50 research outputs found

    What can we learn from indirect estimations on mortality in Mongolia, 1969-1989?

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    The closure of Mongolia to international community during the 20th century resulted in a dearth of available data and analytic demographic studies. In the absence of mortality analysis during the socialist period, this paper proposes the use of indirect census-based techniques to estimate mortality levels and trends of the last two socialist decades (1969-89). Due to census data quality and choice of model life table, results are not homogeneous. The respective effects of these two components are discussed in order to understand the results. However, despite these shortcomings, it is shown that during the last socialist decades in Mongolia, the health conditions of the population deteriorated. The Mongolian pattern is relatively similar to the situation documented for the ex-socialist republics. Causes to this similarity are discussed.census data, intercensal estimates, Mongolia, mortality measurement, mortality trends, socialist period

    SystÚmes familiaux et reproduction en Asie : regard sur la Chine et le Japon préindustriels

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    À partir de travaux rĂ©cents menĂ©s en dĂ©mographie historique, l’auteur analyse les implications des systĂšmes familiaux chinois et japonais en matiĂšre de reproduction, en faisant intervenir des Ă©lĂ©ments structurels et institutionnels liĂ©s Ă  la culture. DĂ©passant les considĂ©rations socio-Ă©conomiques (sans les effacer), cette dĂ©marche permet de dresser une dĂ©mographie diffĂ©rentielle plus fine qui Ă©claire mieux les comportements humains. Face aux changements dans les conditions socio-Ă©conomiques, les habitudes de corĂ©sidence et de succession de la famille souche japonaise impliquent des comportements reproducteurs diffĂ©rents de ceux qui sont façonnĂ©s par les mĂ©nages Ă©largis chinois. NĂ©anmoins, un fond culturel commun fait apparaĂźtre des stratĂ©gies intrafamiliales qui privilĂ©gient les intĂ©rĂȘts du mĂ©nage au dĂ©triment de ceux des individus. La gĂ©nĂ©ration, le genre et les relations de parentĂ© dĂ©terminent fortement les Ă©vĂ©nements jalonnant la vie reproductive de chaque membre. Un grand nombre de stratĂ©gies familiales se mettent en place Ă  partir de la culture et façonnent les comportements dĂ©mographiques individuels.Based on recent studies in historical demography, the author examines the reproductive implications of Chinese and Japanese family systems, in focusing on structural and institutional elements related to culture. This approach goes beyond socioeconomic considerations (while also dealing with the latter) to present a more finely nuanced comparative demographic profile that gives us a better understanding of human behaviour. In the face of changing socioeconomic conditions, coresidence and succession practices in Japanese stem families lead to reproductive behaviours that differ from those forged in extended Chinese households. Nevertheless, a common cultural background results in intrafamilial strategies that place the interests of the household above those of the individual. Generation, gender and kinship ties strongly determine events in the reproductive life of each family member. A large number of family strategies, influenced by culture, shape individual demographic behaviours

    Malthus et l’Asie : relecture et mise en perspective du systĂšme dĂ©mographique prĂ©industriel japonais

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    Cet article remet en question la vision malthusienne d’une Asie dominĂ©e par les freins positifs. À l’aide de travaux rĂ©cents sur le Japon, les prĂ©supposĂ©s malthusiens sont dĂ©montĂ©s ici, par l’examen de divers indicateurs dĂ©mographiques. L’analyse des freins prĂ©ventifs met en lumiĂšre des moyens diffĂ©rents de rĂ©duire la pression de la fĂ©conditĂ©. Les Japonais pouvaient faire varier leur Ăąge au mariage, contrĂŽler leur fĂ©conditĂ© matrimoniale et rĂ©guler la survie de leurs enfants selon les conditions Ă©conomiques, sociales et dĂ©mographiques. Ce constat met en Ă©vidence le fait que la vision malthusienne, si puissante soit-elle, ne rend pas compte de l’extrĂȘme diversitĂ© qui a cours parmi les populations au fil de l’histoire. L’examen du systĂšme dĂ©mographique japonais incite Ă  rĂ©examiner la dĂ©finition des freins positifs et prĂ©ventifs et Ă  prendre en compte le contexte social des comportements dĂ©mographiques.This article addresses the issue of the Malthusian vision of an Asia governed by positive checks. In summarizing recent studies on Japan, the article examines demographic indicators and uses them to dismantle Malthusian assumptions. An analysis of preventive checks indicates that different means existed to reduce fertility pressures. The Japanese could adapt their age at marriage, control their marital fertility and regulate the survival of their children according to economic, social and demographic circumstances. The Malthusian vision, however comprehensive, does not take into account the extreme diversity among historical populations. Analysis of the Japanese demographic system highlights the need to reformulate the definition of positive and preventive checks and to place demographic behaviours in their social context

    Déstandardisation, différenciation régionale et changements générationnels. Départ du foyer parental et modes de vie en Suisse au XXe siÚcle

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    Recent studies on transitions to adulthood have somewhat disregarded the choice of living arrangements after moving out of the parental home. In this article we investigate the leaving home experience of young adults and the way it has changed over time in Switzerland during the 20th century. Using longitudinal data from the Swiss Household Panel, we first analyze the timing of the leaving home experience, and then living arrangements through competing risks models. Our findings show that in Switzerland leaving home behaviour varied across cohorts and linguistic regions in terms of timing, type of living arrangement and degree of synchronisation with other transitions to adulthoo

    Psychological correlates of self-reported functional limitation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Abstract Introduction Functional status is an integral component of health-related quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of psychological variables in self-reported functional limitation in patients with AS, while controlling for demographic and medical variables. Methods 294 AS patients meeting modified New York Criteria completed psychological measures evaluating depression, resilience, active and passive coping, internality and helplessness at the baseline visit. Demographic, clinical, and radiologic data were also collected. Univariate and multivariate analyses were completed to determine the strength of correlation of psychological variables with functional limitation, as measured by the Bath AS Functional Index (BASFI). Results In the multivariate regression analysis, the psychological variables contributed significantly to the variance in BASFI scores, adding an additional 24% to the overall R-square beyond that accounted by demographic and medical variables (R-square 32%), resulting in a final R-square of 56%. Specifically, arthritis helplessness, depression and passive coping beside age, ESR and the Bath AS Radiograph Index accounted for a significant portion of the variance in BASFI scores in the final model. Conclusions Arthritis helplessness, depression, and passive coping accounted for significant variability in self-reported functional limitation beyond demographic and clinical variables in patients with AS. Psychological health should be examined and accounted for when assessing functional status in the AS patients

    Myanmar’s first census in more than 30 years: A radical revision of the official population count

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    According to official statistics, Myanmar had a population of 61 million in 2012. These figures were obtained using population projections based on the most recent census conducted in 1983. A new population census conducted in Myanmar in April 2014 shed light on the extent of recent demographic changes in the country. Confirming the distinctive childbearing behaviour of Myanmar women and the scale of international migration, these new census data reveal that the population is 15% smaller than indicated by earlier official estimates

    Premier recensement en Birmanie depuis plus de 30 ans : une révision drastique des chiffres de population officiels

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    Selon les chiffres officiels, la Birmanie comptait prĂšs de 61 millions d’habitants en 2012. Ces chiffres se basaient sur des projections de population menĂ©es Ă  partir du dernier recensement conduit en 1983. En avril 2014, la Birmanie a menĂ© un nouveau recensement permettant de lever le voile sur les changements dĂ©mographiques rĂ©cents dans le pays. Confirmant le comportement reproductif distinct des femmes birmanes et l’importance des migrations internationales, ces nouvelles donnĂ©es rĂ©vĂšlent une population 15 % moins nombreuse que celle officiellement estimĂ©e jusqu’alors

    SystÚmes familiaux et reproduction en Asie : regard sur la Chine et le Japon préindustriels

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    À partir de travaux rĂ©cents menĂ©s en dĂ©mographie historique, l’auteur analyse les implications des systĂšmes familiaux chinois et japonais en matiĂšre de reproduction, en faisant intervenir des Ă©lĂ©ments structurels et institutionnels liĂ©s Ă  la culture. DĂ©passant les considĂ©rations socio-Ă©conomiques (sans les effacer), cette dĂ©marche permet de dresser une dĂ©mographie diffĂ©rentielle plus fine qui Ă©claire mieux les comportements humains. Face aux changements dans les conditions socio-Ă©conomiques, les habitudes de corĂ©sidence et de succession de la famille souche japonaise impliquent des comportements reproducteurs diffĂ©rents de ceux qui sont façonnĂ©s par les mĂ©nages Ă©largis chinois. NĂ©anmoins, un fond culturel commun fait apparaĂźtre des stratĂ©gies intrafamiliales qui privilĂ©gient les intĂ©rĂȘts du mĂ©nage au dĂ©triment de ceux des individus. La gĂ©nĂ©ration, le genre et les relations de parentĂ© dĂ©terminent fortement les Ă©vĂ©nements jalonnant la vie reproductive de chaque membre. Un grand nombre de stratĂ©gies familiales se mettent en place Ă  partir de la culture et façonnent les comportements dĂ©mographiques individuels.Based on recent studies in historical demography, the author examines the reproductive implications of Chinese and Japanese family systems, in focusing on structural and institutional elements related to culture. This approach goes beyond socioeconomic considerations (while also dealing with the latter) to present a more finely nuanced comparative demographic profile that gives us a better understanding of human behaviour. In the face of changing socioeconomic conditions, coresidence and succession practices in Japanese stem families lead to reproductive behaviours that differ from those forged in extended Chinese households. Nevertheless, a common cultural background results in intrafamilial strategies that place the interests of the household above those of the individual. Generation, gender and kinship ties strongly determine events in the reproductive life of each family member. A large number of family strategies, influenced by culture, shape individual demographic behaviours