34 research outputs found

    The random diffusivity approach for diffusion in heterogeneous systems

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    The two hallmark features of Brownian motion are the linear growth x2(t)=2Ddt\langle x^2(t) \rangle = 2 D d t of the mean squared displacement (MSD) with diffusion coefficient DD in dd spatial dimensions, and the Gaussian distribution of displacements. With the increasing complexity of the studied systems deviations from these two central properties have been unveiled over the years. Recently, a large variety of systems have been reported in which the MSD exhibits the linear growth in time of Brownian (Fickian) transport, however, the distribution of displacements is pronouncedly non-Gaussian (Brownian yet non-Gaussian, BNG). A similar behaviour is also observed for viscoelastic-type motion where an anomalous trend of the MSD, i.e., x2(t)tα\langle x^2(t) \rangle \sim t^\alpha, is combined with a priori unexpected non-Gaussian distributions (anomalous yet non-Gaussian, ANG). This kind of behaviour observed in BNG and ANG diffusions has been related to the presence of heterogeneities in the systems and a common approach has been established to address it, that is, the random diffusivity approach. This dissertation explores extensively the field of random diffusivity models. Starting from a chronological description of all the main approaches used as an attempt of describing BNG and ANG diffusion, different mathematical methodologies are defined for the resolution and study of these models. The processes that are reported in this work can be classified in three subcategories, i) randomly-scaled Gaussian processes, ii) superstatistical models and iii) diffusing diffusivity models, all belonging to the more general class of random diffusivity models. Eventually, the study focuses more on BNG diffusion, which is by now well-established and relatively well-understood. Nevertheless, many examples are discussed for the description of ANG diffusion, in order to highlight the possible scenarios which are known so far for the study of this class of processes. The second part of the dissertation deals with the statistical analysis of ran- dom diffusivity processes. A general description based on the concept of moment- generating function is initially provided to obtain standard statistical properties of the models. Then, the discussion moves to the study of the power spectral analysis and the first passage statistics for some particular random diffusivity models. A comparison between the results coming from the random diffusivity approach and the ones for standard Brownian motion is discussed. In this way, a deeper physical understanding of the systems described by random diffusivity models is also outlined. To conclude, a discussion based on the possible origins of the heterogeneity is sketched, with the main goal of inferring which kind of systems can actually be described by the random diffusivity approach.BERC.2018-202

    Single-trajectory spectral analysis of scaled Brownian motion

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    A standard approach to study time-dependent stochastic processes is the power spectral density (PSD), an ensemble-averaged property defined as the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function of the process in the asymptotic limit of long observation times, TT\to \infty . In many experimental situations one is able to garner only relatively few stochastic time series of finite T, such that practically neither an ensemble average nor the asymptotic limit TT\to \infty can be achieved. To accommodate for a meaningful analysis of such finite-length data we here develop the framework of single-trajectory spectral analysis for one of the standard models of anomalous diffusion, scaled Brownian motion. We demonstrate that the frequency dependence of the single-trajectory PSD is exactly the same as for standard Brownian motion, which may lead one to the erroneous conclusion that the observed motion is normal-diffusive. However, a distinctive feature is shown to be provided by the explicit dependence on the measurement time T, and this ageing phenomenon can be used to deduce the anomalous diffusion exponent. We also compare our results to the single-trajectory PSD behaviour of another standard anomalous diffusion process, fractional Brownian motion, and work out the commonalities and differences. Our results represent an important step in establishing single-trajectory PSDs as an alternative (or complement) to analyses based on the time-averaged mean squared displacement.Open Access Publication Fund of Potsdam University

    Fractional Diffusion and Medium Heterogeneity: The Case of the Continuos Time Random Walk

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    In this contribution we show that fractional diffusion emerges from a simple Markovian Gaussian random walk when the medium displays a power-law heterogeneity. Within the framework of the continuous time random walk, the heterogeneity of the medium is represented by the selection, at any jump, of a different time-scale for an exponential survival probability. The resulting process is a non-Markovian non-Gaussian random walk. In particular, for a power-law distribution of the time-scales, the resulting random walk corresponds to a time-fractional diffusion process. We relates the power-law of the medium heterogeneity to the fractional order of the diffusion. This relation provides an interpretation and an estimation of the fractional order of derivation in terms of environment heterogeneity. The results are supported by simulations

    Random diffusivity from stochastic equations: comparison of two models for Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion

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    A considerable number of systems have recently been reported in which Brownian yet non-Gaussian dynamics was observed. These are processes characterised by a linear growth in time of the mean squared displacement, yet the probability density function of the particle displacement is distinctly non-Gaussian, and often of exponential (Laplace) shape. This apparently ubiquitous behaviour observed in very different physical systems has been interpreted as resulting from diffusion in inhomogeneous environments and mathematically represented through a variable, stochastic diffusion coefficient. Indeed different models describing a fluctuating diffusivity have been studied. Here we present a new view of the stochastic basis describing time-dependent random diffusivities within a broad spectrum of distributions. Concretely, our study is based on the very generic class of the generalised Gamma distribution. Two models for the particle spreading in such random diffusivity settings are studied. The first belongs to the class of generalised grey Brownian motion while the second follows from the idea of diffusing diffusivities. The two processes exhibit significant characteristics which reproduce experimental results from different biological and physical systems. We promote these two physical models for the description of stochastic particle motion in complex environments.the DFG within project ME 1535/6-

    Exact first-passage time distributions for three random diffusivity models

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    We study the extremal properties of a stochastic process xtx_t defined by a Langevin equation x˙=2DoV(Bt)ξt\dot{x}= \sqrt{2D_o V (B_t )} \xi_t, where ξ\xi is a Gaussian white noise with zero mean, D0D_0 is a constant scale factor, and V(Bt)V (B_t) is a stochastic "diffusivity" (noise strength), which itself is a functional of independent Brownian motion BtB_t. We derive exact, compact expressions in one and three dimensions for the probability density functions (PDFs) of the first passage time (FPT) tt from a fixed location x0x_0 to the origin for three different realisations of the stochastic diffusivity: a cut-off case V(Bt)=Θ(Bt)V (B_t) = \Theta(B_t) (Model I), where Θ(z)\Theta(z) is the Heaviside theta function; a Geometric Brownian Motion V(Bt)=exp(Bt)V (B_t) = exp(B_t) (Model II); and a case with V(Bt)=Bt2V (B_t) = B_t^2 (Model III). We realise that, rather surprisingly, the FPT PDF has exactly the L\'evy-Smirnov form (specific for standard Brownian motion) for Model II, which concurrently exhibits a strongly anomalous diffusion. For Models I and III either the left or right tails (or both) have a different functional dependence on time as compared to the L\'evy-Smirnov density. In all cases, the PDFs are broad such that already the first moment does not exist. Similar results are obtained in three dimensions for the FPT PDF to an absorbing spherical target

    Universal spectral features of different classes of random diffusivity processes

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    Stochastic models based on random diffusivities, such as the diffusing- diffusivity approach, are popular concepts for the description of non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous media. Studies of these models typically focus on the moments and the displacement probability density function. Here we develop the complementary power spectral description for a broad class of random diffusivity processes. In our approach we cater for typical single particle tracking data in which a small number of trajectories with finite duration are garnered. Apart from the diffusing-diffusivity model we study a range of previously unconsidered random diffusivity processes, for which we obtain exact forms of the probability density function. These new processes are different versions of jump processes as well as functionals of Brownian motion. The resulting behaviour subtly depends on the specific model details. Thus, the central part of the probability density function may be Gaussian or non-Gaussian, and the tails may assume Gaussian, exponential, log-normal or even power-law forms. For all these models we derive analytically the moment-generating function for the single-trajectory power spectral density. We establish the generic 1/f21/f^2-scaling of the power spectral density as function of frequency in all cases. Moreover, we establish the probability density for the amplitudes of the random power spectral density of individual trajectories. The latter functions reflect the very specific properties of the different random diffusivity models considered here. Our exact results are in excellent agreement with extensive numerical simulations.Severo Ochoa.SEV-2017-0718 BERC.2018-202

    Langevin equation in complex media and anomalous diffusion

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    The problem of biological motion is a very intriguing and topical issue. Many efforts are being focused on the development of novel modelling approaches for the description of anomalous diffusion in biological systems, such as the very complex and heterogeneous cell environment. Nevertheless, many questions are still open, such as the joint manifestation of statistical features in agreement with different models that can also be somewhat alternative to each other, e.g. continuous time random walk and fractional Brownian motion. To overcome these limitations, we propose a stochastic diffusion model with additive noise and linear friction force (linear Langevin equation), thus involving the explicit modelling of velocity dynamics. The complexity of the medium is parametrized via a population of intensity parameters (relaxation time and diffusivity of velocity), thus introducing an additional randomness, in addition to white noise, in the particle’s dynamics. We prove that, for proper distributions of these parameters, we can get both Gaussian anomalous diffusion, fractional diffusion and its generalizations.V.S. acknowledges BCAM Internship Program, Bilbao, for the financial support to her internship research period during which she developed her master’s thesis research useful for her master’s degree in Physics at University of Bologna. S.V. acknowledges the University of Bologna for the financial support through the ‘Marco Polo Programme’ for her PhD research period abroad spent at BCAM, Bilbao, useful for her PhD degree in Physics at University of Bologna. P.P. acknowledges financial support from Bizkaia Talent and European Commission through COFUND scheme, 2015 Financial Aid Program for Researchers, project number AYD–000–252 hosted at BCAM, Bilbao

    Exact distributions of the maximum and range of random diffusivity processes

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    We study the extremal properties of a stochastic process xtx_t defined by the Langevin equation x˙t=2Dtξt{\dot {x}}_{t}=\sqrt{2{D}_{t}}\enspace {\xi }_{t}, in which ξt\xi_t is a Gaussian white noise with zero mean and DtD_t is a stochastic 'diffusivity', defined as a functional of independent Brownian motion BtB_t. We focus on three choices for the random diffusivity DtD_t: cut-off Brownian motion, DtΘ(Bt)D_t \sim \Theta(B_t), where Θ(x)\Theta(x) is the Heaviside step function; geometric Brownian motion, Dtexp(Bt)D_t \sim  exp(−B_t); and a superdiffusive process based on squared Brownian motion, DtBt2{D}_{t}\sim {B}_{t}^{2}. For these cases we derive exact expressions for the probability density functions of the maximal positive displacement and of the range of the process xtx_t on the time interval t(0,T)t \in (0, T). We discuss the asymptotic behaviours of the associated probability density functions, compare these against the behaviour of the corresponding properties of standard Brownian motion with constant diffusivity (Dt=D0D_t = D_0) and also analyse the typical behaviour of the probability density functions which is observed for a majority of realisations of the stochastic diffusivity process

    Centre-of-mass like superposition of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: A pathway to non-autonomous stochastic differential equations and to fractional diffusion

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    We consider an ensemble of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes featuring a population of relaxation times and a population of noise amplitudes that characterize the heterogeneity of the ensemble. We show that the centre-of-mass like variable corresponding to this ensemble is statistically equivalent to a process driven by a non-autonomous stochastic differential equation with time-dependent drift and a white noise. In particular, the time scaling and the density function of such variable are driven by the population of timescales and of noise amplitudes, respectively. Moreover, we show that this variable is equivalent in distribution to a randomly-scaled Gaussian process, i.e., a process built by the product of a Gaussian process times a non-negative independent random variable. This last result establishes a connection with the so-called generalized grey Brownian motion and suggests application to model fractional anomalous diffusion in biological systems.”Marco Polo Programme” (University of Bologna