenção da infecção. Este trabalho faz uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o BLV, incluindo modos de infecção, sinais clínicos e diagnóstico laboratorial, além de descrever medidas que o produtor deve seguir para prevenir ou controlar a disseminação do vírus no rebanho.<br>Bovino leukaemia virus (BLV) is the causative agent of tvo related conditions in cattle: the lymphosarcoma, common neoplastic disease of cattle, and persistent lymphocytosis, a benign proliferation of lymphoide cells. The identification of BLV in 1969 and the subsequent development of sensitive serological techniques allowed the recognition that infections of BLV are prevalent in many countries, especially in dairy cattle. Because of there 's no effective therapy or vaccine, the investigations concentrate on modes of transmission and the development of control and prevention programmes. This paper reviews the BLV, as to their modes of infection, clinical disease and laboratory diagnosis and also describes measures which the owner may take to prevent or control the dissemination of the virus in the herd